

1316 Uppsatser om Habitat patch size - Sida 2 av 88

Neonate mortality in fallow deer (Dama dama) in relation to bed-site selection and habitat use

The level of neonate mortality in a free ranging fallow deer (Dama dama) population at the Koberg estate in south western Sweden was investigated using radio-tracking techniques. During this study a total of 36 fawns (17 ?, 19 ?) were captured and marked with vhf or gps radio collars; 12 fawns in 2008 and 24 fawns in 2009. The neonate mortality calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method was 23.6 % and the mortality caused by predation was low, since only 1 of 8 non-surviving fawns died from predation by red fox (Vulpes vulpes). The spatial behavior of the fallow deer neonates were examined at two different levels i.e.

Foraging and anti-predation behavior of Thomson?s gazelles (Gazella thomsoni) and Grant?s gazelles (Gazella granti) at a waterhole

Prey species make behavioral decisions to reduce the perceived risk of predation and the time spent vulnerable to predation. Behavioral responses to predators are for example selection of specific habitat types and the presence of predators influence individual vigilance. Furthermore, there is a variation in feeding niches with different herbivores focusing their foraging effort on different vegetation types which is also expected to affect the choice of habitat. Behavioral data on anti-predation and foraging behavior at on waterhole is collected from Thomson?s and Grant?s gazelles at Ol Pejeta Conservancy (0°00?N, 36°56?E) located in semiarid bushed grassland in Laikipia district of central Kenya.

Selection of habitat and resources during migration by a large mammal : a case study of moose in northern Sweden

Migration is a worldwide phenomenon that has occurred for thousands of years in a vast variety of species. The general knowledge of migrating animals is poor even though billions of animals from a range of different groups migrate every year. The human impact on migrating ungulates is high and many populations are declining globally due to direct and indirect causes. Hence it becomes vital to study the migration phase and the habitat and resources selected during migration. The objective with this study was to identify the habitat characteristics and resource selection of moose during migration and compare the selection between different seasons and utilization distribution (relative frequency distribution for the points of location of an animal over a period of time) categories.

Habitatmanipulering, en tveeggad bekämpningsmetod? : potentiella möjligheter och risker med alternativa födoresurser och skyddande habitat

Bevarande biologisk bekämpning är en bekämpningsstrategi som används för att bevara eller öka mängden av en specifik naturlig fiende till den skadeorganism som ska bekämpas. En skillnad i jämförelse med andra strategier inom biologisk bekämpning är att inga biologiska bekämpningsorganismer tillförs, i stället främjas de naturliga fiender som redan finns i odlingen och det omgivande landskapet. Habitatmanipulering är en metod inom bevarande biologisk bekämpning som bygger på en förändring av de naturliga fiendernas habitat som skall resultera i en förbättrad tillgång av nödvändiga resurser så som alternativ föda, skyddande habitat och alternativa bytes- och värddjur. Den här litteraturstudien undersöker potentiella möjligheter och risker med två metoder inom habitatmanipulering. Den ena metoden bygger på att inkludera blommande växter i en odling för att skapa en förbättrad tillgång av alternativa födoresurser, så som pollen och nektar, till naturliga fiender.

Stålbalkars bärförmåga vid intryckning - orsakad av lokal momentbelastning

This master thesis deals with steel girders subjected to patch loading caused by concentrated moments. There exist no good methods to calculate by hand the ultimate resistance for this load case. In ?tunnplåtshandboken?, (Handbook for sheet metal, which is published by SSAB), one calculation method is presented. It?s however fairly difficult to use, because of many calculation steps and many graphs.

Habitat preference and dispersal of a sandassociated beetle, Apalus bimaculatus

Species that have a high degree of specialization and poor dispersal ability can be more prone to extinction than more generalist species and good dispersers. How these species traits affect the viability of populations is dependent on landscape factors,such as isolation and connectivity. Additionally, interactions between species (e.g. symbiosis), and how these interactions vary spatially and temporally can have a large impact on populations. When the range and habitat areas of a species continuously decrease, management strategies are often needed if the species shall be able to survive.

Balis trädgårdar

The urbanization of the world is increasing. How it affects bird populations have been well studied during the last decade, and comparisons between urban and non-urban habitats have been carried out. A common method for measuring habitat quality is to calculate the population density. This method is easy to use, but have been criticized during the last couple of years. In this study, data of population densities was compared with data on reproduction success.

GIS-modellering av habitat för vitryggig hackspett (Dendrocopos leucotos) som hjälpmedel i naturvårdsplanering på landskapsnivå :

The white-backed woodpecker is a forest bird being critically endangered in Sweden. The species is dependent on older forests rich in deciduous trees and dead wood. The main problem for the survival of this species is present shortage of habitat. Conservation work on this umbrella species is at present focused on finding remaining or emerging habitat networks. Large areas are scrutinized in search for suitable habitats to be protected or managed for the species sake.

Sand pits as habitat for ground beetles (Carabidae) : does the area affect species number and composition?

Sand pits are a valuable habitat which can hold many sand living species including several endangered ones. As many sand habitats with exposed sand are declining, sand pits have a potential as a substitute habitat. This study was conducted to see what effect the area of a sand pit has on species number and composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Also, the effects of other environmental variables were tested, for example the proportion open sand, vegetation cover, sun exposure and tree cover. The study was conducted in the county of Uppsala in 2008 and included 13 sand pits with areas between 200 and 180,000 m2.

Effects of brown bear (Ursus arctos) odour on the patch choice and behaviour of different ungulate species

The return of large predators to regions where they were previously extirpated has created a need for knowledge about their effect on prey species, not only their lethal but also their behavioural or risk effects. In this study the behavioural risk effects of brown bear (Ursus arctos) were tested on fallow deer (Dama dama), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus), moose (Alces alces) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). This was done by using patches of fur to simulate the presence of the novel predator (brown bear), a novel nonpredator (reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and no fur as control. These three treatments were then compared. The response variables measured were increased vigilance, decreased feeding time and change in patch use.

Textstorlekens påverkan

Purpose;the purpose of this study is to investigate whether a product ad observer's purchase intention, perception of product quality, brand image perception and price perception is affected depending on the size of the text that was used in the ad to communicate the product price.Methodology;the study was conducted using a quantitative method through a survey. The implementation of the study has been done by using three variants of the same suit ad where the three different variants have been manipulated on the text size on the price information, by reduced / increased the text size. The implementation has also been carried out using two different ad sender, with three ads for each sender.Result and conclusion;the text size on the price of a product ad mainly affects the observer's price and quality perception, where the small text will have a positive effect on quality perception and a negative effect on the quality perception. Even brand image changes depending on the text size where small text will have a positive effect..

Hotade arter i tallmiljöer på Sveaskogs mark i Västerbotten och Norrbotten : skötselförslag och analys av potentiell habitatutbredning

Skogens biologiska mångfald hotas främst genom den påverkan som människan har på naturen. Skogsbruk och bekämpning av skogsbränder leder bland annat till att landskap och habitat fragmenteras samt att mängden död ved minskar i skogen. Naturvårdsverket och länsstyrelser arbetar inom ramen för de nationella miljömålen med åtgärdsprogram för hotade arter. Detta som ett led i arbetet med bevarandet av den biologiska mångfalden. Många hotade arter har en dålig spridningsförmåga, därför krävs planering utifrån ett landskapsperspektiv där stora sammanhängande områden sätts av och restaureras.

Habitat preference and foraging behaviour in adult red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius)

The red-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius) is a small, alert and active animal inhabiting forests with dense vegetation and as such hard to observe in its natural habitat. The principal aim of this study was to scrutinize whether the methods, previously used in a behavioural study of the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) can be applied in studies of the red-tailed monkey?s behaviour as well. Additionally, habitat preference and foraging behaviour of the red-tailed monkey were examined. The study was carried out between the 16th and the 22nd of March 2009 in the Sabaringo forest, located on the western border of the Masai Mara National Reserve.

The black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis palliatus) of Diani forest, Kenya : behavioural responses to habitat fragmentation

The loss of habitat is one of the greatest threats to global biodiversity today. Consequences to a species inhabiting fragmented habitats include: group size changes, altered diets and altered foraging behaviours. In my study I observed Colobus anlgolensis palliatus troops living in the forests of Diani, a highly developed area on the Kenyan coast. I looked for differences in behaviours between three troops inhabiting pristine forest patches and three troops inhabiting highly degraded forest areas. I used focal animal sampling with instantaneous sample points.

Skaftslamkrypa (Elatine hexandra) i Bolmen, utbredning, tillväxt, reproduktion och styrande faktorer

The plants in the genus Elatine are characteristic for oligo and mesotrophic lakes. This study focuses on Elatine hexandra one of the four species in Sweden. It is stated as vulnerable by the National Environment Agency and a conservation plan with guidelines to preserve the plant in Sweden is under preparation. There have been a few previous studies investigating this plant in other countries but this is the first one for Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution, growth and reproduction of E.

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