

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 25 av 219

Sexuellt våld hos unga - En litteraturgenomgång om unga som skadar sig genom sex och metoder för att förebygga den form av sexuellt våld

SEXUAL VIOLENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS A literature study about adolescents who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence Abstract Adolescents can harm themselves through sex by taking sexual risks such as sexual exposure on the internet, having unprotected sex and put themselves in situations where the potential for sexual violence is great. This type of sexual risk-behavior can create negative consequences and result in physical and mental sexual abuse. The aim of this study is to raise knowledge about youth who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence. To accomplice this we made a general literature study on national and international research. Our study shows that despite the negative consequences, adolescent?s sexual risk-taking continues.

Applikationsintegrering - en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications. There is a range of different middleware products offered today on the market.

Berättande i datorbaserade rollspel - en empirisk och teoretisk designstudie om datorspel

VD:n för spelindustrins intresseorganisation (Interactive Digital Software Association) förutspår i den årliga State of the Industry rapporten för åren 2000 ? 2001, att spelindustrin snart kan nå 70 procent av världens hushåll, vilket gör spelmaskinen, näst intill, lika vanlig som videon. I denna dag börjar många spelutbildningar växa fram i hela landet, så som i Karlshamn, Visby och Kramfors. Trots denna tillväxt finns det nästan ingen akademisk forskning i ämnet speldesign. Detta gör att hjulet i många fall tvingas återuppfinnas om och om igen. I detta kandidatarbete är huvuddiskussionen hur man designar ett spel innehållande både spelfrihet och en färdig berättelse, vilket är en konflikt i sig. Vi försöker identifiera kärnan av ett spels design genom att samarbeta med både användare och designers av digital underhållning och sätta detta i relation till de studier av spel vi gjort.

Evaluation of creditability and risk minimisation : The effect of accounting for intangibles

The recent history knows numerous examples of creditor?s inability to evaluate financial solvency of the client correctly. Creditors? risks do not only concern individual relations between the two parties but the economy in general. The standard loan-giving procedure considers evaluation based on a number of financial ratios.

Den litterära salongen 2.0 - samarbete och publicering på ett webbpoesiforum

Genom djupintervjuer med aktiva webbpoeter och analys av hemsidan för webbpoesiforumet Sockerdricka belyser uppsatsen hur publiceringsmediet formar författarrollen..

Jag får inte delta i mitt eget liv. ? en kvalitativ studie om hur personer med psykiska funktionshinder beskriver mötet med socialarbetare

The general objective of this qualitative study is to analyse and describe what people with psychiatric disabilities write on their blogs about their encounters with social workers. The questions the study is aiming to answer are: How do people with psychiatric disabilities describe their encounters with social workers? Do the informants describe instances of paternalism and advocacy? How do the informants describe their sense of meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability? The study is based on a theoretical framework in which empowerment and sense of coherence (SOC) are the key elements, along with the concepts of paternalism and advocacy as well as meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability. The research data was collected from blogs on to the blog forum Psykiatrin.blogg.se ? psykiatrins Robin Hood (meaning ?the Robin Hood of psychiatry?).

Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet

AbstractTitle: Network communication for equal opportunities (Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet)Number of pages: 47 (54 with enclosures)Author: Hillevi GoodTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the possibilities to bring about change by the means of communication in two networks, focusing on the implementation of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Act.Material and method: The study draws on data collected in an electronic survey among representatives of two networks consisting of representatives from trade unions and employer?s associations. The material is analyzed using descriptive tools, cross tables and correlation matrices in which general characteristics as well as individual understandings of the network communication are presented and discussed.Main results: The general results indicate that the network communication serves important purposes, such as providing support and motivation for the members and changing attitudes towards equal opportunities. The analysis suggests that the network members have good communicative possibilities to serve as agents of change within their organisations. Moreover, there is an observed relation between, on the one hand, organizational context and, on the other hand, the network members? own communicational behaviour and their experienced possibility to influence their organizations.Keywords: network communication, diffusion of innovations, behaviour change, Equal Opportunities Act.

Att mäta ankeltryck i primärvården : Distriktssköterskors och distriktsläkares uppfattningar om en undersökningsmetod och dess användning

Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), as a consequence of atherosclerosis in the arteria of the limbs, affects one of ten Swedes older than 65. PAD can develop slowly and silently, and involves an increased risk for cardiac infarction and stroke. Measurement of the patient´s ankle blood pressure and calculation of the ankle-brachial index is an evidence-based method to discover PAD. Objective: To investigate how district nurses and general practitioners perceive this method of examination and experience possible obstacles to why it is not more commonly applied at primary health care centres. Method: Data collected by semi-structured interviews have been processed by qualitative content analysis with a manifest onset.

Dagsländor eller bestående värden? En studie om urval av musikfonogram på folkbibliotek.

This paper discusses normativity in selecting musical phonograms in public libraries. The purpose is to gain an increased understanding of music activity in public libraries. To do this I have interviewed five music librarians about their visions, ideals and goals with their work. The questions discussed concern ambitions with the music activity and how to keep up to date with current record releases. For the theoretical frame I use two kinds of material.

Vad tycker skogsägare om virkesinköpare och inköpsorganisationer? : utveckling av ett skogsbolags tjänster och köpverksamhet till privata skogsägare

The private forest owners play a key role in the supply of round wood to the Swedish forest industry. Today it is a keen competition between forest companies about the wood from private forest owners. In order to get access to the wood from the private forestry you need to be an attractive collaboration partner, who can offer long-term collaboration, service at top-level, and acting for good prices to the forest owners. This work aims at analysing the situation on the market today. It gives Sveaskog purchase department a good view of the forest owners? opinion in general about the existing purchase activities. Forestry service level and timber prices are determining factors for a successful relationship between forest company and forest owner.

Rom byggdes inte på en dag : En studie av historieämnets förändring och utveckling med fokus på Antiken

This essay will investigate how the History subject has changed and developped in Sweden. For those who study the way subjects and the school itself change over time it becomes quite clear that they have gone through an enormous change. However this essay will focus on how the History subject, and mainly the teaching of the Antique, in particular, has changed. In order to find out how it has changed several things will be taken into account. First of all there will be interviews and conversaisions with several teacher and try to find out how it has changed, according to their experiences and belives.

Skolbiblioteket : om skolbibliotek i och utanför Sverige med fokus på Svenska skolan i Berlin

The focus of this thesis is the library at the Swedish school in Berlin, Germany. Being a school in a foreign country, and playing a role also as a public library, the conditions for the library are somewhat unusual. Considering those conditions, how should the library be organised and developed to meet the users' needs in the best way possible? To put the library in Berlin into a greater perspective, the first chapters of the thesis are dedicated to the issue of school libraries in Sweden; their historical development, their importance in the school curriculum and their present situation. Swedish research in the field of school libraries is presented and includes descriptions of theoretical analysing models.

Varför välja profilklass? : En kvalitativ undersökning om varför vissa föräldrar väljer att skicka sina barn till profilförskolor/skolor eller profilklasser

The aim of this study was to investigate how four families in the Stockholm area reason, what kind of preconception they have and what their horizon of expectations is when they make the choice between sending their children to the profile class of municipal/free schools and sending them to the general classes in those schools. The main research questions asked were:What kind of preconception do the parents have about profile classes?What reasons do the interviewed parents have to send their children to a profile class?What are the interviewed parent?s expectations of the profile class choice?The study is built on qualitative interviews with the parents of the families. The empirical data has been analyzed using a framework of theories drawing on the theory of reproduction, the forms of social capital, the ideas created from the word profile and elite and the horizon of expectations. The results show that the parents of the families have a similar degree of preconception about profile classes.

Design och utveckling av IT-verktyg - ger ringar på vattnet i en organisation

This Bachelor Thesis in the area of Computer Science and Work Science describes the process of design and development of an IT-tool between the municipality of Ron-neby and TietoEnator a development and consultancy firm, the Gothenburg office. The thesis focuses mainly on the cooperation between the consultant designer and the local municipal. Through cooperation, the organisation is incorporated into the tool and the tool is incorporated into the organisation. Concepts that are central in this thesis are design, cooperation and tailoring. A question raised is, if distance work and extensive cooperation might be a good way of working in the process of design and development, when the organisation is being incorporated into the tool. Advan-tages and disadvantages of this way of working are discussed. Our studies show that distance work is a good complement for personal meet-ings between designer and co-developer.

Metadata för språkresurser : en Application Profile inom området kulturarv

The EU-funded project European Cultural Heritage Online (ECHO) aims to integrateresources from various domains within the field of cultural heritage, and make them availableon the Internet. To accomplish this integration it is necessary to describe the various resourcesin a way that will achieve cross-domain interoperability. This description of digital resourcesis commonly referred to as metadata. The most well known and used metadata standard is theDublin Core Metadata Element Set, a general standard developed for the purpose ofdescribing all types of digital resources. Since the mid-1990's a large number of specializedstandards have emerged in different communities, for example IMDI, designed for detaileddescription of language resources.This thesis aims to examine the possibility of combining a general and a specialized metadatastandard to achieve cross-domain interoperability and at the same time provide a sufficientlydetailed description of language resources for researchers within the field of linguistics.

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