

3508 Uppsatser om General obligation to inform - Sida 44 av 234

TV-spel och folkbibliotek - nya medier, mediepanik och biblioteksdiskurser

The aim of this master's thesis is to study what attitude public libraries in Sweden show towards video games. By using critical discourse analysis as both theory and method we analyse several texts emerging from a debate mainly discussed in blogs. Main topics in the debate are video games in the library, the purpose of the public library and Library 2.0. Our analysis focus on views expressed concerning the work and purpose of the public library, the librarian and the library user - and to identify the main visible discourses in the discussion.Our findings consist of two discourses representing two different views in the debate. We call these two discourses the general educational discourse and the interactive discourse.

Effekter av predationsrisk på sånglärkors (Alauda arvensis) habitatval på åkermark

Along with other European farmland birds, the skylark (Alauda arvensis) has declined rapidly since the 1970?s. Between 1975 and 2003, the Swedish population of skylarks declined with 64 %. In Britain, the decline is often explained by alterations in farming practices in general and the shift from spring-sown to winter-sown cereals in particular. The dense vegetation structure of winter cereals is limiting the number of breeding attempts possible, causing the entire population to decline.

Mandatfördelning i Sverige

This essay will cover the Swedish electoral system with a focus on the proportional representation andthe process involved from the conversion of votes to seats in the parliament. This process consists ofseveral methods which are created by political decisions as well as mathematical formulas and is notalways perfect in terms of equalization. An increment of six adjustment seats would have made thegeneral election of 2010 more proportioned. Despite this, the Swedish electoral system is wellconstructed and the essay will highlight areas which could be subject for improvement as well asexplaining fundamental concepts of the process..

Surrogatmödraskap: Arbete, gudagåva eller exploatering? : En analys av den svenska debatten kring surrogatmödraskap

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries, delivers, and then relinquishes a baby to commissioning parents. The arrangement challenges traditional norms and definitions of reproduction, pregnancy and motherhood, and at the same time raises difficult ethical, philosophical and social questions. There is currently an ongoing debate in Sweden, where all forms of surrogacy is illegal. The debate is polemical and harsh, with advocates arguing that surrogacy is defensible on the basis of individual rights and women's right to choose over their own bodies, and those in opposition are convinced on an intersectional basis that women are being used and exposed on the market of surrogacy.The purpose of this study is to investigate the debate on surrogacy in the Swedish context. Using qualitative text analysis, the study aims to increase understanding about the debate over surrogacy by analyzing texts published in Swedish press during 2010-2013.

Renhet och smuts i personarkivet : Ett antropologiskt perspektiv på ordnandet och förtecknandet av personarkiv

Personal archives are a largely neglected subject in archival theory. Among the consequences of this is the absenceof any general established or formalized practices when it comes to arrangement and description. Thisstudy opposes the notion that an archival institution without formal systems of arrangement and description doesnot order and describe archives in accordance with a general conceptual framework of a correct order. Supportingitself on the anthropological theory of Mary Douglas on dirt and cleanliness, it studies the implicit notions oforder that can be found in the archival descriptions of the personal archives kept by the Swedish national archives.Several patterns where revealed by the study: among them the primacy of quantity stood out. The vaguesystem of categories based on Martin Grass description model appears only to be employed loyally where quantitiesof the particular categories are such that they constitute complete volumes, which seem to be the cardinaljustifier of categorical division within the archive.

Mervärdesskattedirektivets implementering : Nationellt handlingsutrymme gällande bestämmelserna om mervärdesskattegrupper och reducerade mervärdesskattesatser?

En medlemsstat inom Europeiska Unionen (EU) ska anpassa de nationella bestämmelserna för att möta de EU-rättsliga bestämmelserna. Ett exempel på en sådan reglering är mervärdesskatten. Syftet med regleringen av mervärdesskatten har varit att skapa och stimulera en inre marknad inom EU, utan skillnader mellan medlemsländerna. Mervärdesskatten har harmoniserats genom mervärdesskattedirektivet som medlemsstaternas är förpliktigade att implementera. Implementering av ett direktiv ger medlemsstaterna möjligheten att själva tolka och avgöra tillvägagångssättet, så länge direktivets syfte uppnås.

NO-undervisning i klassrummet : En observationsstudie i hur undervisningen bedrivs av fem lärare på en skola

This essay is based on students' growing lack of interest in science at school. Both from a democratic and social perspective, this is a worrying factor for the future. Through observation, I investigated how five science teachers conduct their teaching. This is to get a better understanding of how teachers' behaviour in the classroom can affect students' interest in science. With a socio-cultural research approach, I have tried to highlight a few pieces of the puzzle that may explain students' declining interest in science.

Elevers relation till matematik : En jämförelse mellan mellanstadielärare och högstadielärares syn på elevers relation till och lärande i matematik

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is first to get a general idea about a group of working teachers thoughts of mathematics and the teaching in mathematics. I also would like to find out what they think affect pupils relationship to the subject. The surveys main purpose is to compare teachers in grade 4-6 and teachers in grade 7-9 view of what you as a teacher can do to further the learning in mathematics. I have done eight interviews. Four of them are with teachers in grade 4-6 and the other four interviews are with teachers in grade 7-9.Concerning the result of my examination it is difficult to come to a general conclusion.

Förståndiga flickor och modiga män? - en granskning av könsroller i 1960-talets svenska flick- och pojkböcker

Uppsatsen granskar könsroller i flick- och pojkböcker skrivna av svenska författare under 1960-talet. Fokus ligger på att studera könsförhållanden i böckerna och se huruvida det anges hur flickor och pojkar bör vara..

Handledning i informationsfärdigheter för vårdämnen på gymnasiet

The purpose of this paper was to learn more about the strategies used by senior high school librarians and teachers in educating their students' information skills, such as criticism of the information sources. The paper was based upon qualitative interviews with one senior high school librarian and three senior high school teachers. The respondents were asked to spontaneously tell me about their counseling strategies when the students do research assignments in medicine-oriented subjects. The respondents? narratives were analyzed with Carol Collier Kuhlthau?s theories about the information search process and its levels of mediation, as well as with literature about counseling strategies in mind.

Marknadsföring via internet : ett reklammedium i frammarsch eller mättnad?

Internet has since the beginning of the nineties gone through an enormous growth in size, and with this big increase in numbers of users, a new, lucrative advertisingmarket was created with webbased marketing. This market has grown in the same tempo, and has now reached some sort of a breakpoint. There is no doubt that internet will be a marketingmedium to count on in the future, but how will development continue to progres and what shape will it have? Will this development keep on growing in the same tempo as earlier or will we see factors that put a break on this development?With this study, I have wanted to give a picture of internet as a marketingchannel today and how it is understood by consumers, spokesmen for the bransch and branschauthoritys. Further, I have tried to give a picture of how the future could look like, judging from the data that was collected from interviews, a big poll and those written sources on the subject that are available today.To be able to give answers to my questions at issue and reach a conclusion for the partproblems that I had initially, I have made a group of interviews with spokesmen of the bransches marketing, netportal, netanalysis amongst others.

Implementation av spridningsmodell i ArcGIS

The project involves implementing a finished dispersion model into ArcGIS. The goal of the tool is to show how dangerous and toxic substances will travel in the ground after long periods. The goal of the project is to understand GIS in general, what it is used for and gain an insight into how developing tools for ArcGIS is, what challenges might exists. Understanding the type of data that can be stored and accessed in ArcGIS a long with the tools and functionality offered by the system when using Python as the main language for development. A prototype of the tool is created..

Varför ska vi spela handboll i skolan? : Lärares syn på handboll i grundskolan

AimThis qualitative study will provide an insight to different teachers view on handball in two elementary schools. Handball is a competitive sport and has been played for over 100 years in different contexts in Sweden. Are there qualities in the sport that belongs in the school´s non-competitive education? How do they justify this sport according to the governing documents Lgr-11 that gives a lot of room for interpretation by the teachers?How do teachers justify handball based on the curriculum?What kind of qualities do the teachers highlight with this sport in the education?Do teachers perceive any differences with the new curriculum?MethodThe method has a qualitative approach. The interviews in this study had a semi structure character.

FLERSPRÅKIGHET OCH LÄSSTIMULANS : Hur den språkliga sammansättningen hos elevunderlaget påverkar skolbibliotekariens arbete med lässtimulering

In today?s´ multicultural society increasing numbers of school librarians are faced with a relatively new target group of pupils. This group is linguistically less homogenous than previously and this requires modern adaptations of pedagogic methods.Information literacy and reading promotion are two important topics that school librarians work with. Information literacy is essential for problem based tuition and to increase it requires a well developed language. This study is focusing of the school librarians work with reading promotions.

Det bästa för miljön, det bästa för Europa?- Europeiska kommissionens argumentation i frågan om EU-harmonisering av miljöskatter The best of the environment, the best for Europe?- European Commission' s official arguments on EU hormonisotian of environmen

This thesis tackles the subject concerning arguments as a conceptual basis forunderstanding the general strategy of the European Union Commission on issuesconcerning EU-harmonized environmental taxes, politically delicate and intergovernmentaldependent. The Commission's official proposals, communications and other relevant documents are subject to inquiry, where the theoretical bases are that harmonized environmental taxes in the EU is an issue conceived as supported by academic debate, and where the institutional arrangement in relation to an European-national dimension alongside the discursive context, allows meaningfulspace for arguments. The study makes a distinction between substantial (environmental cancerns in itself) and instrumental (other benefits, mostly economic ones) rationality as a foundation in various types of arguments.The study's main findings are that the Commission's official documents over the past 20 years, have been trying to keep a strong image of reason and knowledge based arguments for an EU-wide environmental tax reform. In particular, the types of arguments tend to appeal to the Member States by stressing the instrumental rationality in a European environmental tax reform, indicating the value of good arguments as a part of the Commission's main strategies. In sum, this may have further theoretical suggestions concerning questions of environmental and elimate change policies in a European context or other more general studies relying on theoretical assumptions of logics of argument, legitimacy or studies of motives behind action strategies in politically sensitive issues such as taxation at supranationallevel..

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