

365 Uppsatser om Habits - Sida 14 av 25

Våra sociala medvetanden: En diskussion om ett socialt perpektiv angående medvetandet

In this essay a social perspective on the mind is explored and argued for. The essay moves from a discussion of a social collective foundation for the individual mind to a discussion ofthe main alternative ways of describing the shared social world, namely an action-centred perspective and a power-centred perspective. It is shown that these two perspectives are combinable. A combination of the two perspectives is therefore recommended for a more balanced way of describing the shared social world. In this essay it is argued for that the individuals? mind and her identity is dependent on the surrounding community.

Övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar : Orsaker, konsekvenser och åtgärder

The purpose of this essay was to get some knowledge about how the situation was for children with overweight and obesity. I wanted to examine what experience about causes, consequences and measure the professionals, who meets children in different situations in their daily work had, and I wanted to find out which explanations current research had about the problem.The knowledge I have acquired during my work with this paper about the problem was that it was depending on many different factors on various stage in the child's life which influences and interacts with the child in its development. The risk that a child would develop overweight was amongst other things depending on the child's eating- and exercising Habits.This habit was formatted for example by the circumstances in the family, availability of sweets/food and the choice of leisure time activities.The consequences for the overweight/obese children could be that the child did not manage to keep up with its friend's physical activities which led to a sense of rejection, risk of being bullied by friends, the risk of a damaged physical and psychic health. The problem was not easy to measure and all of the studies demonstrated that parental involvement is necessary in an effective treatment of childhood obesity..

Kunskaper, attityder och beteende gällande kost och motion ? en enkätundersökning bland elever för vidareutveckling av ett överviktsprojekt i Svedala kommun

The proportion of overweight children is increasing rapidly in Sweden. International and National goals of public health aim to improve diet and physical activity. Health promotion consists of preventing illness and promoting health. Within the school a well planned health promoting work proceed from students, parents and teachers. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to diet and physical activity among students from 6th to 9th grade at Klågerupskolan in the community of Svedala.

Att mötas på Insidan : En användarstudie av Piteå kommuns intranät

Today?s society has become more and more digitalized and we have access to more information than ever before. This has had a major impact on organizations and their work processes. For example have intranets become a common technical groupware to communicate and get relevant information from inside the organization. A common problem related to this is an over-reliance on the technology, where there's not taking into account that some informal and communicative means are difficult to occur through digital resources.The aim of this study is to examine the use of an intranet in a municipality, which consists of many different employees with various work situations.

Återfall i kriminalitet : Klientens eller samhällets val

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication Habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Bildens betydelse vid läsning : - En studie av barns läsförståelse och läsvanor i skolår 2.

 AbstractMy curiosity of students' use of images for reading led me to seek knowledge of the students view on the text illustrations in the literature and through interviews. This study is about how pupils in the school year 2 experience reading, especially with images. The purpose is to investigate the significance of illustrations in reading for students in school year 2. I also want to find out how students see themselves as readers and how the survey material believes that the students comprehend reading. Eight children, both girls and boys have participated in the interview.

Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?

The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase Habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.

Fysisk aktivitet hos personer med metabolt syndrom

A quart of the of the adult population worldwide havemetabolic syndrome. A sedentary lifestyle, low physicalactivity, combined with wrong eating Habits, stress,smoking and psychosocial factors, are the main causes ofdevelopment of the metabolic syndrome. The purpose ofthe literature review was to illuminate the physicalactivity in persons who have the metabolic syndrome, andwhat sort of advice a nurse use in the promotion ofphysical activity. The study was conducted as a literaturereview, including 15 scientific quantitative articles. In tenarticles, the focus was on physical activity at themetabolic syndrome, and five articles focused on variousforms of counselling for physical activity.

Litteraturförmedling på folkbibliotek: Bibliotekariers tankar om kompetens och betydelsefulla egenskaper

This thesis deals with questions about competences and qualities that librarians inpublic libraries find that they need to be qualified suppliers of literature (books andmagazines).Our aim is to problematize the competence of the profession in relation to promotingliterature, knowledge in literature and reading Habits. We want to know what librariansthemselves think about their own competences when it comes to supplying andpromoting literature. Does it have to be a leisure interest or do they get the possibility toread during working hours?What do librarians think it means to be a qualified promotor of literature and how dothey acquire the right competence? Do they believe that their competence correspondswith the occupational requirements? How much of their knowledge about literature andpromoting literature comes from personal interest and commitment?We primarily used the theories about competence by Per-Erik Ellström. One of thetheories is the one of implicit and explicit knowledge.

Unga tjejers våldsbenägenhet vid konsumtion av alkohol

The purpose on this study is to determine the extent of possible connections between tendencies to increased violent behavior and increased alcohol consumption among a total cohort of girls in the 9th grade compulsory school and 2nd grade upper secondary school in a Swedish county. In 2004 the Epidemiological Department carried out a health-status survey, using a self-report questionnaire, with students from both private and public schools in a specific county in Sweden. All respondents (N= ca 4000), attending all compulsory (at 9th grade) and upper secondary schools (second tier) on the survey date completed the questionnaire. For this particular study, 9 questions from the questionnaire, all concerning self-reported violent behavior and alcohol consumption Habits were used either individually or combined in index variables. The result showed that while violence experience is low among these 4000 girls, it increased in relation to a corresponding increase in alcohol consumption.

Bland bovar och banditer. En analys av fyra deckare för barn ur ett genusperspektiv.

Swedish studies concerning children?s reading Habits show that detective stories have become more popular in recent years. The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in four detective stories written for children at the age of 9 to 13 years. Our main question is: How is the gender system reflected in the four selected detective stories for children? We also pose the question: How are femininity and masculinity described? Our study is based on three theories.

Kriterier för säkra betaltjänster på nätet

This report has a purpose to identify the payment methods available for e-commerce, tosee if they fulfill certain requirements. By investigating thirty of the most popular webshops, a few primary services have been found and revised. Security requirements fore-payment systems include authentication, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality.Other requirements considered to be important are usability, flexibility, affordability,reliability, availability, speed of transaction and interoperability. Advantages and disadvantageshave been identified to see if the services fulfill the requirements. Also surveysof consumer payment Habits have been investigated to identify the factors of decisive importanceto the usage of payment services.

Matematisk begreppsbildning för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication Habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Observiaire och film som analysmetod för cykeltrafik : En fallstudie på Götgatan i Stockholm där omställningen till supercykelbana utreds

The goal of this thesis is to analyse whether the method ?Observiaire? is of any use for traffic analysis. The method consists of analysing film material, preferably before and after changes are made to an area, by answering a survey for the users that are observed within the population. The method also opens up for deeper qualitative analyses which are rooted in the quantitative data collected from the survey-study. In this study we analyse the method by applying it to the case study of the changes made at Götgatan in Stockholm, where a green wave was implemented and the bicycle road widened.

Hur läser du? Om några iraniers läsning på svenska respektive persiska

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how people from Iran experience reading in their mother tongue, Persian, compared to how they experience reading in Swedish and if there was a difference. The questions to be answered in the thesis were: What is the dominant purpose when people read their mother tongue and when they read in Swedish. Do they read because they need information, because they want to relax or do they, when they read, reflect on their own lives? The method was qualitative, interviews were conducted with 8 Iranians living in Sweden. The theoretical background consists of a description of theories on reading and theories on language and identity.

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