

3283 Uppsatser om Granger causality test - Sida 6 av 219

Mätning av Mikroläckage i Dentala Implantat

Osseointegrated titanium implants have become a commonly used method in edentulous jaws and today there are success rates in the magnitude of 82 % in the lower jaw and 98 % in the upper. During first year after implantation a fully normal marginal bone loss of 1-2 mm occurs. If the bone loss continues there is a risk of implant failure. High tensions in bone and inflammation caused by bacteria are possible reasons for this problem. It has been shown that a leakage of bacterias occurs between the parts of the implant and there are theories that this has effects on the marginal bone loss. The aim of this thesis has been to increase the knowledge about microbial leakage with help of in vitro tests and virtual simulations.

Yrkeselevers svenskkunskaper 1977 och 2014 : En studie av två elevgruppers resultat på ett centralprov

The aim of this study is to investigate how the Swedish language proficiency of pupils in vocational programmes in 1977 was measured and assessed with the aid of a national achievement test, and to investigate whether vocational pupils today, in 2014, have similar language proficiency to that of pupils in the 1970s. The study also discusses how the design of the national achievement test from 1977 reflects the view of knowledge that prevailed in society and in the policy documents. The material for the study consists of a total of 75 national achievement tests, 40 of which were taken by pupils on a vocational programme in 1977 and 35 by pupils on a vocational programme in 2014. The national achievement test consists of two parts, the first of which focuses on isolated elements of language proficiency, while the second involves free text production. The material was analysed quantitatively in accordance with the correction material from 1977.

Design av databassystem för testresultat från Tor-systemet

This master?s thesis was performed at PartnerTech AB in Åtvidaberg. It addresses the problem of managing test results obtained from testing electronics manufactured by PartnerTech. PartnerTech has developed a test system, called Tor, which performs tests on manufactured boards and stores the test results in files. The Tor system consists of both hardware and software part, where the software runs on an ordinary PC with MS DOS/Windows 2000.

Läsförståelse hos svenska gymnasieelever : En undersökning av hur gymnasieelever som läst svenska B respektive svenska som andraspråk B klarar TISUS-testets läsförståelsedel

AbstractThis paper aims to examine reading comprehension among Swedish Upper Secondary Schoolstudents who are doing their last school year. My research questions are if the students havesufficient reading comprehension to cope with university studies and higher educationaccording to a comprehension test and if there is a difference between students who studiedSwedish B course or Swedish as a second language B course. Furthermore it involves issuesof differences in results depending on gender and if the second-language students were bornin Sweden or abroad.To get answers to my questions, I let 112 students in my survey carry out the readingcomprehension part of the TISUS test, observed several test sessions, and interviewed 24students who participated in the test. The result shows that most students have difficultieswith the reading comprehension, and probably would find it difficult to study at universitiesor colleges. There are major differences in the results between the Swedish B-students andSwedish as a second language students, but also within these groupings.

Att utföra kravprioritering med kravprioriteringsmetoder - en studie om dess genomförande och hinder under

Prioritisation of software requirements is a critical part of the development of software. Whichrequirements and in which order they will be developed is one of the main tasks that requirementprioritisation supports.There are different ways that a requirement prioritisation can be used, for example alone or in agroup and with different methods.The purpose of this report is to map out how you can carry out a requirement prioritisation alonewith different types of prioritisation methods and how you solve the problems that can arise whenprioritisting requirements. This is done by documenting the use of three different types of methodsthat can be execute alone. The methods are "100-dollar test", "Ranking" and "Top-tenrequirements".To be able to prioritise requirements, you need to establish which requirements you shall prioritise.The paper retrieves this information by interviewing stakeholders in the system and analysing theresult of the interviews and the execution of the requirement prioritisation.Three problems arose during that work and I present solutions on these problems. The problemswere 1) equivalent requirements when using the "100-dollar test", 2) low differentiation gradebetween the prioritised requirements in the "100-dollar test" and 3) that the requirements that wereprioritised weren't classified before the prioritisation, which leads to inaccuracies in the resultingprioritisation.The solution to the problems that the paper presents is to increase the amount of distributable unitsin the "100-dollar test" to 1000 per requirement, suggestions of classes of the requirements andthe combination of the methods "100-dollar test" and "ranking" to bypass the equivalentrequirements.The report is written in Swedish.Nyckelord: GoTRIS, requirements retrieval, requirements analysis, Viktoria Swedish ICT,requirements prioritisation, requirements, 100-dollar test, ranking, top 10 requirements..

Betydelsen av verbal uppmuntran vid utförande av handstyrketest

The purpose of this study was to evaluate if verbal encouragement had any influence on handstrength measurements. Twenty subjects participated in the study, all women between the age of 20 and 62 years. A standardisation of testing conditions and verbal encouragement were designed. Three measurements were conducted during two days using T.K.K 5401 Grip D. First there was a trial set, and then Test 1 (without verbal encouragement) and Test 2 (with verbal encouragement) were conducted.

Deterministisk Komprimering/Dekomprimering av Testvektorer med Hjälp av en Inbyggd Processor och Faxkodning

Modern semiconductor design methods makes it possible to design increasingly complex system-on-a-chips (SOCs). Testing such SOCs becomes highly expensive due to the rapidly increasing test data volumes with longer test times as a result. Several approaches exist to compress the test stimuli and where hardware is added for decompression. This master?s thesis presents a test data compression method based on a modified facsimile code.

En studie av Idre Fjälls webbplats med fokus på användbarhet

Idre Fjäll currently has not full control of how visitors experience their site or if it has good usability. I have helped the company to do a usability test on their website to see how and where any improvements can be made on the page before the winter season 2010. I have also done a survey to investigate how users perceive Idre Fjälls website. Ten people of various ages participated in the survey. All test subjects was recorded with both audio and screen activity during the tests.

Fysträning för ishockeyspelare

To become a successful athlete requires several different components in which one of themost significant is the ability to develop their own physical strenght. What weight exercises has the best transfer effects for skating?Participants in the study were 20 male senior hockey players from Div. II in the Västra Gö- talands Regionen in which all participants had at least 10 years of hockey experience.Test subjects had to perform a five-minute individual warm up followed by an opportunity to familiarize with the upcoming exercise. The first on-ice test was a 35 meters sprint test and the second test was an S-cornering agility test.

Testarbete inom utveckling och förändring av integrationsplattformar

This thesis focuses on the testing activities at the stages of development and change regardingintegration brokers. The study aimed to examine the overall challenges that exist regarding thetesting activities within this context, and the thoughts towards the development method testdrivendevelopment (TDD). TDD emphasizes high level of test coverage and where the testprocess is well integrated with the development process. To seek answers to our question weapplied qualitative interviews with companies and respondents to try to understand the globalchallenges that are related to this work and processes. The main conclusions presented in thisstudy is that the overall challenges are involving and educating project participants in the testingprocess activities and the contributory effect test have on the end product.

Att översätta idiomatiska uttryck i japansk skönlitteratur : En jämförande studie av olika översättningsstrategier

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in Värmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in Värmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

Initial evaluation of the Meritas Troponin I test for measurement of equine cardiac troponin I

Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is considered a specific and a sensitive biomarker of cardiac disease, and due to a high inter-species sequence homology; human cTnI assays can often be used in veterinary medicine. The main aim of this study was to perform an initial evaluation of a human cTnI test, the Meritas Troponin I test, for measurement of equine plasma cTnI, in order to investigate whether the test could be a possible subject for a more comprehensive validation. The hypothesis was that the test could measure equine cTnI, as there is a good homology between equine cTnI and human cTnI. The evaluation included a dilution parallelism, an intra-assay precision study and measurement of plasma cTnI healthy horses. In the dilution parallelism and the intra-assay precision study, equine plasma with previously established high cTnI concentration, according to another cTnI assay, was used. In addition, cTnI concentration was measured in plasma, collected from 19 horses, without signs of disease at physical and ECG examinations. The obtained curve in the dilution parallelism was linear, indicating that the Meritas Troponin I test can be used to measure different concentrations of equine cTnI in plasma.

Språktest vid antagning till vård- och omsorgsutbildningarna för vuxna i Värmland. : En kartläggning av användandet och testets validitet.

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in Värmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in Värmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

Utveckling av provmetodik för HVAC på lastbil : Klimatprovning i klimatvindtunneln CD7

The issue about how Scania shall perform HVAC tests in the climatic wind tunnel CD7, which Scania is about to complete by year 2013, has resulted in four test methods for truck HVAC and also a test method structure. The test methods have been chosen to focus on sun, snow and rain simulations. These are adapted and developed according to what should be tested and to what can be tested in CD7, which has been the object. With CD7 different climates can be simulated in a controlled environment for complete truck level, from desert with high sun load to arctic cold and snow.The test methods represents a basis to start from, for designers and test engineers which make the testing more repetitive as well as time eventually can be saved. Before the test methods can be applied they must be verified as they are based on theoretical and empirical assumptions.

Automatiska GUI-test : En teoretisk och praktisk studie för hållbarare test

To automate software testing is an investment, and that makes it important to have good knowledge about automation before an implementation is made. In this master thesis a study about automated testing is carried out. The study also includes a closer look at the testing tool TestComplete. TestComplete is one out of many tools on the market that is developed for automated GUI testing and the goal is to get a picture of how well the tool can adjust to CC Systems own applications. Studies show that it is hard to write lasting test scripts.

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