

3283 Uppsatser om Granger Causality test - Sida 13 av 219

Undersökning av artikulation, nasalitet och förståelighet hos 16- och 19-åringar födda med isolerad gomspalt

This study highlights the differences in articulation, nasality and intelligibility between twenty 16-year-olds and thirteen 19-year-olds born with isolated cleft palate and control groups. The test groups are compared in a longitudinal perspective and based on earlier evaluations of velopharyngeal impairment. Significant differences were found between test groups and control groups using quantitative comparisons based on SVenskt Artikulations- och Nasalitets-TEst and NasometerTM. The longitudinal comparison also showed a positive but not significant development of the speech. Differences emerged in the comparisons based on velopharyngeal impairment but no significance analysis was made.

Taluppfattning av enstaviga ord i stationärt brus med och utan top-down stöd.

Teorier inom Kognitiv hörselvetenskap beskriver hur uppfattning av tal beror på två olika typer av processer. Bottom-up processer associeras med akustiska och fonetiska egenskaper hos en inkommande signal och top-down processer associeras med lexikala, syntaktiska, semantiska samt kontextuella egenskaper. Förmågan att utnyttja top-down processer tros bero på kapaciteten hos arbetsminnet. För att undersöka en skillnad mellan bottom-up och top-down samt deras förhållande till arbetsminnet har ett Speech-in-Noise (SIN) test utformats och genomförts på 15 försöksdeltagare. Testet undersöker skillnader i tröskelvärden för att identifiera ett enstavigt ord i ett uppåtgående förhållande till stationärt brus, mot tröskelvärden för att identifiera ett enstavigt ord i stationärt brus med hjälp att top-down stöd.

Att motivera och/eller manipulera : En begreppsutredande litteraturstudie

This study aims to theoretically investigate the concepts of the interpersonal actions 'to motivate' and 'to manipulate' and also to examine possible differences and similarities between the two. The method used is a conceptual review based on the Self-Determination Theory, related to the concept of motivation, and Machiavellianism, related to the concept of manipu-lation. The results show that 'to motivate', according to Self-Determination Theory, concerns influencing the intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, where intrinsic motivation is related to the feeling of self-determination, inner locus of causality, being or feeling competent and exercise activities for the pleasure of it, whilst extrinsic motivation is related to external locus of cau-sality, external pressure and engaging in activities for the purpose of reaching a goal or re-ward. 'To manipulate' is according to Machiavellianism based on the manipulator doing whatever it takes to reach a certain goal and gain something for himself with no regard of what methods being used. The comparative analysis showed that the crucial difference in how an behaviour is interpreted as either, or both, motivating and manipulative is based on who is doing the interpretation, what information she has and which aspects that are focused on..

Språkutveckling och matematiska kunskaper hos andra språkiga elever i ett IV program.

Our work is based on a mathematics test which the students accomplished, interviews with student and teachers who are working on this program and the current literatures. The purposes of this work are to search the importance and the effect of the languages understanding in students learning of mathematic in the Individual high school curriculum. In total, sex students and three teachers took part in our study. Tow of the students is mother tongue language student and the remains are second language student. Our study should answer tow important questions:? Do the student in the Individual high school curriculum have the fundamental knowledge in mathematic?? How does the understanding of Swedish language effect in the understanding of the mathematic problems and in the students results in mathematic test?In order to answer those questions, the students have to complete a mathematic test that consists of four parts.

Interaktionsdesign för kommersiella webbtjänster

The company Microshop is interested in implementing new features in their product-website, and would like to examine the possibility and usefulness of introducing such functionality. When designing interaction for commercial websites, it is important to make the menus easy to use, and refrain from using deep hierarchies in order to avoid causing unnecessary burden for the users. There is an interest among users for adaptive functionality, but this requires great amounts of trust in the website from the user. Something which can be created by refraining from using implicit information, and provide detailed explanations throughout the website. A usability test was conducted in order to complement the data gathered from the theoretical study, the interviews and the expert evaluations.

Det ansiktslösa ägandet, en pådrivare av utdelningar?: En studie i hur det institutionella ägandet påverkar svenska börsbolags aktieutdelningar

This paper investigates the relationship between dividends and institutional and foreign ownership in Swedish firms. We use a dataset which covers the Swedish stock market over the period 1999-2009. The institutional ownership is defined as mutual funds, pension funds and insurance companies and these are analysed separately. The study confirms the expected positive relationship between the level of institutional investors in a firm and the size of dividends. We also confirm? the expected negative relationship between foreign investors and the size of dividends paid by Swedish firms.

Definition av säkerhetsevaluering

Detta examensarbete har gjorts på uppdrag av Compare Testlab på Sätterstrand, Hammarö. Målet med arbetet var att de?nera en uppsättning frågor och punkter som ska vara med i ett lättviktstest med inriktning på säkerhet. Efter mycket studier av böcker och webbsidor kom vi fram till att det inte var så lätt som vi trodde att de?nera ett allmänt säkerhetstest för mjukvaror eller applikationer.

En validitetsstudie på beeptestet : avseende maximal aerob kapacitet för elitishockeyspelare

Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the 20m multistage shuttle run test (MST) for elite ice hockey players as a predictor of the maximal aerobic capacity and the how the result is affected by the players age, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, body composition and test surface. The purpose of this was to find out the potential of the 20-m shuttle run test as a measuringtool for the maximal aerobic capacity in frequent testing periods during the season. It is very interesting to be able to administer this easily because the competative phase of the season is very long compared to the pre-seasonal phase and earlier studies have shown that the aerobic capacity is being lowered during this competative phase of the season for elite icehockey players.Methods: 34 elite ice hockey players participated in this study (20.0±3.6 yrs, BMI 24.2±1.6 and VO2-max 58.0±4.8 ml O2?kg-1?min-1). During 3-5 days they underwent 2 MST tests (wood and rubber surface), treadmill running with VO2-max assessed with open-circuit technique, Wingate10% and FFM-assessment with underwater-technique.

En psykometrisk undersökning av TOSCA och en explorativ studie om den betydelse som upplevelsen av skam kan ha vid behandling av social fobi

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var dels att psykometriskt utpröva en svensk översatt självskattningsskala för bland annat skam, Test of Self-Conscious Affect (TOSCA) och dels att undersöka i vilken grad patienter, som får korttidsbehandling av social fobi med hjälp av kognitiv beteendeterapi upplevelse av skam förändras. För den psykometriska utprövningen utgjordes jämförelsegruppen av 72 st psykologstuderande vid psykologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet. Den kliniska gruppen utgjordes av 8 st behandlingsdeltagare. Resultaten visar att TOSCA har en god intern konsistens och en hög test-retest relia¬bilitet. Dock kunde ej testets samtidiga validitet påvisas i denna studie.

Svensk normering av TROG-2 för åldrarna 8-10 år och sambandet mellan grammatisk språkförståelse och ordavkodning

The main purpose of this study was to collect norm data for thegrammatical receptive language test Test for Reception of Grammar - Version 2(TROG-2), from 144 Swedish children, aged 8:0-9:11 years. Another aim was toinvestigate whether a change in the order of the blocks was needed in the Swedishversion of TROG-2 to keep an increasing level of difficulty. Other aims included toinvestigate the relationship between receptive grammar and word decoding, andbetween parents ratings of their children?s language comprehension and readingabilities and the children?s results on the TROG-2 and a word decoding test. Theresults showed that the order of the blocks needs to be changed and that there wasno significant relationship between language comprehension and word decoding.Parents were better at rating their children?s reading than language comprehension..

?Vad hände med personlighetstesten??En kartläggning av vilka urvalsmetoder rekryterare lägger vikt påMartina GustavssonAtt finna rätt man till rätt plats innebär att hantera mänskliga resurser med bra metoder för att identifiera rätt medarbetare. För att undersöka vilka urvalsmetoder rekryterare lägger vikt på genomfördes en enkätundersökning med 43 rekryterare. Resultatet visade att rekryterarna lade mest vikt på intervju som användes av en stor andel rekryterare i deras bedömning av arbetssökande medan minst vikt lades på test som användes av en måttlig andel. Resultatet visade en diskrepans mellan hur viktiga rekryterarna sade att personliga egenskaper var och vilken vikt de lade vid test.

Testverktyg för ett automatiserat system

Most often when developing a new system there is a need get a functioning testtool up and running. Including time, cost and resources the solution isn?t always obvious, developing your own or buy one ?of the shelf?. The purpose of this thesis is to study how a general testtool for executing functional tests should be designed to be reusable, be based on recognized knowledge and be able to fast and simple be customized for different types of systems. Key functions from the litterature is presented and used in the design of a testtool prototype.

En utvärdering av arbetspsykologiska testet Shapes med test-retestmetod

Många rekryteringsmetoder som används i dag, som CV och referenstagning, har enligt studier låg validitet, däremot visar många studier att personlighet är stabilt över tid och därför är en mer valid prediktor för att kunna predicera arbetsprestation. Studiens syfte var att undersöka Shapes, ett internetbaserat personlighetstest, och dess arton kompetensdimensioner med test-retest utifrån tre frågeställningar. En datainsamling med 91 deltagare (29 män och 62 kvinnor) gjordes vid två tillfällen med tre veckors mellanrum. Deltagarna delades upp i kön- och åldersgrupper för att se skillnad över tid inom grupperna. Medelvärdesskillnader och korrelationer över tid jämfördes där resultatet visade att det fanns positiva samband mellan båda testtillfällena på samtliga dimensioner.

Lean Healthcare på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala : En kvalitativ studie om hur läkare upplever att den professionella autonomin påverkas av Lean Healthcare

This study aims to evaluate the value relevance of Piotroski?s (2000) nine fundamental signals. In order to do this, the signals are tested on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm between the years 2003 and 2009. The hypotheses of the study are whether the signals are value relevant and if the value relevance has changed. To test this, a Chi-square test and a regression are used.

Analys av tanniner : från granbarksextrakt

The objective for this master?s thesis was to test and evaluate two methods for determining the content of tannin in a pinebarkextract. The methods used at Södra for this previously have not been specific enough, only the amount of polyphenolics have been measured. One of these methods is a test based on the Stiasny test and it determines the extracts ability to form a gel with formaldehyde. When this test was carried out it showed that the extract did not contain much tannin.

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