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Skola i Annedal

This project concerns a new lower and mid level compulsory school in the currently developing area of Annedal, northwest of central Stockholm. According to the given program, the school should hold 500 pupils and 100 pre-school children. As an addition to the given program, my suggustion holds a sports hall and a public library.In my project, my ambition has been to investigate how to create an inspiring and exiting place for kids to inhabit and, at the same time, create an activated, central place in a developing suburb. The latter has resulted in the two program-related additions, which purposes is to extend the hours during which the area is activated and to create additional incitements for visiting the building. Both additions are chosen based on lack of service in the area. Architectually, I've been inspired by the medieval castle which has been used as an inspirational resource for the parts of the school holding classrooms.

Skapa normalmappade objekt till OGRE-baserad grafik

Som del av ett examensarbete på 10 högskolepoäng, där varje poäng motsvarar en vecka. Den här rapporten går igenom hur viktigt det är med ett planlagt arbete och bra kommunikation innan ett påbörjat arbete. Rapporten går även igenom våra misslyckanden och lärdomar då vi arbetade gentemot ett utvecklingsprojekt: de behövde grafiskt innehåll till deras boids baserade strategispel i OGRE. Redan i början stötte vi på problem och våra arbetsgivare i Umeå ville att vi skulle göra något annat än vad vi kommit överens om. Vi har använt oss av nya program för att lära oss att generera normalmapps som kan användas i spel.

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The guiding words should be unambiguousness, able to control and not too complicated.

Anpassning av undervisning vid gymnasieskolans olika program : En jämförelse av lärarnas arbete vid högskoleförberedande- och yrkesprogram

I denna studie vill vi undersöka hur lärare i ämnena svenska och engelska anpassar sin undervisning för högskoleförberedande- respektive yrkesprogram på gymnasieskolan. Vi har valt att intervjua fyra lärare som undervisar i kurserna Svenska 1 och Engelska 5 på båda programkategorierna under pågående läsår. Vi har undersökt lärarnas upplevelser av att undervisa olika grupper i samma kurs och hur de anpassar innehållet i lektionerna till grupperna.Det visar sig att lärarnas val av stoff var till olika grad påverkat av program och examensmål, för vissa av informanterna var det en självklarhet att programmet skulle genomsyra undervisning, medans andra ansåg att det kunde vara minst lika viktigt att ge eleverna en ?paus? från programmens kärna genom att välja helt andra uppgifter.?En av de viktigaste punkterna som kom fram var betydelsen av ett nära samarbete med yrkeslärare som ansågs vara viktigt för en lyckad ämnesintegrering på yrkesprogrammen. Det visade sig att yrkesprogrammens elever i allmänhet krävde mycket mer uppmuntran och dessutom upplevdes planering och genomförande av lektioner på dessa program vara mycket mer krävande för lärarna..


The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling. Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it?s still possible to bring a program if needed.

Kompetensutveckling av personer i ledande befattningar : En studie om mentorskapets inverkan på ledarskapet

Title:                          Leadership development of individuals in management positions Authors:                    Carl Renér and Peter Simonsson  Institution:                Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics Program:                   Human Resource Management Course:                      Business administration ? Organization including thesis, 15 credits Supervisor:               Olle Duhlin (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics) Examiner:                 Mikael Lundgren (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics) It is widely known that the role of managers may result in stress and a heavy workload. As a result of this negative effects organisations have to counteract and find new solutions and systems to facilitate and assist leaders in their work. A popular method for leadership development has come to show both in research and in practice, especially in recent years, this popular method is known as mentoring. This form of leadership development is often applied in so called mentoring programs.

Könsatypiska studieval : En intervjustudie med tjejer på Byggprogrammet

Abstract This essay is about girls that have chosen a gender atypical education on a gymnasia level. Since we are living in a society that is still today gender segregated in both working life as well as educational area, we find it interesting that it still exist an paradox which leads us to the question ?why? those girls and boys, woman and man choose so differently. We are not aiming towards study how many girls that have chosen a gender atypical education but rather how these girls that are on the construction program in one of Stockholm?s gymnasium have deliberated and what it is that has influenced them.

Knacksensorplacering på lastbilsmotor

This work is an experimental study where knock sensor placements are investigated using engine tests. The aim is to studythe quality of the signal from knock sensors and how the signal for engine control is affected at different sensor locations on Scanias, engine DC13. To find out at witch position on the engine youcan get a usable signal for engine control, the engine is running while the knock sensors with advanced measurement equipment is connected to the engine. Evaluation of signals from the knock sensors are made in the computer program Matlab. The program is producing a seriesof plots, from these plots it is visually possible to draw conclusions and find connections.


Abstract The purpose of this project is to develop a modular processor card which is intended to work as a platform for Kitron Development Karlskoga. The modular processor card is meant to be used as a control system in development projects, mainly in medical and industrial products. The processor card will consist of a central unit with the basic functions for a control system. Furthermore there will be complete modules with machine commodity and programming, to pick exactly the necessary functions for a specific application. With consideration to the specification of the development and the main unit, I chose an adequate microprocessor (AT90CAN32) as core and interface circuits to stated border areas. The construction is first completed in the program MultiSim and then remade in the program OrCAD Capture. The programming language C was used in the software model.

Arbetsklimatet på militärhögskolan Karlberg : Finns det skillnader i upplevelser/erfarenheter mellan män och kvinnor på officersprogrammet i kullen 07-10 vad gäller härskartekniker?

This study focuses the gendered relations of the Military Academy of Karlberg. More specific the study is investigating the experiences among young women and men cadets of suppression techniques. The purpose of the study is to get more knowledge about the work climate and suppression techniques at the officers? training program 2007/2010. The research questions employed for the study were:- Do the women and men officer students/cadets have any experiences of master suppressiontechniques at the officers? training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques occur at the officer?s training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques do women experience?- What kind of master suppression techniques do men experience?The study is a survey and data were retrieved by a questionnaire sent out to the participants.

Skola i Mariehäll : Delarna och helheten

Examensarbete som bestod i att rita en låg- och mellanstadieskola i det nybyggda området Annedal. Skolan är programmerad för cirka 600 elever, sex årskurser med fyra klasser i varje årskurs, 25 elever i varje klass. Utöver de olika klassrummens hemklassrum breddades skolans program genom att låta specialklassrummen (slöjdsalar, idrottshall, mm) rita sig utåt och bli offentliga lokaler efter skoltid. Skolans program består alltså av 24 klassrum med tillhörande hemvister, två musiksalar, sal för träslöjd, sal för syslöjd, bibliotek, fullskalig idrottshall med fyra tillhörande omklädningsrum, en aula som rymmer hela skolan samt andra mer serviceinriktade skollokaler såsom matsal, skolkök och kontor för skolans administration.För att ta sig an skolans stora program användes en metod där skolan fick komma till som i ett collage. Olika väl fungerande rumsligheter från andra projekt blev inspirationskällor som införlivades och fogades in i byggnaden.Tanken om collaget blev även vägledande i utformningen av byggnadens estetik samt dess tekniska detaljer.

Ni börjar väl dagen med morgonuppvärmning?! En Fenomenologisk studie om de anställdas upplevelse av friskvården på NCC Construction Sverige AB.

The aim of this study was to get a deeper understanding of how employees at NCC Construction Sverige AB experience health promotion activities. The purpose was to identify and uncover the process of meaning constitution concerning health promotion within each subjective individual. To achieve this deeper understanding the participants were asked to answer a carefully formulated phenomenological question in a self-report. The received reports where analysed according to the method of Meaning Constitution Analysis. The result showed that both office workers and construction workers exclusively refer health promotion to bodily functions even though there where some differences in type of activity they focused.

Effects of two different light programs on milk yield, prolactin, IGF-1 and sleep in dairy cows

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep, photoperiod, milk yield and hormones connected to milk formation. Variations of prolactin (PRL) and Insulin-Like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in plasma were measured during two different light programs. The light programs consisted of either 24 hours of light (L24:D0) or four hours of light and 20 hours of darkness (L4:D20). Five cows of the Swedish Red breed were used in a cross-over experiment and each light program consisted of five days. Milk yield was measured at every milking and milk samples were analyzed with regard to fat, lactose and protein.

Att gestalta utan plats : en redogörelse för en teambaserad gestaltningsprocess

The Landscape Architecture Program at SLU, Ultuna provide several design courses. Within these courses, students are mainly introduced to one type of design process, a process based on the specific site and its conditions, known as Genius Loci. This report presents a course and a design methodology from Cornell University which aims to provide students with tools for a more conceptual way of thinking about design and architecture. The design method is presented in two stages. First an introduction to the course description and objectives.

Underhållskostnader på rundbalspressar :

Costs of maintenance on agriculture machines is something that many farmers has a low knowledge of, it can depend on low interest or that the farmer don?t have enough time. To make it easier for the farmers they can use many computer programs which are available on the market. In this program they can calculate their costs of maintaince on their agriculture machines, for example STANK and JTI machine calculation program. Most of this program is using Svensson (1987) costs model whish was made in Sweden in the middle of 80 decade in a large study.

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