

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 58 av 201

?Att sätta barnen före sig själv?? : En argumentationsanalys på Tingsrättens avgöranden i mål om vårdnad 

The aim of this study was to examine the District Court´s argumentations about the children´s best interests in rulings regarding custody of children, and to analyse the argumentation from a gender perspective. Rulings from the District Court from 2012 have been the basis for this study and a qualitative method has been used, argumentations analysis. The study shows that cooperative problems between the parents are the main reason why the District Court finds joint custody to be excluded. There are also argumentation regarding parent´s ability to ensure the children?s safety.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld : Om målsägande flickors utrymme och möjlighet till fritt berättande i förhör om misstänkta sexuella brott. En jämförelsestudie av förhörsledares språk ur ett genusperspektiv.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrogation transcripts of interviews with girls between the age of 11 and 16 who are alleged victims of sexual crimes. The examination is done from a gender perspective, by comparing six interrogations by male interrogators and eight interrogations by female interrogators. The study has used linguistic indicators relating to the interrogation methodological guidelines, in order to highlight how the interrogators give girls the opportunity and space to share their experience of the alleged sexual offense. Text material is categorized based on themes and analyzed in detail to find any gender-specific patterns of hearing leaders and if the girls are given space and opportunity for a free storytelling. The results show that in several themes, differences between the male and the female interrogators can be discerned.

Lika i värde, men olika värden : En kvalitativ och komparativ innehållsanalys av Feministiskt initiativs och Svenska kyrkans värden inom områdena mänskliga rättigheter och jämställdhet

This study is based on the notion of "the postsecular society". I have identified both similar and dissimilar values within current and official publications regarding human rights and gender equality authored by the Swedish Feminist Party and the Church of Sweden. The aim of this study is to identify and review similarities and differences in values, as expressed in definitions and standpoints, and also to try to explain how it is that the actors have similar and dissimilar values. In this context I have chosen the sociologist Jürgen Habermas's theory about "the postsecular society" to increase the understanding how and why similar values within religious and secular actors are presented in, what Habermas calls, "the postsecular society". I have used a qualitative and comparative content analysis for this study. The result shows that the Swedish Feminist Party has a more humanistic view.

Minderårigt nätpokerspelande : En explorativ studie om minderårigas reflektioner och upplevelser av nätpoker

This study represents seven adolescents? perspective on online poker gambling. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe adolescents? thoughts and experiences of online poker gambling, thus gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of how gambling affects youths in their living conditions and in their identity development. This was done by studying the symbolism and meaning that gambling has in these youths every day live and in their identity development.

Elektronisk mobbning : En kvantitativ studie om elektronisk mobbning med fokus på genus, anonymitet och konsekvenser

Abstract:Today many adolescents have access to computers and mobile phones.  They prefer to socialize through these means which has led to a new kind of bullying, the electronic bullying. The purpose of this study has been to examine the electronic bullying from the perspective of gender, anonymity and the consequences that it may lead to. We have chosen a quantitative approach by using a questionnaire survey targeting young people between the ages of 15-16 years in Kalmar county. 163 respondents took part in the survey, 78 girls and 85 boys. The gathered material is presented by means of contingency tables and has been interpreted by gender socialization, deindividuation and dehumanization.

Stockholms destinationsutveckling

This essay is about personal assistance for persons with considerable intellectual disabilities.The purpose with the study is: to examine personal assistance for individuals, who can`t speakfor themselves, to examine how the individuals can determine and get influence into theirassistance and how they can get help with it, to examine the role of an representative inrelation to the serviceuser´s assistance and examine if there are factors of gender in theinterviews.The chosen method is qualitative interviews.The interviews has been analysed through earlier research about personal assistance andtheoretical perspectives like: influence, integration and citizenship and discussed throughperspectives of social psychology.The main conclusions are: the influence the serviceusers can have is through persons whoknow them very well, the role of the representatives are indistinct, the serviceusers can´tdetermine their assistance themselves and need help with it from relatives, representatives,personal assistants and managers, the persons who know the serviceuser intimately are best totransform the needs to assistance. The factors of gender, are that there are more men aspersonal assistants than in the care of elderly, and the representatives are mostly men. Thepersonal assistants appreciates the time they have for the serviceuser, the work can be lonelyand demanding..

Hur pedagogernas beröring av barn kan påverka barnens könsroller : en studie om beteendemönster på fritidshemmet

Syftet med uppsatsen Hur pedagogernas beröring av barn kan påverka barnens könsroller - en studie om beteendemönster på fritidshemmet är att undersöka om det finns en skillnad på hur de observerade pedagogerna i min undersökning rör vid flickor och pojkar.Resultatet av undersökningen är att de observerade pedagogerna gav flickorna dubbelt så mycket positiv beröring, samtidigt som de gav pojkarna tretton gånger så mycket negativ beröring. Sett till tidigare forskning i området betyder det att pedagogerna bemöter flickor och pojkar olika utefter kön och riskerar att vara medskapare till att befästa stereotypa könsroller.Jag har i uppsatsen använt mig av metoden observation och analyserar dessa observationer med ett socialkonstruktivistiskt och genusteoretiskt synsätt..

Sexköp och fiskmetaforer - En diskursanalys av prostitutionsdebatten 1993-2011

"A discourse analysis of the debate on prostitution 1993-2011" The aim of this essay is to investigate how prostitution is constructed in the debate. The analysis is based off debate articles from four of the biggest Swedish news papers. Articles from two periods of time has been chosen, 1993-1999 and 2008-2011. The specific periods were selected because they revolve around the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services in 1999, and when it was evaluated in 2008. With a constructivist aim based on gender research, the themes and subject positions of the debate are explored via discourse analysis.

Mobbing : Personlighet, kön och andra faktorers påverkan på människan

Mobbing är ett socialt problem. Därför skapades denna studie för att se om samband råder mellan mobbad, mobbare och personlighetsegenskaper. Dessutom gjordes en könsfördelning för att se om det råder några signifikanta skillnader i händelse, kön och personlighet. För att få svar på dessa syften ställdes frågorna: Hur ser mobbingen ut och vilka drabbas? Har kön och personlighetsegenskaper någon betydelse för om man blir mobbad eller utsätter andra för mobbing? Till hjälp användes en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod.

Den manliga heterosexuella normen En analys av SAB-systemet utifrån ett feministiskt och queerteoretiskt perspektiv

The aim of this Masters thesis is to conduct an analysis of the Swedish classification system the SAB-system from a feminist and queer theoretical perspective. The theoretical framework of the study is feminist and queer theory as well as theories from Library and Information Science, mainly classification theory. The study takes its departure from the idea of classification systems as social constructs, reflecting their time, place and society. Paul Ricoeurs critical hermeneutics is used as methodological guidance. This gives room for a critical perspective in the interpretation.

Hotell & Restaurangelevers förväntan på framtida yrkesval : En studie om genus, status och kändisskap

AbstractThe aim of my study has been to investigate which expectations students at The Hotel and Restaurant Programme have for their futue working life and labour market. I want to investigate if these expectations are important factors that female dominance is large within the meal service sector. I have chosen to do qualitative interviews to discover these expectations.Some explanations that the respondent give for the gender differences within the restaurant and meal service sectors are the old tradition of male and female work. Furthermore the possibility of becoming well known within the market and the possibility for personal development in this market are described as important factors.The answers to my questions show that all respondents are positive to future work markets; also they all want to work within the restaurant sector and not in the meal service sector. The reasons for their choice cannot give a complete explanation to why female dominance is so big within the meal service sector.Keywords: Gender, status and celebrity-hood..

"Man tiger, biter ihop och går vidare?" : en representationsteoretisk analys av talet om sexuella trakasserier i en svensk kulturdebatt

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how medial representations in a specific cultural debate expresses thoughts about gender, power and speech. The debate in question took place in Sweden 2010 and was about an inspection of sexual harassments in the Swedish acting area, made by Sveriges Radio, Ekot. This essay examines the made representations of the debate, with a feministic point of view and concludes that a male gaze shapes the form of speech and gives the debate a discourse sort of reasoning about gender. The special discourse formatted in the examined area contains a certain conception of power and the structure of power, which is also explained by the male gaze and the meaning of post-feminism..

Kartläggning av depressiva symtom hos patienter med arytmi

Objective: The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of depression among patients with arrhythmia, and to investigate if there was any gender difference in the study population regarding depression. Furthermore, differences considering depressive symptoms between patients with arrhythmia and the general population were to be investigated. Method: The self-rating scale MADRS-S was distributed during two weeks to 24 patients with arrhythmia. Twenty-one patients completed the study. Results: 28.5 % of the participants showed symptoms of some level of depression.

Bemötandets makt

The power of the meeting is a qualitative study primarily examining how homeless men and women and social workers experience the meeting between them. The homeless are the more vulnerable part in these meetings so their experience of these meetings is my focus in this study. I have in this paper also examined and analyzed how and whether homeless women and men tends to be treated and ad-dressed differently with basis on their gender. The main results I have found is that the homeless but also social welfare officers actually feel that there is com-municative problems when the parts meet and cooperates which often results in conflicts and lack of trust. I have chosen to highlight a number of factors that have been claimed as the main reasons for the experience of a poor meeting.

Det skamliga missbruket - Om hur kvinnorollen påverkar kvinnors missbrukskultur

The purpose of this essay is to examine how gender rolls influences the culture of substance abuse among women and their social situation. To demonstrate this we have concentrated our research to relate how scientists and the media describe problems of abuse among women. The method we used in our research was qualitative and we gathered information through literature, reports and articles.Our main questions are:Do the social attitude toward women and men differ and how does it affect problems of abuse among women? Do women use alcohol in a different way than men? How do social reactions and restrictions influence women? We also want to examine what position women substance abusers have in society. What similarities or differences are there between the image of women in general and women with substance abuse?The main result of the study is that we found discursive connections that show a rectification among scientists concerning substance abuse among women.

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