

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 12 av 201

Typografins gränsland : Om genusnormer i förändring

The earlier studies of how gender is visually constructed in lifestyle magazines have mainly been done on photographs. But, photographs are only one part of the entire magazine Therefor3, we saw the importance in examining one of the other big parts, typography.We have been studying if gender can be constructed in lifestyle magazines through the shape and color of typography and the color context. It is important to point out that we have not been studying the written word but only the shape and color of the typography.The study has been conducted through a qualitative content analysis with a comparative process of the selected magazines. The analysis began with a semiotic analysis of selected parts of the magazines. The result was then analyzed with a feminist theoretical approach.The result of the study shows that gender can be constructed through typography in a number of different ways.

Automatiserad inlärning av detaljer för igenkänning och robotplockning

Just how far is it possible to make learning of new parts for recognition and robot picking autonomous? This thesis initially gives the prerequisites for the steps in learning and calibration that are to be automated. Among these tasks are to select a suitable part model from numerous candidates with the help of a new part segmenter, as well as computing the spatial extent of this part, facilitating robotic collision handling. Other tasks are to analyze the part model in order to highlight correct and suitable edge segments for increasing pattern matching certainty, and to choose appropriate acceptance levels for pattern matching. Furthermore, tasks deal with simplifying camera calibration by analyzing the calibration pattern, as well as compensating for differences in perspective at great depth variations, by calculating the centre of perspective of the image.

Finns det arbete för alla? : En studie av arbetsförmedlingens syn på sin roll i mötet med utom-europeiska akademiker.

The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.

?Vad gjorde kvinnorna när männen skrev historia?? : En analys av gymnasieskolans läroböcker i historia

During our teacher training, focusing on history and Swedish at further education level, we have noticed a discrepancy in the way history is portrayed in further education and higher education literature. Accounts of historical ideas, events and developments have often wrongly been depicted as non-gender specific, that is, of equal relevance to both men and women. To what extent is it made clear in further education textbooks that Rousseau?s treatise on education was exclusively aimed at the male gender, and how are the gender-specific aspects of his ideas described? What role and space are set aside for women in the accounts of the struggle for the universal right to vote in Sweden at the turn of the century in 1900, and how is the unions? initial exclusion of female workers portrayed? Focusing on the above historical events and developments, this study aimes to examine whether or not gender-specific issues are described as gender neutral in a selection of history textbooks for further education published in Sweden between 1982 and 2003..

Bris - ett golv

The aim with the project was to portray something to step on. Its purpose has been to experiment and explore the interaction between pattern, structure, material and colour for something to be applied on a floor. Focus has been on esthetic expression and not the creation of some¬thing for a specific environment or audience. My goal was also that this project would illustrate the importance of the floor to create a certain atmosphere in a room.The project was divided into three phases. The first one was the experimenting and exploring phase, where the goal was to find an expression.

Vad motiverar resenärer? : -En prövning av Travel Career Pattern

Vad motiveras resenärer av? Att få nya upplevelser och fly vardagen är två motivationskategorier som gör att individer konsumerar en resa. Uppsatsen behandlar resemotivation genom att pröva teorinTravel Career Pattern på ett nytt segment, svenskar, och till stor del unga i åldern 0-25, och studerande på högskola eller universitet. Vi inventerar Travel Career Patterns resemotivationsfaktorer och studerar hur de motiverar resenärer. Undersökningen är utförd genom en enkät, och en analys sker av materialet för att få en bild av vad som motiverar resenärerna.

Genus på lärarutbildningen : En komparativ analys mellan åren 2010-2013

It could be argued that theories about gender are something that should be a part of every upper secondary school teachers agenda (knowledge base), because the Swedish curriculum specifically says that schools must encourage and work for equal rights between men and women.The students are supposed tobe encouraged to develop their interest, without judgment, about what femininity and masculinity is.This essay is aiming to find out how gender is used in the teacher program at Södertörns Högskola. The main focus of the essay is to see the possible differences between the curriculum of 2010 and 2013. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis this essay is aiming to examine how gender words are used in the syllabus, study manuals and literature lists for Educational science A (2010) and Educational science I (2013). In what way are gendered terms, like boy, girl heterosexuality and man, part of the text material? Who is represented in the material? And are there any differences between 2010 and 2013?The results show that there is a difference.

Genusstrategier i förskolan : En studie av en förskolas arbete med att motverka traditionella könsroller, ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine a preschool's work to counteract traditional gender roles, which strategies are used and how norms about gender roles are produced and treated. The study also examines whether the preschool has an intersectional perspective in it's gender work, which analyzes how they relate to other categories such as ethnicity, race, class, age and sexuality in their work. I have been observing and conducting four interviews with teachers at a preschool with a gender profile. In my analysis I have used Foucault's theories about discourse and power. The results show that the informants had a high awareness of gender and that the main strategies used were: an individual perspective, seeing the individual and not the sex, and a gender-neutral strategy, removing everything that is gendered, for example, in language and environment.

Ebbas klänning Uppmätning och analys som källa till information i kombination med historisk undersökning

This study focuses on costume as a source of information. By making a case study of an 1880's dress itaims to explore the conservators potential as an investigator and conveyor of the information containedin a costume. Further explanation of this role is made by reference to several statements made by wellknown textile conservators. The paper also explores the different words used to make a new version ofa preserved or inexistant garment, gives an extensive presentation of taking patterns and an insight tothe other methods used for analysing costumes. The case study consists of an investigation of the dressconstruction, during which a pattern is taken, and a literature study of the contemporary fashion, theowner of the dress and the maker of the dress.

Alla är individer? men ändå bundna till sitt kön : En ?cross-culture? studie med kenyanska och svenska lärare om medvetenhet och förhållningssätt till jämställdhet

This "cross-culture" study deals entirely on awareness and attitudes among Kenyan andSwedish teachers in terms of gender equality. Parts of this study were conducted in Kenya,where I spent a month living and visited a school in a multi-million city. There, I conductedsemi-structured interviews with teachers and gathered material for my thesis. The purpose ofthis study is to see how teachers in Kenya relate to gender and then compare this withSwedish teachers. The study also includes a review of national policy documents for schoolregarding gender equality.

Från underhållning till motstånd. Om kvinnors läsning av Harry Potter-böckerna

The purpose of this study is to examine how women?s reading of the Harry Potter books can be understood on the basis of gender theory and reader-response criticism. The empirical data is gathered through qualitative interviews with six female Harry Potter readers between the age of 21 and 35, and is analyzed through several theories regarding gender and reading. The results show that the readers are critical towards many aspects of the books, especially when it comes to the stereotyped depiction of women and men. The books are said to reproduce the gender dichotomy, the gender hierarchy and the heteronormativity in society.

Site fidelity of a migratory species towards its annual range

Site fidelity, the behaviour of animals to return to areas where they have been before is a common trait in many species. The Scandinavian moose is known to show fidelity to its range, but to what extent, is little known. The landscape in Sweden changes in a predictable and unpredictable way and hence gives the opportunity to test the existence of fidelity. I used the kernel Brownian bridge method to estimate the home ranges of individual moose over consecutive years and estimated the overlap at the home range level. I also used Euclidian distance to look on calving site fidelity.

Lärare som ledare : Teachers as Leaders

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

2000-talets jämställdhetspolitik - ett avpolitiserat politikområde? : En diskursanalytisk studie om den svenska jämställdhetspolitiken

This discursive policy study has its starting point in the criticism of the Swedish gender-equality policy is depoliticised. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish gender-equality policy was problematised and designed during the 2000s. The purpose of this paper is also to investigate whether the Swedish gender-equality policy can be defined as a depoliticised policy or not. The research questions of this study are: What´s the problem of gender-equality represented to be in the specifics policies and what effects are produced of this representation? Can gender policy, as it is designed in the various policy documents, be understood as a depoliticised policy, in the sense that sex is not articulated on the basis of a conflict dimension?To find the answer of theese questions I use the method ?Whats´s the problem represented to be", which is an inductive approach where the researcher sets selected questions to its material.

Bemötande av flickor och pojkar i skolan : Betydelse av genus i interaktionen mellan lärare och elever

Gender is a universal factor that is unavoidable in classroom interaction between pupils and teachers. The principle aim of this essay is to illustrate whether, during the interaction between pupil and teachers still occurs behavior that expresses a gender order. We also want to establish if the ones who attract attention from the teachers is the individual, or if teachers still on a subconscious or conscious level, think of the pupils gender and ascribes him or her some characteristics or qualities. Especially we want to bring out the pupils thoughts and sights of there is a difference on how teachers treat boys and girls. Another purpose we wanted to achieve was to illustrate how teachers work with the concept of equivalence between the sexes, according to Lpo94.Our essay is built on our studies around what teachers think on how they treat the pupils, on the basis of gender perspective.

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