

3274 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 3 av 219

Dagkirurgiska patienters upplevelser av anestesi och kirurgi

Dagkirurgi blir allt vanligare. Då det genomförs under generell anestesi förekommer ofta oro och postoperativa komplikationer som smärta och illamående. Patienters tillfredsställelse med dagkirurgi och anestesi har tidigare studerats, men ofta med enkäter av låg kvalité. Syftet med denna studie var därför att med hjälp av intervjuer studera dagkirurgiska patienters upplevelse av anestesi och kirurgi. Sju patienter intervjuades.

Dokumenthantering i en kommunal organisation.

Examensarbetet berör frågor kring arkivering och dokumenthantering på stads-byggnadsförvaltningen i Trollhättans kommun. Problem som kommunen har är dagslägets hantering av digitala filer..

Hörapparaten : Det dolda hjälpmedlet?

This essay is about the history of the hearing aid in Sweden, from 1930s until today. The hearing aid as an apparatus is described, and views by the users are presented. Articles and interviews have been used as source material to answer the main questions. In the essay, people who have written the articles, and the ten users being interviewed, describe how hearing aids are used in everyday life, and how users interact with people in general and how the hearing care system treats users. Another question regards how users perceive their own hearing aids from an aesthetic perspective.

Hypotermi vid anestesi av hund

The reasons for hypothermia during general anaesthesia are many and varied. The lowered body temperature causes negative physiological effects and leads to discomfort for the animal during the recovery period. This student report is a combination of field study and literature review. In the field study the changes in ambient temperature and the rectal temperature of dogs were monitored during general anaesthesia. The purpose of the study was to see if the body temperature of dogs was reduced during general anaesthesia.

Ärligt talat så har jag det som krävs för att vara en bra förälder! : En studie om hur föräldrars generella hälsotillstånd påverkar den upplevda föräldrakompetensen

Background: Good health at community and individual levels are key policy priorities. These priorities can be shown through supporting parents about various different healthy lifestyle choices. In order to know where interventions are needed, it is of interest to study how parents generally feel and how they perceive their parenting.Aim: To study how parents rate their own health and parenting skills, and examine whether there is any correlation between perceived general health and perceived parental competence.  Further, this study will show whether there is a correlation between rate of perceived general health and rate of perceived parental competence when it comes to gender.Method: 64 questionnaires were collected at strategic open kindergartens in the municipality of Uppsala. The questionnaires were distributed to the parents present and who chose to participate in this study.Main result: The result of this study shows that parents have a high rate of general health.

Den svenska generalstaben som lärande organisation : kunskapsutvecklingen avseende strid om befästa ställningar under första världskriget

The intention of this essay is to study the Swedish General Staff as a learning organisation during the period of 1914-1918 based on the theoretical work developed by the philosopher Bertil Rolf. Previous international research on the Prussian/German General Staff has shown that it is considered to be the first learning organisation in history. The Swedish General Staff was based on the German General Staff model and the focus of this study is to compare the development the tactics in Germany and Sweden regarding defence and attack in trench warfare. The questions are: How were the possibilities for gathering and analysing informa-tion affected by the war? Which conclusions were made for trench warfare in Swedish conditions? What experiences from the war and exercises in Swedish army were implemented in manuals and training?The conclusion of the study is that the Swedish General Staff was functioning as a learning organisation during the WWI through the ability to follow the international development, mainly in the Central Powers, and by modifying the experiences to the prevailing Swedish strategic and tactical conditions.

Kameraövervakning : En juridisk analys

Camera surveillance can provide good protection against certain types of crime, but it can also invade our privacy. The County Administrative Board monitors compliance with the rules by visiting those places to which the general public has access. They have to issue permits before general camera surveillance to those places which the general public has access. In certain cases, in stores for example, general camera surveillance is permitted only if the Country Administrative Board is notified in advance. The Data Inspection Board is a public authority and responsible for the camera surveillance for those places to which the public not has access.

Perioperativ omvårdnad vid kejsarsnitt hos tik ? förbättra utfall för tik och valpar

Dystocia, or difficult birth, is a commonly seen complication to natural birth in veterinary hospitals. Although other methods of resolving dystocia exist, 60 % of dystocias will need to undergo caesarean section. To perform a caesarean section, the bitch will have to undergo anesthesia. The purpose of this literary study was to provide a deeper understanding regarding how the physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy influence anesthetic management in the bitch and puppies. Which anesthetic drugs and drug combinations indicated was also investigated as well as how a veterinary nurse can optimize care of the mother throughout the procedure and how resuscitation of the puppies should be carried out for best possible outcome.

Anestesisjuksköterskans stöd till den födande kvinnan : Vid planerat kejsarsnitt i spinalanestesi

Bakgrund: Kejsarsnitt har blivit vanligare, orsaken kan vara medicinska indikationer, men också förlossningsrädsla. Att kvinnor som föder barn vaginalt får en bättre upplevelse om de får stöd av en medmänniska är välkänt. Studier av kvinnor som föder barn med planerade kejsarsnitt visar att de också behöver stöd. Detta stöd ges framför allt av anestesisjuksköterskor eftersom barnmorskan är sterilklädd.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur anestesisjuksköterskan ger stöd till den födande kvinnan vid planerat kejsarsnitt i spinalanestesi.Metod: En empirisk, deskriptiv studie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes. Fem anestesisjuksköterskor intervjuades.

Beskattning av löneförmåner : förutsebarheten av vissa löneförmåners skatteplikt alternativt dess skattefrihet

Not all payments that an employee receives are cash salary, but may also be salary benefits. It should not matter in which form an employee receives payment, taxation shall be equal despite the form of salary. Cash salary as well as salary in benefits are covered by a general rule in the Swedish Tax Law and shall therefore be taxed when they have a connection to the work performed. There are exemptions to the general rule as some benefits are tax free. In general, taxation shall be easy to foresee.   The legal rules that are treated in this thesis have a general meaning.

Automatisk och manuell anestesijournalföring / Automatic and manual anesthesia record keeping

Slutsatsen av studien, som baserar sig på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar, blir att AIMS ökar patientsäkerheten samt bidrar till att tillförlitligheten och kvalitetssäkringen av anestesiologisk dokumentation säkras. Denna slutsats baseras på de gemensamma faktorer som framkommit i resultatet av de artikelgranskningar som genomförts inom ramen för studien. De olika faktorerna är: ? tiden som den anestesiansvarige lägger ned på dokumentation ? brist på korrekt och tillförlitlig registrering av vitala parametrar i anestesijournalen ? utslätning av hemodynamiska värden för att uppnå en försköning av anestesijournalens utseende. ? artefakter ? hjälpmedel vid riskanalyser ? mera korrekt och objektiv rapportering av patientens hemodynamiska data ? utbildning..

Identitet och etnicitet : om ungrares förutsättningar till självförverkligande

The point of interest in this study is to identify whether ethnicity is a correlating factor regarding Hungarian immigrants? development of identity in Sweden. The general aim is to increase knowledge and understanding of the conditions for the Hungarian ethnical group in Sweden to reach self-realization. The main question is whether the general view of the background of this ethnical group has a connection to their self-realization in Sweden? Since the study involves a whole group of minority, a limitation has been made to adults living in the city of Halmstad, Sweden.

Identitet och etnicitet - om ungrares förutsättningar till självförverkligande

The point of interest in this study is to identify whether ethnicity is a correlating factor regarding Hungarian immigrants? development of identity in Sweden. The general aim is to increase knowledge and understanding of the conditions for the Hungarian ethnical group in Sweden to reach self-realization. The main question is whether the general view of the background of this ethnical group has a connection to their self-realization in Sweden? Since the study involves a whole group of minority, a limitation has been made to adults living in the city of Halmstad, Sweden.

Nässvalgsond på hund ? djursjukskötarens område?

The aim was to identify if the veterinary nurse is as competent as the veterinaian in placing a nasoesophageal feeding tube. The aim was also to identify the complications with malnutrition and the advantage and disadvantage of the procedure. This essay is based on several interviews with both veterinary nurses and veterinaries. 16 persons were asked 4 short questions in conjunction with an intensive care/emergency and surgery congress in Gothenburg in February 2013. In addition 4 major hospitals that provided intensive care were asked to answer 5 more detailed questions, one answer from a veterinary and one answer from a veterinary nurse was requested.

Diabetes mellitus typ 1 i allmänvården

The aim of this literature study has been to investigate the general nurse's knowledge of diabetes type 1 and its complications. The questions were: What does the general nurse need to know about diabetes type 1? What does the general nurse know about diabetes type 1? To answer these questions, a literature study has been done of 8 scientific articles. The theoretical reference study on which the study has been based is Gustafsson's SAUK Model for affirmative nursing care. The result shows that the nurse lacks knowledge in the nursing care of diabetes patients and this reflects the fact that little research has been done on diabetes mellitus type 1 in recent years.

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