3928 Uppsatser om Group auditor - Sida 10 av 262
Anonyma Alkoholister : Vilken inverkan självhjälpsgruppen har på gruppdeltagarnas välbefinnande
AbstractWe are interested in group meetings of the self-help group Alcoholic Anonymous and the emotional energy created therein. We examine which impact self-help group AA has on its group participants regarding: group meetings, dealing with alcoholism and identity. Group membership has great value for individuals; it provides social identity and possibility to self-value. Previous research shows that group members of self-help groups who have been sober for a period of time experience higher self-esteem and less anxiety compared to non-members. Our thesis is based on a hermeneutic approach.
Examensprojekt: WERA Stockholm
This project is an attempt at creating a bag that is both functionaland has an interesting and relevant visual appearance. I have found that a bag that is functional usually have adapted certain aesthetics which are appealing only to a very limited target group. At the same time many bags that are more focused on style can be downright disabling to the carrier. I wanted to create a functional bag, and to explore new functions doing this, while working with aesthetics that stayed relevant and interesting to my target group. The bag was designed for the company Åhléns and their label WERA Stockholm, and theircustomers was the target group.
The existence of low balling on the Swedish audit market -A study of companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm that voluntarily changed audit firm 2002-2010
Background and Problem: The lack of auditor independence is discussed being oneof the reasons to scandals such as Enron and HQ. A pricing strategy that has beendebated impairing auditor independence is low balling. To win a new client in atender process, audit firms supposedly offer an audit fee below cost and then increasethe fee the following years to recover the initial loss. The auditors? future financialinterest in the company due to the initial loss is by some believed to impair auditorindependence, which makes low balling in Sweden a relevant phenomenon to study.Aim of study: This thesis aims to explain if low balling exists on the Swedish auditmarket and if the size of companies affects the results of low balling.Methodology: To achieve the purpose of this thesis, a statistical study wasconducted.
En riktig jul med julkalendern? : Utveckling, innehåll och målgrupp för SVT:s julkalender
Abstract The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how the christmascalender hasevolved throughout the history, and why its shape looks like it does. We have made ananalysis of the 21-centurys calendars to get a look on the content and tried to track a targetgroup. Which themes have characterized the 21-century and how can you put these in relationto earlier calendars? To get a greater insight in the design of the christmascalendar, we madean interview with SVT's Susanne Kvarforth. After this it came to our knowledge that they arelacking guidelines besides that their target group is 6-12 year olds.
Förbättrad muskelfunktion och balans hos äldre kvinnor efter sex veckors funktionell träning
Sweden is the country that has got the largest amount of elderly in the adult population in the world. The physical activity level decreases as we grow old and we experience muscle mass loss and a bone density reduction. This leads to an increased risk for falls and subsequent fractures. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an exercise program could affect muscle function and balance ability to prevent falls. 17 women (age 64-79) participated in this study and was assigned to a control group (n=7) and an intervention group (n=10).
Föräldrars upplevelser av att vårda sitt nyfödda barn på Neonatal Intensivvårdsavdelning - En litteraturstudie.
Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.
Översättning och validering av pVHI : för barn 6 till 10 år
Studies indicate that between 6-9% of all children has some type of voice problems. Voice problems in children may have different etiology and can affect all ages. In Sweden, there is a lack of a standardized questionnaire addressed to children with voice problems and their legal guardians. The purpose of this study was to translate and validate the Pediatric Voice Handicap Index (pVHI) in Swedish children aged 6 to 10 years. The study was carried out through an internet-based assessment form for children referred to speech and language pathologist/ phoniatrican due to voice disorders in Sweden and a matched control group of children without voice problems.
Mobbning på arbetsplatser: ett resultat av grupprocesser?
Bullying is a significant workplace problem, a fact highlighted both by companies, government and social science. The purpose of this master thesis was to examine if workplace bullying is a result of group processes. This is a theory-based master thesis. A search of literature on bullying, mobbing and harassment was done in a database called ELIN, Electronic Library Information Navigator, connected to Lund University and 414 articles were singled out. The summary of the articles were studied and according to a list of criteria, I choose to study some of the articles in more depth.
Axe Anarchy - En avvikelse från det vanliga : En studie av hur Axe:s varumärkesutvidgning kan påverka Axe:s varumärkesvärde
The concept of brand equity emerged inthe eightiesto justify the long term value of marketing investments. Brand equity signify the value that a brand adds to a product and is the result of the marketing of a brand. One of the most widely used strategies to enhance brand equity is to do a brand extension, which means that a firm uses an established brand to introduce a new product to the market. At worst, a failed brand extension can damage the brand equity, which Vinjamuri (2008) claims that the brand Axe is currently in danger of doing. This January Axe launched an extention including products for both men and women for the first time and Vinjamuri claims that this can disappoint Axe´s former target group (men between 14 and 27 years old) (Newman, 2012). In this thesis Axe´s brand equity among the extensions target group (men and women, age 14 to 27) in Sweden is studied to find out if the brand extension is likely to affect the brand equity in the target group.
Faktorer som påverkar datakvaliteten hos affärs- och DW-system - En fallstudie från en högteknologisk industri
This thesis aims to examine how the quality of data that is entered into and retrieved from a corporate group's ERP and Data Warehouse systems can be improved. The corporate group has already taken several measures that will improve the quality of data. For instance the corporate group has updated and merged the previous ERP systems into one. At the same time the corporate group adjusted the settings in the updated ERP system, so that it will be harder to register incorrect data in the ERP system. With regards to the processes and routines, the studied department has efficient written routines and processes.
Oxytocin-Ett risktagande eller en tillförlitlig behandling vid långdraget förlossningsförlopp hos förstföderskor
Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.
Koncernbidrag med avdragsrätt efter omstruktureringar inom koncerner
By means of group contributions the legislator has made it easier for company groups to transfer profits from a parent company to a subsidiary. A parent company can choose to reconstruct by acquire a company, create a subsidiary or perform a partial fission. The choice can affect the possibility for a parent company to perform a group contribution with deduction right.The parent company has to own more than 90 percent of the subsidiary?s shares for a whole taxation year or since the subsidiary began to carry out any economic activity in order to perform group contributions with deduction right. If a subsidiary is acquired, it has to be owned for a whole taxation year before group contributions with deduction right can be made, unless the acquired company never has carried out any economic activity before.
Den privata läsupplevelsen blir social. Tre kvinnor i en läsecirkel berättar
The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to examine what happens when the solitary reading experience becomes a social activity. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with three women belonging to the same reading group. I have used Sten Furhammar?s reading dimensions and categories to explain their reading experience, and Jenny Hartley, Elizabeth Long and Immi Lundin to explain the function that the reading group has for them, and the relationship between reading experiences in a book-discussion.My result shows that they started the reading group because they lacked an opportunity to discuss their readings with people that had the same interest in books. They do all have different ways to read, which is displayed by Furhammar?s categories personal and impersonal reading for experience.
INTERAKTION I EN VIRTUELL GRUPP : gapet i det normbildande ramverket
The existence of social networks on the Internet is today seen as broad, and the number of users of the network is increasing. There seems to be many reasons to which people are using the social networks. Within the network, users can for various reasons create groups with different objectives. One of the reasons is that groups are created in order to influence a company. With a perceived feeling that companies handle the problem differently, we assume the source is the uncertainty about what the groups really are.
Sömnskolans betydelse för personer med insomni ? en intervjustudie
Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.