

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 45 av 219

Tjejer å Tjejer

Tjejer å Tjejer är en dokumentär med ungdomar i åldern 14-17 år som målgrupp. Produktionen har gjorts i samarbete med SVT, Sveriges Television, Växjö. Med filmen vill vi visa unga homosexuella tjejer, eller som de medverkande benämner det flator. Vi vill visa dessa i sina sociala sammanhang. Att vara lesbisk och ung betyder inte att man måste leva annorlunda. För att finna våra karaktärer sökte vi i hela södra Sverige.

I strävan efter anti-estetik och musikalisk etik

In his master thesis, Johan Jutterström pursues an anti-aesthetic and ethic artistic process. He?s using mainly three different strategies; reasoning through text, composing for ensemble, and solo improvising on the saxophone. Through composing the piece for 12 musicians Trästolen, Jutterström tries to erase himself and his taste from the music. In that endeavor he looks to physics as a catalyst.

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Genus i barnboken : En undersökning om hur flickor och pojkar skildras i barnböcker

The purpose of this research is to analyze six children?s books from a gender perspective and thereby investigate in what way boys and girls respectively are portrayed in books.My general question is:How are boys and girls portrayed in children?s books?This question has been broken down into four minor questions:What type of clothes are the people wearing? Are people predominantly male or female? Have people specific attributes which are linked to their sex? Are people performing specific actions which are linked to their sex?In my research I have combined quantitative and qualitative methods and my theoretical framework has been gender.This study reveals a change in children's books with respect to how the different genders are portrayed. The progression is towards a more equal portrayal but despite this, patterns typical for the respective genders shine through..

Beredning av lokalnät i landsbygd

In this thesis a rural network in Norrbotten, Sweden, has been to designed and planned with the purpose of improving distribution reliability by exchanging existing overhead lines with underground cables. General network design considerations are discussed as well as the ones for the specific low voltage grid. During the design phase the maximum power of domestic consumers has been estimated using Velander?s method. Currents, voltage drop and impedance of the network have been calculated and fuse operation and selectivity has been considered.

Musik för kommunikation och självkänsla : En studie om musikens betydelse i en flerspråkig förskolemiljö

This thesis, entitled The Headmaster and the Music, is based on interviews with four headmasters, who are all working in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they view music, both in general and as a school subject. Since the research on this topic is scarce, the study can be described as explorative.The result shows that the headmasters? personal experiences have an impact on the way they view music. Four different focus points on music in school have emerged from the material, and these represent the four very different views that each headmaster holds.

Sfi-undervisningen genom tiderna : En studie av tre läro-och kursplaner

The aim of this paper is to analyze how syllabus plans for the course Swedish for immigrants have changed in the past 40 years. The paper focuses mainly on how different theories on learning in general and second language acquisition in particular have influenced the syllabus. Furthermore, the paper attempts to identify changes in how the teachers? role is described in the documents. My results indicate that syllabus plans from the 70?s were influenced by behaviorism, progressivism and the sociocultural view on learning, while syllabus plans from the 90?s and 00?s show only influences from the two latter perspectives.

HipHopvideor - Från idé till färdig produkt

Vi, Anna Nilsson och Jeanette Svensson, valde att producera musikvideos under vårat kandidatarbete på Blekinge tekniska högskola. Detta eftersom vi båda har ett stort intresse till musik och rörlig bild. Vi valde att göra två stycken för att lära oss produktionens process grundligt och för att nu kunna jämför de båda och av detta ta lärdom. Den ena musikvideon gjorde vi till en skånsk duett som heter KC och den andra till Advance Patrol. Båda låtarna är inom genren hiphop. Vårt mål med projektet var att skapa två videos som inte följde den generella mallen för hiphop-videos.

Algoritmer för objektdetektering i SAR och IR-bilder

The first part of the thesis consists of a brief introduction to the general principles of target detection and the sensor-systems used. In the following part there is a theoretical description of the algorithms this thesis focuses on. The detection algorithms described in this paper are called Cell Average, Ordered Statistics, 2parameter and Gammadetector. Two different discriminators called Extended Fractal Features and Quadratic Gamma Discriminator are also described. The algorithms are tested on three different types of data, simulated SAR-pictures, authentic SAR-targets and IR-pictures.


This report describes the work with creating a CMS (Content Manager System). A CMS is a web tool so you easy can publish materials on your web page. With a CM Scan you can without any knowledge of programming web pages create and maintain a web page. This will result in that you and your organisation save time and money. You can also split the responsibility for the webpage in different roles, but still keep the control. We have chosen to create our CMS in a script language called php4 and with the database server MySQL, we have also used JavaScript a lot.

Företagsrekonstruktionens misslyckanden : Har rekonstruktören en roll i det?

The majority of the Swedish population were self-provided within agriculture a hundred years ago. Times do change and today the situation is the other way around - most of us live within city boundaries and only few work with farming and related agricultural businesses. One thing that has not changed though, is the need of supplies from Swedish agriculture.What do we think of those products? Are we even aware of the connection between us and agriculture? The Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF (Lantbrukarnas riksförbund), started their project to strengthen the link between consumers and producers in 2008.This paper is part of the project and its aim is to investigate consumers' views and values upon the effects and products from Swedish agriculture.Opinions and values have been studied through interviews influenced by phenomenology. The results show that the informants in general had a positive approach and thinking concerning the products and effects from Swedish agriculture.

Konceptutveckling av luftutblås

This Master?s Thesis work was performed at the Studio Engineer department at Volvo CarsDesign Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden. The assignment has been to create a new idea of an airvent where the news value mainly was focused at functionality but also with great attention onvisual appearance.The work has been totally independent and not been aimed to any specific car model. Theindependency initially made that the visual appearance primary wasn?t limited in any way dueto surrounding components.

Hållbart samhälle, hållbart liv : Om konstruktioner av ideal och problem kring social hållbarhet ur ett landsbygds- och äldreperspektiv

Social sustainability is often regarded as a solution to social problems in general. In this study, on the contrary, social sustainability is conceived as a socially constructed concept and the result of a certain way of looking at the world, the human being and the ideal society. The study centers around Kinda municipality in the southern region of Östergötland and a few of its elder inhabitants. What meaning and substance social sustainability is contained with as well as the effects that are produced by these conceptualizations is explored and analyzed. Also, the study examines the encounter between political policy?s and judgments on the one hand and the experiences and preferences held by the municipality?s elder inhabitants on the other..

Att känna sina elever : Fem lärares förhållningssätt till att undersöka förkunskaper hos elever med migrationsbakgrund

This study aims to give an account of five teachers? views and understandings of second language (L2) learners? previous knowledge, as well as, their linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This is carried out by the means of qualitative interviews, where the sampling consists of five primary school teachers at various schools. The findings are presented and analyzed using a thematic analysis. Furthermore, the study indicates that teachers in general have a positive attitude to learning more about their L2 learners? prior knowledge and backgrounds, both for the pupils, as well as, their own sake.

Mekanisk sårrengöringsapparatur för vården : En studie i sköljningsoptimering

?Mechanical debridment ? A studie in irrigation optimization? is a final thesis which was executed by Fredrick Ekman, in close collaboration with the other group member Mikael Johansson, during the spring 2012. The thesis was carried out through Karlstad University Faculty of Technology and Science in the study program of Innovation and Design Engineering (180 ECTS credits). The client of the project was Medilink AB located in Lindesberg, and the contact person was Nils-Erik Söderström, Chief Executive Officer. The project was supervised by lecturer, Lennart Wihk, and examined by lecturer and professor Fredrik Thuvander at Karlstad University.

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