

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 46 av 132

Effectiveness of education program conducted by Novo Nordisk: A study on the prescription behaviour of the doctors? in the treatment of diabetes disease

The purpose of this work is to do an investigation on the customers in the pharmaceutical sector; mainly general physicians who have taken part in the education events have any impact in their prescription behaviour after the participation in the program. The settings for this study are general practitioners in the Swedish market who have taken part in the education program held by Novo Nordisk in the treatment of diabetes disease. Methodology: The methodological approach adopted for this work is quantitative; using secondary data from the internal database from the company. The analytical model is tested through statistical analysis using the data?s obtained from the databases.

Sedimentprovtagning av dagvattendammar som ett alternativ till flödesproportionell vattenprovtagning

Stormwater run-off from surfaces such as roads or rooftops is often polluted with heavy metals and nutrients. Many of these substances can cause great damage in biota if they end up in the recipient. In Sweden constructed wetlands and ponds for treatment of stormwater are frequently used, since research has shown that these treatment ponds are reducing stormwater pollution considerably to a low cost. The knowledge of these pollutant removal mechanisms and how follow-up and assessment of the ponds should be performed is still limited.To determine the pollutant removal efficiency of the stormwater ponds it is recommended that flow-weighted water samples are collected from both the inflow and the outflow of the pond. This method demands considerable resources of time and money for installations and analysis.

Treatment of alcoholism

Alkoholvården i Sverige kan vara utformad på många olika och skilda sätt. Det är ett område där det finns ett flertal olika åsikter kring vilken behandling som är lämpligast eller effektivast. Uppsatsens syfte är att titta närmare på hur diskursen kring alkoholvård kan se ut i Sverige idag genom närmare granskning av de två tidskrifterna Socionomen och Alkohol & Narkotika. Två stora tidningar inom praktiker av socialt arbete. För att uppnå syftet utgår uppsatsen från följande frågeställningar: -Vilka behandlingsmetoder för alkoholmissbruk diskuteras i tidskrifterna? -Hur problematiserar tidskrifterna kring olika behandlingsformer? -Hur lyfts för respektive nackdelar för behandlingsformerna upp? -Vad väljer tidskrifterna att lyfta fram i debatten kring alkoholvården? Som metod används kritisk diskursanalys för att synliggöra diskurserna i tidskrifterna.

Effekten av formativ bedömning : En studie kring effekterna av formativ bedömning i anknytning till kunskapssyn, problemlösningsförmåga och attityd

This essay examines if formative assessment causes any impact on upper secondary school students results in social science. Other questions asked are which group of students benefits most from formative assessment and if any connections can be found between the students result and their cognitive approach to learning, problem solving capability and attitude to school.Two classes from a school in Stockholm were chosen to participate in the study. The theoretical framework is mostly based on former research performed by Black and William (1998, 2003). Multiple methods were used, including an experiment with a parallel-group design with two groups, a survey and a problem solving test. Statistics is used to describe and analyze collected data.Both groups were taught during five lessons in the same field of knowledge with the same kind of teaching, apart from formative assessment.

Hälsosamtalet - Vägen till förändring : En intervjustudie om klienters upplevelse av hälsosamtalets betydelse i samband med ordination av fysisk aktivitet på recept

Background: Overweight and obesity has become an increasing health issue around the world, which leads to an increase of cardiovascular diseases. The reason for this is a lack of physical activity in combination with an overconsumption of unhealthy food. In the primary healthcare is the ordination of physical activity on prescription offered as a treatment, which is an important health preventive action. When clients get physical activity on prescription they are given the opportunity to receive health counseling as a way to motivate a change in an unhealthy way of living.Objectives: This study aim to examine the experience of the health counseling of individuals with overweight related problems, in combination with the prescription of physical activity.Method: Qualitative interviews were chosen as method. Nine individuals participated in the study, seven females and two males, who had been to health counseling at Friskvården in Värmland.

Trycksår : Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid trycksårsprevention och sårläkning

Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att ta reda på vilka mätinstrument som används för att identifiera patienter med risk att utveckla trycksår samt beskriva vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som har betydelse för trycksårsprevention och sårläkning. De vetenskapliga artiklarna (n=16) som ingick i denna studie söktes i databasen Elin@dalarna. Sökorden som användes var pressure ulcer i olika kombinationer med nutrition, activity, skin, Norton, treatment och hydrocolloid. Inklusionskriterierna var att artiklarna skulle vara publicerade mellan åren 1999-2006 och vara i fulltext samt svensk och/eller engelskspråkig. Resultatet visade att patienter borde riskbedömas för trycksår så snart som möjligt efter att de anlänt till vårdinrättningen.

Det allmännas skadeståndsansvar : Skadeståndsansvar för ideell skada enligt frihetsberövandelagen

BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

Upplevelse av fotfunktion : efter konservativt behandlad hälseneruptur

Background: Previously research shows that people treated conservatively can have reduced foot function after Achilles tendon rupture. However, there are few qualitative studies in the subject, so this essay is written to provide a deeper understanding of how these people feel about their foot function one to two years after the injury.Purpose: Investigate how people perceive their foot function after conservative treatment one to two year after Achilles tendon rupture and if they have an avoidance behavior in their everyday lives.Method: Four people who suffered from Achilles tendon rupture participated in this qualitative study. The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews, which in turn were processed using qualitative content analysis.Results: The perceived foot function is today varied in terms of mobility, strength and pain according to the participants. They feel difference in their everyday life in comparison with before the injury. It appears that participants have avoidance behavior when it comes to the situation of injury.

Utvärdering av avloppsvattenreningen vid Hallsta Pappersbruk : Kartläggning av inkommande avloppsvatten och optimering av driftparametrar

Hallsta paper mill uses large amounts of water during the pulp and paper making processes. The wastewater is treated in two separate activated sludge processes referred to as BIO 1 and BIO 2. The main aim is to reduce the organic substance content, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) before the wastewater is released into the environment. Since the effluent produced is very rich in organic substances, the addition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are necessary to give satisfactory treatment results. Problems with sludge bulking sometimes occur which lead to increased levels of suspended matter and nutrients in the effluent.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).

Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk

During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken?s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased.

Är korta spenar ett problem i samband med mjölkning? :

In some herds it has been observed that extremely short teats have become a problem; with a negative influence on the milking performance. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate to what degree the quality of the teats and the milk in cows with short teats is affected as compared with cows with normal teat length and furthermore if the milking performance could be improved by using a liner adapted to short teats. This study was divided in two parts. In the first part, it was examined if there were any differences between short teats and teats with normal length with reference to the milking performance, udder emptying, teat treatment, milk quality, and udder health. 11 pairs of cows were used and in each pair of cows one cow had teats shorter than 40 mm while the other cow had teats longer than 50 mm.

Hur påverkas beteende/känslor och fysiologiska faktorer på människa och häst vid interaktion mellan parterna? :

The aim of these two studies was to investigate the possible physiological, behavioural and emotional changes that appear after human-horse interactions and also to find an explanation to why they occur. One aspect that is discussed is whether the wellbeing of humans can be coupled to interacting with horses and of how the animals respond to the interaction. The first study was performed on 9 horses and their owners, both parts being subjects to registrations during 4 different interaction treatments. The second study was performed on 6 horses with registrations only being performed on the horses during 2 different treatments. Nine horses underwent 3 different treatments all performed by their owners (H = stroking of the horses forehead, B = brushing and M = stimulation of the withers) in addition to a control round (K). Each treatment lasted for 4 minutes but observations were performed until after 45 minutes from start.

Utvärdering av substrat för biogasproduktion

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the different substrates that enter the digestion on Sundet wastewater treatment plant for production of biogas.This work have done an analysis of data about the biogasproduction from January 2012 to feburari 2013, this showed that the food substrates has a greater gas production than internal sludge.Through laboratory test the VS, TS and COD values for all the substrates used in the biogas production could be determinded. But the COD-method was less optimal for analysis of fat and food, therefore it optimized the method for fat but due to time constraints, this could not be done on the food substrates..

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