3928 Uppsatser om Group auditor - Sida 17 av 262
Än papporna då? : Om att få vara invandrarfar i Sverige
This study aims to illuminate central aspects of immigrant fathers' experience of fatherhood in Sweden, a subject that has been widely debated but has garnered scant scientific information. Three informants of Middle Eastern background were interviewed. Central aspects that surfaced during the interviews are family and the cultural/religious group as a basis for individual's lives. Thus the informants prioritize the survival of the family and group through boundary strategies, but these boundaries consists of several layers, some of which are flexible..
Sambandet mellan parodontit och KOL
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease. The disease is the fourth leading cause of death and more than 5 percent of the adult population worldwide is affected.The aim of this study was to investigate the association between periodontitis and COPD.Search for material for the literature review was done in the medical database PubMed where the keywords were: "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" and "Periodontal health or periodontal disease". The result is based on twelve studies that were extracted and analyzed. The studies have investigated pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, bleeding on probing and bone loss. Ten studies compared a COPD group with a healthy control group, one study compared two COPD groups and one study examined a COPD group and a group with other lung diseases.Most studies found that people with COPD had a higher incidence of pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, bleeding on probing and bone loss.
Referensgrupper för ungdomar på folkbibliotek en bra idé?
The aim of this master thesis is to find out if young people and librarians think that reference groups can support public libraries to meet the needs of young people, and if the reference groups, which the librarians describe, differentiates from the young peoples requirements. I have made a qualitative study with a questionnaire to six librarians who have experience from reference groups and ten interviews with teenagers. The result showed that young people have many interests and needs which can be met from the library. The teenagers were positive to the library and many of them showed interest in having more influence on the library. Many would like to join a reference group, but on the condition that they would be offered real influence.
Arbetsvillkorens samband med sjukfrånvaro och sjuknärvaro : En studie av hemtjänstpersonal
Sickness absence is a measure of health and is therefore an important issue. To get a complete picture it´s important to also include in the discussion sickness presenteeism, working while ill, and voluntary absence, staying at home without illness. Working conditions have been proven to play a role for the three aspects which is why this study aims to further investigate the connections between them. The method used was secondary processing on interview data collected from two home care teams, one having a low and the other a high sickness absence. The results showed that there were big differences concerning working conditions, where the group with the high sickness absence perceived more stress, less control and less support from colleagues and superiors.
EGEN ZON - Rumsgestaltning för barn nio till tolv år på Stadsbiblioteket i Halmstad
Spatial design for children nine to twelve years old at the Halmstad City Library. An investigation about the specific needs of the target group and how the child department can be designed to stimulate their experience of visiting the library. The aim was to create a spatial concept from the children?s ideas that inspires to playfulness and lust to read at the library. A more personal goal was to collaborate with an external part to prepare for my future role as a designer within child culture.
Lagerstyrning vid Frigoscandia Freezer AB
Frigoscandia Freezer AB have seen themselves as an entrepreneur company for a long time, but have lately begun to realise that they have to go against a more administrative era. With that insight they have begun to examine their enterprise in order to achieve this. The division Team Spare Parts has started a project with the intention of checking-up the inventory management, and improving it for the future. To get support for this and other point of views, they decided to let us do our exam thesis as a part of the project.The first part of the thesis deals with the appropriate inventory theory. All calculations in the other parts of the thesis have been based upon this.
De djupaste ärren är dem vi inte ser: en kvalitativ studie av några professionella behandlares tolkningar av självskadebeteende, med fokus på kroppen
This study will focus on how patients that suffer from self-injurious behaviours experience the relation between their self and body according to some professionals. The purpose is to enlighten why a person who has mental problems chooses to injure his or her body. We believe that the reason behind this is based on the early attachment between the parent and child. We also believe that a person only continues with this behaviour if he or she gains from it. The research questions this study raises are:· How does a person with self-injurious behaviour experience the relationship between their body and their self?· What is the effect of self-injurious behaviour on the body and what is the effect on the relationship between their body and their self.· How did the relationship between body and self evolve?This study is qualitative and is based on interviews from our respondents of whom all work or have worked with self-injurious behavioural patients.
Diskursen kring misshandel : En studie av Aftonbladets framställning av förövare och offer i misshandelsfall.
The aim of this study was to examine the existing discourse of assault in Aftonbladet from the years 2012 and 2013. We have studied news articles and analysed them by using discourse analysis as theory and method.The study shows that the portrayal of perpetrators and victims in assault cases tend to differ depending on gender. The women is portrayed as weak and part of a homogeneous group while the man is portrayed as dominant and offered a more individual role. The study also shows that the normative group is separated from the deviate groups in society. The analyze show that media, through this representation, maintains the normative power in society.
Jag var rädd för att lämna honom
This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.
Skriva lätt och förklara rätt : Om att anpassa webbtexter för nyanlända invandrare med måttliga kunskaper i svenska
In this degree project I have studied how an anti-discrimination bureau can adapttheir online information to the target group ? immigrants who only have modestunderstanding of the Swedish language. This group is often subject of discriminationmatters, and therefore it?s important that they can take part of the information.To find answers to my questions I have studied different relevant theories, performeda readability analysis on the online information and have had qualitativeinterviews with representatives from the target group. I have also tested my rewrittentexts on both representatives and other readers.The result from my studies has shown that it is words that are the most difficult inthe current online information, while length and structure of the sentences are alsoof importance when it comes to the readability.
Muskeldysmorfi och dopning : Sjukdomen och missbruket som hänger ihop
The key purpose of this research has been trying to understand, and study how assyrian/syriac youth create their identity under the influence of two or several different cultures. We have also looked upon how different factors such as history, religion, language, family and school play a role in the youths identity development.We have used a qualitative method in our study where we have interviewed six assyrian/syriac youth. Because of their Christian faith the assyrian/syriac group has been forced to migrate from their countries to different parts around the world. In the new countries the group has been forced to create and live in a diasporaculture. The city Södertälje in Sweden has developed to become a metropole for this ethnic group where they have founded a substantial diasporaculture.
Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team
This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.
Vilken betydelse har revisorn jämfört med redovisningskonsulten vid kreditgivning? : - en studie ur bankens perspektiv
Background: Small- and medium- sized businesses have during a long time had difficulties in raising long-term funding from external financiers, a reason for this is that these companies may have more information about their own business than the bank has. One way to reduce this problem is to hire a certified public auditor or a certified accounting consultant. Much has changed in recent years in the accounting profession. Mandatory audit has been abolished for small- and medium-sized businesses, which has led to major changes. Auditors are now not mandatory for these companies, which opens up the market for accounting consultant´s.
Ett klassrum för nästan alla : Segregering av elever med svenska som andraspråk
Swedish as a second language and special education are two topics that have a lot in common. I have chosen to in my study look at something that is covered by the two subjects: Swedish as a second language education that is taking place in a group segregated from the class. I have interviewed students in preschool, grade one and grade two to learn details of their experience of the segregation. Finding out that it is mostly bad planning and trouble getting the schedule together that?s affecting the pupils in a negative way.
Business Navigator : Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank
This thesis deals with an iterative user-centered IT-development project in a bank setting. The aim is to present a solution for deployment of future Internet banking for small businesses. The project features a design of IT-related concepts and ideas with a strong emphasis on scenario-based design and the usage of patterns as a documentation tool.The project plan featured an iterative framework and was carried out by a group of designers in collaboration with a reference group representing the future users of the system. This group consisted of company managers and bank employees, all from the small town of Åtvidaberg in Sweden.The method used in the development process was Scrum. A total of three sprints were completed with user meetings at the end of every sprint.