

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 43 av 219

Vad säger statistik om arbetslöshet? : En analys av den offentliga debattenom arbetslösheten i Sverige inför valet 2005

This essay examines the public debate concerning the unemployment of Sweden just before the general election 2005. Its main purpose is to analyse what lies behind the huge differences in statistics, as presented by the two leading factions in the debate. It concludes that these differences are foremost a problem of semantics, and that although the two factions have statistical proof of their claims, it is their use of terminology that is in fact their main weapon in the debate.The key word here is the swedish word for employment ? sysselsättning ? which the two facitons use in entirely different ways, creating a lot of possabilities for interpretation. This has caused a type of debate which is actually about the reinterpretation this word, and those who are to be included in the statistics as being ?sysselsatt?, therefore, it is semantics that affects the number of unemployed people in the statistics..

Fuktförebyggande åtgärder för ett bättre klimat i den småländska stenkyrkans krypgrund

Fukt i kyrkans krypgrund är ett ?växande? problem som på senare tid uppmärksammats alltmer. I denna studie har flera möjliga lösningar undersökt, vidare har en allmän angreppsmodell formulerats för att underlätta framtida utredningar. Studien visar bland annat att styrning efter mögelrisken är önskvärt för att få ett energioptimerat och garanterat mögelfritt klimat. Åtgärdsförslag såsom sorptionsavfuktare samt värmning genom elradiator direkt i krypgrunden är möjliga lösningar som med ett litet energitillskott förbättrar klimatet i krypgrunden avsevärt..

?Långt borta men nära?- en studie om socialsekreterares förväntningar på chefer och syn på arbete

This masters degree was a study of some social workers in Gothenburg Community and their expectations of leaders in general, their opinions of work and the leaders influence. The city of Gothenburg will within a few years recruit about 500 leaders. Depending on large pensions among leaders. It is important to have knowledge of the social workers expectations of leaders, their opinions of work and the leaders influence. It is also interesting to see if different generations have similarities or if they have different opinions.

Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus i miljonprogrammet

This thesis has been written with our society?s current energy-situation in mind.Although it only deals with one particular block of buildings, the solutions and suggestions presented herein are quite applicable on other objects of the same type.This thesis is intended to be used as a guideline for energy-preserving projects in general, with an eye to buildings erected during the Swedish ?million-programme? in the sixties and seventies.The paper starts with the acquiring of all necessary blueprints and technical specifications. It then moves on to a thorough description of the buildings in question, and their heating- and ventilation-systems.Followed by this the reader is guided through the successive stages of energy-perseverance measures that are available, and possible. Reasoning around the economic factors concerning all measures is also held.The paper ends with conclusion, and a discussion concerning the delicate issue of the higher return-temperatures possibly reaching the district-heating plant..

Global uppvärmning : gymnasieelevers oro och kunskap

Global warming is generally recognized as one of the major environmental challenges we have to face in the near future. The students in school today are the ones that will have to deal with the consequences of it tomorrow. That is why education about it is so important. Previous research shows that students believe that environmental issues in general are important problems to be solved. I this study I tested students in grade twelve, in four different schools in order to find out what their level of knowledge about global warming is, how worried they are about it and if there are any correlation between their knowledge and their level of worry.

Att vara eller icke vara? : en diskussion om kulthusens existens på Gotland

The purpose of this thesis is to find evidence if cult houses existed on Gotland during the Bronze Age. The cult house is a common term in modern Bronze Age archaeology and the general definitions of cult house are discussed and why cult houses seem to be absent on Gotland. In this thesis the cult house are discussed as a phenomenon, and the possibilities to find Bronze Age cult houses on Gotland are evaluated by making comparisons between Gotland houses with already defined cult houses from the Swedish mainland. Some known cult houses are presented in more detail as case studies, together with house remains on Gotland which could have potential to be defined as cult houses..

Minskad utbredning av apollofjäril, Parnassius apollo, i södra Stockholms län : En studie av möjliga faktorer utifrån artens habitatkrav

The Apollo butterfly, Parnassius apollo, is categorized as Near Threatened (NT) in IUCN Red List. Today in Sweden it is found only in strongly fragmentized populations. In the county of Stockholm, P. apollo exists exclusively in some islands of the archipelago and with one mainland population in Stora Vika. This study has the purpose of expanding the knowledge of the local conditions for the butterfly in the south parts of the county of Stockholm and thereby contributes to a sustainable land management that can preserve the Apollo butterfly.A comparative study was done between areas where the butterfly today have: a stable population (Stora Vika, Utö and Ålö), has disappeared (Muskö and Yxlö) or is strongly declining (north part of Ornö).

Miljövårdsberedningens arkiv 1968 - 1994 : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete på Riksarkivet

This memo discusses and problematizes the work of organizing and cataloging the archive of the Environmental Advisory Council.The archive mainly consists of records concerning meetings which the Environmental Advisory Council has participated in, but also records concerning different tasks of the council and a few records concerning the coun-cil itself.The overriding problem, which is discussed in the final part of this memo, is the lacking knowledge about the creator of the archive and the creation of the archive itself and how this effects the work of ordering and catalog-ing. An attempt is made to evaluate the archive as a source of information to the Environmental Advisory Coun-cil and its work.This is a one year master?s thesis in Archival Science.

Flit, fylleri och förbundsstatspotential : En undersökning av den nyzeeländska Sverigebilden i samband med skandinaviska emigranters ankomst till Wellington år 1871

This Bachelor?s thesis elucidates the subject of Swedish migration to New Zealand in 1871. Drawing on the work of Anthony Grigg, who has assessed the public opinions regarding the arrival of Scandinavians in 1871-1876, this study aims to highlight the image of Sweden and Swedes conveyed in New Zealand at this time. Through a hermeneutic engagement with newspapers of the day, it is concluded that Swedes in general were being portrayed as industrious, thrifty and well suited for the forestry labour expected of them. It is also shown, however, that Swedes and Sweden to a limited extent were being associated with notorious drinking habits and inferior intellectual abilities.

International negotiation: pre-negotiation in Swedish

International negotiation is the link between international planning and implementation. The ability to negotiate successfully may very well depend on the efforts being put into preparatory activities, leading to the purpose of this research, to gain a better understanding of pre-negotiation in an international context, by exploring, describing and partly explaining the process. Personal interviews were conducted with two Swedish international companies to obtain thorough information within the area. The collected data from these two cases are discussed, compared and then finally used to draw general conclusions. The study indicates the different issues that either occur or should be considered prior to the first formal meeting in an international negotiation.

Användarcentrerad design för att förbättra rapporter i kvalitetsregister

In modern health care, the quality registry is anexcellent tool to monitor everyday work. Collected data forms a foundation, presented as online reports, from which local work efforts to refine care quality can be performed. All reports are coded manually by specially trained developers. This is a tedious process and hence becomes a bottleneck in the strive for improvement.This thesis evaluates whether an extended way of dealing with reports can fit into the existing work situation, with main focus on the idea of creating custom reports directly within a quality registry. It provides a set of conclusions regarding today's usage of reports as well as the users' general and specific needs within the area.

Föräldraledighet som en kompetensutvecklande period i livet

The aim of the study was to examine whether parental leave can serve as capacitating period in life. More specifically our aim was to get a deeper comprehension of the abilities and competencies developed through parental leave and how these can be of use to the individual when at work. 12 semistructured interviews were conducted with employees from a large organization in the south of Sweden. The results were analyzed using a hermeneutic approach. The results of the study show that competencies and abilities such as effectiveness, organizing, multitasking, leader abilities, communication, sensitivity, limiting skills, mindfulness, acceptance, self-confidence and life balance were enhanced during parental leave.

Invandrares nätverk och sociala kapital

Abstract The increased focus on social capital theory has made its way into labour economics. This has led to the creation of a vast literature about the use of networks and informal search methods in the labour-market, a literature that to some extent also deals with immigrants search behaviour and their relatively high unemployment rate. Characteristic for the literature in the area is the lack of analysis of actual networks. Which types of contacts do these networks contain; how are the networks used in the labour-market; and which type of network generates a high amount of social capital. These questions are important for the general understanding of how social capital functions, within the labour-market, but also for the understanding of how immigrants use their networks in order to find themselves jobs.

Vattnets väg genom en romersk stad. -Från vattenkastellet till mottagaren.

The purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of the urban Roman water system. I have chosen to work with the system as a general field, not as a case study of a single town. In my opinion such a study would not give a proper and fair view of the subject. Therefore, this paper will discuss the different parts of the system, each one for itself and name examples wherever possible, to give a wide survey of the reality of the Roman water supply system. The aim is to give the reader a clear picture of different solutions used in the time of the early Roman Empire and a good understanding of the subject..

Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med Hallsta pappersbruk som tillämpningsexempel

The aim of this report is to improve the fire safety at Hallsta Paper Mill in Hallstavik, Sweden. In order to do so large parts of a fire-protection management system for the paper mill has been created. The report begins with giving a general description of management structures and fire-protection management systems. An account is given for how management structures are designed, and how they should be implemented, maintained and updated. Thereafter follows a description of what routines and instructions should be included in a fire-protection management system..

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