

807 Uppsatser om Generation x - Sida 22 av 54

Utveckling och design av WiGID

The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB) is an academic department at Karolinska Institute. Generally stated, the CGB department is committed to the generation and management of genetic information by approaches aiming at elucidating the connection between genes, protein and function.WiGID is a genome information database that is available through WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).Our version of WiGID is based on WML, PHP and PostgreSQL as a database server.One of the changes on the old WiGID application was the creation of a relational database with seven tables and one view, instead of the file that represented the database on the old version. We also changed the script language from python to PHP.The search engine ability has been extended with three new search alternatives for a user to choose from. Each choice leads to other, sometimes multiple choices.A GUI has been created for the administrator, to be able to insert information into the database.The structure of the search engine is primarily for narrowing down the search result on the phone display, thereby making the search efficient..

Den virtuella mötesplatsen : Om de ungas användning av datorer och Internet i vardagen

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how children of the "digital generation" used their computers in their everyday practice. The important in the study was children's perspective on computers interactions and communications in a digital arena.An essential item about understanding children's way to think about computers was to let children themselves speak by taking part in the study, because children's voices are seldom heard in public. The empirical material used was interviews with sex children between 13 and 15 years old. My method was qualitative.The main results showed that social relations are very important for children. The Internet gives children access to an arena where they are able to make new contacts with others as well as transcend their biological as their physical identity.An important accepts for the children in the study was the option to be anonymous.

Fildelare-en social bandit i vår tid

We examined why file sharing is such a widespread phenomenon and what drives the persons that using file sharing, and what consequences it has on their consuming and ownership. We reached our goal by interviewing ten people who download files, using a qualitative method. We present the internet community where sharing files, copyright and the IPRED law are important ingredients for how the new generation consumer?s patterns look like. Today you can travel all over the world with a push on a button in just a few seconds.

Att leva med dubbel identitet : En analys av andra generationens invandrare och deras syn på identitet, kultur och tillhörighet

Den här uppsatsen berör identitetsskapande och social tillhörighet hos tre andra generationens invandrare i Östergötland. Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att se hur deras identitetsskapande påverkas av att de i sin hemmiljö har en annan kulturell influens än den svenska. I uppsatsen har jag använt mig av intervjuer för att få fram den empiri jag grundar min diskussion på. Intervjuerna har varit både sådana där jag satt mig ner med mina informanter men även Internetbaserade då det inte fanns tid för informanten att möta mig. Mina frågeställningar i uppsatsen har varit: Om, och i så fall hur, har informanten påverkats av att ha en eller båda föräldrar med icke-svenskt ursprung? och Hur ser informanten på sig själv utifrån tillhörighet och identitet?.

Centraliserad styrning av åtkomstlistor

Can the Danish "Aftalesystemet", a system with the intention to simplify the use of services within health care, be used in Sweden? This project has investigated the possibility by installing and testing the system and explored its functions to detect any eventual problems. Analyses were made of the system's graphical part and the underlying code to see in greater detail how the communication between units occurred, since no actual documentation of it existed. Discussions with the developers took place regarding how the current system works and how further development should continue. In order to test the system, a completely virtual environment was used.

Vem ser vad? : Annonsbilden ur ett genusperspektiv

Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i hur män och kvinnor påverkas av annonsbilder. Ser män och kvinnor i generation Y samma saker i annonsbilden, eller finns här olikheter som påverkar deras syn på annonsbilden.Metodik: Uppsatsen är genomförd utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Det empiriska underlaget tagits fram utifrån fyra stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer och två stycken köns-indelade fokusgrupper.Slutsats:Uppsatsens slutsatser är att respondenterna påverkades av annonsbilderna oavsett kön. Männen i studien gav oftare uttryck för känslor kring annonsbilderna som sedan kunde uttryckas i en fantasi. Kvinnorna däremot lät sin fantasi spegla deras syn och tolkning av annonsbilden som i sin tur väckte olika känslor hos dem..

Signalanalys med ATLAS

On Ericsson Ltd in Borås a wireless communication system called MINI-LINK? is produced. In order to sell their product with the best possible quality guaranty, there is a signal processing circuit called ATLAS implemented in the system. This circuit would eventually be useful in the production and for the repairs of the radio units. Our commission was to examine the possibility for this use.

Högtempererat borrhålslager för fjärrvärme

The district heating load is seasonally dependent, with a low load during periods of high ambient temperature. Thermal energy storage (TES) has the potential to shift heating loads from winter to summer, thus reducing cost and environmental impact of District Heat production. In this study, a concept of high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT-BTES) together with a pellet heating plant for temperature boost, is presented and evaluated by its technical limitations, its ability to supply heat, its function within the district heating system, as well as its environmental impact and economic viability in Gothenburg, Sweden, a city with access to high quantities of waste heat.The concept has proven potentially environmentally friendly and potentially profitable if its design is balanced to achieve a good enough supply temperature from the HT-BTES. The size of the heat storage, the distance between boreholes and low borehole thermal resistance are key parameters to achieve high temperature. Profitability increases if a location with lower temperature demand, as well as risk of future shortage of supply, can be met.

Möjligheter, behov och strategi för företagsetableringar inom High Voltage Valley

The structure of the thesis is based on opportunities to attract businesses to the region, the need of establishments in the region and benchmarking with establishment strategies of other cluster initiatives. The identified opportunities are the local business relationship with ABB, the prerequisites of life quality in the region and the availability of financial support. Further on has a number of opportunities to be developed been identified; diversification of the existing businesses, an expansion of the cooperation with universities and to simplify the contact with local authorities. Challenges that HVV is facing is: creating a more dynamic labor market, secure long-term labor supply, spread the image of the brand HVV and finally putting HVVs geographic scope. Two of the identified needs of establishments are strategically important: to establish a third-party logistician and commercializing systems for distributed generation and energy storage.

Fixering av Cross-beam på Fixed Caliper 22"

Denna rapport behandlar mitt examensarbete som genomfördes i samarbete med HaldexBrake AB. Haldex Brake AB håller på och utvecklare en ny generation broms åt lastbilar.Uppdraget bestod av tre delar. Att ta fram lösningsförslag som säkerhetsställer beläggjärnetsplacering i förhållande ett beläggjärn så kallad Cross-beam. Att säkerställa att bultar monterasmed rätt åtdragningsmoment på 230Nm. Den sista tredjedelen av arbetet bestod i attpresentera lösningar som helt eller delvis eliminerar oljud, när olika komponenter med spel,slår i delar i okhuset.I projektet har flera olika principkonstruktioner tagits fram och genom Freddy Olssonutvärderingsmallar har sedan en primärkonstruktion utarbetats fram.I dem andra två resterande projektdelarna belyses lösningarna väldigt generellt av denanledningen att det kräver specialkomponenter..

Kluven solidaritet? : Att formulera feministisk politik inom socialdemokratins ramar

This thesis focuses on politically active women within The Swedish Social Democratic Women?s Association, also known as S-women. By applying discourse analysis to interviews with active s-women and to meeting conversations between the association?s members, the study approaches ideas of feminism, feminist politics and political commitment. ?Solidarity? ? the central concept of the labour movement ? serves as the point of departure for a feminist discussion about class, gender, ethnicity and age/generation.

Onlinerecensionens betydelse : En kvantitativ studie om dess påverkan på unga kvinnors syn på varumärket

Denna studie syftar till att få mer förståelse för hur unga kvinnor syn på varumärketförändras av användandet av onlinerecensioner. Utgångspunkten för vår studie ärteknikutvecklingen och internets framfart såväl som vetskapen om att kvinnligakonsumenter i dagens samhälle är väldigt köpkraftiga. Internet har lett fram till nyamöjligheter för konsumenter att utbyta erfarenheter och åsikter om produkter som dehar kommit i kontakt med. Genom onlinerecensioner kan personer som egentligen intekänner varandra, ge varandra information inför ett köp genom att någon recenserar enprodukt i internetbutiken. Vilket vidare möjliggör för andra att läsa och ta till siginformation inför sitt köp.

Energikartläggning av en livsmedelsindustri : samt förslag på energieffektiviserande åtgärder

This thesis concerns an energy audit of a food industry. The company's business consists of boiling and peeling shrimps, and producing mayonnaise-based salads. This type of work involves energy-intensive processes, such as steam generation, compression of air and refrigeration of large spaces. These needs are supplied with electricity. Furthermore, the industry is a major consumer of district heating, particularly for heating the supply air in the ventilation system.

Framtidens meny för ett IT-system

The mission was to create a prototype of a menu system for the companySystem Andersson AB. The instructions were that it has to be as interesting andmodern now as in 20 years. We had to look at technology from the cutting edgeof development to make our prototype survive in the future. WindowsPresentation Foundation (WPF) was the technique we focused on. There areonly a few applications that take advantage of WPF today, but it is predictedthat WPF will be the next generation method for developing applications to theWindows platform.To make our menu visually appealing, easy to use and at the same timefunctional, we followed the clear path and guidelines that are available ininteraction design.

Konstruktion av demonteringsrigg : För gängade hydraulikcylindrar.

Dione kullager AB is a company in Uppsala, which sell industrialmachinecomponents, transmissionsolutions and provides repair serviceof hydraulic components.When a hydraulic cylinder is about tobe repaired it needs to bedisassembled. Because hydrauliccylinders usually work in dirtyenvironments and are heavilyworn some types of cylinders arealmost impossible to disassemble.Today the disassemble is made by hand,which means extra work for themechanics. In order to facilitate thedismantling of this type of cylindersa machine is to be developed for thispurpose and this is where this thesisbegins.The thesis has been organized in threephases: Literature study in whichfacts and theories are acquired.Concept generation in which differentconcepts, calculations, and solutionswere identified and selected. Thedesign phase where all the differentconcepts of components were assembledand simulated in SolidWorks. Similarstructures have also been studied inorder to identify necessary functions.The thesis resulted in a structurewhich is believed to meet therequirements.

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