

33 Uppsatser om Goat - Sida 3 av 3

A screening for Schmallenberg virus among sheep, goats and cattle in Zambezia province, Moçambique : and preparations for a metagenomic survey of virus in mosquitoes

As the world´s population increases and people's living conditions are improving, larger areas are needed for houses as well as food production. This means that new areas are exploited and that people, livestock, blood sucking insects and wild animals are forced to live close together. In combination with the global warming, leading to extreme weather such as floods and storms, this allows both new and old pathogens to emerge. The number of "emerging infectious diseases", EIDs, has increased in recent years and many of them have their origin in poor, tropical countries. Moçambique is therefore considered to be a high risk area for EIDs. Schmallenberg virus, SBV, was discovered in 2011 as an "emerging infectious disease" in dairy cows in Germany.

Bosättning, agrarkris och fäbodväsende : vegetations- och markanvändningshistoria i Läde, Dalarna

By using pollen analysis, 14C-dating and historical sources, I studied the history of vegetation and land use at an abandoned forest settlement near the Lade summer farms in the parish of Mora, Dalama. The aim of this paper is to investigate the agricultural establishment and development, the effects of this on forest vegetation, and the origin and development of summer farming. The analysis of pollen in a peat core revealed that a settlement was established at Lade around 1000 AD. Cereal cultivation, hay-making on the mire and extensive forest grazing were intro-duced as a complete agricultural system. Pollen analysis and the presence of ancient fields suggests that cultivation took place on permanent fields. Barley was the main crop, but rye and hops/hemp were also grown at the settlement.

?Community based breeding programs? för små idisslare i Afrika : framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar

Hållbara avelsprogram för småbönder med getter och får i Afrika är ett viktigt verktyg för att öka människors välfärd på kontinenten. Historiskt sett har inte alla program tagit hänsyn till böndernas vitala roll i programmens utformning. Därför har det på flera håll i Afrika startats upp s.k. community based breeding programs (CBBP) - avelsprogram som anpassats till lokala förhållanden och engagerar de småskaliga bönderna i avelsstrategierna ? och ett antal har visats vara framgångsrika. Denna uppsats presenterar uppbyggnaden av CBBP och beskriver två NGO-initierade projekt för att diskutera vilka faktorer som har gjort dem framgångsrika.

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