8074 Uppsatser om Global Software Development - Sida 40 av 539
Att agera "spjutspets" : - en analys av en funktion knuten till en kompetensutveckling inom äldreomsorgen
The purpose of my study was to examine a competence-development in care of older people in which some of the personnel have been ?spjutspetsar?. More specifically my aim was to investigate how the personnel managed to supervise others in the organization. My main research questions were: How do the care-managers and the care-workers persecute their functions as ?spjutspetsar?? What form has the internal meeting between the competence-development and the organization ideology taken? What possibilities and obstacles have the care-managers and care-workers been confronted? In my study my research method is based on eight qualitative interviews.
Marknadsanalysverktyg : Estimering av tillväxt på telefon- och mobilabonnenter
Precis som de flesta företag så har True Software Scandinavia AB en produkt där ute i marknaden. Produkten är en mobil applikation som går under namnet Truecaller. För att kunna leverera den bästa upplevelsen till slut användarna så krävs en stor global telefonkatalog.Förutom att företaget har en statistik på hur det har gått och går för deras produkt så finns även behovet att veta hur det kommer att gå i framtiden. Alltså man vill veta hur stor potential det finns i marknaden och med avseende på detta försöka estimera när man når sitt uppsatta mål.Syftet med detta projekt har varit att skapa ett verktyg som kan samla in data och utföra nödvändiga behandlingar för att kunna estimera den framtida tillväxten. Verktyget skapas med hjälp av programmeringsspråket Java och kommer vara i form av ett skrivbords applikation.
Kopplingar till vardagsfenomen i fysikläromedel
Daily citizens are informed by the media about the environment and the climate changes. The schools purpose is to educate students according to events that are of current interest and take place in present time. According to Swedish curriculum, Lpf94, all Swedish education should include and discuss the problems surrounding durable development. The purpose of the study is to se how the textbooks in History, Social studies and Geography and their contents meet the demands of the curriculum. The study shows that only the textbooks in geography meets the demands that the curriculums have on durable development.
Tillämpning av UML : Hur och varför
In the end of the 80´s the area of system development moved into a new era. As a consequence many new methods and development models emerged which in many cases resulted in problems when choosing system development models and methods. As a result of these problems the today standardized modeling language UML (Unified Modeling Language) was created. UML is tailored to support many different types of projects. This is possible because of UML?s capacity to be adjusted and adapted to a specific company environment.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how and why companies use UML and what experiences and opinions those who use UML have of using UML in practice.
Nulägesanalys med utgångspunkt från införande och utveckling av en intranättillämpning
This report is about an investigation which has been done as an assignment in aninternational company. An Intranet has been implemented in parts of this company, andprimarily there is a local group of people in the company which is responsible for thelocal Intranet as an informationsystem. This local group of people is also responsiblefor further development of the use of Intranet as an informationssystem in the localorganisation. To create a starting-point for this development, I have done aninvestigation that deals with:· acceptance of Intranet as informationssystem among members of the industrialmanagement.- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a negative way- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a positive way· rules by which further development of Intranet is supposed to be based on· existing and needed Intranet-applications..
This thesis was rendered for the client HAGS Aneby AB that is a global leader in playground equipment. The goal of this project was to develop a seesaw that is available for children aged 5-12 years; both with and without disabilities. The project has aimed to develop a seesaw that fits everyone in the target group without looking specially adapted.Children with disabilities have difficulty using today's seesaws because they consist of only a seat and a handle on each side. It requires that the user has strong arms and legs and can sit up without support. HAGS Aneby AB would like to change this.To gain knowledge of the target group and on the different types of disabilities information was sought for on the internet including the RBU's and UNICEF's websites.
Dalsland som turistisk produkt : Föreställningar om turistifierade rum
Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at various spatial scales (global to local). Currently, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and economic growth are key values that shape how the world is conceived, experienced and organized. Discourses of place marketing, place branding, and the construction of places as (economic) products, are part and parcel of the heightened commodification of space. Tourism has been a major factor in the commodification of place and space. More often than not, tourism has been seen as a possibility for peripheral places, in their struggle finding new ways towards development.
Operatörsoberoende SMS-leverans med designmönstret Bridge
When different type of programs are developed one wants to make these
adjustable to future changes and requirements. It must be done a good design of
the program from the beginning to make it possible to continue development of
it without having to redo big parts of it to high costs. In the area of object
orientation there are design pattern, which can be used to design systems that
can be adjusted to new changes in an easier way. I have in this thesis chosen
to take a closer look at how to design a program that sends SMS to cell phones
through a system of an operator. One requirement on the program is that it has
to be possible to change what operator to send though in an easy way.
Konstruktion av Industriellt Vibrationsmätningssystem med signalbehandling baserad på Digitala Vågfilter av Lattice-struktur
In this bachelor thesis a complete prototype of an industrial vibration measurement platform has been developed. By measuring a number of variables such as acceleration, temperature and speed conclusions can be drawn on machinery health. The aim is to evaluate hardware and software solutions for a possible future product. Based on a requirement specification a proper hardware design has be developed. The hardware consists of a four-layer PCB with an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and about 250 other components. The PCB was designed, assembled, tested and finally housed in a box.
Utvärdering av mjukvara inom processindustrin
This study is an evaluation of the runtime watch function in a OEE software, knownas ProTAK. OEE stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, it?s a way to measurethe factories process efficiency. The runtimewatch function allows the user to setup and monitor certain critical objects that are of importance for the pulp and paper process at the mill. The data from the runtimewatch can be correlated towards the suppliers specification for the components.
Lärande möten : En fallstudie om hur alla involverade parter:elever, vårdnadshavare och pedagoger uppfattar
The purpose of this case study is to see how all the involved parties; students, custodians and teachers look upon ?A meeting of learning ? personal development dialogue that is led by children and young people?, on a school south of Stockholm. Our questions at issue were to see what the students had learned from their personal development dialogue, if the custodians had received all the information they expected to get from a personal development dialogue, and last but not least if all the involved parties; students, custodians and teachers, wanted to continue with this model? We used interviews and paper questionnaires to collect answers to our case study and the questions at issue. In both the interviews and paper questionnaires we could see that an overwhelming majority had a positive opinion about students leading and ?owning? their personal development dialogue, especially the students themselves.
Flickor ? identitet ? alkohol : en kvalitativ undersökning på Maria Ungdom om flickors identitetsskapande i relation till problematisk alkoholkonsumtion, ur ett behandlarperspektiv
The objective of this study was investigating social worker?s perspective of how alcohol consumption can affect, and what elements in the social environment that may be of significance for, alcohol consumption and development of identity. The questions at issue were: Do social workers experience any positive effects from alcohol consumption in 16-17 year-old girls with problematic alcohol consumption and what influence do the effects have on self esteem, self image and development of identity? What do social workers experience are the negative effects from alcohol consumption on self esteem, self image and development of identity? How important do social workers find the social environment and how do they believe the social environment affect the alcohol consumption and development of identity? This was investigated with a qualitative approach from a social worker?s perspective, hence social workers were interviewed. The study?s theoretical basis was Symbolic Interactionism and Erikson?s theory of Psychosocial Development.
Biogasproduktion genom tvåstegsrötning av drankvatten
During the 19-century a global warming has been observed, which includes increases in global air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of ice and snow, and rising global sea level. There is a clear connection between emissions of greenhouse gases caused by the human and the increase in temperature. Climatic changes caused by global warming can be stopped trough decreased emission of fossil fuels, for example by an increased use of biogas. Biogas is a renewable energy source which is produced through anaerobic (oxygen free) digestion of organic material. The gas is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and can be among others used as fuel in vehicles.
Bortom historiens slut : En jämförande undersökning av nio U-länders demokratiska utveckling
Bortom historien slut ? Beyond the end of historyAccording to Robert Dahl there are seven criteria that have to be fulfilled in order for a state to be democratic. Dahl also states that there are several factors that effect the development of democracy. In today?s world it is mostly developing countries that have failed to bring about democratic changes.
Användbarhet av ett gränssnitt i web-miljö och dess påverkan på attityd och motivation.
Ett förslag på design av gränssnittet på förstasidan av ett intranet är utformat med tanke på användbarhet med utgångspunkt från attityder och motivation.Arbetet är utfört hos Familjen Dafgård AB i Källby, ett företag inom livsmedelsbranschen.Två gränssnitt är designade, ett efter minimalistiska principer med ett fåtal rubriker innehållande både global och lokal information i en djupare struktur för att stimulera till en action-oriented approach och att locka till sig nya, ovana användare. Det andra med utgångspunkt från informativa startsidor eller en maximalistisk design med rubriker i flera nivåer för global information samt ikoner för lokal information.Gränssnitten är utvärderade med tanke på användbarhet med hjälp av REAL metoden, Relevans, Effektivitet, Attityd och Lärbarhet. Som komplement till denna metod som utvärderar på detaljnivå används en definition kallad användbarhet i kontext. Denna hanterar användarvänlighet, användarkompetens, användaracceptans och informa-tionsbehov på en mer global nivå.Utvärderingen baseras på en kvalitativ ansats med intervjuer och observationer av sex försökspersoner som har fått pröva de två versionerna av gränssnittet. Fyra ovana och två vana internetanvändare.Resultatet visar att av de två versionerna är den maximalistiska startsidan är att föredra.