

3508 Uppsatser om General obligation to inform - Sida 26 av 234

Arbetslöshetsförsäkringen och individen : en studie om krav, skyldigheter och hänsyn ur perspektivet geografisk rörlighet

This paper describes the rules of the Swedish unemployment insurance as regards the demands on the individual, the obligation posed on the individual based on these demands and the considerations taken by the law regarding the specific situation and personal circumstances of the individual. Special attention is paid to the demand to be available to the labour market and what is considered suitable employment from the viewpoint of geographical mobility. This paper treats ?Arbetslinjen? (Everyone able to work, thereby contributing to his/her own and others' support, shall have the opportunity to do so.), and the amendments of ALF, the law (1997:238) about unemployment insurance, that became active between 1/1 2007 and 1/1 2008, since many alterations were introduced in this period.The result illustrates the demands posed on the individual for him/her to be entitled to unemployment benefit, and the far-reaching demands posed on the unemployed for him/her to be considered available to the labour market from the viewpoint of geographical mobility. The result also shows some of the specific situations and personal circumstances of the individual taken into consideration, but since the amendments are as recent as 1.5 years, the list can not be considered complete, as practice is limited in this field.This paper also treats the Official Employment Agency's monitoring function of the unemployed's willingness to work, and the effect of the regulations not being followed as strictly as per the letter of the law by the Employment Agency officers, leading to insecurity regarding the rights of the individual..

Arbetsgivarens primära förhandlingsskyldighet samt undantag från densamma enligt 2 § MBL

AbstractThe employer is obliged to initiate negotiations with the union organization to which the employer is bound by a collective agreement. This applies both to decisions which imply a substantial change in workplace operations or employment conditions of the individual employee. In case law this obligation has been very extensive through all cases that have been up in the Swedish Labor court. Due to this fact the employer?s duty to negotiate has been interpreted very broadly.

Huggormsbett hos hund i Sverige : en klinisk studie och litteraturöversikt

Every year many dogs in Sweden are bitten by the adder, a venomous snake (Vipera berus). Despite the fact that adder bites are so common in dogs there have been few investigations made that study the effects of treatment with glucocorticoids, a drug that is commonly used. We have carried out a literature study concerning adder bites in dogs and a prospective study where case history, clinical signs and treatment have been recorded in dogs that were presented at two veterinary hospitals after a confirmed or suspected adder bite. Fifty three dogs were included in the study out of which 22 were treated with glucocorticoids. In our study, the group of dogs treated with glucocorticoids was compared with the group of dogs that did not receive glucocorticoid treatment by the owner or on arrival at the clinic.

Kost- och motionsvanors betydelse vid Diabetes Mellitus : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the importance of diet and physical activity related to Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes). Method used was a descriptive literature study based on empirical studies. The study shows that diet, physical activity and lifestyle-changes are very important factors when it comes to preventing and treating of diabetes. By the right diet and physical activity the treatment with medications in some cases can be superfluous and people with the disease could live longer and be healthier during their lifetime. Nurses have the responsibility to educate, inform and make sure that the diabetic patient gets the best care as possible specially suited for this individual patient.

Matematikdidaktik : En teoretisk studie av att lära algebra

This is a literature study of learning mathematics in general and algebra in particular. The goal is to explore and investigate the learning procedure and the difficulties pupils have with their understanding. Furthermore, to understand what qualities is requested of pupils in their effort to be successful in mathematics and algebra. I have also explored different pupil thinking styles in mathematics and what consequences that has on their learning and understanding. Moreover, I have investigated some different learning styles and how they can be addressed in teaching of mathematics in general and algebra in particular.

Små barns matematik : 2 åringars begreppsförståelse

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Trollets diamanter : Ett matematikspel för förskoleklass

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Mobilitet, abstraktioner och kontextmedvetenhet:Nya vägar för SRÖ i Karlskrona att övervaka driften av fastigheter

Denna magisteruppsats beskriver framtagande och utveckling av riktlinjer för ett system vars mål är att förändra och förbättra en organisation, där arbetet idag utgår ifrån en stationär plats men där vi hävdar att arbetssättet skulle kunna vara helt mobilt. I uppsatsen beskriver och diskuterar vi vårt tillvägagångssätt, resultatet av fältstudier och analys samt en diskussion som behandlar konstruktionen av ett mobilt anpassningsbart system. Uppsatsen resulterar i framtagandet av designriktlinjer för en mobil artefakt. Denna artefakt ska kunna stödja det arbete som utförs av personalen som arbetar med drift och övervakning av fastigheter i Karlskrona kommun. Artefakten ska vara anpassningsbar till den miljö som den används inom, den ska ha förmågan att känna av den kontext den opererar inom samt ha förmågan att följa de interaktioner som personalen utför.

Kvinnokonventionen- självklar men frånvarande. : En kvalitativ studie om implementering av Kvinnokonventionen

The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, CEDAW, in Uppsala local council and county council. The aim is to examine how the respondents, in their daily work, understand and implement the convention as well as how they consider the prerequisites for a successful implementation. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews with three civil servants and four politicians. The theoretical approach was implementation theory whose concepts willingness, comprehension and capability were used as tools for the analysis. The results portray CEDAW as a well-known treaty amongst the respondents but at the same time absent in local politics and everyday work.

Pojkar leker rövare och flickor leker med Barbie : En studie om hur kön representeras och framställs språkligt i läseböcker för barn i årskurs 1

In this essay there will be four text books from grade 1 studied, the first one are from the year 1976 and it will be going forward to the year 2012. The aim of this study is to see how the genders are depicted and represented, as well as what roles the genders are given. I do also want to see if there is a notable change in this over time. I will be doing a study based on the quantity of the contents, and I will also be doing a critical discourse analysis.The result of the study showed that there were more gender-based constructions that referred to women in all of the four books, which indicates that women are represented more often in these reading books. It is most common to portray the genders in their stereotypical roles, which again are present in society, but sometimes these roles are depart from what?s present in society.

Urbaniserad hästhållning: stadsnära hästgårdar och planering

As the number of inhabitants increases, the cities expand into the former rural landscape. The urbanization causes changes to the functioning of the peri-urban fringe. Land that previously was used for agricultural production is now used for alternative enterprises, as for example horse keeping and recreation. 75 % of all horses (approx. 200 000) are situated in the peri-urban fringe.

Intern kommunikation -ur ett organisationskulturellt perspektiv

Problem: How does the organisational culture affect the internal communication between the middle manager and his or herssubordinates?Purpose: The most common way is to study how the communication affect the organisational culture. In our study we have examined the reverse perspective. The purpose of this study would be to explain how the organisational culture affect the internal communication between the middle manager and his or hers subordinates.Theories: The basic theories in the study are The basic model, Internal communication, Levels of culture, High-power culture, Socialconstructions, Organisational structures and Leader Member Exchange Theory.Method: The study is based on the qualitative approach. We have used interviews for our collection of raw data.

Företagsbibliotekariers identitet, kompetens och professionsutveckling : Exemplet Astra Zeneca

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the identity, competences and professional development of corporate librarians. I have done an empirical study based on semi structured interviews with 11 information professionals who were working at Astra Zeneca at the time of the re-organizations of the company in 2009 which ultimately led to the closing of the libraries. I have also examined the views on competences and professional development of librarians in general, both in Sweden and in Denmark. I have used Thomas Brante?s theories on profession types as well as Anders Ørom?s theories on librarian identities as my theoretical framework.

Musikbranschens syn på folkbiblioteken. En aktör att räkna med?

This thesis explores the opinion of different participants in the music business regarding music being made available at the public libraries. The aim of the thesis is to answer the following questions; which are the most important issues concerning the distribution of music? How do the informants perceive the public libraries mission and activity in regard to make recorded music available? Which are the benefits/disadvantages with music being made available at public libraries? Seven qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from the following organisations; SKAP (The Swedish Society of Popular Music Composers), FST (Society of Swedish Composers), SAMI (Swedish Artists and Musicians Interest Organisation) SMF (The Swedish Society of Musicians), SOM (Swedish Independent Musicproducers), IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) and EMI Music Sweden. A study of literature and articles generated nine themes, which constitutes the frame of reference for the thesis. The result shows that several of the informants have not reflected upon the public library as an important actor when it comes to the distribution of music.

Sexualitet efter en hjärtinfarkt- Behovet av information

Sexuality contains more than just reproduction and is an important part of quality of life. Chronic disease can lead to sexual dysfunction for both males and females. The nurse plays an important role in informing and teaching. Throughout dialogue and observations the nurse can detect possible problems, document and then take measures. The study was performed as information retrieval of literature where the cause was to highlight sexuality for patients that have experienced a myocardial infarction.

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