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Teknologistudenter och informationshantering en studie om informationskompetens vid Linköpings Tekniska högskola influerad av grounded theory
The main purpose of this study is to investigate and understand how technology students handle information especially when they are working with their Masters thesis. A further purpose is to examine how technology students use library resources of the Linköping University. The research method used is grounded theory, where description of the method is an integral part of the study. Twelve qualitative interviews were made with newly qualified graduates from the engineering programs of Linköping Institute of Technology. The respondents were divided into two groups, A and B, with six in each group.
Man kom så knäckt, trasig till kropp och själ Föräldraperspektiv på barnets deltagande i stödgruppsverksamhet
Support group activities for children with mentally ill parent´s, without a parallel parent group, is by far the most common form in Sweden. The activities have primarily focused on increasing the frequency of the protective factors around children. Of course, parents and the families are also influenced of children´s participating in these activities. Most studies examining support group activities for children from the child's perspective. The experiences of parent?s perspective have not been well studied.
Att arbeta i ett tvärprofessionellt team : Hur ett ökat samarbete med olika yrkesgrupper har påverkathemtjänstpersonalens yrkesidentitet
A multi professional team use different professional skills to a specific target. The people in the team complement each other to achieve the best performance possible. Professional identity is a mix between the professional and personal identity. Social identities, like professional identity, is a product of social categorization and social comparison. The purpose of this study was to examine how increased cooperation in cross-disciplinary teams has affected the professional identity of home care staff.
Mobila tjänster för studenter : En undersökning av mobilapplikationer för studentliv
This study aims to highlight the activities and needs of students in order to explain how mobile services can provide support and facilitate students on a daily basis. The empirical data is based on discussions with a focus group combined with already existing research concerning the areas of mobile service development, contextual-awareness and ubiquitous computing. The results from the focus group show that students have a need for mobile services to help and support them in their ordinary tasks and activities. In the discussion of this report we bring up aspects of development and what to think of when dealing with students..
Barnen bakom missbruket : yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av gruppen som stöd
The aim of this essay was to study how the communities work with groups as a support to children with addictive parents, and to increase my understanding of the groups meaning as a support. My main questions have been: How are the child group sessions formed? What kind of experience does the group leaders have regarding their functions? The study is a qualitative investigation that has been turned to prefessionals in the subject area and is based on 6 interviews and secondary sources. The material has been analyzed from a narrativ theory as well as a salutogent perspective. Research shows that children growing up in an addictive environment often have decreased psychological health and are overrepresented amongst those who developed a future addiction.
Mellanförskap - svenskhet, ursprung och invandrarskap
The aim for this study was to examine betweenship as a phenomenon by focusing on identity. There is not very much research done on betweenship. I have used a qualitative phenomenological approach, based on four qualitative interviews. The four interviewees were all experiencing betweenship. To analyze their stories I used two theoretical frameworks; identity and affinity groups.
Bonniers och AB Mariebergs ställning på mediemarknaden en analys av tre skilda debatter åren 1995-1998
International media groups and the freedom of speech are two issues that have been questioned during the last years when large media groups control a large amount of public-oriented information. The masters thesis at hand considers three debates that illuminate Bonniers and AB Mariebergs hereinafter referred to as the Bonnier Media Group positions on the media market. The objective of such a study is to establish in the face of the theory on hegemonia, for example from which factors the media actors deduce their argumentation when discussing the above-mentioned topic and the meaning of such a discussion in our time. The thesis also discusses whether freedom of speech and free opinion are affected by the increasing power of the Bonnier Media Group and if they, as a result, have diminished their own cultural and liberal assets, features that are firmly associated with the company. I conclude that various features have come to change the media market during the last years.
Normativa värden för läppkraft hos barn mellan fem och tio år : Relaterat till bilabial stavelseproduktion
Lip force has been found to affect the ability to achieve satisfying speech production and swallowing. A normative value for lip force in adults has been measured to 15 Newton (N). Corresponding value for children measured with Lip Force Meter 100 (LF100) does not exist. In the current study lip force was measured in children between the ages of five and ten years. The aim of the study was to obtain normative values for children with typical development in separate age groups.
Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills: validering av den svenska översättningen och en studie av anhöriga till borderlinepatienter.
This paper has two parts. In the first part we analyse the Swedish translation of KIMS and we compare it with the American version that Baer and colleagues developed(Baer et al, 2004). Our focus is the factor structure, internal consistency, scale correlations and validity in relation to the already validated translation of the MAAS. The second part has three issues: Does a group of relatives to persons with borderline personality disorder differ from a group of university employees with respect to different aspects of mindfulness? What are the correlations between KIMS and the symptom measure BSI-GSI for the group of relatives? Has the Family Connections program had any effect on the degree of mindfulness for the group of relatives? 123 university employees answered the KIMS questionnaire.
LÄRARNAS ARBETSMILJÖ : En kvalitativ undersökning om lärarnas psykiska, fysiska och sociala hälsa i skolan
Swedish as a second language and special education are two topics that have a lot in common. I have chosen to in my study look at something that is covered by the two subjects: Swedish as a second language education that is taking place in a group segregated from the class. I have interviewed students in preschool, grade one and grade two to learn details of their experience of the segregation. Finding out that it is mostly bad planning and trouble getting the schedule together that?s affecting the pupils in a negative way.
Antikroppsstatus mot kattpest hos lejonen i Kolmårdens Djurpark :
The lions at Kolmårdens zoo are vaccinated against Feline Panleukopenivirus
(FPV). In 1994 there was an outbreak among the lions at the zoo of FPV disease.
A retrospective study has been made to measure the antibodytiters in vaccinated
lions and lions that lived during the outbreak. An ImmunoPeroxidase Monolayer
Assay (IPMA) was used to analyze the titers in the sera from the lions.
Lions were divided into five groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 contained lions vaccinated
one, two and three times respectively (a total of 40 animals). The lions of Group 4
were born in 2004 (six lioncubs) and were vaccinated according to different
regimes and the changes in antibodytiters were followed as respose to vaccination
during the spring 2005.
Total hälseneruptur: Resultat efter operativ respektive konservativ behandling.
ABSTRACTBackground: On behalf of the Orthopedic clinic, Västerås, a study has been conducted with focus on comparing the results after conservative and surgical treatment due to complete achillestendon rupture.Aim: To compare results when testing the active and passive range of motion, calf muscle endurance, estimation of pain related to the achillestendon and self-efficacy to be physically active for individuals who have undergone conservative or surgical treatment after complete achillestendon rupture.Method: 14 individuals afflicted by complete achillestendon rupture in 2010 were recruited as a purposive sample. Examination were conducted of: Ankle range of motion with a goniometer, calf muscle endurance through a toe-raise test, estimation of pain intensity related to the achillestendon by VAS and self-efficacy to be physically active through ?Exercise self-efficacy scale?. P-value and the median were calculated.Result: The results of ankle range of motion and calf muscle endurance were based on the difference between the injured and the healthy side. When testing active plantarflexion the conservative group had a median of 4 ? and the surgical group had a median of 10 ?.
Informationskompetensen i användarundervisningen
This master thesis investigates the user education. Christine Bruce has presented a theory of information literacy in her research which has resulted in seven different aspects of information literacy. In this study I wanted to investigate what aspects there were and what they looked like in a practical educational situation. The methods used for this study were observation and a questionnaire. I analysed the observations by using Bruces aspects of information literacy to group the observed activities into the different aspects.
Cykelsäkerhet för studenter : Studenters cykelsäkerhet mellan dagliga destinationer i Uppsala
Our thesis focus on how retirees perceive Tv4s news casts of economy news where we focused on five different aspects: What is the relationship between the news cast and the viewer and how does the viewer express their understanding of the news cast and the way it is constructed? What are the viewers attitude towards the news content and how do they find the news cast useful for them personally?We choosed retirees as our target group due to their vulnerable economic position in today?s society and TV as an important medium for them due to the digital divide. The study was performed with twelve qualitative interviews and one group interview where six retirees took part.We discovered a big interest for economic news in the target group. The majority had a sympathetic view of the news cast they saw but they also expressed skepticism toward the economy segment and/or news castings. The majority expressed a lack of trust for the journalists and the experts brought in to share observations and make announcements, and the financial business overall.
Effektivisering av produktionsgrupp : Improving the efficiency of a production group
The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..