

1478 Uppsatser om G-factor - Sida 11 av 99

En experimentell studie av vulkaniseringstidens och vulkaniseringshastighetens påverkan av värmeväxlarpackningar

A two-factor design of experiments done on GGAB for the identification of two selected factors influence on the length of the scattering of heat exchanger gaskets. The work consists of four parts: study, choice of survey method, the performance of investigation and analysis of the results. Chosen factors on the study are considered to be the most effecting of the length distribution of seals during the production of GGAB. The study is the first of its kind both in GGAB and in the rubber industry and has an experimental nature..

Skatteflyktslagens tillämplighet vid generationsskifte i fåmansföretag : Gränsdragningen av samma eller likartad verksamhet

The financial result of a transfer of ownership or external sale is to a great extent depend-ent on how the transfer is implemented and how the tax rules apply. The applicability of the Swedish tax rules regarding transfer of ownership in closely held companies largely de-pends on the interpretation of the prerequisite, equal or similar activity, which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act.The ruling made by the Supreme Administrative Court in RÅ 2010 ref. 11 changed the concept of equal or similar activity. The ruling lead to that the shares in a closely held com-pany was qualified due to that the capital from the original company had been transferred to the operating company. According to the ruling the original company had been split into several companies, thus was the companies considered to carry out equal or similar activity.

Interna processer : Modell för ett effektivt returstålsflöde

The last decade has created an increasing pressure on companies to decrease their impact on the environment and to increase their effectiveness of recycling the company?s resources, especially for the steel industry. Companies have also started to realize the economic aspects of an effective internal reverse logistics. In the past the value of an effective internal reverse logistic was something that companies tend to underestimate and there are few academic studies done in this area. The purpose of this essay has been to identify key factors to create an effective in plant storage, transport, sorting and handling of returned steel. From these factors a generalized model for creating an effective return steel flow will be developed.

Personlighetens roll för självförtroendet

Har personligheten och genus någon inverkan på självförtroendet hos individer? Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ undersökning och en enkät som omfattade tre skalor för personlighet och en skala för självförtroendet. De tre personlighetsvariablerna hämtades ur Goldbergs ?the five factor model?. De bestod av openess, neuroticism och extraversion.

Pica-beteende hos katter (Felis catus): påverkan av ras och miljö?

Pica is a behavior that can be seen in several animal groups. In cats, it means that they are eating, chewing or licking on material that is non-food. In this study the data was collected through an online survey. In total 522 responses, of which 26% of the cats were exhibiting pica. It was found that 28% of the housecats and 26% of purebred cats exhibited pica.

Sveplaserns användning till inventering/befästning/kontroll av vägmarkering

The thesis mission is to investigate whether the swiveling laser that Vectura (former Vägverket Konsult) has in use to measure the road areas and straddle measuring can be used to detect differences in the reflective road markings function. This is to increase use of the swiveling laser and get rid of the manual measurements performed today.Currently, the measurement of road markings reflective function is performed with both mobile and handheld measuring instruments. The purpose of this thesis is to develop better methods for determination of road markings? reflective function, in order to facilitate the description and suggestions for improvements of the maintenance of road markings reflective function.The questions that the thesis has been to start with are:Can the swiveling laser detect differences in longitudinal and transverse road markings reflective function?The accuracy of measurement has been sweeping the laser over the reference instrument (LTL-2000)Is it necessary with a conversion factor for swiveling laser data against the reference instrument data?To answer the question 2 and 3, there has been a field work in Värnamo where a road stretch with longitudinal road markings and zebra crossing (transverse road markings) has been investigated with a swiveling laser and LTL-2000.The formulas and calculations contained in the thesis are drawn from scientific reports that are produced by VTI in Linköping. The same formula that was used to calculate the optical measurement data was also used for the swiveling laser data.

It´s a way of understanding the universe while leaving the universe unexplained : Sökandet efter det autofiktiva jaget i Jeanette Wintersons Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

In this essay I examine the auto fictive self in Jeanette Wintersons Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit. I do this through a close reading of the novel using Mieke Bals narratological terms;narrator, story, fabula, time and order. These narratological terms have been merged together with central themes of the book. I look at the readers understanding of the novel, the relation between fairytale and realism, symbols, intertextuality, the mother-daughter relationship and silences and I analyze these themes in their relation to autofiction and the auto fictive self.  Gemma Lopez Seductions and Narratives has been a key reference, mainly her theories on self-creation in narratives, and the construction of the self, trough language. The narrative is the place where the self can transgress and reshape, which gives the narrative a subversive power. I analyze this presumed power, and look at how the story shapes an opportunity for the subject to see itself.

Sambandet mellan saldodifferenser och effektiva materialflöden : Fallstudie utförs på Atlas Copco?s logistikavdelning

Problems arise when the number of products in stock does not correspond with the number of products the information system says the company has in stock. (Sharda & Agrawal, 2012) In order to change that, major changes has to be made when it comes to making continuous improvements and to raise their standards regarding product availability and record inaccuracy (Wild, 2004).The purpose of this study is therefore designed to identify factors affecting the balance differences and what impact it has on the efficiency of material flow. The demarcation of the work is that Atlas Copco has begun working with Lean and it will not be investigated nor the relationship between balance differences and Lean. The study was based on answering the following questions: What influencing factors can be identified for balance differences? What factors are relevant to the efficiency of material flow? What kind of impact the balance differences has on these factors?In order to answer the purpose and issues, a theoretical framework has been developed with help of literature studies and an analytical model.

Studenternas bankmarknad; en förändrad studentpopulations förhållande till banker

Banks are an important institution for the economy of a society. During the later years the world of banking has changed. Several new actors have entered the market and taken over traditional bankservices as well as new ones. The way of conducting banking has changed with the event of new technology. One of the banks customer segments, the students have also been under a change.

Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?

It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market. It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy and it takes time to establish what the company stands for.

Utvärdering - till vilken nytta? : En studie om hur utvärderingar användas och vad som gör dem användbara

Syftet med denna studie är att göra en metaanalys kring användningen av utvärderingen Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte. Utvärderingen har genomförts i fyra stadsdelar i Malmö inom ramen för storstadssatsningen.Fokus har legat på att undersöka om resultatet av utvärderingen Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte har använts i de utvärderade verksamheterna, samt vilka faktorer som påverkar användande eller icke-användande av utvärderingar.För att analysera vilken typ av användning som har förekommit har Carol H Weiss modell för användning av utvärderingsresultat används. Denna har kombinerats tre förklaringsfaktorer för att försöka förstå varför det sker eller varför det inte sker någon användning av utvärderingsresultat. Dessa faktorer är den personliga faktorn, den kontextuella faktorn och utvärderingsfaktorn.Undersökningen visar att användningen av Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte inte varit så utbredd i de undersökta stadsdelarna. Däremot framkommer det en generellt positiv inställning till utvärderingar.

Kan fysisk aktivitet förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom? En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: We are facing an aging population, which means that the incidence of age related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are expected to increase. In the current situation there is no cure for the disease, whereupon it is important to develop preventive strategies. Objective: To examine the association between Alzheimer's disease and physical activity. Method: A systematic literature search was done to identify the current state of knowledge from the year 2006 onwards. The reason for this limitation was that the SBU commissioned a systematic literature review in 2006, where the relationship between physical activity and Alzheimer's disease could not be determined.

Påverkande faktorer vid implementering av CRM

The purpose of this thesis was to examine why so many CRM-projects didn`t reach the expected goals that companies management envisaged. The purpose was divided into two research questions. ? How should companies? management design the strategic projection of the CRM implementation? ? How will employees? attitude to changes influence the result of the CRM implementation? The case company was a Swedish technical consulting company: interviews were conducted with two represents from two different departments. The findings of the study were that management often strongly believes that software will sort out most of the upcoming problems and forget the factor that education of employees is at least equal important.

Medarbetarna spelar domino med konkurrensmedelsmixen - medarbetarnas nöjdhet som katalysator

The most vital for a business is to understand how to please and satisfy its customers in order to make them loyal to the company. Companies weapon for competition in the retail business is defined through the retail mix. The retailer however often have limited resources whereas they have to prioritize between the factors included in the retail mix. The main purpose for this paper is to investigate what kind of internal connections that may occur between the factors in the retail mix, with focus on the job satisfaction as a catalyst on driving the values of the parameters included in the retail mix, where the factor service is the starting shot for the others included..

Nollenergihus i Borlänge : Är det möjligt med biomassa, solenergi och vindkraft?

This report is of technical character and treats how to plan a small building in Borlänge, Sweden.The technical components that have been treated in the report are the construction, foundation,installations and thermic abilities of the house. In addition to planning this house the report alsocontains a part that deepens in net zero energy buildings. The purpose of the report is toinvestigate if the house in Borlänge can be constructed to meet net zero energy buildingdemands.Energy efficient houses such as passive- and net zero energy houses are showing more frequenton the market in Sweden. Ongoing climate changes and growing consciousness about theenvironment in society have contributed to that the environment is a well discussed topic. Toconsume small amounts of energy and at the same time produce local energy is thereforesomething that lies in the future and future houses.

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