

121 Uppsatser om Guiding - Sida 6 av 9

Mötet mellan psykiskt funktionshindrad individ och sällskapsdjur : En etnografisk studie om interaktionens betydelse för känsla av välbefinnande.

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Att leva med diabetes typ 2 - en livslång utmaning : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that vigorously increases worldwide. The disease can affect the entire everyday life which usually results in major lifestyle change. The treatment consists largely of self care which the patient itself has great responsibility for. The nurses have an important role in supporting, Guiding and teaching the patients. Since every patient is unique the nurse would benefit from an increased knowledge about the patients experiences of what promotes and prevents self care in type 2 diabetes. Aim: The aim was, from a patient perspective, describe the experience of what promotes and prevents a self care in type 2 diabetes. Methods: A literature review based on nine scientific articles gathered from the databases CINAHL plus with full text, PubMed and Medline.

Digitala verktyg i mellanstadiets musikundervisning : En kvalitativ undersökning av vilken uppfattning fyra musiklärare har om digitala verktyg för ljud- och musikskapande

The purpose of the essay is to draw attention to my approach in relation to a boy I choose to call Emil, and how I can increase my understanding of his behavior. I explore conceivable reasons for why he breaks down so often, especially when other children are given attention. Is he simply unusually egoistic, and to a large degree only able to see to his own interests, or am I overlooking the real reasons for his actions.In order to explain the reasons for Emil?s apparent frustration in sensitive situations, I explore the significance of attachment theory. I argue about possible effects of Emil?s parents? way of describing and Guiding him, as well as how I, and my colleagues, risk fulfilling and amplifying negative expectations.As the prime reason for his repeated sense of unhappiness seems linked to a lack of empathy, I explore different ways of understanding this, as well as how I might contribute to fostering compassion.

Kultur, makt och begreppet stat i förhandlingssituationer: en fallstudie av den norsk-svenska renbeteskonventionen

This paper develops a theory for understanding negotiation situations involving states and indigenous peoples. Using relevant constructivist theory as a starting point, the paper develops a theory about understanding the relationship between power and culture implicit in the concept of the state. This relationship is examined in negotiations situations involving states and indigenous peoples. States are constituted by social structure and are representatives of the national culture. At the same time states are actors within the international system and a part of the culture of Westphalia.

Följsamhet till en kvalitetsnorm för fall- och fallprevention inom geriatrisk slutenvård : En studie baserad på journalgranskning

PurposeThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the documentation process following the Guiding principles of the Quality Norms for Fall Prevention concerning fall risk assessment, risk identification, fall preventive measures, information and the making of an individual care plan.MethodThis study is a quantitative, descriptive and retrospective journal review study. There were 100 journals examine the existing documentation concerning fall risk assessment of patients who received treatment in geriatric patient care. The sample was consecutively.ResultsThe results showed that fall risk assessment was documented in 79 of 100 examined journals. 56 (71 %) of the fall risk assessments were made within 24 hours. In 59 of 100 journals the patient, relatives or former caretakers was asked whether the patient had had a fall within the last year, and in 61 of 100 journals it was documented that the nursing staff had made an assessment that the patient was going to have a fall during his or her length of stay if no preventive measures were set in.The majority of fall risk factors and fall preventive measures were documented within the areas of walking and transfer. It was documented that the patient was informed of fall risk, fall risk factors and fall preventive measures in 15 of 100 journals.

Pedagogik för blogg : "när skolan blir viktig och på riktigt"

In this essay I examine if socio cultural theory is present for teachers when pupils and students are using computers in class, especially when using blogs as a tool for learning. The aim of the essay is also to examine if blogs among pupils in class can promote peer support, co-operation and reflective dialogue, and in that case in what way. The essay consists of two studies, one small interview study and one literature study.  The interview study is made with the qualitative method phenomenographic analysis, presenting four Swedish teachers who have much experience using blogs in education. The aim of the literature study where some national and international research studies of relevance are presented, is to broaden the perspective.The result of the interview study shows that a socio cultural theory is highly present among the teachers who already use blogs in education. In addition, those teachers experience that the blog in the classroom supports dialogue and co-operation among the pupils.  In contrast, the literature study shows that most teachers in Sweden who made their pupils work with computers in classroom seem to let their student work alone, without Guiding them and without creating co-operation or dialogue in the classroom.

Ökad fysisk aktivitet med hjälp av FaR-en enkätstudie om verksamheten vid ett fysiotek

The physical inactivity and other diseases related to ways of living in Sweden, affects a big part of Swedes, simultaneously as the society is more defined and marked by health promoting and by views that affects many people to actively make a difference in their lives. Physical activity on prescription is such an example of health promoting, which enlarges the conditions for a healthy life. Physical activity on prescription is also about that the individual should take the decision by herself to increase her physical activity or to get motivated to start a healthy life style alternative reduce the risk of getting sicker. The purpose of our study was to illustrate what the participants of ?fysioteket? thought about the work of fysioteket and if the physical activity on prescription has affected their motivation towards physical activity and their experienced health.

Upplevelser av osäkerhet: En kvalitativ studie av globaliseringens effekter för ungas etablering på arbetsmarknad och familjebildning

Globalization is described as processes of economic, social and political character and a tendency in the field has been to study these aspects of the phenomenon separately. Another common feature of previous studies is to relate to the field at a high abstraction level and talk about the effects and changes in general terms. Such studies of quantitative and statistical nature in which people are constituted as homogeneous groups hides the fact that the relationship between social attributes and context creates unique positions where the effects of globalization are diverse (Sprague, 2005, pp. 16 - 18). The purpose of this bachelor thesis is therefore to break with this entrance to the field and instead focus on a micro level perspective.By conducting a qualitative interview study guided by the globalization theory of the Globalife research team, which shows how structures at the macro level can be understood to affect the micro level, the aim is to reveal potential knowledge gaps within the field.

Närståendes upplevelser av sjuksköterskans stöd i samband med plötsligt dödsfall : En litteraturbaserad studie grundad på analys av kvalitativ forskning

Background: In Sweden about 19000 people fall victims of sudden death every year. This covers around 20% of all deaths. Relatives are those who are closest to the patient, regardless of the type of relationship. When a patient suddenly dies this affects the relatives and they can suffer from high risk of complicated grief reactions or crises. Being the nearest professional contact in these situations, the nurse has an important role in supporting and Guiding the relatives.Aim: The aim of this literature review was to nominate the relatives' needs of support from the nurse when a loved person suddenly dies.Method: The literature review was based on seven articles with a quality approach.Results:The analysis resulted in four themes; "to be seen and confirmed", "information", "take farewell" and "follow-up ".To be able to give support both mentally and physically, it is important for the nurse to give proper attention to the relatives.

Kunskapens konstellationer: om ämnesanalys och tvärvetenskaplighet

The aim of this study has been to discuss ideas of knowledge within classification theory and subject analysis in the light of theories of fundamental changes in the production of scientific knowledge. Guiding questions have been: How have the conditions of knowledge production changed? How has interdisciplinarity as part of this development evolved? What assumptions lie behind theories of classification and subject analysis? How do these stand in relation to the alleged changes in the production and understanding of science? Three works about the changing conditions for knowledge production and the growth of crossdisciplinarity have been presented and discussed. These works stress the loosening up of boundaries between traditional knowledge domains and open up for discussions about how to organize knowledge production in the light of these changes. In the study it is argued that their works also could open up for discussions about the way knowledge is organized for retrieval purposes.

Vad är ?rätt? gjutkvalitet? Hur uppnås det?

Ever since ABB has begun diecasting their rotors instead of permanent mold casting it,variation in the quality of the cast has arisen. Diecasting is performed in three differentmachines, M1, M2, M3 with 400, 660 respectively 800 tons of die locking pressures.The aim of this thesis is to answer the following questions:What is the ?right? cast quality? How is the right quality achieved?For sizes 160-180 solutions will be proposed that consider eccentricity between thelaminate and the short circuit ring as well as elimination of the thin Al film that appearson the outer periphery of the rotors.Through considering the statistic material the most often diverging rotor type has beenidentified and one of the actual rotors has been sent to a laboratory to be analyzed inorder to establish the current defects. The result of the analysis shows that there areplenty of gas- and oxide-porosity.It has been proved that every time the dies temperature decreased below 120°C thecontent of gas porosity increased. It is due to rapid solidification of metal that flowsthrough the ?cold? laminate.It has confirmed that enhanced porosity in squirrel cage causes high impedance in therotors.

EU i nyheterna : En diskursanalys om EU och EU:s anseende i det svenska medieutbudet

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the EU discourse in the Swedish media. The questions that the analysis seeks to answer are; what image of EU is portrayed in the Swedish media? To which degree does the EU discourse fulfill media?s ?news values?? And what are the potential effects of the discourse on EU?s reputation? After several demarcations, I chose 8 articles form Sweden?s four largest newspapers to base the analysis on.    The theoretical and methodical structure behind this analysis is the theories and practices of Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis. Added to the theoretical structure are also theories about reputation and theories about news values. The method used in the analysis is a modified version of Fairclough?s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis.

Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective

Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.

The effect of vegetable fat on cheese yield and cheese properties

The production of cheese is in continuous development with objectives to in-crease productivity, achieve changes in shelf life and functional properties of the products. One concept in the development is to substitute milk fat with vegetable fats and oils in the manufacture of cheese. The objective of this study was to investigate effects on cheese yield and cheese quality of 4 different semi-hard analogue cheese products produced by substituting milk fat with vegetable fat, each analogue cheese with a specific mixture of vegeta-ble fat. As reference a cheese produced with anhydrous milk fat was used. The yield and recovery of fat and protein were determined by recording the weights of each cheese direct after press and after 20±2 days of storage and analysis of the composition of the cheeses after 20±2 days of storage. The cheese was fur-ther subjected for texture profile analysis in a TA-XT Plus Texture Analyser and analysed with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) to examine whether the fat behaves similar in the cheese as in pure form in respect to its thermal properties. The cheese yield was not significantly different when using different fats. Differ-ent amounts of water were absorbed during the water cooling.

Reading the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in terms of the issue of Terrorism : An analysis on the evolution of the CFSP of the EU under the issue of Terrorism

In the post Cold-War era, world politics was transforming itself through its emerging complex issues such as terrorism and influential and interdependent actors such as the European Union. In this new era, the European Union was developing its Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar both to present a coherent and unified EU policy and to prove its political potent in order to become an influential actor on world politics. On the other side, security environment was also transforming its content through emerging actors and issues. As one of the most prominent actors of the world politics, the EU was influenced by the transformation of security environment, whose economic ?soft power? proved necessary but insufficient for being a global power in this emerging security environment.

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