

575 Uppsatser om Guide Michelin - Sida 27 av 39

Häst- och ridsport utifrån ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv : Om Karlstad Kommuns ekonomiska stöd till ideella föreningar inom häst- och ridsport

The purpose of this paper is to view Karlstad Municipality and their financial support to non-profit organizations within equestrian sports. Despite the varying representatives of various equestrian sports in Karlstad, there seems to be a single beneficiary within the sport when it comes to financial support from the municipality. The policies and plans concerning cultural development are directly compared to the Karlstad Municipality and its contribution to these organizations within equestrian sports. Through interviews and reports I have studied the process of financial support from the Karlstad municipality using an intersectionality theory based on Nina Lykkes guide on gender studies and feminist theory. Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on field, habitus and capital are also used as a method to enhance the understanding of equestrian sports and its role in modern Swedish society. The conclusion is that the Karlstad Municipality is, for a several of reasons, promoting non-profit organizations within equestrian sports, which are operating as riding schools.

Tillämpad idrottspsykologisk verksamhet med inriktning mot tävlingsidrott och prestation : en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Serbien

AimThe main aim with this study is to research weather there are differences in applied sportpsychology activities between Sweden and Serbia, with a focus on competitive sports andperformance. What are the differences and similarities, and in which way is the sportpsychology helping the sportsmen and sportswomen? The main goal with this study is tocome to conclusions that can be of importance to both countries development in applied sportpsychology activities.MethodFor this study the qualitative method was used and the design is descriptive and comparative.A practical comparison in the form of interviews has been done. Eight persons wereinterviewed at different times, four in Sweden and four in Serbia, one researcher in sportpsychology, one practitioner in sports psychology (a common term for a sport psychologist,mental trainer, performance coach etc.), one sports coach and one sportswoman in eachcountry. For the interviews an adequate interview guide was designed and used.ResultsPractical application in the form of various training opportunities within the sport psychologyfield, sports psychology advisory services and research in sports psychology are applied to agreater extent in Sweden then in Serbia.

Sommarforskarskola för gymnasiet : Tema: Vitaminer och experiment

The aim of this study is to describe how a theme about vitamins and analytical chemistry can be planed and implemented in a summer research school managed by AstraZeneca. The description of the theme is intended to be used as an instructor?s guide to upcoming summers-research-schools with the same theme. The students, which participated in the summer school of 2007, went to upper secondary school. During the summer school they were going to investigate the content of vitamin C in different fruits and vegetables.

Moralisk stress : en explorativ undersökning om socialsekreterares upplevelser av när de är tvungna att gå emot de egna värderingarna inom det sociala arbetet

The purpose of our study is to examine whether social welfare secretaries experience obstacles in work to do their tasks in a way that they, from their own values, thinks is right. And if so, what are the reactions and what strategies do they use to manage this. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with five social welfare secretaries, which all work in southern Sweden. The social welfare secretaries both work at a children- and youth department and at a social allowance department.

Symbolers betydelse för barns läs- och skrivinlärning

AbstractThe aim of the thesis was to examine some older people's experiences of everyday life and how it is to grow old in Namibia today. Because everyday life is a broad concept, we chose to focus on some specific parts of everyday life. These are chores, family, work/education, elderly past and present and the government/society. Furthermore we chose to look at the similarities and differences between the experiences on the basis of gender, race/ethnic groups and class.We chose to use a qualitative research method and to be inspired by life stories. We used a semi-structured interview guide and interviewed six people between 70 and 89 years.

?Pojkar är som guld, flickor är som dukar? ? En kvalitativ studie om synen på barn och sexuell trafficking i Kambodja

The purpose of this study was to look at the common opinion about children in Cambodia. By interviewing the professionals in different help organizations we studied the common opinion about children in general and the common opinion about children who are exposed to sexual trafficking. The ambition of the study was also to see if the common opinion about children in Cambodia affects the help that is available for the children who are exposed to sexual trafficking.This is a qualitative study including semi structured interviews with seven professionals who work with vulnerable children. The interview guide focused on the themes: children?s needs, sexual trafficking, children?s rights, childhood, children?s sexuality and gender.

Främjande av egenvård för patienter med typ 2-diabetes inom primärvården - diabetessjuksköterskans upplevelser

ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Hotellkonceptets inverkan på det effektiva ledarskapet

I dagens hotellbransch handlar det inte om att endast erbjuda en säng till gästerna utan det är en helhetsupplevelse som köps. Vikten av att ha ett koncept har blivit allt viktigare för att urskilja sig från konkurrenterna och tydliggöra för gästen vad verksamheten erbjuder. Ett koncept är något som ska genomsyra hela verksamheten och personalen är inget undantag.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hotellkonceptets inverkan på det effektiva ledarskapet. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte genomfördes fyra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer på fyra respondenter som hade en ledande position i en verksamhet inom hotellbranschen. Under intervjuerna användes en intervjuguide som bestod av olika teman som behandlade hotellkoncept samt effektivt ledarskap.

SJÄLVREFLEKTION ÖVER EN KRITISK HÄNDELSE, I EN NY KONTEXT : Kvalitativ självreflektionsstudie av två svenska sjukgymnaststudenters upplevelser av en kritisk händelse under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning på rehabiliteringscentrat Pina Palmera, Mexiko.

Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.

Lärcentrum i biblioteket, möjligheter och utmaningar. Tre aktörsgruppers syn på lärcentrum och dess samverkan med biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points of view of three groups of actors about their local learning center and its collaboration with the library. By interviewing groups of actors from the municipal sector, the library staff and students, I aim to investigate their associations of the learning centre, what kind of services it should offer, and how they understand the role of the library staff in specific collaboration between the public library and the adult education administration. The study design is based on Gunnar Grepperud?s and Terje Thomsen?s three missions for a local learning centre; the mission of a broker, a meeting place and a motivator. I also use Carol Kuhlthau?s levels of mediation as an approach to investigate how the actors want the library staff to work in relation to the centre.

Arbetssätt kring värdeflödesanalys för tillverkning av marina båtmotorer på Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta has been producing boat engines since 1907 and are world leading in this seg­ment. They have today an extended range and also sell industrial power stations. Quality, safe­ty and environmental care are three core values for Volvo and together they strive to give their customers the right product with the right quality.Volvo has developed a production system named Volvo Production System, VPS, and one of the pillars is continuous improvements. Within this pillar you can find value stream map­ping, which is used to analyze the value stream through the process. This tool gives a wide perspective and helps to keep focus on the entire process instead of just parts of it.Volvo Penta in Vara has earlier done value stream mapping but without good results since they didn?t take set-up times and imbalances in account.

Redovisning som guide till värdetillväxt : Sambandet mellan räntabilitet på eget kapital och aktiers avkastning

Bakgrund: Redovisningsinformation är en informationskälla för främst aktieägare och långivare. Investerare använder informationen för att kunna göra prognoser för framtida kassaflöden och därigenom prissätta aktier i syfte att uppnå lönsamma, långsiktiga placeringar på aktiemarknaden. Kan en investerare få hjälp av företagens redovisning för att öka värdet på sin placering?Syfte: Att undersöka sambandet mellan räntabilitet på eget kapital och aktiers effektiva avkastningAvgränsningar: Studien omfattar tiden 1997 till 2004 och baseras på företag tillhörande branschen Konsumentvaror, enligt tidningen Affärsvärldens branschindelning.Genomförande: Sambandet mellan parametrarna utvärderas med hjälp av regressionsanalys. För varje år utförs regressioner för att fastställa förklaringsgrad, lutningskoefficient samt regressionens signifikans.

När räddningen slutar i självmord : en studie om unga flyktingars självmordsbeteende i Sverige, utifrån personals erfarenheter i sociala verksamheter

Background and aim: The number of refugees and unaccompanied children are increasing in Sweden and these people belong to one of the groups that are at higher risk for developing suicidal behavior. At the same time the lack of research on the subject is mentioned several times by different sources. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate suicidal behavior among young refugees between the ages 13 to 18 years in Sweden, from personnel experiences in social services.Method: We have chosen a qualitative approach with seven narrative interviews that each lasted for about one hour and were recorded. The interview guide was semi structured. The respondents in this study consist of one student counselor, workers from two child psychiatry departments and four different residential care homes for unaccompanied children and young persons.Results and conclusions: The respondents had the understanding that young refugees have been through a lot, lost their families and experienced difficult traumas and a tough refuge.

"Forget-me-not": Ett nytt kammarmusikaliskt stycke för sång och cello

Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur skapandet av kompositionen ?Forget-me-not?, ett nytt kammarmusikaliskt stycke för duosättningen sång och cello arbetades fram och interpreterades. Detta skedde genom en explorativ metod och samarbete mellan mig som textförfattare/sångerska, en cellist och en kompositör som skrev materialet direkt för duon. Det kammarmusikaliska arbetet hade särskild uppmärksamhet på aspekter som intonation, vibrato, interpretation och scenisk gestaltning. Det finns flera titlar för duosättningen, trots detta, verkar det inte finnas någon forskning om kammarmusik för en sådan duo.

"Skilda världar" : skolbibliotekariers undervisning i informationssökning i gymnasieskolan

?SEPARATE WORLDS?. School librarians teaching in information seeking in high school.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how information seeking is taught in high school and how school librarians describe their experiences of teaching information seeking. Five school librarians from five different high schools (gymnasium) in Skåne participated in the study. The empirical data derives from five interviews and fourteen observations conducted over a period of three weeks.

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