

5120 Uppsatser om Great power - Sida 39 av 342

Makt & Genus : en analys av maran, berättarna och upptecknarna

In this essay the aim is to examine what an analysis of records of the Swedish phenomenon called the ?mara? or nightmare can tell us about gender relations in the nineteenth century Swedish peasant society. From Snorre Sturlasson to studies done in the present day I go through records and the people who has written them for answers to my questions. I use the methods sex/gender and Michel Foucault?s perspective of power and my main material I study is records from DAG.With this essay I take you through methods, and descriptions of the ?mara?.

Hundens betydelse i dagens samhälle :

The dog has played an important and significant role for mankind throughout history. It's no coincidence that they are known as "Man's best friend". Traditional tasks that the dog has performed include hunting, herding and guarding. In modern times its role has adapted to perform complex tasks in a great number of new areas which many people are not aware of or thinking about. My aim with this report is to attempt to chart as many different ways of using dogs as possible, in order to make society conscious of the great benefits the dog can offer society. .

Jobba hårt och var fokuserad : En studie om elevers upplevelse av IUP och skriftliga omdömen

Violence is put in a specific context when the police are the perpetrator of violence rendering violence possibly legitimate through sovereignty. The possibility of legitimization of police violence raises important questions of how such violence is legitimized and how resistance is conceived of and defined. I have interviewed seven people in Sweden from different backgrounds, all of whom share the experience of having been subjugated to police violence, including threats, harassments and physical violence.This paper analyzes the performativity of police violence through the relations between police violence, power, sovereignty, subjectstatus and resistance, in order to understand how police violence is being legitimized and to understand its consequenses with respect to those subjugated to it. I?ve also analyzed if this violence is being politicized and, in that case, how politicization is made possible.

Sverige under andra Världskriget : En uppsats om neo-realism och neutralitet

Abstract   The actions of Sweden during the second world war has been richly discussed over the years. Sweden declared itself neutral in the war between the Great powers but did not manage to maintain its neutrality. The nature of neutrality has often been discussed; whether it is of a idealistic or more pragmatic nature. Realism, a theory of international relations, would argue that it is of a more pragmatic nature, hence these two are in opposition. Realism also takes credit in claiming to explain how and why a state chooses to act in a situation. The aim of this essay was to, by examining specific decisions made by the swedish government during the Second World War, come to a conclusion whether or not Sweden?s proclaimed neutrality was of idealistic or pragmatic nature, and thereby possibly coming to a conclusion about neutrality in large.It was also to examine the worth of realism as an explanatory theory by applying it to this specific case; to examine its validity.The study was conducted using a qualitative method; presenting empiric facts and then by using a decision model interpreting the actions and results from a realist perspective. The study concludes that realism has explanatory power, although not a complete one.

Profil och samarbeten på folkbibliotek. En enkätstudie av nuvarande profil samt förändringar i profil över tid

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Mänskliga och skriftliga informationskällor - en studie om vari värdet ligger i att få information på mänsklig respektive skriftlig väg

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Bibliotek, information och demokrati. En jämförande studie av bibliotekssektorerna i dåvarande Tjeckoslovakien respektive dagens Kuba

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Same same but different : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur Aftonbladet konstruerar och reproducerar fo?resta?llningar om genus och genusordning genom sin bevakning av Lotta Schelin och Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

The aim with this thesis was to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet construct and reproduce imaginations of gender and gender order. An important premise for our work is the agenda theory, which states that media has great impact on what is on their audience mind. We chose to investigate how Aftonbladet wrote about two Swedish footballers, Lotta Schelin and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, during a European championship with each players national team. By using a method of critical discourse analysis based on Teun van Dijks idea and with gender glasses, we analysed eight articles and two chronicles regarding each player.Our results show that Aftonbladet construct and reproduce gender and gender order by its different ways of portraying Lotta Schelin and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Articles regarding Lotta Schelin tend to be more audience oriented, focus more on her and her teammates emotions and more often focus on things outside her profession as a footballer.

En övervikt av kvinnor : En kvantitativ studie av bilder och skribenter på Aftonbladets viktsajt ur ett genusperspektiv

We have investigated the visual representation of men and women in Aftonbladet?s weight site. We have made a calculation of how many of the women and the men who were portrayed smiling/ not smiling, active/passive, looking into the camera/looking away from the camera and from which camera angle the picture is taken. We also kept statistic on the gender representation of the authors of the articles.Our investigation shows that Aftonbladet?s weight site has a distinct overrepresentation of women on their pictures, but also in terms of the authors of the articles.

Höghöjdsanpassning av BvS10 : Konceptstudie för optimering av överladdningssystem

This report relate a concept study that consider a number of different proposals to improve the overcharging system in BAE Systems Ha?gglunds tracked vehicle series BvS10, to maintain sealevel power at extreme altitude.At high altitude the power losses beacuase of the air density that decreases, which results in less fuel can be burned. The decreasing of air density also gives rise to fatigue failure of the turbocharger unless power is reduced.The proposals shall be as required by BAE Systems Ha?gglunds economically sustainable and defensible from a packing perspective. That means the selected solution must have a reasonable price tag and at the same time a minimal impact on adjacent components.The basis for this thesis is based on benchmarking of both the auto industry as the flight industry, to find inspiration and tips for improvement.Some of the concepts have after gathering facts and calculations been excluded while other solutions has been considered as workable and thus interesting for BAE Systems Ha?gglunds.Initially the current turbochargingsystem was analyzed in order to determine the starting point and thus be able to fix the current problems surrounding high altitude driving.

Att marknadsföra ett bibliotek på Facebook

With the advent of a range of social networks, librarians all over the world have startedto ask themselves how this new technology can be used as a way to market theirlibraries. Today's information websites and search engines are difficult competitors forlibraries and information centers, and are forcing traditional information institutions tomarket themselves in new ways.Marketing theories have traditionally concerned themselves with money transactionsand marketing of specific services and/or products. Relationship marketing theories, onthe other hand, focus more on the relationship between the customer and the companythat produces the product or service. These two parties are seen as co-producers, andrelationship marketing theories tend to focus more on a win-win situation, than on thecompany gaining power of the customer. The relationship is the important thing, and thetheories concentrate to a great extent on how to nourish these relationships.This paper is a discussion about whether Facebook as a social network is a usable toolfor library marketing.

Sista generationens renskötare?

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

När handling säger mer än ord

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

Störs laxens lekvandring i en kraftverkspåverkad älvsträcka? :

The upstream spawning migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at the confluence area between the power-station outlet and the bypass-channel in river Umeälven (flow 430 m3s-1) was compared in 2004 and 2005, two years with different experimental flow-regimes. In 2004 the water flow in the bypass-channel was altered during the day with increased flows during the nights while the water flow in 2005 mainly was altered between the weekdays and weekends. Salmon showed altered migratory behaviour in this confluence area, assessed with telemetry (n=116) and echo-sounding, with up- or downstream responses depending on flow-changes in both the bypass and the power station outlet. Increased turbine flow through the power-station generally attracted salmon into the tunnel outlet area while increased spill-flows facilitated salmon to enter the bypass. Echo-sounding in the confluence area showed an increased swimming activity up- and downstream due to time in the day and flow-rates through the tunnel outlet. No changes in activity could be detected due to increasing or decreasing flow through the hydro-power facility.

Anställdas attityd till miljön och miljöledningssystemet: ALSTOM Power Sweden AB

Today environmental management systems (EMS) are common documents (more correctly, a combination of documents) that direct, steer and regulate environmental efforts within many companies. The intention of EMS is that its guidelines are reflected in how the employee carries out his everyday work tasks. This study aims to illuminate the attitudes that exist regarding the EMS at ALSTOM Power Sweden. By using questionnaires and interviews as a method to communicate with employees,a study of the existing attitudes regarding the EMS was carried out. The results were analyzed categorically and statistically and show that there are consistent attitudes among employees, but that there are also inconsistent attitudes.

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