1478 Uppsatser om G-factor - Sida 19 av 99
Musikterapi som redskap inom barnsjukvården : forskningsöversikt avseende smärta och rädsla
The aim is to describe the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement of pain in patients. Literature study based on 13 reviewed articles, searched in the Cinahl. Qualitative and quantitative articles were analyzed. Six themes were identified that can be seen as the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement. The themes were pain education, nurses´ experience in the profession, nurses´ level of knowledge about pain relief, documentation about pain, nurse´s perspective on the patient, and pain measurement.
Olika bakgrund, olika ledarskap? : En jämförelse mellan en ledare från Sverige och en ledare från Tyskland
Many organizations strive to be transnational. This means that individuals with different cultural background will work together. Countries around the world have their own culture, which mark the way individual?s think and act. Different values between leaders and their subordinates are often a key factor to misunderstandings and conflicts in transnational organisations.
En studie om elever i årskurs nio, identitet, ungdomskultur och prövandet av narkotika
The purpose of our study was to look at the connection between theories, research work and concepts when it comes to teenagers and the testing of drugs. The theories we have used are Erikssons development theory, psychoanalysis and labelling theory. Concepts that we focused on for our study were youthculture, the search for identity and the testing of drugs. We did this by asking students, in ninth grade, to fill in questionnaire and interviews.Teenagers find themselves in a confusing stage in life and in a search for their identities they test many different things. The youthculture can be a contributing factor to them testing drugs.
Identitet och etnicitet - om ungrares förutsättningar till självförverkligande
The point of interest in this study is to identify whether ethnicity is a
correlating factor regarding Hungarian immigrants? development of identity in
Sweden. The general aim is to increase knowledge and understanding of the
conditions for the Hungarian ethnical group in Sweden to reach
self-realization. The main question is whether the general view of the
background of this ethnical group has a connection to their self-realization in
Sweden? Since the study involves a whole group of minority, a limitation has
been made to adults living in the city of Halmstad, Sweden.
Mot en grönare organisation : Niscayah i en säker framtid
This paper covers how a company must act to become ?greener? and yet still increase profitability with the main emphasis on the inner structure of the company. The research is focused on the Swedish security systems company Niscayah AB, part of the multinational corporation Niscayah Group with approximately 6000 employees. A company can be assumed to consist of seven parts (strategy, systems, structure, super-ordinate goals, staff, skills and style) that have to cooperate for the firm to be able to become more environmentally friendly. Also, the economic performance is of importance and therefore that too is examined.
På Facebook vet ingen att jag har dålig självkänsla : En undersökning om extraversion/introversion och självkänsla i relation till känslomässigt engagemang i Facebook.
Facebook är ett socialt nätverk som gör det möjligt för medlemmar att presentera sigsjälva genom en profil som andra kan ta del av. Syftet med undersökningen var attstudera dels huruvida introverta personer är mer känslomässigt engagerade i Facebookän extraverta personer, dels huruvida personer med lägre självkänsla än genomsnittet ärmer känslomässigt engagerade i Facebook och dels huruvida introverta personer medlåg självkänsla är mer känslomässigt engagerade i Facebook än andra personer.Undersökningen omfattade 117 respondenter från utbildningar tillhörande densamhällsvetenskapliga institutionen. Undersökningen baserades på Facebook intensityscale, på NEO Five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) och på Rosenbergs (1965) self-esteemscale. Resultat visade att extraverta personer med låg självkänsla är mer känslomässigtengagerade i Facebook..
Ungdomstjänst : ur ett myndighetsperspektiv
The aim of our study is to explore the thoughts and beliefs held by the professionals who work with the sentence youth service for young offenders, and how they feel about the same.How is the sentence youth service perceived from a professional perspective? How does the concurrence look like between the police, the social services and the prosecutor, when it comes to young offenders? What kind of difficulties/challenges do the professionals see in the possibility to effect the sentence youth service?The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consists of seven semi-structured interviews with two police officers, four social workers and one prosecutor.The results of our study indicate that youth service is a good sentence for young first-time offenders; the study also indicates that concurrence between the different professions is a success factor; furthermore the study revealed that it was very difficult finding adequate working places..
Hårda män i mörka kostymer : - En bildanalytisk studie med utgångspunkt i genus
The purpose of this study has been to examine how the media presents policymakers from a gender perspective. We have made an analysis on the basis of genderdichotomies. We have studied images from the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet as well as the French newspaper Le Monde in order to achieve a greater understanding in which way the both medias contributes to the reproduction of gender in the media.The conclusion of the study has shown that the gender system is somewhat confirmed by the way in which men and women are presented in the medias. Men are presented with more traditional gender related associations than women who is shown in a more dynamic constellation, this is mostly evident in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet..
Är framtidens kontor här för att stanna?
Alneskolans slöjdlärare Sara Edström anser att deras trä- och metallslöjdssal upplevs som trång, är oändamålsenlig och har brister utifrån de gällande arbetsmiljökraven.Syftet med denna rapport är att slöjdläraren ska få ett underlag som visar hur slöjdsalen kan utformas för att bli effektivare, trevligare och uppfylla gällande lagar och rekommendationer. Underlaget som kom att innehålla en planritning, rivningsritning, rumsbeskrivning och en kostnadsberäkning, ska sedan användas för att få till en verklig förändring av slöjdsalens utformning.Utformningen grundades på boverkets byggregler, arbetsmiljöverkets rekommendationer och slöjdlärarens anvisningar.Resultatet visade att slöjdsalen kan utformas så att den blir mer effektiv, trevligare och säkrare. Till en kostnad av 125 000 kr kan lokalen utformas så att den uppfyller alla regler och rekommendationer samt de flesta av anvisningarna som angivits. .
Arbetsgivares förhandlingsskyldighet
This paper focuses on the employers? responsibility as described in the 11th section in the Employment (co-determination in the workplace) Act of 1976. The questions asked are to determine whether the law in the 11th section is followed in real life and if the consequences for breaking the law are a deciding factor. This paper summarizes the law as it is interpreted today and in what situations it is applicable. Since the law and especially section 11 affects certain individuals and organizations, the paper also describes who these individuals and organizations are and how they are affected.
Staden i Arenastaden
Ett mycket högexploaterat förslag utformas där en egen identitet skapas åt Arenastaden i Växjö. Solens gång, bullerkällor, brandrisker, kulturhistoriska värden och många mål i kommunens visionsbild för Arenastaden väger in vid utformning av förslaget. Förslagets nya upplevelsevärden och andra kvalitéer analyseras med hjälp av en solstudie, bullerkällsundersökning och analysmetod av Kevin Lynch. Projektuppgiften är baserad på att en mycket hög exploatering drar ner på områdets upplevelsevärden. Då analysens resultat föll annorlunda erhölls ett annat resultat ? metoden; att bygga på höjden besparar grönytor och de värden som mäts vid en Lynchanalys..
Ola Rapace verkar ju lycklig, men hur gör då jag för att också bli det?
This paper examines which media messages related to happiness that can be found in interviews with famous people in the four largest lifestyle magazines in Sweden for the age group 16-34. The magazines are Cosmopolitan, Elle, Café and King. Depending on which magazine the reader chooses to read he/she will be presented with different roads to happiness. Common for all examined magazines are happiness factors related to personal goals, determination and work. Often in a causal connection where the goal orientation and determination is tied together with success in work and career for the interview persons.
Elevers självkänsla : Hur stärker vi den i skolan?
The overall aim with this study is to elucidate outdoor education as an education method and on the basis of that illustration to examine active educators vision on it as a way to motivate students' learning. This study is based on a literature component and a qualitative study through interviews five teachers.The results of the interviews show how to interpret the motivation and how to work with students' motivation. As well as outdoor education as part of the activity. The interviews show the importance of outdoor education can be to increase students'motivation for learning. They also show the importance of outdoor education is for student learning and test scores have shown the effectiveness of student learning through outdoor education.
Relationer som ökar kundvärde: fallstudier av
kundrelationer till ett konsultföretag
The aim of this research was to examine how the relationship between consultants and their customers can increase the value for the customer and to see how consultants can act to gain closer relationships with the customers. An empirical study has been performed through case studies with a consultant and six customers to the consultant. The theoretical areas for the analysis are customer value and relationship development between seller and buyer. Our conclusions of the research were that values for the customers are increases with closer relationships. The increased value lays in lesser uncertainty when repurchasing.
I vilken utsträckning kan hästar enbart utfodras med grovfoder?
Horses are grazers with a digestive system that is adapted for a high fiber diet. Forage is a fiber rich feed that includes grass and legumes. A deficiency of forage and an excess of grains may cause gut disturbances and stereotypic behavior. The aim of this literature study was to summarize information on the horse?s capacity to consume forage-only diets with focus on the horse?s need of energy and protein.