2639 Uppsatser om Gender hierarchy - Sida 60 av 176
En studie rörande brottspåföljder : Straffets legitimering
AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.
Genus i barnlitteraturen/Gender in children´s litterature
Uppsatsen handlar om hur genus gestaltas i barnböcker anpassade för barn i förskoleåldern, 1-5 år..
Under hökens alla vingar : Fördelning och sortering vid upptagningshemmet i Sandsbro mellan åren 1933-1935
Under the hawks wingsDistribution and sorting at the upptagningshem in Sandsbro between the years 1933-1935This paper aims to study a so called ?upptagningshem? in Sandsbro, Sweden during theperiod 1933 to 1935. All the children during those three years were enrolled in theupptagningshem is included in the study, a total of 101 children. The main sources studied areprimary sources obtained from the county archive in Kronoberg which is shown in aquantitative method with the thesis that the upptagningshem works according to YeheskelHasenfelds ?people-processing technologies?, which acts as a sorting device which meanscategorizing and classifying activities where different kinds of people are sorted and based onthe results taken care of, by appropriate other organization that can provide the rightresources.
Barnets röst i barnavårdsutredningar : Hur får barn komma till tals?
The purpose of this study is to analyze picture books from a gender perspective. The books are found in a book box that the libraries send out to preschools. This study is based on the following questions:How are boys and girls portrayed in picture books?Do the picture books encourage or discourage the principles of equality found in the Curriculum for the Pre-School and the equality work conducted in the preschools?I performed a qualitative text and picture analysis of 12 picture books. I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine and feminine qualities and activities when analysing the picture books.
Varför ryska? ? En fråga om genus? : En fallstudie om motivation till att läsa ryska
The teaching of modern foreign languages within Swedish educational system has been a subject of a number of alarming reports in recent years. Several studies have shown that students lack motivation to learn any language but English. Of particular concern is the young males? underachieving and disinterest in foreign languages. In the meantime, a number of international studies and the statistical data from Swedish national agencies of secondary and higher education (Skolverket and Högskoleverket) have indicated that Russian is one of the languages that are favoured by males. The primary goal of my case study was, therefore, to examine students? motivation to learn Russian and their attitudes towards language, community and Russian-speaking people.
Mellan Bröst och Rumpor : En Kvalitativ Studie av The Playboy Interview
Playboy is a magazine that, for more than a half century, has been mostly known to the wider audience for its stylized pictures of naked women. What a lot of people do not know is that the magazine, with its editor in chief Hugh Hefner in the lead, has been frontrunners in human rights. Playboy has been fighting protecting the right of freedom of speech, fighting for equal rights for all people during the civil rights movement and supported the feminist movement by funding precedent cases on abortion rights. According to a series of text analyses by Beggan & Allison (2000, 2002b) Playboy?s editorial direction contradicted conventional definitions of masculinity. Also, the magazine portrayed its Playmates with complex identities that, in many cases, contained a number of traditionally masculine abilities.In this thesis we have done a critical discourse analysis of the Playboy interview and how the gender of its subject is portrayed by the magazine.
Låt oss inte glömma Lady Macbeth! : En komparativ studie av Lady Macbeth i Shakespeares tragedi samt i tre moderna TV- och filmadaptioner.
The work of Shakespeare has been popular to make film adaptations of from the birth of cinema. Macbeth, one of his most often played tragedies, is no exception. But how did Shakespeare portray Lady Macbeth in his play, and how do directors in the 21th century choose to portray her for a modern audience? I will try to find the answer to these questions by analyzing Shakespeare´s play as well as three modern adaptations. I will begin the thesis by looking at scholars´ view in questions regarding gender, free will, adaptations and genre before analyzing the play and the three movies.
"Att en pojke kan leka med dockor, det är inte tokigt" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av pedagogers uppfattningar om begreppet genus och genusmedvetenhet.
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka variationen i pedagogers uppfattningar om genusmedvetenhet och begreppet genus. Fokus har legat på pedagoger i förskola, skola och fritidshem. I studien redovisas olika forskares syn på begreppet genus och relevant forskning om genusmedvetenhet presenteras. Undersökningen är inspirerad av den fenomenografiska forskningsansatsen och en öppen intervjuform har använts. Resultatet har sedan kategoriserats i kvalitativt skilda kategorier.
Identitetens transparenta gränser : Iscensättning av identitet, begär och kroppslighet inom sociala medier.
The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.
Chefsrekrytering på lika villkor? : en studie av rekryterares attityder till kvinnors och mäns förutsättningar att nå chefspositioner inom dagligvaruhandeln
Trots allt jämställdhetsarbete i dagens samhälle innehar män fortfarande en större andel chefspositioner än kvinnor. Det finns många teorier som försöker förklara varför det förhåller sig så. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara eventuella skillnader i rekryterares attityder till kvinnors och mäns förutsättningar att nå chefspositioner inom dagligvaruhandeln. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med rekryteringsansvariga i tre dagligvarubutiker i Skåne. Resultaten från dessa har sedan jämförts med befintliga teorier och tidigare undersökningar i ämnet chefsrekrytering.
Läsförståelse med stöd av Läsfixarna och Leselos : En jämförelse mellan en svensk och norsk arbetsmodell för ökad läsförståelse
The purpose of this study is to understand how the school manages to question norms, and in doing so might prevent its students from being subjected to discrimination and other degrading treatment. This has been done with a focus on how gender related norms are represented, reproduced and questioned in children?s fictional literature. Two methods have been used; a survey and an literary analysis. The survey was conducted on primary school teachers with the intent to collect information related to their thoughts when choosing books to use in their classrooms, and also to source commonly used fiction.
Samtal om sexualitet : En studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser och reflektioner kring att samtala om sexualitet med ungdomar som är föremål för utredning
This essay reflects on the thoughts and experiences of social workers in child protection agencies when it comes to talking about sexuality with teenagers, age 13-20, who is being subjected to inquiry. The research is qualitative and based on five semi-structured interviews. It has a phenomenological position and has been analyzed hermeneutically through cognitive and gender theory. Previous research shows that youths who get in contact with child protection often have issues about their sexuality. This study show that social workers in the agencies lack knowledge about this issue and that they seldom talks about it with the teenagers or their own colleagues.
Kroppsfett, genus och queer sexualitet : en undersökning av meningsskapande kring kroppar och fett i queera sammanhang
This essay examine the meaning produced around bodies and body fat in the queer community, but also in the surrounding straight community. The author has interviewed fat activists, and are using queertehory, to examine and analyze the relationship between body fat and the understanding and construction of sexuality and gender. The author concludes that even if norms around body shape and body fat are overlapping between the two contexts to some degree, they also differ. In the straight community, people with larger body shapes and sizes are punished, and encouraged to stay, or become, slim. However, in the queer community, ?fat? or bigger body sizes are not frowned upon in the same degree.
Högstadieelever, bloggar och genus
Today's young people find themselves in an intense media traffic where many messages have a commercial nature. Some such messages are for example different types of advertising in various media and advertising often plays on the uncertainty that may be common in adoles-cence. New interactive media like blogs on the Internet has been established in recent years. Mixed types of media content, advertising with different messages, appear in blogs. Therefore, I am interested in how blogs on the Internet can influence young people's creation of their identity.
Dagens Nyheters tryckeri: En jämförande tvåfallsstudie av företaget och makten
This study is an institutional analysis of the firm both as it is theoretically conceptualized and how it takes shape and changes. The role of power relations between manage¬ment and employees is especially examined with the aim of evaluating pos¬sible connections between the firm as an institution and power relations within it. Based on a comparison of two cases (two selected periods of the same organization) it asks ?How closely does each case match the conceptual characteristics of the firm??; ?What are the power relations between management and employees in each case??; and finally ?What factors account for the resulting differences??. It is found that there is a negative correlation between employee power and proximity to the firm as a concept.