

365 Uppsatser om Habits - Sida 4 av 25

Vem vinner: fackboken eller den skönlitterära boken? : en studie över lånevanor i en 3:e klass i en mindre by i norra Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the Habits of borrowing books among third-grade pupils. My aim is also to study what significance their teacher and the librarian have on the pupils? borrowing Habits. Based on the results from an experiment, two observations, interviews and by compiling a list of short summaries of literature relevant to my thesis. I wanted to compare earlier research with my own results and also reflect on remarks made by librarians and teachers concerning the children?s reading and use of the library.

Munhygien- och kostvanor hos gymnasieelever i Prishtina, Kosovo

Kosovo saknar ett fungerande tandvårdssystem och det ges inga förebyggande åtgärder vilket påverkar munhälsan. För att upprätthålla en god munhälsa krävs en god munhygien och goda kostvanor. Idag finns det många barn och ungdomar som kommer från Kosovo till Sverige, och därför är det intressant att ta reda på om hur ungdomarnas munhygien-, kost- och tandvårdsvanor ser ut i Kosovo. Syfte med studien var att undersöka munhygien- och kostvanor samt tandvårdsvanor hos 16-19 åringar i Prishtina, Kosovo. Material och metod: Studien är en kvantitativ empirisk studie som utfördes med en enkät som innehöll 17 frågor med fasta svarsalternativ.

Lika, Olika? : en materiell studie av skogsfinska bosättningar i Sverige

The main purpose of this essay is to examine if it is possible to identify farms of ?forest Finnish? people in Sweden, by means of an archaeological analysis, comparing the forest Finnish settlement with known none-forest Finnish settlements. This study is based on material excavated from the farms of Grannäs, and Råsjö, in the Swedish provinces of Jämtland and Medelpad. Both farms are dated to the 17th and 18th century. The study itself is divided into three parts, firstly a general study to get an overview of the material, secondly a study of ceramics as an attempt to discern social status and lastly a study of the animal bone material for analyzing the forest Finns? livestock and possible hunting Habits.

Att främja goda matvanor ? en intervjustudie med förskolepersonal i fokus

Bakgrund: Folkhälsan i Sverige beror till viss del på befolkningens matvanor. Matvanor grundläggs i de tidiga åren vilket ger den offentliga miljön, exempelvis förskolor, stora möjligheter att skapa goda förutsättningar för barnens matvanor. På såväl global som nationell nivå finns flera styrdokument som berör barns matvanor och hälsa. Det debatteras ofta vilka risker befolkningens matvanor innebär. Vi ville öka förståelsen för matens möjligheter genom ett salutogent perspektiv.

Sömnens betydelse för hälsa och inlärning : En studie om uppfattningar hos elever i årskurs 6

Sleep has a substantial effect on health status where good sleeping Habits proves positive on learning. The aim of the present study was to map the views and perceptions of sleep and its effects on health and school performance on 12-year olds. The goal is to visualize these views to give teachers the possibility to better plan the education in concordance with the students? abilities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews where 12 students aged 12 have partaken.

Hästköttskandalens konsumtionspåverkan : Konsumtion kopplat till miljörelaterade märkningar

The discovered horse meat scandal has had great impact in the media and given many question marks as to how consumers should be facing meat labels. In the survey made lead consumers to ask themselves, whether they think about their consumption of reliable markings discovered at a risk and, if they have changed their consumption Habits since discovered horse meat scandal. The survey was carried out in a grocery store in Karlstad city central, where the results show consistent numbers. People do not like change, and in this case, do not like to change their consumption patterns. The same patterns of consumption before and after the horse meat scandal reflects the results but with only three respondents exception.

Hyperverklighet och gränssnitt : Gymnasieungdomars verklighets- och identitets- konstruktion i gränssnittet mellan varandra, internet och skolan

This study investigates the internet Habits of students in the Swedish gymnasium. The part that internet plays in their lives and their attitude towards the educational system is reflected upon the philosophical background that stretches from Kant to postmodern philosophers such as Baudrillard. The aim is to create knowledge about how the social aspects of the internet affects their concepts of reality and their own and others identities. The method used for the collection of empirical data has been semi-structured interviews, preformed with students in a Swedish gymnasium. The data is then interpreted against the theoretical and philosophical background.

Gymnasieungdomars kostvanor under skoldagen och deras uppfattningar om skolkafeteriornas utbud

The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether the selection of products in the school cafeterias in Uppsala county high schools' comply with NFA's (National Food Administration) recommendations. Furthermore, the intention was to examine pupils´ eating Habits before and during the school day, and their views on the school cafeteria´s selection of products. To investigate this, an inventory of school cafeterias in six high schools in Uppsala County, and a survey among 60 pupils were carried out. The results showed that the NFA's recommendations not always were followed. The survey showed that there were healthy products in the cafeterias but unhealthy products nevertheless constituted a large part of the selection.

Förändrad attityd - nya vanor! : En kvalitativ kohortstudie om motionsvanor och medvetenhet hos barn som medverkat i en intervention mot övervikt och fetma

AimThe aim of this study is to examine the long term effects of e12 and how they have influenced the lifestyle and perceived awareness about nutrition and exercise in relation to factors from Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) that e12 took in consideration. The questions asked were; How has e12 affected the attitudes, skills, self-efficacy and knowledge relative to exercise? How has e12 influenced the individual?s Habits of exercise? How has e12 affected the perceived awareness regarding the impact of nutrition and exercise on the body weight?MethodThe study is pursued by a qualitative method using semi structured interviews on six individuals between the ages of 16-18 years old that completed the project 4-5 years ago. A questionnaire regarding nutrition and exercise Habits was also used as part of the study. All individuals from the year of interest were first contacted by the senior physician connected to the project.

Utveckling av skola och lärare : ? en fenomenografisk studie om lärares förutsättningar för skolutveckling och professionell utveckling

This study investigates the internet Habits of students in the Swedish gymnasium. The part that internet plays in their lives and their attitude towards the educational system is reflected upon the philosophical background that stretches from Kant to postmodern philosophers such as Baudrillard. The aim is to create knowledge about how the social aspects of the internet affects their concepts of reality and their own and others identities. The method used for the collection of empirical data has been semi-structured interviews, preformed with students in a Swedish gymnasium. The data is then interpreted against the theoretical and philosophical background.

Friluftsvanor -I storstad och på landsbygd

Outdoor recreation Habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation Habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation Habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

?Det är svårt att konkurrera med internet.? En kvalitativ studie av musikintresserades informationsvanor.

This thesis aims to investigate the information Habits of peoplewith a serious interest in music. What information needs do theyexperience, what information sources do they seek out to fulfillthese needs and what part does the public libraries play in theirinformation Habits?To answer these questions a qualitative approach was used. Fourrespondents with a serious interest in music were interviewed.The theoretic framework was based on Robert A. Stebbins theoryon serious leisure and Karen E.

Ungdomars musikvanor : En studie i hur och var svenska ungdomar upptäcker och konsumerar musik ur ett mottagarperspektiv.

This essay is a study of the various attitudes and behavioral Habits for music consumption and discovery of new music amongst young people in Sweden from a receivers perspective. The aim of the study is to review and map out the current trends, Habits and cultural views on music consumption. An online survey was posted and spread on Facebook with 195 respondents as a result. The analyzed result and conclusions of the survey was then to be of use for understanding how to market and spread new music more efficiently. The study showed that there are three dominating sources of music for youth in Sweden.

Regeringens miljösatsningar och deras förhållande till en hållbar livsstil hos det svenska folket : En studie av biståndssatsningars påverkan på hållbar livsstil i givarlandet

Swedish government aid is divided into three main themes: democracy and human rights, the environment and climate, and gender equality and women's role in development. These three themes in aid are considered by the government to be vital in order to fight poverty and create fair and sustainable development. This study will examine two of the four focus areas designated under the theme of "environment and climate". The study observes the relationship between projects in energy and water and how it promotes a sustainable lifestyle. A survey on environmental Habits will be conducted.

Det gåtfulla tillståndet ? Samarbete och arbetssätt kring barn med selektiv mutism.

AbstractThis study is based on my work as a secondary school teacher of literature and the Swedish language and rooted in my interest in developing knowledge about the importance of teaching literature in order to both cultivate young people?s reading Habits and their view of themselves as readers. The more concrete purpose of this study is to examine a reading project that focuses on theories of literary perception and teaching literature.I examine four pupils who, in 2003, participated in the reading project as readers and compare this description with their view of themselves as readers seven years later. I complete the study by examining how they discuss reading and the teaching of literature. The method is qualitative and the empirics include materiel collected in two different time periods: first in 2003, in a class I taught in a secondary school; and second in 2010, when I examined four of the former pupils who participated in the project from 2003.

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