

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 50 av 201

Bilden av tjejen i svensk ungdomslitteratur: En litteraturanalys av nio ungdomsböcker ur ett genusperspektiv.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how the image of the girl and her environment in the Swedish youth literature has changed during the 1980s to the 2000s. We have focused on how the girls creates gender in fiction. The introduction chapter in this essay covers a short history over Swedish youth literature and how the Swedish youth culture has developed, followed by a description of how the girl in the real world relates to gender. The books we have chosen are written by Swedish authors and the plot partakes in Sweden with female protagonists. We decided to do a close-reading of the novels and analyse them by an analytical model, consisting of several questions.

Unga lago?vertra?dare i socialtja?nstens yttranden : en studie om konstruktionen av maskulint och feminint i yttranden enligt 11§ LUL

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how gender is constructed in presentence reports written by social workers? as mandated by 11§ LUL. Young offenders are often assigned normative masculine or feminine attributes by personnel at treatment centers, girls are considered emotional and in need of support while boys are considered disorderly and in need of structure. Young female delinquents are victimized which affects their culpability; they are less likely to be held responsible for the crimes they committed. Young male delinquents are viewed as aggressive and in control; they are more likely to be held accountable for their criminal actions.

Point of Purchase TV-Screens - An Analysis of Gender and Generations in the In-Store Retail Environment

Title: Point of Purchase TV-screens - An analysis of Gender and Generations in the In-store-Retail-EnvironmentDate of Seminar: May 29th 2007 Course: BUS 809, Master Thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management.Authors: Søren Berg Jørgensen, Daniel McCartney and Ben Wallenborn.Supervisors: Karin Alm and Ulf Johansson Keywords: In-store Marketing, Point-of-Purchase, In-store TV, Gender, Generations. Thesis Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to contribute to a greater understanding as to how consumers react to and perceive PoP TV-screens within the in-store retail environment. More specific, the aim of the study is to investigate if gender and generations react and feel differently towards the use of PoP TV-screens. From a practical standpoint, the study will aid marketers in how they can communicate more effectively with their target-market inside the store. In addition to this, the study will provide retailers with an insight into the overall atmospheric effect that the placement of TV screens has on stores.

Rättfärdigandebegreppets potentiella tillämpning vid direkt könsdiskriminering : en analys av den EG-rättsliga diskussionen om utökade möjligheter till rättfärdigande

Sex equality law within the European Union is well developed and has since the Rome Treaty, given rise to several directives and other judicial acts on this matter of community law. The concepts of direct and indirect discrimination emerge from the general principles of Equal pay and Equal treatment and have been codified and amended several times until present.The lasts years, authors within the field of Equality Law has been pointing out that there is a common desire for simplification of discrimination law in Europe. The question has arisen whether this simplification could be implemented trough the introduction of a general justification defence for direct sex discrimination.The concept of direct sex discrimination - when a person of one gender is treated less favourably, on the grounds of gender, than a person of the other gender would be treated in similar circumstances - leaves no possibilities for such justification today. Indirect sex discrimination ? which arises from the equal application of neutral rules that shows an adverse impact on one group ? can be justified if the rule answers to true requirements of the job.Does the proposition that direct discrimination should be justified find support in the inconsistency of the present legislation? This paper will examine this and other questions concerning the wish for a general justification defence through studies of case law from the European Court of Justice as well as differing opinions from authors within the field of equality law..

Ska det europeiska medborgarskapet vara universellt eller pluralistiskt? En studie kring vilka problem ett universellt respektive ett pluralistiskt medborgarskap innebär ur ett genusperspektiv

This paper is a study of a European citizenship in relation to two different perspectives on citizenship ? universalism and pluralism - from a gender perspective. We discuss a universal citizenship with equal rights and a pluralistic citizenship with different rights (groupdifferentiated rights), in relation to women within the European Union.First, we try to decide whether the European citizenship draws towards a universal or pluralistic direction. Secondly, we discuss problems with the universal and the pluralistic citizenship in relation to women in EU. It's not evident which of them best favours women's needs and interests; both are problematic in its own way.

ELLE & CAFÉ : ? en studie av modemagasins omslag

ABSTRACTTitle: Elle & Café ? a study of fashion magazines cover pages.Number of pages: 38Author: Greta SimonssonTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The purpose of this essay is to:? Analyze the cover images from the 2007 editions of the magazines Elles and Café, using semiotic analysis.? Analyzes eventual resemblances or differences between the two magazine's cover images based upon the result of the semiotic analysis.Material and methods: The study of Elles's and Café's cover pages has been done using a model built upon semiotic analysis, developed with the purpose of suiting observation and examination of cover pages of fashion magazines. The cover pages were analyzed from the categories character, context, and environment.Main results: The main results include the observation that both Elles and Café chooses well-known figures from women's fashion industry as prime characters on their covers. In Elles, all main characters are famous women emerging from the music, television and fashion industries. The women in Café are known for similar professions.

I regnbågens skugga : En analys av kommuners diskurser kring våld inom hbt-relationer

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish municipal welfare system, in their capacity as discourse makers, construct Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the relationships of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. A discourse analysis of their official plans of action regarding IPV and the information directed towards their citizens through their webpages showed that the discourse surrounding IPV revealed a gender dichotomy, where the victim was mainly constructed as being female and the perpetrator as male. As a consequence of this, gay and bisexual men were rendered invisible from the discourse surrounding victims of IPV, although they could be included in the construction of perpetrators of it. Lesbian and bisexual women were often included in the understanding of victims of IPV, but in the discourse surrounding perpetrators of it they were made invisible. The discourse about IPV also excluded the experiences and vulnerability of people who identify as being transgendered.

Metaforen - sportkrönikans byggsten : En kvalitativ studie av hur metaforer användes i Aftonbladets sportkrönikor under en tvåmånadersperiod under 2014

The purpose of this study was to study how metaphors are used in sports chronicles . As a complement, we also chose to study whether there are gender differences in the use of metaphors. We also wanted to take a look at whether journalists tend to mythologize sports stars with the help of metaphors. We have been using a qualitative study in our work. We chose to examine four sports journalists who writes sports chronicles for the newspaper Aftonbladet.

Normering av test av intraoral stereognosi och tvåpunktsdiskrimination : Hos barn i åldrarna 5;6 - 7;0 år

The oral sensory ability in children can be assessed through test of intraoral stereognosis and two-point discrimination. Currently, these two tests are not frequently used in clinical settings, and normative data are not always available. The aim of this study was to establish normative data for these two tests in children aged 5;6 to 7;0 years. Further, intention was to compare the results with respect to age and gender. In total 103 children participated, 49 boys and 54 girls.

Utredningar av socialt utsatta barn : en genomlysning av risk- och skyddsfaktorer

The aim of this study is to, from a child?s family relations, describe the usage of terms relating to factors of risk and safety in science and in investigations concerning children in need of protection. It is also of importance in what way the terms are used when the Social Services suggest that measures should be taken, and in which way the children have been heard in the investigations.The issues raised in this study are: (a) How is the current life situation and life quality of the children discussed? (b) The value of factors concerning risks and protection. (c) How is the children?s own descriptions taken in to consideration? (d) Is gender issues considered? (e) How is Lagerberg?s model (Lagerberg, 1998) useful in investigations?The method of analysis is mainly qualitative however it is combined with analysis of literature relevant to the study.

?Det anstår mig inte att göra mig mindre än jag är? - skönhetsidealet och den kvinnliga grotesken i textanalyser av Kerstin Ekmans Grand Final i skojarbranschen, Muriel Barberys Igelkottens elegans och Majgull Axelssons Moderspassion

The purpose of this paper is to make a feminist textual analysis of three female protagonists incontemporary novels in order to demonstrate representations of ?skeva? female bodies, deviantfrom beauty-, slender and age norms. The analysis is based on an intersectional perspective whichdemonstrates the interaction between body, sex, gender, class, sexuality and age. The theoreticalmaterial used are class theories by Bourdieu and Skeggs, performative theories by Butler, theoriesof grotesque realism by Bachtin and the female grotesque by Russo and Lundberg. The charactersall belong to the genre of the female grotesque which manifests a feminist protest and a free zonewithin patriarchal power structures.

"Generellt är flickor svårare" : - En studie om skolans upplevelser av barn med ADHD i Kalmar kommun.

This paper studies the schoolstaffs experiences of children with ADHD within the region of Kalmar kommun. The aim is to describe and analyze these experiences from a gender perspective. The study is of a qualitative art and is based on six interviews whith school principals. The theory that is used to analyze the six interviews is the theory of socialconstructivism. The study shows that boys and girls generally is treated differently by the schoolstaff.

Kvinnors villkor i kommunalpolitiken i Karlstads kommun : sex politiker berättar

ABSTRACT Essay in political science, C-level by Chris Baldebo spring semester 2010. Tutor: Arne Larsson. ?Women?s conditions in municipal politics in the municipality of Karlstad - Six politicians tell?.  The purpose of this paper is to explore women?s conditions in the municipal political work in the municipality of Karlstad.

Genus i barnboken : En undersökning om hur flickor och pojkar skildras i barnböcker

The purpose of this research is to analyze six children?s books from a gender perspective and thereby investigate in what way boys and girls respectively are portrayed in books.My general question is:How are boys and girls portrayed in children?s books?This question has been broken down into four minor questions:What type of clothes are the people wearing? Are people predominantly male or female? Have people specific attributes which are linked to their sex? Are people performing specific actions which are linked to their sex?In my research I have combined quantitative and qualitative methods and my theoretical framework has been gender.This study reveals a change in children's books with respect to how the different genders are portrayed. The progression is towards a more equal portrayal but despite this, patterns typical for the respective genders shine through..

Syns du inte - finns du inte : En kvantitativ studie om inverkan av kön och andra sociala kategorier på människorssynlighet i Aktuellt och Rapport

Title: If you can not be seen - You do not exist: A quantitative study of how gender and other socialfactors affect the degree of visibility in the Swedish newscasts of Aktuellt and Rapport. (Syns duinte ? finns du inte: En kvantitativ studie om inverkan av kön och andra sociala aspekter påmänniskors synlighet i Aktuellt och Rapport).Number of pages: 46Author: Helena HuhtaTutor: Martin FredrikssonCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Autumn of 2009University: Division of Informatics and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this study has been to investigate to what degree women and menparticipate in the newscasts of Aktuellt and Rapport, broadcast on the Swedish public servicechannels of SVT 1 and SVT 2. Furthermore, I have also looked into how social identities, such asage and ethnicity, affect the degree of representation for each gender, respectively. Some of thebasic research questions comprise: 1.

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