

3377 Uppsatser om Gender awareness - Sida 63 av 226

Tuttar och terrorister : Om mediarapporteringen kring Göteborgskravallerna

This essay focuses on the press coverage of the riots in Gothenburg 2001. The questions it aims to answer are, How is it that although the media was gender-neutral in its news reports, the lasting memory is one of rioting men, and why did the media simultaneously exaggerate and minimize the importance of the riots?The material consists of articles and photographs from Swedish mainstream newspapers. The method is text analysis, with a heavy influence of discourse theory. The conclusions are that since the hegemonic discourse on gender does not allow women to be active and violent, all bodies in the riot automatically become men, no matter how female they seem to be in other contexts.

Imageination: En uppsats om imageöverföring inom sponsring och Event Marketing

There are two main reasons for why companies engage in sponsoring and Event Marketing; affecting the brand awareness and/or the image of the brand. Historically the main focus within the research field has been on how sponsoring and Event Marketing can create and achieve high brand awareness. More research regarding the image transfer from event to brand has been requested and this study is to be considered as an attempt to begin filling this gap. Today we see more and more brands choosing to arrange their own events; hoping to attain a more direct connection between the event and the brand. This trend raises questions such as - Do brands arranging their own events receive more image transfer from event to brand compared to brands sponsoring the same kind of event? - Are there any differences between an established well-known brand and a new unknown brand? - Will an event fully owned by a brand attract more or less people than an event arranged by someone considered to be less biased? These are some of the questions asked and answered within this thesis.

Svenska i enlighet med skolans värdegrund?

This study aimed at supplementing the Swedish National Agency for Education?s (Skolverket) study (2006) I enlighet med skolans värdegrund? which investigated whether textbooks in various school subjects went against the fundamental values in the curricula Lpf94 and Lpo 94. Due to this study?s supplementing intention, this study uses a similar title as Skolverket. By adding a new subject (Swedish) to Skolverket?s study, this study also strived to show how discrimination might be present in other subjects than the ones Skolverket involved in their study.

Representationen av genus : En semiotisk studie av Tom Fords Gucci kampanj 2003 samt Frida Gianninis Gucci kampanj 2013

Title: The representation of gender: A semiotic study of Tom Ford's Gucci campaign 2003 and Frida Gianninis Gucci Campaign 2013.Number of pages: 73 (79 including enclosures)Author: Sara AndréassonTutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communication Studies D (2IV091) Period: VT 2013 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the representation of gender in advertising that has both men and women as the primary audience. The aim of the study was to investigate how Gucci has chosen to represent men and women in their advertising campaigns 2003 and 2013.Material/ Method: A semiotic analysis was performed by using three images from Gucci's spring/ summer campaign for Tom Ford in 2003, and three images from Gucci's spring/ summer campaign for Frida Giannini in 2013.Main result: The results showed that there was a clear difference between Ford and Gianninis ways of representing women and men in the two advertising campaigns. The women in Fords campaign 2003 are presented as sexual objects and represented by the male pornographic imagination and portrayed as sexual eye-catchers while the men are portrayed as addicted to sex. Frida Gianninis advertising images is a contrast of Ford pornographic portrayal of women. Giannini presents women as confident individuals while the man is represented as feminized and androgynous in his appearance. .

Illusionen av det perfekta jaget : En hermeneutisk studie om nätdejting

AbstractThe purpose of the present study was to clarify and describe what image men and women present and communicate in their profiles on an online dating site. Further has been investigated if traditional gender roles and stereotypes are as pronounced on this online platform or if it offers a space to go beyond traditional formations. The theoretical framework of this study consisted of a social psychological idea and understanding of identity as well as a gender theoretical perspective. The methodological points of departure were hermeneutic and the data consisted of ten male and ten female member profiles on match.com. The results of the study was divided into three themes, the emphasis on positive qualities, the attractive body and project manager to one?s own life.

Kärleksgudinnor och machomän : Hur kvinnor och män framställs i bilderna i konfirmationsboken Via Mystica

The purpose with this thesis is to analyse images in the confirmationbook Via Mystica from a gender perspective. By using two different ways to analyse the pictures, a content analysis and a semiotic picture analysis, the result was as follows: The pictures of men an women fortifies the construction of gender. The girls in the pictures are represented as caregivers and comforters, while the boys are represented as strong and tough. The four pictures from the semiotic picture analyses showed how easy it was to categorise the men and the women in the photos in opposing stereotypes. The women are percieved as weak and submissive while the men were either strong criminals or a strong hero.

Från pre-human till post-human : Embryots reproduktiva status i skärningspunkten mellan stat och medicin

The aim of the thesis is twofold: the first aim is to identify a number of reproductive logics that are used to construct Swedish regulation of embryo donation for reproductive use as either ethical or unethical in the governmental ? and medical discussions ? and to examine how these logics are interconnected with notions of gender and parenthood. The second aim is to identify a number of tensions that arise in the application of the governmental ethical logic on the embryo and embryo donation and discuss how these tensions can be solved with a feminist material approach. I argue that the terminology used to distinguish between genetic, biological, social and legal parenthood in my material is insufficient for understanding the value of the embryo outside its pre-human status. I therefore argue for an embryonic feminist bioethics that is attentive to the embryos post-human status, and for a reformulation of the parenthood terminology in line with what I call ?reproductive ties?..

Sociala interaktioner hos katter i grupphållning på ett svenskt katthem

Many homeless and private owned cats are relinquished to cat shelters. Shelters are often a very stressful place for cats and their welfare may be endangered. Today it is common that cats are housed in groups at cat shelters and there are some perceived problems in housing cats in groups. The social structure of the cat is very complex and although cats are basically solitary they can be kept in groups under the right conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate how cats in groups interact with each other at a cat shelter.

Vad har känsla av sammanhang och upplevt socialt stöd för samband med individens sinnestämning

The aim of this study was to examine the relations between sense of coherence (SOC), perceived social support and mood, the study also included gender and civil status in the analysis. In the analysis mood was the dependent variable. The study included 81 respondents, all students from Växjö university, who answered a survey with three parts: SOC 13, Mood Adjective Checklist (MACL), and an own constructed instrument that measured perceived social support. The result showed that those with a high SOC tended to have a greater mood. High scores on perceived social support also were related to a greater mood.

Och vinnaren är? ? En kvantitativ undersökning av Stora journalistprisets vinnare 1966-2014

Title: And the winner is?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: (34)In this study the winners of Sweden's most prestigious journalism award Stora journalistpriset are characterized in the search for the dominant award winner.To find the dominant award winner we used a quantitative method, where we gathered information about the previous winners between the years of 1966-2014. Gender, age at the time of the award, whether they won individually or in groups, their employer at the time of the award, subject of the winning material and where it was first published, were the variables. A total of 268 award winners were characterized from these variables and a statistic analysis were made.The statistic analysis showed that there has been a dominant group among the award winners.Between the years of 1966-2014 the typical award winner was a man between 31-40 years old, who worked individually for public service. The winning material was mainly published in the printed press.

Läsutveckling : En studie av elever i år 4

Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka, analysera och diskutera lärarens, elevers och föräldrars medvetenhet och engagemang om elevernas progression inom läsinlärningen. Analys och slutsatser byggde vi på våra resultat och modern forskning om barns språkinlärning. Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av en klass bestående av 1 lärare, 19 elever och deras föräldrar. Vi använde oss av kartläggningsmetoderna God Läsutveckling och Ordkedjor, enkäter och intervju. Resultatet av vår studie visade att kartläggningsmetoden var betydelsefull, men metodvalet inte var det avgörande för läsutvecklingen hos eleverna.

Snipp- och snoppsnack : En studie av feministiska föräldrars tal med barn om kropp och sexualitet

In this paper I have studied how feminist parents talk to their children about body and sexuality and with which intentions they speak the way they do. The aim of the study was to locate strategies applied to give children positive relations to their bodies and their sexuality. My data are constituted by answers from a questionnaire sent out to an e-mail list for feminist parents. The answers have been compiled and analyzed, mainly qualitatively by the use of discourse analysis, with support of poststructuralist theories about language, gender and heteronormativity, as well as theories about children?s sexuality.

Streamad Tv ? komplement eller konkurrent för linjär Tv? : En studie om preferenser bland män och kvinnor i olika åldrar

Few would disagree that the media landscape has undergone significant changes the last decade. From bulky computers and plain mobile phones to portable High-Definition computers and multi-functional smartphones. Other media, such as newspapers and music, have evolved and prospered in a digitalized environment. The constant urge to digitalize aspects and functions of our daily lives seems almost instinctive. Television has taken further steps into this environment as it is now accepted and featured via the Internet.

Betydelsen av kön och sexualitet i mötet med sjukvårdsrådgivningen.

SammanfattningDetta är en studie av sjuksköterskors bemötande av patienter på Sjukvårdsrådgivningen i Region Skåne. Syftet är att undersöka hur det helhetstänkande som är vanligt förekommande i teoretiska debatter om sjukvården är förankrat i den praktiska verksamheten. Jag fokuserar på bemötande som kompetens, och studerar dess plats och auktoritet i organisationen. Jag undersöker även hur helhetstänkandet praktiskt fungerar i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient genom att fokusera på hur kön och sexualitet synliggörs och beaktas i samtalen.Jag utgår från Judith Butlers teori om den heterosexuella matrisen och om hur kön och sexualitet görs genom social interaktion. Jag använder mig också av intersektionalitet som ett analysverktyg.

Vilken kvinna? En intersektionell diskursanalys av ämnesordlistan i databasen KVINNSAM

The aim of this thesis is to critically analyse the subject heading list in the database KVINNSAM at Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna. This list is intended for the retrieval of gender specific information and the subject heading women is implied. The main question is: which woman is represented in the list? The thesis analyses specifically the representation of disability, ethnicity and other sexualities than heterosexuality. Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna, the concept of gender studies and KVINNSAM is presented.

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