

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 53 av 132

Hur sjuksköterskan genom patientundervisning kan främja egenvårdskapacitet hos typ 2 diabetiker/ How the nurse through patient education can support self-care capacity in type 2 diabetes

Background: Effective treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes needs a good communication between nurse and patient. This creats a good relation and leads to a more effective patient education. Aim: The aim with the literature study was to describe how nurses trough patient education can achieve self-care for patients with diabetes type 2. Methods: Literature studies with both qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: The articles that were chosen for the results were sorted in the two categories relation and communication.

Kvinnlig urininkontinens, dolt handikapp - Påverkan på livskvalitet, Transkulturell omvårdnad

Aim with this literature review is to acqurie knowledge in medical, psychical, psychological and social problems evolving urine incontinence and it´s treatment metods, current legislations and the nurse´s approach towards the patient and transcultural care if the patient comes from another cultural.The results show that this problem affects the women´s life situation enormously above all it brings them a increased social isolation, helpless, sheme, psychological and sexual problems.the nurse should recognise demands and resource with the.by support of diagnostic care, patients can achive good health when there is enough resource patient to be able to support her in her efforts to achive balance i her daily life..

Alternativ uppvärmning av reningsverket på Utö - En studie av energibesparingsmöjligheterna i syfte att minska uppvärmningskostnaderna

The projects objective is to find an alternative method of heating (the current method being via electric heating) the sewage treatment plant on the island Utö in Stockholm?s archipelago in order to reduce the energy consumption and ultimately the cost for heating the plant. The project is given by ?Skärgårdsstiftelsen? (The Archipelago Foundation) and is a part of the larger EU-project ?Green Islands?.A model for the plants total heating demand is established in order to get a good perception of how much money can be saved using alternative heating methods. The heating demand model gives an annual heating demand of approximately 32 500 kWh and a maximum heating power demand of around 24,7 kW.

Upplevelser av att leva med medicinsk teknik

The purpose of doing this essay was to illustrate how people living with chronic disease, dependent on medical technology experience their life situation. The study includes people with either dialysis therapy, mechanical ventilator or chronic oxygen therapy. A meta-synthesis was used as a method where a systematically review of studies that are made in a given issue compiles. Findings of the studies resulted in a synthesis of three themes: Limitations in life as a consequence of life-long treatment, to take responsibility for your life provide self-esteem and safeness, and to be cared for in different contexts ?help or prohibit.

Mat, måltider och maskuliniteter

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

?Rätt avlopp på rätt plats? : ? Livscykelanalys av tre enskildaavloppsanläggningar

?Rätt avlopp på rätt plats? ? Livscykelanalys av tre enskilda avloppsanläggningarProblemen med övergödning i Östersjön och i Sveriges insjöar är stort och enskildaavlopp pekas ut som en central aktör, framförallt beträffande fosforutsläppen. I Sverigefinns det ungefär en miljon enskilda avloppssystem och nästan hälften av dessa har enså pass bristande vattenrening att de inte uppfyller gällande lagstiftning. Utvecklingenav nya tekniker för rening av avloppsvatten har länge strävat efter att minska utsläppenav övergödande ämnen, detta ibland på bekostnad av andra utsläpp, så somväxthusgaser och försurande ämnen.Det här examensarbetet har därför med hjälp av metodik från livscykelanalys (LCA)utvärderat tre enskilda avloppssystem med tanke på deras utsläpp av växthusgaser,försurande gaser samt övergödande ämnen. Då misstanke också fanns att de lokalaplatsegenskaperna påverkar de enskilda avloppssystemens totala miljöpåverkan,utfördes även en intervjustudie med ett antal av landets kommuner.

Hälsoinformation och kostråd via webbplats och mobilapplikation : Kvinnor och män under 50 år vill ha tillgång till hälsoinformation och kostråd genom sin mobiltelefon

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Att förena kontroll med rättigheter : En uppsats om barns rättigheter i relation till kontroll och regler i HVB-hem

This essay discusses children?s rights and control and system of rules in HVB-homes that provide treatment for adolescences with drug abuse prob­lems or criminal behavior. The results of this study are based on interviews with four persons working in managerial positions on different HVB-homes and shows the difficulties of having a children?s rights perspective in a con­text where a higher level of control is necessary to protect the best interest of the child. The study suggests that the question of balance between children?s right and the need for controlling system of rules needs to be fur­ther dis­cussed to improve, and as far as possible guarantee that these adoles­cence receive best possible care and do not suffer unfair restrictions on liber­ties..

Våtmarken som renare av dagvatten

Eight healthy 3-day-old foals were given repeated injections of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine intravenously for 3 days, at a dosage of 15 mg/kg bodyweight (2,5 mg trimethoprim and 12,5 mg sulfadiazine). Blood samples were collected prior to each administration and for the following 24 hours after last administration. Serum concentrations of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine were measured and the pharmacokinetics for the substances were studied. The elimination half time (t½) and clearance (ClB) for trimethoprim and sulfadiazine for the foals did not diverge from adult horses. According to these data it is possible to assume that the same dose interval and dose can be used for foals as for adult horses.

Direkta effekter av insekticiden deltametrin på zooplankton och bottenfauna : en fältstudie av bieffekter av insekticidinducerad eliminering av signalkräfta på Gotland

Direct effects of the insecticide deltamethrin on zooplankton and benthic invertebrates werestudied during an attempt to eradicate signal crayfish. In accordance with earlier studies theresults of this investigation showed that deltamethrin is highly toxic for arthropods, whileRotifera, Oligochaeta and Mollusca have a higher tolerance. This study concludes thatRotifera in treated ponds coped with the actual concentration of deltamethrin used during theeradication attempt but that they probably got a different abundance and changed compositiondue to a new situation in competition and predation. Crustacean zooplankton totallydisappeared, but approximately a month after the treatment they began to recolonise. All thetaxonomical groups of arthropods drastically decreased in abundance, with total eliminationof the most sensitive groups.

Kan omega-3 lindra hudsymtom hos psoriatiker?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of internal medicine and clinical nutritionAbstractTitle: Does omega-3 mitigate skin symptoms in psoriatic patients? ? A systematic review about the effects of supplementationAuthor: Anita Borgmästars and Sara LinderSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background: Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease with high prevalency. Its treatment is time-consuming and associated with many side effects. Therefore alternative forms of treatment, among them omega-3 supplementation, have been investigated. Omega-3 is a family of polyunsaturated fatty acids whose metabolites participate in the regulation of inflammatory reactions in tissues and may therefore have a positive effect on skin symptoms in patients with psoriasis.Objective: To determine if omega-3 supplementation has a beneficial effect on skin symptoms in psoriasis compared to omega-6 supplementation by rating the evidence quality in available studies.Search strategy: The literature search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Scopus and Amed.

Mitt i skärningspunkten finns pedagogen : Lärarrollen inom kriminalvårdens klientutbildning

The purpose of this study was to investigate the teacher?s situation in the correctionaltreatment?s client education. The paper examined teachers? experiences of their professionalroles as well as their perception of the students? situation. The study wasbased on telephone interviews that were recorded and analyzed afterwards as well asan analysis of texts that affect the teachers? work.

Mobil diabetesapplikation

This report is about the development of a prototype of a mobile application and a web application that will help diabetes patients in their own treatment and ease diabetes nurses work with their diabetes patients. The mobile application is a digital version of a diabetes diary used by the Örebro County Council primary care to ease in diabetes treatments. The report also covers tests with users which were conducted on potential users to get some sort of feedback from groups other than customer and colleagues. Tests with users showed that there was an interest in a mobile application and it was a highly appreciated project. The web application ease diabetes nurses in their work with their diabetes patients in the way that the web application can display graphs of the patient's blood glucose level. .

Unga förövare av sexuellt våld - En systematisk kunskapsöversikt av behandlingsmetoder för unga förövare

Unga sexualförövare är ett växande samhällsproblem, enligt ett flertal källor saknas kunskap om adekvata behandlingsmetoder för denna förövargrupp. Något som är nödvändigt både för att minimera antalet offer och återfall. Genom systematisk kunskapsöversikt undersöks vilka evidensbaserade behandlingsmetoder som finns att tillgå för unga sexualförövare. Detta görs genom att systematiskt söka efter tidigare forskning berörande ämnet inom olika databaser med ett antal sökord. I resultatet fick tre tidigare studier gällande behandlingsmetoderna Multisystemic Treatment och Interpersonal Skills Program, tillräckligt starkt vetenskapligt stöd för att behandlingarna skulle kunna användas i praktiken..

Unga vuxna cancerpatienters uppfattning av stöd från sjuksköterska under onkologisk behandling- en kvalitativ behandling

BAKGRUND: I Sverige fick 57 830 personer en cancerdiagnos år 2013. I åldersgruppen 20 till 34 år rapporterades år 2012 cirka 1000 nya fall av cancer. Risken att insjukna i cancer ökar med stigande ålder men drabbar även yngre personer. Att insjukna i en cancersjukdom är för de flesta personer ett trauma. Unga vuxna befinner sig i en period av psykisk, fysisk, social och existentiell utveckling.

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