

8771 Uppsatser om Gap analysis - Sida 66 av 585

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med hörselnedsättning : En samtalsanalytisk studie om begäran om förtydligande

Different abilities are of importance to pragmatics, there among hearing. Hearing impairment can affect language development and also pragmatic ability. The aim of the present paper was to study the pragmatic ability in terms of request for clarification in children with Hearing Impairment (HI) in conversation with children with no known hearing impairment, henceforth normally hearing (NH). The present study also describes requests for clarification sequentially in detail, and also highlights points where there may be observable differences between children with and without hearing impairment. Eight conversational pairs consisting of one child with HI and one NH child were studied.

E-böcker och bibliotek : En kritisk diskursanalys av Biblioteksbladet 2005-2011

The aim of this two years master´s thesis is to examine discourses about electronic books in relation to libraries that occur in the Swedish library journal Biblioteksbladet by using critical discourse analysis (CDA). The thesis also aims to discuss changes in the discourse practice, and discuss the relationship between discourse practice and social practice in the field of library and information science (LIS). A main point of CDA is that language is a form of social practice that helps shape social reality. Furthermore the concept of ideology, as understood with-in CDA, brings understanding to the way discursive events help reproduce and transform social relations of pow-er. The text samples span from 2005 up to and including 2011 and were examined by using Norman Fairclough´s three-dimensional conception of discourse, which allows for interpretation of text on a linguistic, discursive and social level.The result of the analysis showed that there are several different discourses about electronic books and li-braries, none of which can be said to be particularly representative.

Urspårad nyhetsrapportering : En kvalitativ textanalys av en lokal och en rikstäckande tidningsrapportering av tågolyckan utanför Kimstad

The purpose with this study is to examine how the media coverage of the train accidentoutside Kimstad, on the night of September 12th 2010, was framed in one local (Norrköpingsnyheter) and one national newspaper (Expressen) and how the coverage of the accident wasdifferent in the local newspaper compared to the national newspaper.The material is 12 articles within a fixed time limit which is from September 13th toSeptember 15th. The material consists of six articles from each newspaper.The method we use a qualitative text analysis with its basis in medialogic, news value andframing theory.In the essay?s analysis we show a synthesis of both newspapers coverage of the train accidentoutside Kimstad and how they stand in relation to the theory of news value and we end with aterminative comment about the results.The conclusion shows that the coverage of the event was different in many ways. Expressenuses a more dramatic framing and a more sensational language which describes the eventmore badly than it was. NT uses a more informative and objective information which almosttrifles the event but which informs about relevant information for the locals.

Bland brons och järn - spåren av metallhantverk från Bornholms yngre järnålder.

This essay is about Late Iron Age settlement and its production. I want to define the nature ofthree different workplaces on Bornholm, Denmark, and compare them. My aim is to see if itis possible to define a workplace through the traces of the craftsmanship. Several materials areselected in this essay and the analysis provides different perspective on workplaces in the LateIron Age in Scandinavia. The results of the analysis between the three workplacesAgerbygård, Baggård and Kanonhøj shows that Baggård have more traces of melting of bronsthan any other of the places.

Lärare - status - profession. En retorisk analys av artiklar knutna till lärares situation på 1960- och 2010-talet

The aim with this study is to investigate how the role of the teacher has changed and how society has influenced the teachers' situation in the 1960s and 2010s, with a focus on teaching in secondary school. Starting in the late 1980s when the concept of profession was introduced to the Swedish teachers, many claim that a deprofessionalization for teachers started at this time. Others say that already in the 1960s, the teachers status in the society started to decrease.The method I have used is a rethorical analysis of articles in Swedish Teacher Union Journals. I have also availed myself of one article in the newspaper and articles in online magazines. The rethorical analysis aims to investigate whether the articles give an enthusiastic or dystopian approach to the teaching role, in a similar way as Thomas Karlsohn have used the concepts..

Förändring av grönområden i Västerås tätort det senaste seklet : Konsekvenser av att grönområden förändras

This thesis was done after a request from the county?s administrative board of Västmanland to provide the board with a better understanding of how green areas have changed within Västerås municipality over time.The purpose and goal of this study was thus to measure and analyze how much of the green areas within Västerås municipality that have disappeared during the past one hundred years as well as to provide a review of previous studies regarding the importance of green areas for humans as well as the biological diversity.In order to answer these questions I have in this study used a combination of a literature study, cartographic analysis as well as a time series analysis. The computer software used to do the measurements of the green areas was ArcGIS which is a geographical information system.In the cartographic and times series anlaysis measurements and analysis was made of the district map of 1911, the economic map of 1950 and the property map of 2011. The measurements show that the municipality has grown with 46,3 km2 over the last one hundred years. New neighborhoods? have emerged and the municipality has expanded.

Förgängligt mode eller varaktig konst? : Mode, konst och förgänglighet i kollektionen Haute Papier av Bea Szenfeld

Ephemerality is one of the most essential characteristics of fashion, since fashion by definition is existing in the present, in the fleeing moment. Also, fashion is closely related to art and there is currently no clear theoretical distinction made regarding the boundary between these two domains. In this essay I have explored the concept of transiency and the relationship between fashion and art in relation to fashion in general and to the collection Haute Papier, made by the fashion designer Bea Szenfeld, in specific. The Haute Papier collection is constructed almost entirely out of simple white paper sheets and of this reason it can be regarded as ephemeral. The material also positions the garments in a void between fashion and art, simultaneously existing in both domains and in none of them.

Mångfaldsarbete, en intersektionell strategi? : En studie av kommuners kombinerade jämställdhets- och mångfaldsplaner.

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze the term diversity in five Swedish municipality?s combined gender equality- and diversity plans. The purpose is also to investigate who or whom of the employers that are included in the term diversity and if gender equality is included in the diversity work. The material is analyzed on the basis of theory of intersectionality and discourse analysis. The outcome of the analysis indicates that the municipalities use the term diversity in many different ways in the combined gender equality- and diversity plans.

Sex skogsägares upplevelser av stormen Gudrun: en expolrativ studie

In Sweden we are spared from large natural disasters. However, in January 2005 part of Sweden was struck by a hurricane. It did not only leave a decimated landscape in its wake. It also left its mark on many people who lived in the south of Sweden. In this paper the reader will be presented six qualitative interviews that build on forestowners' experiences during and in the aftermath of the Storm of January 2005.

?Varför säger man så?? En analys av så och sats i ett interaktionellt perspektiv

Specialarbete, 15 hpSvenska språket, fördjupningskurs SV1301HT 2013Handledare: Lars-Gunnar Andersson.

Identifiering av synkronmaskinsmodell genom SSFR-test

At the Division of Electricity at Uppsala University there is an experimental rig forhydroelectric generators. The experimental rig?s vital part is a 12-pole synchronousmachine, whose electrical characterizing parameters (resistances, inductances andtime constants) are unknown. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the machine inits current state by perform a Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) test. From theanalysis of the measurement data, which is a part of the test, a set of basic parametershave been received.

Skurken i informationssamhället. En diskursanalys av upphovsrättsdebatten i svensk och amerikansk dagspress 2001-2006

This Master?s thesis is an analysis of metaphors in relation to actors, and of discourses used in the copyright-debate in two major Swedish daily newspapers and one American: Göteborgs-Posten, Svenska Dagbladet and New York Times during the years 2001-2006. We aim to answer the following questions: Which metaphors were being used in the copyright-debate to create the archetypal villain, hero, winner and loser in editorials, debate and letters to the editor in the three newspapers? Which discourses did those metaphors relate or conform to? Which similarities or differences could be found when comparing the two countries? newspapers regarding representations and constructions of villains, heroes, winners and losers in the copyright-debate? Firstly we distinguished who the actors in the debate were, following parts of Theo van Leeuwen?s actors? analysis. Secondly we distinguished which metaphors were being used to describe the actors as either villains, heroes, winners or losers.

"Det sås ett frö där som liksom sakta gror" : Att utveckla ett empatiskt och professionellt förhållningssätt under sjuksköterskeutbildning

In human service organizations it is important to enlighten the significance of human encounters. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students experiences of developing empathy and professional relationship in encounters with patients and next of kin during their education. Interviews with five nursing students were carried out. The method of analysing content analysis was used. One main theme and five subthemes were presented.

Demokrati ur politikers och ungdomars perspektiv : - En diskursanalytisk studie om demokratiska förutsättningar i Norrköpings kommun

The democratic conditions in national states have change radically at the same time as the society has changed. Because of social and economic globalization processes, the states and government has lost power for the benefit of transnational and global institutions. That affects the democracy since the nation state earlier defined the domain of citizenship. At the same time, citizens? confidence towards political parties and politicians has gone down.

Elcyklar och dess möjlighet till uppladdning under drift

Today?s environmental discussions have led to more progress in the different transportareas. To ride a bicycle is often one of the most efficient alternative when it comes totransport. An Electric bike is, and makes transportation more efficient than a regularbicycle. Electric bicycles do not affect the environment significantly and allows moreconvenient transportation than ordinary bicycles do.

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