2639 Uppsatser om Gender hierarchy - Sida 54 av 176
Manligt och kvinnligt missbruk - Livshistorier om vägen in, tiden under och vägen ut ur missbruk.
Alcohol and drug abuse is something that undoubtedly exists in our society
today. Our interest in this area was inspired by an earlier study of the
influence of socialization on these dependencies. From this we developed new
hypotheses concerning men and women?s drug and alcohol abuse. The main purpose
of this study was to highlight the experiences and reflections of six women and
seven men on their own alcohol or drug abuse.
Jämställdhetsplan och informell jämställdhet på en politisk arbetsplats
Under hösten 2007 har vi genomfört ett utredningsarbete på en arbetsplats kopplad till politik och en folkvald församling. Utredningsarbetet inleddes med att en enkät sändes ut till alla anställda. Ur enkätens resultat formulerades sedan syftet: att undersöka hur jämställdhetsarbete kan utvecklas och arbetas vidare med på en arbetsplats som till synes redan har ett etablerat jämställdhetsarbete. Som ett led i att uppnå syftet frågade vi oss hur den informella jämställdheten kan te sig, och hur den kan relateras till jämställdhets- och mångfaldsplanen? Vi använde oss övergripande av teorier om genus, och applicerade bland annat teorier om könskodning, informella nätverk, könssegregering och motstånd.
Tjejerna vaktar?stå du där så springer jag!/The girls are guarding...you guard and i´ll run!
Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om, och i så fall hur, en eventuell genusordning kan ta sig uttryck i en bestämd till synes könsneutral lek i skolans undervisning i idrott och hälsa, bland elever i årskurs fyra och fem. För att svara på syftet använde vi oss av följande frågeställningar; Uttrycks en hierarkisk genusordning, även i tillsynes könsneutrala lekar i skolämnet idrott och hälsa? Och hur tar den sig i så fall uttryck?
För att svara på detta utfördes sju stycken, femtio till sextio minuter långa observationer på fyra sydskånska skolor. Observationerna, i vilka vi i varierande grad agerade deltagande och ickedeltagande, planerades och utfördes under en lektion i idrott och hälsa i vardera grupp: en grupp i årskurs fyra i och sex grupper årskurs fem.
Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt beskrivs i Yvonne Hirdman samt R.W Connells socialkonstruktivistiska och feministiska tankar om samhällets kulturella genusordning. En ordning där normen är hegemoni där män och maskulinitet är överställda kvinnor och femininitet.
"Ya know, I don't mind being labeled a crackhead." : En semiotisk analys av hur tv-spelet Grand Theft Auto V skildrar hudfärg, klass och kön
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the representation of race, social class and gender in the 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V. Postcolonial theory, including terms such as cultural hegemony, whiteness and Michel Foucaults definition of power, has served as the basis for the analysis. The postcolonial theory has been combined with class theory and gender theory for an intersectional analysis. Semiotic analysis has been used as the method in the thesis, and a total of nine story missions ? three for each protagonist in the game ? have constituted the material.
Styrelsesammansättning i förändring - ett könsperspektiv
The absence of female directors on Swedish corporate boards is currently a hot topic for both politicians and business leaders all over the world. This thesis aims to discuss reasons for the scarcity of women on boards in Swedish publicly listed companies as well as what actions are taken to alter the composition of these boards. A rigorous selection of gender theories have been used together with data collected from in-depth interviews with mainly board members and nomination committees. Extensive analysis has led to findings that historical perceptions of differences between men and women linger as of today, which prevents women to reach top executive levels as well as board positions. The increasing use of headhunters has encouraged companies to look beyond male-dominated networks in an attempt to widen the range of potential board nominees.
Genus på menyn : Analyser av stabila kol- och kväveisotoper på skelettmaterial från Bjärbygravfältet från äldre romersk järnålder i Kastlösa på Öland
This paper deals with diet and gender in the early roman iron age in Sweden. Human bone and tooth material from the Iron Age cemetery at Bjärby in Kastlösa parish on the island of Öland have been analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 21 individuals were sampled. Where possible 4 samples were taken from each individual, from the first, second and third molar respectively and from one compact bone. By doing so it is possible, at least in theory, to trace intra-individual diets throughout life.
En feministisk världsordning
AbstractAt a time when the discussion of feminism is hot in the media, in the schools and in the cottages so I have been interested in how feminist worlds order might look like and what are the roads there. There are plenty of barriers in the community, some of them you easily could influence.This essay problematize and define the problems behind the difficulties of reaching a feminist world order, but also the factors that are important to achieve this world order. How colonization that began several hundred years ago spread and secured the patriarchal society and its influence all the way to the society of today. But even more immediate factors, on how we ourselves are involved in shaping our society in terms of where we live, how we educate ourselves, and what jobs we choose. Status symbols in society as economics, profession and political influence are all to be reckoned with when it comes to influencing society.
Vad har jag gjort för att förtjäna detta? : En studie av kvinnors upplevelser i våldsutsatta relationer
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of women who have been abused by their partners. The study also examines how violence takes shape in a relationship. Based on a qualitative text analysis of three autobiographies and one novel, we have obtained the material for this study. The three selected autobiographies are; "I have not told you everything" by Jessie Andersson, "The nightmare" by Maria Dahlén and "It would be a pleasure to kill you" by Magdalena Graaf and the novel "Hidden" by Liza Marklund. To gain a better understanding of this topic, we have used the following theories; the process of normalization of violence, gender and masculinity.
Textinnehållets betydelse för läsförståelsen : En komparativ studie av flickor och pojkar i åk 7
Research reports as PISA and PIRLS show that reading comprehension among Swedish students have deteriorated in recent years and that girls have better reading comprehension than boys. The basis for this study is Maj-Gun Johansson's reading comprehension test done during the four years between the years 2005-2008 in the seventh grade in a municipality in Sweden. The main purpose of this study is to examine reading literacy in terms of the influence of content and form of texts viewed from a gender perspective. The study is divided into two parts. The first part is a survey on local reading comprehension compared with results from a similar national text.
?Att sätta barnen före sig själv?? : En argumentationsanalys på Tingsrättens avgöranden i mål om vårdnad
The aim of this study was to examine the District Court´s argumentations about the children´s best interests in rulings regarding custody of children, and to analyse the argumentation from a gender perspective. Rulings from the District Court from 2012 have been the basis for this study and a qualitative method has been used, argumentations analysis. The study shows that cooperative problems between the parents are the main reason why the District Court finds joint custody to be excluded. There are also argumentation regarding parent´s ability to ensure the children?s safety.
Tala är silver, tiga är guld : Om målsägande flickors utrymme och möjlighet till fritt berättande i förhör om misstänkta sexuella brott. En jämförelsestudie av förhörsledares språk ur ett genusperspektiv.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrogation transcripts of interviews with girls between the age of 11 and 16 who are alleged victims of sexual crimes. The examination is done from a gender perspective, by comparing six interrogations by male interrogators and eight interrogations by female interrogators. The study has used linguistic indicators relating to the interrogation methodological guidelines, in order to highlight how the interrogators give girls the opportunity and space to share their experience of the alleged sexual offense. Text material is categorized based on themes and analyzed in detail to find any gender-specific patterns of hearing leaders and if the girls are given space and opportunity for a free storytelling. The results show that in several themes, differences between the male and the female interrogators can be discerned.
Lika i värde, men olika värden : En kvalitativ och komparativ innehållsanalys av Feministiskt initiativs och Svenska kyrkans värden inom områdena mänskliga rättigheter och jämställdhet
This study is based on the notion of "the postsecular society". I have identified both similar and dissimilar values within current and official publications regarding human rights and gender equality authored by the Swedish Feminist Party and the Church of Sweden. The aim of this study is to identify and review similarities and differences in values, as expressed in definitions and standpoints, and also to try to explain how it is that the actors have similar and dissimilar values. In this context I have chosen the sociologist Jürgen Habermas's theory about "the postsecular society" to increase the understanding how and why similar values within religious and secular actors are presented in, what Habermas calls, "the postsecular society". I have used a qualitative and comparative content analysis for this study. The result shows that the Swedish Feminist Party has a more humanistic view.
Utan den andres bekräftelse är jag ingenting : En studie om kvinnan i kärleksrelationer och relationer
The aim of this essay is to analyse young peoples view and thoughts about women. I have studied how young people ?create women? in an opinion poll about love relations and relationships.The survey has been answered by high school student in a suburb in Stockholm. My main question is: What conceptions of the women are presented in love relationships and relationships in general?To analyse the data, I have used a qualitative method which means that I have tried to understand and interpret their answers.
Minderårigt nätpokerspelande : En explorativ studie om minderårigas reflektioner och upplevelser av nätpoker
This study represents seven adolescents? perspective on online poker gambling. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe adolescents? thoughts and experiences of online poker gambling, thus gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of how gambling affects youths in their living conditions and in their identity development. This was done by studying the symbolism and meaning that gambling has in these youths every day live and in their identity development.
Varför volontärresor? : En undersökande studie om motiveringen kring volontärresande
The focus of this study is to dig deeper into what motivates volunteer travelers. The commercial side of volunteer travelling has increased in the past years, and young Swedes pay large amounts of money to travel to other countries and work as volunteers. The purpose of this study is to get a glimpse into what motivates these young people, and how this correlates to the rapid increase of commercial travelling bureaus that focus on volunteer travelling. Five people under the age of 30, who had been volunteering through a commercial travelling agency, where interviewed for this study. The results show that the main motivation for paying to go work abroad is actually the experience, meeting new people and seeing new things.