8263 Uppsatser om Growth Machine-Theory - Sida 16 av 551
Staden mellan visionerna och asfalten: En studie av politiska idéer och visioner om staden ur ett rumsligt perspektiv
Urban planning is not only a matter of architectural trends; it is first and foremost political. This thesis seeks to understand the links between political ideas and visions for the city and the physical structure of the city. The study aims to construct a model to help understand these links, a helpful tool in analysing a city, focusing on the one hand at the physical structure of what I call "The City as a Welfare Provider" and on the other hand at "The City as a Growth Engine". It also sets out to test this model in an empirical study of Stockholm and the soon-to-be built district of Norra Station in the same city.The analysis shows that Stockholm has ambitions to be a welfare provider to its citizens, but have also adopted to a discourse of interurban competition which stresses the importance for the city to enhance economical growth. What is interesting is that the physical structures promoted in the planning documents of Stockholm are nearly exclusively those associated with the model of "The City as a Growth Engine"..
Mekaniserad ungskogsbehandling för röjning och skörd :
Earlier attempts at mechanising pre-commercial thinning have been met with varying degrees
of success. Most attempts have been based on techniques where residual stems are straddled.
Early treatment is essential to limit damage on residual trees. One part of the present study is an evaluation of mechanised pre-commercial thinning using the new Vimek 404R. Vimek 404R is a fairly small machine that permits selective removal of stems, making it potentially suitable also for areas overdue for pre-commercial thinning. The study established the level of performance for the machine, as well as the improvement needed to make it an economically viable option.
Bolagstyrningsrapportens placering : vilka faktorer påverkar valet av placering?
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain which factors that affects Swedish listed companies choice of placement for the corporate governance report when the regulation gives different options.Methodology: The chosen research philosophy is positive, research strategy is deductive and methodology is quantitative.Theoretical Perspectives: As support for the dependent (placement) and independent factors agency theory, positive accounting theory, accounting choice, legitimacy-, stakeholder-, and institutional theory are used. Empirical foundation:The sample consists of 249 companies. The empirical data consists of the companies Annual reports and Corporate Governance reports for financial year 2011 or when split financial year, 2010/2011. Limitations: A limitation of the study is that it is based on observations from only one year why it is not certain that the results should have been the same if a comparison between several years had been done.Conclusions: The factors size and growth explain the placement of the Corporate Governance Report in Swedish listed companies..
Utvärdering av näringsstatus inför återskapande av kalkkärr vid Hagebyhöga, Östergötland
Calcareous fens constitute a specific habitat which is uncommon in Europe and protected by the EU habitat directive due to its importance to several threatened species. Hagebyhöga in Östergötland is a calcareous fen habitat included in the Natura 2000 Networking Programme. Adjacent to the existing fen, a degraded fen area is situated. The area has been used for agriculture for several years but is now going to be restored to its former state by the county administrative board of Östergötland.When working with restoration of degraded fen areas it is important to aquire knowledge about the chemical soil conditions. Plant growth limited by phosphorus and low fertility are characteristic conditions for calcareous fens, whilst arable land usually is highly fertile and limited by nitrogen.The purpose of this study is to bring forth useful knowledge for restoring the degraded calcareous fen of Hagebyhöga.
Kaliumgödsling på torvmark - effekt på tillväxten hos planterade granar (Picea abies)
Peat lands are a great potential resource for increased forest growth in Sweden, there are approximately 6.5 million hectares of peat lands, whereof around 70% produce less wood than one m3sk/ha and year and are therefore classed as forest waste land. There are over 200 000 hectares of peat land that is already drained and wooded, and that may be suitable for fertilization. Forest production on peat soils usually requires drainage and fertilization. Dewatering requires ditching the area, so that the roots can have access to oxygen. Nitrogen is often abundant in the peat but other nutrients; especially potassium is in short supply. The purpose of this work was to examine the effects of potassium fertilization on the growth of spruces that were planted on drained peat land and how different amount of fertilizers affects the growth. Potassium deficiency is strongly growth inhibiting, since potassium is important for substance transport in the tree. Potassium is also important for the carbohydrate formation, and because increasing the sugar content of the cells constitutes a lower freezing temperature does potassium availability in the soil play a major role in the winter resistance of many species. Potassium is not found in any organic compounds in the tree, but is present in cell and tissue fluids. A fertilization trial was started in 1978 in Siljansfors Experimental Forest. The plots in the experiment were fertilized with different amounts of potassium and one plot was left without fertilization. All plots that were fertilized with potassium grew considerably better than the unfertilized plot. The difference in production between the unfertilized plot and the plot that received the most potassium was 7.2 m3sk/ha and year. The unfertilized plot can still be classified as waste land. The theoretical production capacity was estimated using a Swedish system for site quality estimation of wetlands after ditching (dikningsbonitering). The plot with most potassium produced after fertilizationaproximately in level with theoretical estimations. Key words: Peat land, Fertilization, Ditching, Growth, site quality..
Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om företags syn på hållbarhetsredovisning och det praktiska hållbarhetsarbetet
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the companies approach to sustainability and to examine the relationship between the report content and the sustainability efforts businesses are making in practice.Method: The study has a qualitative perspective with semi-structured interviews and content analysis as method to collect data. Three companies were interviewed; Tekniska Verken AB, Apoteket AB and Max hamburgerrestauranger AB. The content analysis was used when collecting data from the three companies? sustainability reports.Frame of reference: Legitimacy theory, Stakeholder theory, Institutional theory, the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility.Results: The result showed that all companies are prepared to work for sustainable development and that they view sustainability as an integrated part of their work. The sustainability report is the basis for sustainability reporting, which is a way for companies to demonstrate to their stakeholders what they stand for and what they implement in practice.
Hur bör unga hundar av storvuxna raser utfodras?
The dog is unique in the way that the adult weight can vary 100 folds between the different breeds. Despite this, most of the breeds reach adult size before two years of age. For the large-breed dogs this means a very rapid growth when some of them can have a weight gain of up to 150 times their birth weight. The most rapid growth occurs when the puppies are between three to six months old and that kind of rapid growth during such a short period of time makes these large-breed puppies very sensitive to deficits and excesses of energy, nutrients and minerals. Some examples can be excess of energy, excess or deficit of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus or deficits of protein.
The rapid growth can also make the large-breed puppies predisposed to some diseases affecting the skeletal and joints.
Ryssland och det civila samhället - ett teorikritiskt analysförsök
Based on an analytical overview of post-Communist civil society development in Russia, the present thesis attempts a critical discussion of general civil society theory from the perspective of its relevance for the case study in question. The text consists of three closely interconnected, mutually reinforcing parts. In the first part, major issues of current civil society research are being thematically presented and discussed. The second part concerns itself with the case study as such. It is divided into two parts, one dealing with the relations between state and civil society in Russia, the other with civil society and the individual.
Fermenterat blötfoder till gris
The purpose of this literature study was to examine what kind of composition fermented liquidfeed can have, what a desired composition is and possible advantages and disadvantages onhealth and growth performance of the pig. A well fermented liquid feed is characterized by a lowpH (.
Hållbar utveckling- En textanalys av miljöpolicy i lokal och nationell kontext
Sustainable development is a concept that has been interpreted in a multitude of ways in different contexts. This essay argues that the discourse of "ecological modernization" has strongly influenced the way in which the concept of ?sustainability? has been constructed in Swedish environmental policy. This interpretation of the concept of sustainability offers the possibility of combining economic growth with ecological sustainability which stands in contrast to the assumptions of Deep Ecology and Green Theory. The aim of this essay is to explore how the concept of sustainability is being formulated in environmental policy both on a national level and in the city of Malmö.Considering these issues in a specific context, this essay focuses on city planning that is as an important instrument to promote urban sustainability both on national and local levels.
Tillskottsutfodring av smågrisar under digivningsperioden :
Weaning is one of the most critical events in the piglet production with problems such as growth check and post-weaning diarrhea as a result. The lighter the piglets are when the growth check occurs, the harder they have to get back to normal growth rate. Creep feeding of piglets is used to reduce the problems by increasing the weaning weight and adapting the digestive tract to a starter diet. Hodge (1974) showed that the sow?s milk can not provide enough nutrients for maximal growth rate.
Factors affecting the heifer´s age at pregnancy
Several factors affect the heifer´s growth and development, the newborn calf´s feeding of co-lostrum during its first hours of life is one important factor. The colostrum contains higher amount of immunoglobulins and insulin growth factors compared to matured milk. A high intake of immunoglobulins from colostrum results in a high blood concentration of immuno-globulins until the age of eight months. This leads to a lower incidence of diseases that can affect the growth and development negatively. Diarrhea is the most common disease in calves younger than 30 days.
Produktionsstyrning av cylinderbricka : För Atlas Copco, Tierp.
The component workshop at Atlas Copco inTierp intends to reduce the costs inorder to increase their competitiveness.This thesis examines how the productionmanagement around cylinder washersshould be managed in a way that meetsthe customer needs. The customer to thecylinder washer is Atlas Copcos assemblydepartment in Tierp.The purpose of this thesis is to providean alternative way of managing theproduction. A chapter of theory is addedto give the reader an insight ofdifferent types of production managementsystems as well as the underlyingknowledge needed to get a better readingexperience. An introduction of kanbancan in theory help Atlas Copco in thedirection they strive. It should beclear how the purpose of this thesisaffects the cost for the componentworkshop and also how it relates to thecurrent production.
Utfodring av föl före och efter avvänjning :
Swedish horse breeders have generally very few mares producing a few foals a year and the
breeders have relatively few traditions, little knowledge and experience to breed foals
successfully. It is therefore important to provide adequate information about new findings in horse nutrition. However, there is not much research about feeding the suckling foal to ensure a sound growth. Current feeding recommendations in the literature seems to be different. This gives a confusing message and the information is difficult to apply.
This paper reviews some publications in the area of feeding the suckling and weaning foal.
Most authors stress that it?s important to start feeding the foal early in life.
Institutions Matters - En teoriprövande studie om institutionell struktur och ekonomiskt välstånd inom transitionsländerna
This thesis analyzes and discusses the role of institutions concerning countries' abilities to create economic wealth. The countries that we are analyzing are the former members of the Warsaw pact and former Yugoslavia. These countries are referred to as transition countries. In order to analyze the transition countries institutional structure we are using Douglass C. North's theory regarding institutions and institutional building.