

1594 Uppsatser om Global ljussättning - Sida 49 av 107

Tsunamikatastrofens politiska efterspel - En fallstudie av ansvarsutkrÀvandets vÀrde i demokratin

The Swedish society woke up Boxing Day 2004 to the greatest disaster in modern times. As a result of a strong earthquake in the Indian Ocean tsunamis occurred that devastated resorts where thousands of Swedes were. In the disasters tracks were uncovered government paralysis and shortcomings of the systems control. The purpose of this study is to examine the capacity and means to demand accountability of politicians and officials of the Swedish political system. Extensive studies and the report from the commission of disasters will form the basis for the study.

Ekonomiska innovationer i den gotlÀndska vindkraftsindustrin

Currently there is a controversial debate about that we must reduce our impact on the global warming; therefore both the Government and the local authorities have invested heavily in developing renewable energy in Sweden. The major development on the wind power market can be seen as a result of both the technological development and also on the decision that the Government took in 1996, which opened up the wind power market for private parties.This paper has aimed to examine the types of financial innovations that have arisen from the investments and financing of wind power on Gotland, and what these innovations can contribute to the future development of wind power.The problems that this thesis is based on is; what kind of financial innovations have occurred within investment and financing of wind power? How can these innovations contribute to the continued development of wind power on Gotland? The conclusion of this study shows that respondents and participants have defined a number of financial innovations that have emerged. Where some of the innovations only can be seen as incremental since they are based on continuous improvements, while others can be seen as radical as they are completely new for the context in which they operate. The study has also shown that Gotland has a great potential to produce more renewable electricity, but the development is dependent on the new power lines being built, in order to export electricity to the mainland..

En politiker - flera roller? : En studie om hur sex svenska politiker konstruerar ett personligt varumÀrke via Twitter

AnvÀndandet av sociala medier av politiker har fÄtt global spridning de senaste Ären. Med Obama i framkant har det visat sig att det Àr betydelsefullt att ha ett starkt personligt varumÀrke pÄ sociala medier sÄsom Twitter. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka hur nÄgra svenska politiker konstruerar ett personligt varumÀrke via mikrobloggen Twitter. Vi har undersökt hur politikerna framstÀller sig och vilka roller som synliggörs, samt vilken agenda som ligger bakom deras framstÀllning. Vi har anvÀnt oss av flera olika teoretiska begrepp för att analysera vÄrt material.

Att stÀndigt vara beredd pÄ det okÀnda: En studie om hur charterresebranschen i Sverige förbereder sig för, och hanterar krissituationer

In the world of today, crises and crisis situations are inevitable parts of an organization?s everyday life and it is important for the organization to be prepared for these crises. The organization and its employees have to be in a constant state of alert and they should also have an organized plan for what they will do when (not if) the crisis occurs. The charter tour industry has during a long period of time been active in the global market. They serve thousands of travellers every day and it is the responsibility of the companies within the industry to make sure that their customers are safe and that crises can be prevented, or at least be handled.

Hur förhÄller sig EU till en (o)hÄllbar utveckling? En studie av EU:s klimatpolitiska samhÀllsstyrning inom jordbruks- och klimatpolitiken

This bachelor thesis, written as a part of the European Studies at Gothenburg University, is concerned with the European Unions? (EU) climate political governance in their both climate- and agricultural policy, and in particularly the question whether it is sustainable. This thesis intends to problematize if it is possible for the EU to continue to pursue its current agricultural policies, while at the sametime maintain its role as a sustainable actor on the global arena. The framework of theEUs? climate policy governance disciplines this analysis.

Underlag för solcellsproducerad el i Stockholm : Potential och klimatpÄverkan

The City of Stockholm has decided to invest in renewable energy and especially in photovoltaics. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the photovoltaic potential on roof areas that the city possesses and to further investigate some buildings of the Property Management Department. The thesis also compares some existing photovoltaic plants with the solar irradiance map which shows available roof area on each building in Stockholm. The report ends with a literature study about the climate impact and greenhouse gas emissions of photovoltaic.The total available roof area suitable for photovoltaic plants is estimated to 700 000 m2, with a potential electricity production of 110 GWh per year. This corresponds to 17 % of the City of Stockholm?s yearly electricity consumption.

Materialanskaffning av emballage pÄ Scania

Är lager en belastning eller en tillgĂ„ng? Tidigare var det ett sĂ€tt att ha bra leveransservice. Idag ser man lager som ett bundet kapital man vill minimera. ScaniaCV AB bildades Ă„r 1900 och började tillverka cyklar. Idag Ă€r Scania en global tillverkare av tunga lastbilar, bussar samt industriella och marina motorer.

Holy cows and dirty dogs : the influence of culture and religion on animal welfare in India

India is home to every sixth person in the world, some 30 million dogs and a quarter of the total world cattle population. A vast majority of Indians are Hindus, and even though the Hindu religion proclaims love, nurturing and worshipping of animals, sometimes the same religion constitutes an obstacle for animal welfare in practice. This paper investigates the significance of historic and religious symbols to the way animals are perceived in modern Indian society, as well as the different social factors which underlie attitudes to animals. The concept of karma, as well as that of good versus bad deaths, is probably the foundation of the general Hindu reluctance to euthanasia in any form. Although in theory all species are generally regarded as equal in Hinduism, in practice there seems to be a differentiation; for cultural, religious, medical and financial reasons.

"Ett arbete som aldrig kommer att sluta" : Mellanchefers upplevelser av det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet

Work environment has been an important part of the Swedish working life for a long time and with the help of the Working Environment Law the work environment is mandatory. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper insight into how the system of middle managers systematic work environment looks like. The question was: How do six middle managers perceive and deal with systematic work environment? A qualitative study was conducted with six middle managers from a global company. During the analysis, there were three main themes to be recognized (cooperation and support facilitates the work environment, problem with the systematic work and difficulties with staff) and six sub themes.


The aim of this paper is to examine the American movie trailer particularly its history, marketing and functions, presented as an historical overview from the serials of the early 1910s to the trailers of today. A trailer from each decade of the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries is selected which represent typical trends and shows how trailers historically functioned, including their formal, generic differences.The introduction focuses on the market in which the trailer operates, and raises the issue of the entertainment value of art or marketing, how the film industry works and to role of advertising. The second part of the introduction focuses on the development of film stars, and their importance in trailer campaigns. This brings in the question of the growth of Hollywood and new media forms/technologies. The manner in which new media also create a new type of audience is considered, which demonstrates how the trailers capture audience attention in new ways.The second part of the paper focuses on the history of the trailer and examines typical structures, of the different periods.The third part analyses how different trailers operate, and how the trailer industry stands at the beginning of a new era, the so-called Post-interactive era, which is discussed with regard to Spider-Man 2 and The Da Vinci Code..

Produktutveckling - frÄn idé till genomförande : skillnader i arbetsprocess mellan smÄ och stora resebyrÄer

Tourism has been an expanding market since the first travel agency started in the middle of the 18?Th century, and today it is a global industry, with intensified competition and high demands from the customers. Product development is therefore one of the most important aspects for successful companies, and scientists also agree that the first stages in product development are the most critical. This essay is focusing on those stages, regarding product development on travel agencies, and the research question is as follows: How are new tourism destinations developed and what is the difference in working process between small and big travel agencies? The empirical research consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with two big and two small travel agencies.

RÀtt person pÄ rÀtt plats

Title: The perfect candidate ? the selection process in a global organization.Authors: Kariin Adolfsson and Simon LeetsaarIn today's society, it becomes increasingly current with correct person on correct place in theworking life. What requires knowledge about how to recruit in a professional manner andreliable ways. In many bigger organizations, there is today a human resources department thatonly works with recruitment of new employees. The purpose with our research is to describepersonnel selection process in a big swedish organization, how they work throughout theentire process.

GROT-transport frÄn norra till södra Sverige

The European Council agreed in 2008 on a climate and energy package to combat global warming. This package is valid for each EU member country and means that greenhouse gas emissions must fall by at least 20% and the EU's energy use to 20%, consisting of Renewable Energy in 2020. The Swedish Government has set stringent climate and energy with the intention to set an example for the rest of Europe. For example, renewable energy sources account for at least 50% of energy use and our climate emissions to fall by 40% by 2020. A combination of these goals and a steadily rising oil price has led to an increased demand for wood fuel in the form of such branches and tops.

KravinhÀmtning och kommunikation av krav i en global organisation : En fallstudie pÄ ett multi-nationellt företag

DÄ IT idag spelar en central roll inom i stort sett varje organisation ökar Àven kravet pÄ organisationen att förstÄ verksamheten och dess processer och vilka problem man försöker lösa med hjÀlp av IT. I denna studie kommer vi försöka identifiera de problem som Àr kopplade till kravhantering och kommunikation i ett multi-nationellt företag dÀr kravinhÀmtningsprocessen sker kontinuerligt snarare Àn projektbaserad. Vi kommer ocksÄ att försöka föreslÄ lösningar pÄ de problem vi identifierar. Datainsamlingen har skett via enkÀter och intervjuer. EnkÀten skickades ut till slutanvÀndarna av systemen och intervjuerna riktades till fyra nyckelintressenter i kravhanteringsarbetet.

EN ANNAN RETORIK? Nationalistiska partiers anv?ndning av nationalistisk milj?- och klimatpolitik

Climate change is a phenomenon that know no boundaries. While focus on environment and climate change has become highly prioritized, nationalism has spread across Europe. Nationalism is by many considered to refuse action to combat climate change although some argue that nationalism could combat global climate change. Previous research on how nationalism is implemented in environment and climate politics has mainly focused on single parties. The thesis therefore aims to give a broad approach and compare how nationalism is used in environment and climate politics by analyzing 4 European parties with either ethnic or civic nationalism and different roles in their party system. With a qualitative content analysis on party programs and election manifestos the findings imply that parties use nationalism in the climate and environment discourse in a variety of ways.

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