

8979 Uppsatser om Goal-Setting Theory - Sida 3 av 599

Att motivera och/eller manipulera : En begreppsutredande litteraturstudie

This study aims to theoretically investigate the concepts of the interpersonal actions 'to motivate' and 'to manipulate' and also to examine possible differences and similarities between the two. The method used is a conceptual review based on the Self-Determination Theory, related to the concept of motivation, and Machiavellianism, related to the concept of manipu-lation. The results show that 'to motivate', according to Self-Determination Theory, concerns influencing the intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, where intrinsic motivation is related to the feeling of self-determination, inner locus of causality, being or feeling competent and exercise activities for the pleasure of it, whilst extrinsic motivation is related to external locus of cau-sality, external pressure and engaging in activities for the purpose of reaching a goal or re-ward. 'To manipulate' is according to Machiavellianism based on the manipulator doing whatever it takes to reach a certain goal and gain something for himself with no regard of what methods being used. The comparative analysis showed that the crucial difference in how an behaviour is interpreted as either, or both, motivating and manipulative is based on who is doing the interpretation, what information she has and which aspects that are focused on..

Ledarskap, kommunikation och målsättning som motivationsfaktorer : en fallstudie på Fresenius Kabi i Uppsala

It's not a secret that most companies strive to get such a high economic return as possible. To successfully engage in a profitable enterprise, there are many elements that come into play. An important element is the motivation of the employees and their work performance. Work motivation is a key factor for the employees to improve their performance and therefore determinant for the successes of the company.This work is a case study in the production at Fresenius Kabi, Uppsala. The work is based on an employee survey that they fill out once a year and the aim is to develop a deeper understanding for these questions and how the employees see on leadership, communication and goal-setting as motivators and how these factors works in the company today.To get this deeper understanding I have used a qualitative approach.

Tro, hopp och utsatthet

The thesis objective was to study the partnership between the municipality of Gothenburg and three nonprofit organizations concerning the mobile EU-citizens. The study examines how the EU-enlargement affected Sweden and eventually the municipality of Gothenburg, and how Gothenburg responded to the new situation regarding the target group. The thesis contains one case study and the empirical data are based on semi structured interviews with politicians and officials from both the public- and the nonprofit sector. The results were screened with New Institutional Theory, Resource Dependence Theory and Decision Making Theory: Rule Following. The theories were used to locate any type of isomorphism, resource dependence and rule following in the partnership.

Sveriges förändrade inställning till EU-medlemskapet : en studie av elva regeringsdeklarationer

AbstractThe aim with this essay has been to investigate if Sweden?s attitude against the European Union has changed expressed in the statement of government policies, during the years 1988-1998. In the prolongation I want to see if the policies can be seen as examples of agenda-setting.My comprehensive objective is: In which way is the change of the Swedish attitude towards the European Union expressed in the statement of government policies during 1988-1998 shown?My other objectives are: In which ways describes the statements the integrations process in Europe generally?In which ways does the integrations process influences Sweden in generally?In which ways does the integrations process influences Sweden?s relations against the European Union?I have used qualitative text analysis as method in my essay to find the answers to the questions. I have classified a number of opinions, found in the policies, summarized under my three objectives.The result of my essay was shown that the changed not can be found in the policies and they are examples of agenda-setting.

Granskning av Parken Zoo i medier : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediernas bevakning av Parken Zoo händelsen

The purpose of this study was to investigate how media has followed the Parken Zoo incident and analyse how media convey the issue about the Parken Zoo incident. The different results have been compared. To answer the purpose of the study three issues has been formulated:  how do the different media relate to the ideal of objectivity? Who come across and get to speak in the different media? What differences and similarities are in the media?   The theories that have been used in this study are mainly McCombs theory of agenda setting, Strömbäck?s theory of framing and theory of media logic, Kovach & Rosenstiel theories of journalism and Manning?s theory of objectivity. The methods that have been used are a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic analysis.

Styrning av säljbolag - En studie av hur säljbolag i en global industrikoncern styrs på distans

In today's globalized world it is essential to achieve goal congruence within a multinational corporation despite the distances between the headquarters and subsidiaries. A case study has been performed to examine how control of sales units within a Swedish multinational corporation is achieved. Otley's framework has been used in the study to provide an overall picture of the control system where the analysis is based on five areas: key objectives and goal evaluation, strategies and plans, target setting process, incentives and motivation as well as information flows. To complement this framework, theories of convergence and divergence by Busco et al. have been used as well as theories of hierarchical control and self-control by Holmström.

Mera vapen-mindre våld? : En kvalitativ och jämförande analys mellan svensk och amerikansk dagspress.

More guns-less violence? A qualitative and comparative analysis between the swedish and the american daily news-press..

Den kommunallagliga komedin : En uppsats om kommunala bolag; kompetensen, offentlighetsprincipen, bundenheten

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Inkongruenta styrmodeller: En fallstudie av reparation och underhåll i ett industriföretag

In theory, the management control of maintenance functions is described as problematic due to the nature of the work performed in the unit. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these predicted problems in practice. Further,the thesis aims at identifying how these control problems may affect the relationships between the maintenance department and its internal customers. A case study has been conducted in one of Sweden?s largest industrial companies to investigate the said control problems in practice.

Vem får höras? : En undersökning av lokalpress kring makt och kön i fyra Landsortstidningar

2 (45)AbstractAuthors: Gunnel Forssell Ehrlich & Alexandra WinbergTitle: Gender in local press ? a quantitative study of four local newspapers Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 50The report shows a quantitative study of balance in gender and position of power in the local press. The study aimed to shed light on the distribution of space in the newspaper between men and women, those within power and those without in Swedish local press. The study was conducted with four newspapers, during a month of time with local editorial news material. In our study, we have assumed Lippmann?s and Strömbäck?s theories of pseudo-reality and distribution of gender and position of power in Sahlstrand and Jarlbro.

Förenklade skatteregler för enskilda näringsidkare

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Hatbrott och rättens konstruktioner av ras : En diskursanalys av tillämpningen av BrB 29:2 p. 7

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Rättens framställning av våldtäktsoffer : En analys av könets betydelse

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Att vara arbetssökande : Motivation och känslomässiga upplevelser hos arbetssökande individer samt upplevelser utav kontakten med arbetsförmedlaren

Research shows that unemployed´s motivation to seek work affects their health and social life. Employment officer?s motivational work should be based on strengthening the individual's confidence in their abilities. Five motivational theories underpinning the study is Cognitive Theory, Self-determination theory, Expectancy Value Theory, need theory and Goal Theory. The purpose of this study was to investigate individuals' job motivation, and emotional experiences, also in relation to contact with the employment officer.

Bemötande sett ur sex bibliotekariers perspektiv. : Möjligheter och förutsättningar för personal och verksamhet att arbeta med bemötandefrågor på bibliotek.

AbstractAttitudes towards the reference situation and the meetings between library users and librarians have become the subject of much debate in the library setting today. The aim of this two years master´s thesis has been to examine six librarian?s attitudes and apprehensions concerning the interactions between the librarian and the users in the library setting. We were also interested in knowing how a library can work to become more service oriented and customer centred. We conducted six interviews with librarians located at three different libraries in Sweden.

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