

2 Uppsatser om Fytoextraktion - Sida 1 av 1

Avena Sativa - En hyperackumulator? : En studie av havres kadmiumupptag

The aim of our research was to investigate if oat is capable of extracting cadmium to such extent that it is usable in decontaminating polluted soils. We grew oat in a hydroponic culture during 28 days in a controlled environment and a total of 30 plants were used. The nutrient solutions were contaminated with cadmium of ten different concentrations after seven days. After harvesting the plants, the roots were separated from the shoots, placed in separate containers and then turned to ashes. The cadmium content was measured three times per sample in an atomic absorption spectrometer.Our results indicate that the ability of oat to extract cadmium from a solution is linearly dependent of the cadmium concentration of the solution.

Jordläkande växter : växters kapacitet att med fytoremediering rena förorenad mark - med exempel och förslag för Ockelbo järnvägsstation

Det ha?r arbetet ger en orientering i va?xters olika fo?rma?gor att rehabilitera miljo?skador och belyser mo?jligheten att anva?nda va?xternas essentiella och varierande fo?rma?gor i miljo?arbetet. De a?mnen som har skadlig inverkan pa? miljo?n kallas fo?r miljo?gifter. Ba?de globalt och i Sverige har omloppet av ma?nga miljo?gifter o?kat markant de senaste a?rhundradet.