

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 37 av 132

Hur ser verkligheten ut? : En studie av olika människors syn på och tankar om diskriminering och annan kränkande behandling

On the 1st April 2006 a new legislation came into effect in Sweden; The ProhibitingDiscrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and Pupils Act (2006:67). TheAct is applicable to education and other activities referred to in the Education Act(1985:1100). This dissertation aims to examine how teachers work to combatdiscrimination, and establishes whether headmasters and teachers have changed their work procedures since the law came into force.In order to seek the answers to my questions I have conducted 8 qualitative interviews with headmasters and teachers from two schools in a community outside Karlstad, with both schools comprising of students from pre-school until year 6.Discrimination is not a new phenomenon in schools, but neither is the fact that it is theschools? responsibility to work against discrimination. Discrimination is still taking place,despite discrimination laws being clearly stated within the Education Act (1985:1100) andthe school curriculum.

Kvinnors kroppsuppfattning i samband med bröstcancerbehandling : En litteraturstudie

Background                      There are different types of treatments for breast cancer, and these may be of surgical and non-surgical art. These treatments produce different side effects that can cause both physical and mental harm to the woman. The breast cancer can change the women's body image and relationships to their families. The women manage their lives in different ways depending on which culture they belong to. Aim                                    The aim of the study was to elucidate women?s experience of her body and the altered body in relation to breast cancer treatment.Method                              The method used was a literature review based on scientifically articles to overview the field of breast cancer.

Föräldrars upplevelser av mångbesök på barnakutmottagningen

Introduction: Frequent attenders is a term used in health care services that define a person attending a health care setting more than four times during a 12 month period. Recently published research concerning frequent attenders in pediatric emergency departments describes their reasons for attending a health care service or characteristics of these individuals but lacks a qualitative approach exploring their experiences. There is a need of these experiences to be shared so that health care personnel caring for this group may gain a greater understanding of their needs and expectations.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how parents of children defined as frequent attenders experience the care received at a pediatric emergency department.Method: Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. A pilot study of four interviews was conducted to test the method. Sampling consisted of parents of children defined as frequent attenders and that were not diagnosed with a chronic illness.

V?RMEAKTIVERADE TISSUES P? TRANSPARENT PAPPER En j?mf?rande studie vid revlagning

Works on transparent paper, also commonly known as tracing paper, have been described as ephemeral or temporary working documents and they usually number large quantities in archival and museum collections. They have therefore previously been considered of lower priority and can be found in poor condition due to a lack of treatment or suitable storage prospects. In addition, transparent paper can be very sensitive to moisture and reacts by deformation or loss of transparency. Due to the volume of these works and the necessity of treatment, there is a call for simple and efficient conservation methods. A common solution in archives for the treatment of water-sensitive works on paper has been the use of heat-activated tissues as they can be applied without the introduction of solvents. There is little published about the use of heat-activated tissues on transparent paper and is mentioned only briefly in existing literature.

Vilka sjukvårdsförmågor bör ingå i den framtida insatsorganisationen? : En analys av sjukvårdsförmågor utifrån Moshe Kress teorier

Försvarsmaktens sjukvårdsorganisation var under det kalla kriget och invasionsförsvarets dagar anpassad och dimensionerad för att kunna omhänderta tusentals skadade per dygn. Sedan 1990-talet har Försvarsmaktens inriktning fokuserat på internationella insatser. I kombination med förändringar inom det medicinska området, hotbilder, skadepanorama och folkopinionen har detta lett till nya förmågor inom den militära sjukvården. Sedan en tid har Försvarsmaktens inriktning ändrats till ett mer nationellt fokus. Vad har då hänt med sjukvårdsförmågorna? Denna uppsats använder sig av Moshe Kress teorier presenterade i boken ?Operational Logistics - The Art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations? för att göra en analys av de förmågor Försvarsmaktens insatsorganisation har idag.

Ethics and Animal Experimentation in the Laboratory. A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for"Animal Rights"and"Animal Equality"

Growing up as a child, we had a Dog. To us, it was like a means to an end. That is, hunting other animals for food and for protection, with no special care and treatment given to this animal. Butas days passed by I began to witness a wind of change against such actions. I was made to understand that we were committing two crimes-: using the Dog as a means to an end (for hunting and for eating animals).

?Biblioterapi på sjukhus? ? en kvalitativ undersökning av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på biblioterapi

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of bibliotherapy at hospitals and also what knowledge of and insights on bibliotherapy a few Swedish hospital librarians have. Questions investigated are: What role do the hospital librarians think literature has in the treatment of a patient? What is their view on their role as a hospital librarian and do they believe that they can have a part in the treatment of a patient? Is the concept bibliotherapy commonly used or is there another term in use? How important is the linkage between healing and literature? In this study, the view on bibliotherapy is limited to a hospital perspective. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate bibliotherapy at the hospital. Six qualitative interviews with hospital librarians were performed at three general or combined general/medical hospital libraries.

Batch flow behandling och kontinuerligt flöde av lakvatten i en rotzonsanläggning : En jämförande studie i pilotskala

This report deals with the performance of a batch flow treatment of landfillleachate compared with a continuous flow system. The parameters in focus were total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), BOD5 and COD. The pilot-scale experiment used eight barrels with a volume of 150 liters. Each barrel was constructed differently concerning its flow, its bed material grain size and its presence of plants or not. Four of the barrels worked in batch mode, thus four in continuous flow mode.

Miljöbedömning av olika behandlingsmetoder för organiskt hushållsavfall, slakteriavfall och flytgödsel

Organic material used for biogas production can also undergo other treatments. The emissions and impact from the different treatments are evaluated in this environmental assessment, with a focus on energy and climate. The materials included in the study are organic household waste, slaughterhouse waste and liquid manure. Other than biogas production, the possible treatments for organic household waste and slaughterhouse waste are incineration and composting, and for liquid manure storing and spreading. The analysis is based on data and information from current and relevant literature, and relates to the conditions in the Swedish energy system.

Hur ser verkligheten ut? : En studie av olika människors syn på och tankar om diskriminering och annan kränkande behandling

On the 1st April 2006 a new legislation came into effect in Sweden; The ProhibitingDiscrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and Pupils Act (2006:67). TheAct is applicable to education and other activities referred to in the Education Act(1985:1100). This dissertation aims to examine how teachers work to combatdiscrimination, and establishes whether headmasters and teachers have changed their work procedures since the law came into force.In order to seek the answers to my questions I have conducted 8 qualitative interviews with headmasters and teachers from two schools in a community outside Karlstad, with both schools comprising of students from pre-school until year 6.Discrimination is not a new phenomenon in schools, but neither is the fact that it is theschools? responsibility to work against discrimination. Discrimination is still taking place,despite discrimination laws being clearly stated within the Education Act (1985:1100) andthe school curriculum.

Individers erfarenhet av icke farmakologisk behandling vid långvarig smärta : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to highlighting the experiences of individuals of non-pharmacological treatment for chronic pain.Method: The study was designed as a literature review with aim to review andcompile the articles results. This study has been based on a systematic literature search of supplementing out of an unsystematic search were 11 articles were found.Results: The participants in the studies had experienced a good effect out of non-pharmacological treatments for their pain and a improved quality of life. Based on participants´ experiences of treatment two categories occurred: body awareness and relaxation. Body awareness arose through treatments like yoga, mindfulness meditation and CBT. Relaxation occurred through treatments, like music, heat, massage and meditation.Conclusion: This study highlights how non-pharmacological treatments is experienced by individuals with chronic pain and two key areas have been identified.

Vidhäftning mellan prefabelement och pågjutningsbetong : Undersökning hur skrovligheten påverkar vidhäftningskapaciteten vid skjuvning

Self-compacting concrete has soon been around for a decade. Recently the prefabrication industry has started to use this fairly new concrete type in larger scales, mainly because of its distinctive properties.  There are still certain areas that need to be thoroughly examined, such as bond capacity. There have been very few studies regarding shear capacity due to the fact that the procedure is complicated.This report will highlight a method to examine the shear capacity of different surfaces that have been prewetted as well as non-prewetted surfaces. The surface areas follow BBK 04?s and Eurocode 2?s demand for surface roughness.  A smooth surface will be completed in order to confirm if the different shapes influence the bond strength by shear stress or not.                       The purpose of this essay is to measure the bond strength within the shear capacity as well as examine the impact it has on surface roughness and treatment for shear bond.The method used to identify the shear capacity is called L-shaped Push-Off Test.

Yngre kvinnors upplevelser av att få en bröstcancerdiagnos och livet därefter

Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world and it usually affects elderly women. However, there are between 600-700 cases per year in Sweden where women under the age of 45 are diagnosed. Removal of the breast or part of the breast, hair loss, fatigue and nausea as a result of the breast cancer treatment has an emotional and physical impact on the women?s lifeworld. The nurse should build a relationship with the women to identify and meet their needs. Aim: To describe younger women?s experiences of getting a breast cancer diagnosis and life afterwards.Method: Four biographical books were analyzed to match the aim of the study.Result: The findings were that the women experience similar thoughts and feelings when it comes to living with a cancer diagnosis.

Efficacy of Phlebiopsis gigantea treatment on spore infections of Heterobasidion spp. on Larix X eurolepis

The effectiveness of Phlebiopsis gigantea to prevent spore infections from Heterobasidionannosum and Heterobasidion parviporum on hybrid larch stumps were investigated in fivestands in southern Sweden. All sites are former forest land and the age of the trees wasbetween 9 and 13 years.The study was implemented in August 2010, a month where spore dispersal should be great.The five sites were located in previously un?thinned monocultures of hybrid larch. The sporeload in the air was studied with the help of spore traps from three different tree species;Norway spruce, Scots pine and hybrid larch. A total of 146 spore traps, evenly distributed inall five sites were analyzed.

?Jag är ingen pojke, jag är en flicka!? : en studie om hur pedagoger beskriver könsnormer, könsnormkritiskt arbete och barn som bryter mot könsnormer

The subject of this study is gender norms in the preschool and children who oppose those norms. The aim is to investigate how the discourses are linked with the way in which preschool teachers and teaching assistants talk about children?s gender identity. This study is founded in feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis, which was a basis for the interpretation of the results. My research questions are:? How do educators express themselves concerning gender norms?? What do educators need to work with a gender critical agenda?? How do the educators describe their work concerning gender, gender norms and children who oppose those norms?? For educators who have experience with children who do not identify with the gender they was given at birth, how do educators describe their own treatment of said children, and how would they describe the treatment from the other members of the teaching team?The study consists of qualitative interviews with five educators who were asked questions relevant to: norms, gender, gender criticism and how they work with those topics.I found both positive and negative aspects of gender work in preschool.

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