

8086 Uppsatser om Global Software Development - Sida 10 av 540

Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack

FlexRay is a new communication protocol which is fast, reliable and flexible and therefore can meet the increasing demands on data communication in the vehicle industry. The protocol is developed by an industrial consortium containing among  others BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Motorola and Phillips. Today (May 2009) Hägglunds is using CAN for data transmission in their systems. CAN is getting obsolete and has difficulties in coping with the increasing flow of communication. In this report FlexRay and its communication capacity is studied.

Hållbar utveckling i svensk planeringspraktik : en diskussion kring förtätning och andra ambitioner

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Utvärdering av beräkningskoden APROS för användning i inneslutningsanalyser

At Forsmark nuclear power plant the rather old-fashioned software COPTA is used in containment safety analysis. There exists a desire within the organisation to introduce a more modern software with ability to more detailed modeling and increased usability.The goal of this thesis was to evaluate the software APROS in containment safety analysis. APROS models describing one of the containments at Forsmark NPP have been developed. Two simulations of typical containment incidents, one of them a large pipe break, have been made where containment safety parameters such as pressure and temperature are studied. Results are analyzed and verified against results from corresponding COPTA models.

Nordiska sjömäns arbetsutsikter inom offshorebranschen : Vad händer när olje- och gasreserverna i Nordsjön tar slut?

AbstractThis thesis is a qualitative study that provides an insight into the Nordic offshore market, focusing on the North Sea and investigates indications of how the near future may develop in the area and how these developments may affect the Nordic seafarers. Questions central to the work are aimed primarily at how shipping companies, agencies and seafarers active in the offshore industry look at future activity in the North Sea, Nordic seafarers' status in the global labor market, and how today's employment conditions look like for seafarers in the global offshore industry. The majority of the information was collected through interviewes and questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the expected development in the North Sea, in terms of availability of oil and gas, may have effect on the Scandinavian seafarers' future work prospects and employment conditions in the global offshore labor. The conclusions that have been drawn are that competition among seafarers in the offshore industry is higher 2015 than previous years (2000-2014) and are expected to increase.

En global värld : en global människa?

Resande, globalt engagemang och arbete utomlands av olika former är företeelser som förändrar människors syn på världen. Dessa tillhör samtiden och de blir därmed aktuella och relevanta att diskutera. Att vi lever i en global värld påverkar våra livsvillkor och innebär i sin tur nya möjligheter och förutsättningar för individen. Begrepp som är centrala att diskutera blir därmed livsstil, engagemang, svenskhet och världsmedborgarskap..

Ekonomiska innovationer i den gotländska vindkraftsindustrin

Currently there is a controversial debate about that we must reduce our impact on the global warming; therefore both the Government and the local authorities have invested heavily in developing renewable energy in Sweden. The major development on the wind power market can be seen as a result of both the technological development and also on the decision that the Government took in 1996, which opened up the wind power market for private parties.This paper has aimed to examine the types of financial innovations that have arisen from the investments and financing of wind power on Gotland, and what these innovations can contribute to the future development of wind power.The problems that this thesis is based on is; what kind of financial innovations have occurred within investment and financing of wind power? How can these innovations contribute to the continued development of wind power on Gotland? The conclusion of this study shows that respondents and participants have defined a number of financial innovations that have emerged. Where some of the innovations only can be seen as incremental since they are based on continuous improvements, while others can be seen as radical as they are completely new for the context in which they operate. The study has also shown that Gotland has a great potential to produce more renewable electricity, but the development is dependent on the new power lines being built, in order to export electricity to the mainland..

Utveckling av ett centraliserat informationssystem

CML Data AB is a small IT-company that offers complete IT-solutions adjusted to the needs of the customers. It is hard for the employees to bring all necessary papers, files and software when visiting a customer. They also have difficulties planning their daily work and to keep track of each other, because of the lack of a shared calendar.The purpose of this report is to answer the following questions:- How do you develop a centralized information system for CML Data AB where it is possible for the employees to gain access to files, plan their days and where the customers can get access to relevant information?- How do you develop an information system that is easy to manage?- How do you make it easier for the employees at CML Data AB to update their homepage?We discussed the problems and the future information system with the employees and were able to establish a set of needs and requirements which we then used as a foundation during the software development. We used user centered system design during the whole process and focused a lot on usability and interaction design.The project resulted in a stylistically pure and user friendly portal.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY : Vilken information lämnas i årsredovisningen av svenska företag?

ÄMNEVilken information om Corporate Social Responsibility lämnas i årsredovisningen av svenska företag? Hur följer företagen riktlinjerna Global Reporting Initiative och UN Global Compact? Vilka motiv kan företagen ha för att lämna information om CSR i årsredovisningen?SYFTESyftet är att rekapitulera studien ?Corporate Social Responsibility - vilken information lämnas i årsredovisningen av företagen på Stockholmsbörsens A-lista?, Göteborgs Universitet 2005, genom att kartlägga och jämföra CSR-redovisningen hos de företag från den dåvarande A- listan som idag är noterade på Stockholmsbörsen. Utifrån en utarbetad checklista skall undersökas vilken information som företag lämnar samt vilka skillnader som finns mellan företag och över tiden.GENOMFÖRANDEUndersökningen bygger på kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av årsredovisningar. Årsredovisningarna har analyserats efter en utarbetad checklista som bygger på indikatorer och principer från GRI och UN Global Compact.SLUTSATSERStudien visar att det råder stora skillnader mellan företag och den mängd CSR-information de publicerar i sin årsredovisning. Sedan 2004 har en svag ökning skett av mängden information som redovisas, denna ökning återfinns främst inom branschen industri.NYCKELORDCorporate Social Responsibility, Global Reporting Initiative, UN Global Compact, årsredovisning.

Leder självskänsla till välbefinnande : En studie om sambandet mellan globalsjälvskänsla och subjektivt välbefinnande bland gymnasieelever

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan global självkänsla och subjektivt välbefinnande bland svenska ungdomar. Hänsyn togs till ålder och kön togs när 142 elever enkäterades på en gymnasieskola. En bivariat analys gjord med Pearsons korrelation visade att det fanns ett starkt samband mellan global självkänsla och subjektivt välbefinnande. Vidare visade en multiple variansanalys (MANOVA) att det fanns signifikanta könsskillnader gällande subjektivt välbefinnande, men inte global självkänsla. Med multipel regressionsanalys (MRA) kunde det slås fast att kön hade ett samband med subjektivt välbefinnande, medan självkänsla kunde prediceras utifrån ålder.

Omkonstruktion och arkitekturbyte av autopilot för obemannade farkoster

This thesis has been written at Linköping University for the company Instrument Control Sweden AB (ICS).ICS is a small company located in Linköping that develops software and hardware for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV. At present, ICS has a fully functional autopilot called EasyPilot but they want to reduce the autopilot?s size to make it more attractive.The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if it was possible to reduce the size of the autopilot and how, in that case, it would be done. It was also necessary to examine whether the old processors should be replaced by new ones and how hard it would be to convert the old software to these new processors.To succeed with the goals many of the old components had to be changed for new, smaller ones. Some less necessary parts were also completely removed.

Vinnare och förlorare på biståndsarenan? : En analys av EU:s biståndsflöden

Aid effectiveness is a reoccuring theme in the social sciences. Maybe rightfully so, as development is slow in many parts of the developing world. Core literature on the matter seems to suggest that aid effectiveness is contingent on recipients? level of corruption. Assuming this to be true, I examine the EU?s disbursements of Official Development Assistance over the past decade by running regressions: is there a relationship between the level of aid received, and a country?s level of corruption? As the EU is one of the largest donors of foreign aid globally, and has the power to shape the global foreign aid agenda, this question puts to the test whether the EU is leading the way, or rather is an obstacle in front.

Spelskapande men en komponentbaserad arbetsprocess

Syftet med detta kandidatarbete är att testa en arbetsmetod som skiljer sig ifrån det en mindre grupp i vanliga fall använder sig av: en komponentbaserad arbetsprocess för att utforska och sammanställa arbetserfarenheten med den komponentbaserade arbetsmetoden, utvecklar vi därför ett digitalt spel..

Biblioteket i civilsamhället. Ett komplement till kommunens uppgift för en hållbar utveckling?

The purpose of this master thesis is to find out if library activities in civil society may be seen as a complement to public activities. The incitement lies in a discussion in the research activities of social sciences and among politicians, where the opinion is that civil society may function as a complement to governmental policy. The NGO-library Föreningen Miljöbiblioteket i Lund and the municipality of Malmö stad where chosen as units for examination. The common feature of the two units is the global task introduced by the UN, to create a sustainable development. The material used is exclusively concerning domestic information activities.

IT i en global miljö

IS/IT-strategier ligger till grundlag för tillämpningen och nyttan av informationssystem samt informationsteknologi i en organisation. Det är en övergripande plan för verksamhetens användning av IS/IT-stöd, och har stor inverkan på organisationers effektivitet. Globala verksamheter opererar i olika miljöer och länder, något som behöver tas med i planeringsprocessen av en IS/IT-strategi. Uppsatsen behandlar de faktorer som har inverkan på utformandet av en IS/IT-strategi i en global verksamhet. Tänkbara interna och externa områden från IS/IT-miljön samt verksamhetsmiljön granskas, för att sedan analyseras utifrån den globala organisationens förhållanden.

Högre krav men mindre tid : en jämförande studie av lärares upplevelser av fördelningen av arbetstiden

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .

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