

3508 Uppsatser om General obligation to inform - Sida 22 av 234

Politiskt organisationsbyggande : Om ungdomars inflytande i Rädda Barnen

?Have the young members? of Save the Children Sweden got increased possibilities to influence the organization since the founding of the youth-organization?? The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if the founding of a youth-organization by Save the Children Sweden has led to increased possibility for the young members to influence the organization. I have two research assignments; change since the founding of a youth-organization? politically since the foundation of a youth-organization and how?Did the norms and values in the organizationand Did the organization change I have analyzed protocols from the general assembly between 1997 and 2008 and how the rules in the organization have changed over time. I have also interviewed four board members to get a more diversified view of how the board meetings proceed.

Inneluftsventileradekryprumsgrunder : en utvärdering av två tillverkare

This Diploma work investigates internal air ventilated crawl-space in respect to construction and damp. The Diploma work assumes from a general description of crawl-space and general dump problems in ground construction. An internal air ventilated crawl-space is a construction where you take the ventilation air from the building and bring it down to the crawl-space and lets the air circulate before it passes through a retaining aggregate on the way out from the crawl-space. In this matter you get a worm space under the building and a lot less dump problems in form of · Ground damp · Build damp The ground dump reduces through draining around the building, different layer of gravel between the ground and the building and ventilation of the crawl- space. The build dump reduces through ventilation of the crawl-space as fast as possible.

Gymnasieelevers intresse för tecknade serier

This master's thesis deals with the interest in comics among students at the social science programme in an upper secondary school. The history of comics and the reading habits of comics have also been examined. For the completion of this study 54 students, 19 boys and 35 girls, took part in a questionnaire. The results of this statistical survey shows that the department of comics at Malmö city public library plays an insignificant role concerning the interest and reading of comics for the students. The main readings of comics for the students are in the daily paper, which resembles reading habits of adults.

Smärtlindring hos kalv efter avhorning. En beteendestudie där effekten av meloxikam som postoperativ analgesi utvärderas :

In this study, 29 calves were dehorned by heat cauterisation at the age of 1 to 8 weeks. Before the procedure, the calves were given local anaesthetic but were not sedated. In connection with the dehorning, 14 calves were given the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) meloxicam and 15 calves were given placebo. During the following three days behavioural studies were performed to investigate if the different treatments had any effect on the calves´ postoperative behaviour. Head shakes, head rubs, kicks and ear flicks were studied, as earlier studies have shown that an increase in these behavioural patterns suggests postoperative pain.

Offentlig upphandling och Kundval : Hur skall kundvalsmodellen tillämpas i förhållande till lagen om offentlig upphandling?

The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value.My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions.One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation..

Det kan alltid bli bättre: Bibliotekens tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade barn och ungdomar

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility and barriers of public libraries to intellectual and mentally disabled children and young people. This we will do by examining whether the library staff acts according to policies of the libraries. Our method has been qualitative interviews with library staff and we have also observed the environment, media and marketing of these libraries. As a theoretical starting point of the analysis we use Michael Buckland?s different aspects of access to information.

Djurskyddsinspektörer : - Behovet av kunskap om exotiska djur

Psittacines and reptiles are exotic animals that are difficult to care for and it requires extra knowledge to make a correct assessment of their wellbeing. An animal welfare inspector, with an education in general animal welfare, may not have a deep enough knowledge of exotic animals to do a proper assessment of the animal?s general condition and its environment. In this paper it was therefore examined if animal welfare inspectors have enough knowledge to do a satisfying inspection of establishments working with selling of exotic animals. A literature study was used to examine difficulties with each species.

Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning

The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor.The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described.Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala.All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala.

Vilka behov av mertjänster har Areals fastighetsköpare?

Areal is one of the major players in the Swedish market for real estate brokerage of agricultural properties and related additional services. The purpose of this report is to give a better picture of the needs for additional services of property purchasers of Areal. Add-on services are the type of counseling you may need to achieve good economy on an agricultural property. Through a survey of property buyers of Areal information has been collected and compiled. A very good response rate was obtained and the material seemed reliable as it reflected the population in general.

Administrativ styrning möter akademisk frihet Om Lunds universitets översättning av populära organisationsrecept

In a world of ?formal organizations?, which is constantly exposed for institutionalized super standards and ideas of a what a modern orgnization should be like, the pressure for changes are strong. This is the environment in which Lund University finds itself. Ideas in the beginning of the 21-century is concerning a stronger emfasis on steering, centralisation, re-hieriarchyzation, standardised processes and a new regulation concerning internal control. Through theories of new institutionalism, with conceptions as organizational identity and the expectations of adapting to new ideas, can you track the translation and adaptation that the ideas go through at the university- a decentralised organization where not only freedom has been a concept for the academic parts, but also for the administration.

Fördelning av resultat på den svenska börsen

This paper replicates a test performed by Burgstahler and Dichev (1997), which identifies a kink in the frequency distribution of earnings for companies listed on American stock exchanges. Their claim, that the kink is evidence of earnings management, has however been dismissed as a methodical consequence. To address this concern, this paper not only replicates the test in general, but also performs tests on a split sample, where founding family-owned companies are separated from the others, since earlier research has shown that founding family ownership is correlated with less earnings management. The results are in line with the findings of Burgstahler and Dichev, with a significant kink in the frequency distribution in the general test. The findings also show that the significance of the kink increases in the non-family-owned sample, while it disappears in the family-owned sample.

Sura Gamla Kyrka : analys av patologiska och skeletala förändringar hos sju individer

Seven individuals from Surahammar in Västmanland Sweden are analyzed for the appearance of pathological and skeletal changes. The graves, all from within the walls of a fourteenth century church, are dated from the Viking age to late eighteenth century. The aim of this scientific essay is to find pathological conditions by doing an osteological analyze, x-ray analysis, an osteoporosis measurement and letting orthopedists assess the individuals. The aim is also to say something about the individuals? general health and how they experience the changes they have in the skeleton.

Borta bra, men hemma bäst: En undersökning av egna och köpta medier

The rise of social media has put a focus on the division of owned, paid and earned media, where earned media has recently been hyped at the expense of owned and paid media. Due to a novel area we examine the differences and effects of using owned and paid media, specifically for packaging versus newspapers. Owned and paid media showed no significant differences regarding credibility, persuasion and perceived commerciality, which restored owned media?s status, especially since owned media is more cost efficient. The effects of allowing ads for external brands on the owned medium were also studied.

En retrospektiv epidemiologisk studie om hudproblem på dobermann :

It is a well known fact today that suffering due to skin disorders is one of the most common causes to veterinary calls. For the Doberman breed included in the group of working dogs, the frequency and distribution of the different skinrelated diagnoses that causes visits to the veterinary clinics remains undocumented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of skinrelated problems causing veterinary visits of Doberman at four different veterinaryclinics in Sweden retrospectively, and compare these results with dogs in general and three other working dog breeds with the help of information collected from Agria - a Swedish animal insurance company. The total amount of veterinary calls that were registered at the clinics in question during the time of the study was 2460 visits. From these, 658 visits were due to skinrelated disorders, which amount to 27%. The most frequent cause to skinsuffering was injury caused by trauma, 15,7% of the Dobermans that were included in the study were affected, the second most frequent cause was inflammatory and infectious skin problems with 12,3% followed by neoplastic changes in the skin with 7% of the Dobermans affected.

Tillgänglighet på svenska folkbiblioteks webbplatser en kvantitativ tillgänglighetsstudie

Information technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives. The Web is an important part of this development, however, web pages can be inaccessible to many groups of users. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accessibility of Swedish public library websites. Besides examining the general accessibility, this study also covers whether any specific aspect of accessibility is particularly poor and if so which groups may be affected. In addition, this study also examines whether a correlation can be found between the degree of accessibility and the size of the website.

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