

1853 Uppsatser om Generel ability - Sida 63 av 124

Skolkuratorers samverkan med socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelse av samverkan och möjligheten att utveckla samverkan utifrån den egna yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to investigate how school counselors experienced collaboration with social services and whether they felt they have the ability to improve upon this collaboration. The empirical data consists of qualitative interviews with eight school counselors from public schools, ages 13 to 15, in eight separate municipalities in the Stockholm area. The main results showed that the school counselors recognized the positive benefits from collaboration, but that they in practice experienced difficulties turning this into a high-quality collaboration. The school counselors experienced that due to uncertain expectations in the collaboration it led to unclear distribution of areas of responsibilities. The school counselors expressed small or no possibilities for them to improve upon collaboration but pointed out that higher commitment and a positive attitude are valuable attributes to improving collaboration.

Operation Rolling Thunder

This paper provides an explanation of the concepts John A. Warden III describes regarding the use of air power and if this theory can be found, within the confines of an unconventional war. The U.S. ability to air power is overwhelming, however the right kind of warfare can force this great power to abandon their military and political objectives by exhausting its resources over time as it becomes increasingly costly, both economically, politically and morally, to wage war. The research deals with operation Rolling Thunder and John A.

#Förstårdumig? : En kvalitativ studie om hur digitaliseringen påverkat kommunikationen och relationen mellan yngre och äldre generationer

Purpose/Aim: Our purpose with this study is to examen the differences in communication between digital immigrants and digital natives, how the digitization has changed our way to communicate in an interpersonal matter.Main Results: Through our study we have concluded that barriers do exist between students (natives) and teachers (immigrants), but not to the extent we first predicted. The digitization has resulted in a change in the way we communicate and our relation to each other. But in a purely communicative matter, the digitization hasn?t made it harder for natives and immigrants to understand each other, but it has contributed to new vocabulary and the use of the language. New codes has been developed, but thanks to the younger generations ability to adapt to change - this linguistic difference it is not a problem for the understanding of the code used by the immigrants.

Läslust i skolan : En studie om hur elever i årskurs 2 motiveras till att läsa skönlitterära böcker

AbstractThe aim of the study is to investigate what the concept of ?love of reading? means and how selected teachers act strategically to increase the love of reading in pupils in grade two. The Swedish concept of love of reading (läslust) has not always had the same meaning; in the past it was used in connection with the desire to pursue further studies, while the term is used today when talking about pupils? own will to read books. The ability to read is a significant part of a pupil?s schooling, and therefore it is important to work to ensure that pupils love reading.

Bloggar som kommunikation : inom förskolan, skolan och fritidshem

Parents today can be very stressed at the drop off and pick up of their children, this leads to that they sometimes miss important information that is pinned to the walls for example. Papers has the ability to disappear, a blog collects all in one place. Today, almost everything is digitized.This study has examined what a blog is and how schools and preschools can use it. The blog is used as a communication site for the preschools and school. This exam graduate work is made of three blog analysis, the analysis is made to see if the blogs can help the preschool and school to communicate wiht the parents.The theory I have decided to use in this study is the sociocultural theory.

Stress i socialt arbete : - en risk för utbrändhet?

The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers who worked with financial assistance perceived their work situation and the impact work-related stress had on their health and quality of work. Further, the study intended to find out if they felt that they received support from their employer that could prevent stress-related sick leave. The following two research questions were to be answered: In what way does work-related stress affect social workers? health and job quality according to their own experience? What kind of support and help experienced social workers were available within their organization? To receive answers to the questions semi-structured interviews with five social workers were conducted, analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that when social workers have a heavy case burden, high stress and a risk of deteriorated job quality occurred.

Att falla för grupptrycket - Hur unga entreprenörer kan sälla sig till kluster för att hantera osäkerheter rörande företagande

Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns ett stort intresse bland unga i Sverige att starta företag. Det har också uppenbarats att det finns brister i ungas kunskaper om företagande och entreprenörskap, och de vet inte heller hur de skall gå tillväga för få den kunskapen. De faktorerna påverkar ungas företagande negativt och hämmar dem i deras önskan om egenföretagande. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka specifika faktorer som hindrar unga från att starta företag, det vill säga vilka osäkerheter de upplever i den industriella omgivningen och hur de kan hanteras. I ett försök att finna metoder som hjälper unga att hantera de osäkerheter som upplevs har jag undersökt hur klusterteorin kan underlätta företagandet.

En annorlunda barndom : En litteraturstudie om barns upplevelser och erfarenheter av att växa upp med föräldrar som brister i omsorgsförmåga

Av olika anledningar klarar inte alla föräldrar av att tillgodose sina barns behov vilket kan påverka barnen och deras utveckling negativt. För att få barnets perspektiv på hur det är att växa upp under sådana förhållanden genomför vi denna studie med syftet att få ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur det kan vara för ett barn att växa upp i en familj där föräldrar av olika anledningar brister i sin omsorgsförmåga. Det är en litteraturstudie baserad på självbiografier där numera vuxna personer retrospektivt beskriver hur de upplevt sin barndom. Vi har använt oss av narrativ metod eftersom det ger oss möjlighet att få en fördjupad förståelse av berättarens upplevelser. Våra resultat visar att det sker en förändring av roller i familjen och att barnen får axla mycket stort ansvar hemma.

Kommunikation i matematikundervisningen : Kan metoden "talk-moves" bidra till att öka elevaktiviteten i klassrumsdiskussioner kring ett matematiskt innehåll?

Det undersökta området för denna studie behandlar klassrumsdiskussioner kring ett matematiskt innehåll utförda av elever i två klasser i år 6 som är nivågrupperade. Dessa två grupper består övervägande av lågpresterande respektive övervägande av högpresterande elever. Denna studie är ett undervisningsförsök med syfte att undersöka hur metoden som innefattar medvetna strategier i form av ?talk-moves? fungerar i dessa klassrumsdiskussioner. Skillnader och likheter under nämnda klassrumsdiskussioner jämförs mellan nämnda grupper.

Uteförskola : en undersökning

?Think of the best for the child? that?s a sentence we been hearing before, but the question is, do we really? Does the child get the opportunities to develop to healthy, safe, creative, mobile,concentrated, invention, curious, harmony child? Preschool outdoors is about time. On a preschool outdoors, gets the child opportunities to shape materials and the place they are on, the environment on preschool outdoors is formable and the children fantasy is big. Nothing is decided on a preschool outdoors ahead and nothing is static, here is the place where the child creates together with the nature and landscape. The landscape has a central part in the child?s play and in the child development and there are often no limits.

Omvärldsanalys och dess inverkan på strategiutformandet i svenska verkstadsföretag

The ability for companies to anticipate the future and stay in the forefront of the competition is essential for successful business. The tool of Environmental Scanning is basics in the process of developing prescriptive strategies as well as vital in evolving emergent strategies. The complexity lies in gathering relevant information and transforming the information into adequate data, which can be utilised by management to optimise strategies. The purpose of this study is to scrutinise how successfully operating Swedish manufacturing companies, listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange?s ?Large Cap?-list, organise their Environmental Scanning actions and how this affects the development of strategies. Prior research on the subject has been used as foundation to presenting relevant theories.

Y-OQ 2.0 SR : En studie om behandlingens villkor och att tillämpa mätinstrument i behandling av ungdomar

The Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.0 Self Report (Y-OQ 2.0 SR) has been implemented in residential treatment centre in the Municipality of Örebro as a result of the strive for a more evidence-based working approach within social work. This study aims to examine how personnel and adolescents describe the treatment/counseling and support and the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR in the units. The questions cover the values the personnel and adolescents ascribe to the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR, if the result from Y-OQ 2.0 SR is congruent with how the adolescents have been affected during the placement, which obstacles and/or possibilities emerge in the management of the instrument and if there are any indications that the Y-OQ 2.0 SR is advantageous or disadvantageous in the treatment process. The study has a qualitative approach; four interviews were carried out with adolescents and five with personnel. The result shows that structure is an important component in attaining a change in behaviour.

Tillsammans är vi starka? : -En kvalitativ studie i om traineeprogram leder till yrkeskunnande och gemenskapsbildning.

This study aims to investigate how participants in a companys traineeprogram describe that the programmes educational tasks has prepared them for their future work. The study also examines how participants perceive that they have developed skills that are specifik to their profession and how they became part of a community. The following questions were formed to make it possible to investigate the purpose further; ?Do the participants feel that the interaction within the trainee group has promoted their learning??, ?How does the participants describe the training elements in relation to their development of competencies that they use in their professional role?? and ?How does the traineeprogram contribute to the participants becoming part of a community??. This was examined by taking part of what previous research has highlighted as important for learning and socialization in relation to traineeprograms.

Tonåringars upplevelse av livskvalitet : En beskrivande och jämförande studie

The aim of this study was to describe how adolescents experiences their quality of life, and tocompare if there are any differences in how they experiences their QOL depending on wherethey live, big town or smaller town. The aim was also to examine how adolescentsexperienced their schooling. The study is empirically, quantitative with a descriptive andcomparative design. To measure quality of life a tried and tested instrument ? LifeSatisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ) was used.

Fotogrammetrisk analys av kornstorleksfördelningeni erosionsskydd vid kraftverksdammar

This master thesis was made to investigate the possibilities of using the Matlab-basedsoftware Basegrain to determine grain size distributions of erosion protections onhydropower dams. Basegrain is a photogrammetric tool developed to generate grainsize distributions and other information about coarse flood sediments by analyzing adigital photo of the stone bed. The investigation was made by validating the ability forBasegrain to assess grain size distributions of various materials smaller than the blocksused in an erosion protection by comparing sieving results or manual measurementswith the results obtained by the program. A statistical comparison was then made bycomparing the results from sieving and the program. The possibilities of using thesame method on existing hydropower dams were then investigated by determiningwhether the method was practically viable or not.The results showed that Basegrain generated grain size distributions for coarse gravelthat were very close to the sieving results.

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