

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 7 av 302

Hur kan skadegörelse på skolgårdar motverkas? : en studie med fokus på vegetation

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Konsumtion i den tredje åldern

In this thesis I try to examine the consumtion among people that are retired and therefore can be considered as being in the third age. This studie is carried out in Norrköping, with interviews of people living in or close to Norrköping. I have used theories about the third age, consumtion and the space of the city. I have examined the importance of the city space as a meeting place and where the elderly buy the things they need for there everyday life. I also try to examine if the things they buy has an importance that goes beyond the immediate use, such as communicating a persons status to others.

Bovin neosporos : vilken roll spelar hunden?

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Kan nätverk konstrueras? : En studie av relationerna och nätverksbyggandet kring Kista Science City AB

Ett väl fungerande nätverk kan hjälpa företag att förbättra sin produktivitet och skapa möjligheter till affärer. För att utnyttja fördelarna som nätverk kan skapa har Kista Science City AB sedan år 2000 aktivt arbetat med att skapa olika projekt och nätverk, med avsikt att stimulera tillväxt i regionen Kista Science City, framförallt hos de mindre företagen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de relationer som företagen inom nätverken kopplade till Kista Science City AB har, med hjälp av ARA-modellen. För att besvara syftet så har en kvalitativ intervjubaserad fallstudie utförts. Uppsatsen visar att det finns störst potential till starka relationer gentemot externa aktörer och att det konstruerade nätverket är begränsat till någon del av de lager som nämns i ARA-modellen..

Analys och optimering av godsflöden i Linköpings city

Expanderande städer resulterar i ökande behov av godstransporter och för att behålla en fungerande godsdistribution kan åtgärder behöva vidtas. Trafikstockning och försämrad stadsmiljö är negativa effekter som kan förknippas med en dåligt fungerande godsdistribution. Citylogistik handlar om att kontrollera och optimera godstransporter i urbana områden (city) så att negativa effekter minimeras.Olika typer av citylogistiska åtgärder och koncept har identifierats. Till dem hör till exempel samdistribution, reglering av godstransporter och avancerade IT-system. Inom ramen för projektet SAMLIC, som startades i Linköping 2004, genomfördes pilotförsöket PILOT med det övergripande syftet att utvärdera ekonomisk potential med samdistribution i Linköpings city.

Gränsen mot omgivningen : hur formas stadens kanter?

The edge or the fringe of the city is often the first part of the city we encounter, and our perception of it will probably color the image we make in our minds of the city as a whole. Even though the fringe of the city is important to the image of the cityscape it has not very often been the direct object of attention either in planning, building or even in the heads of the masters, when big ideas were formed. More often than not the fringe seems like something that just happened over time due to separate landowners, businesses or actions of other financially strong operators. The aim of this essay is to try to describe the history of the city edge in Sweden, from the very first town in the 10th century until today?s expanding mosaic of different ideas and styles as well as to bring some clarity and order into some of the different ideas and ideals in the planning of the edge in different eras and to review how the edge has been shaped and used.

Trygghet och säkerhet i offentlig stadsmiljö :

To thoroughly think with safety and security in mind is an important issue in planning of public city spaces. Spaces intended to be available to all inhabitants of a city should have a welcoming appearance. Unfortu-nately, this is not the situation in many pedestrian walkways, parks and such spaces, possibly due to lack in safety and security. This master thesis intend to examine questions at this issue ? what makes you feel safe and what causes insecurity in public city spaces. The safety aspect treats the human psychological and sociological ways of perceiving her milieu and other humans in it, and how the physical shape of her surroundings can affect the sense of safety.

Storstadssatsningen och dess effekter på valdeltagande i kommunala val: Framgång eller misslyckande?

In 1998 the Swedish Socialist Government initiated a project in order to promote economic growth and to end the discriminating social and ethnic segregation in the greater city regions of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. One of the goals of the project was and still is to promote political participation in 24 of the poorest areas of the three cities. In a quantitative analysis I evaluate whether or not the project so far has been successful in promoting a specific part of political participation, i.e. electoral participation in communal elections. The results of the 24 poor city areas are compared with a group of 14 likewise poor city areas of major swedish cities.According to my hypothesis, general improvements of the socio-economic status of poor city areas ought to generate positive effects on electoral participation in communal elections.

Upplev Stockholm & Visby

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate whether there are differences between big cities and small cities in adventure tourism. The cities that are studied are Stockholm and Visby.Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative method. We have done interviews and observation. We also used books and internet when collecting information.        Conclusions: The study has shown that differences exist between large and small cities. People seek out the opposite, whether you're from a big city or small town.

Androgynitetens betydelse för det kreativa uttrycket i To the Lighthouse

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Bellevue - en studie av verksamheter och småindustri i stadslandskapet :

How can we plan so that smallscale industry and businesses can become an integrated part of the city? The densifying process in search of new housing areas that is going on in most swedish cities threatens to undermine the diversity and complex make up of central parts of many cities. To sustain industrial activities in central locations is critical to this diversity. This thesis discusses how to reach a sustainable city planning with Bellevue, a small industry and business area in central Gothenburg, as an example..

Kvinnan slår tillbaka : Sexualitet och våld i slashergenren

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Kramfors och kampen om livskvaliteten - En diskursanalytisk studie av kommunens marknadsföring

In the era of urbanization and globalization, many small, rural and post-industrialcities struggle for growth. The competition for citizens and visitors is intense, andone commonly used strategy is to promote the city to a target audience. Placemarketing, however, is homogenized to a great extent. Marketing thus seems likea useless approach, yet almost every city does it.By using discourse analysis and institutional theory, this essay aims to explainwhy the city of Kramfors markets itself. There are several problems arising due tothe marketing of places, especially concerning the discrepancy between the city?simage and identity.

En skola efter behov : Trollhättans första tekniska gymnasium

The purpose of this study is to explain the development of the first higher technical education in Trollhättan, with the added perspective of Trollhättans strong industrial profile as a city. The interesting thing being that the city did not try to first and foremost get a regular higher education, but a technical higher education instead. The study describes the political twists and turns the question took from its most early stage in the year 1940 and how the city's industrial profile did indeed have an impact on the development of the first higher technical education. Especially because there was a need for educated engineers in the city, as well as the country of Sweden in large during this time. The study also tries to explain the problems related to such a development, primarily by describing the lack of sufficient housing for schools during the 1950's, this meant that the higher regular school and the higher technical school had to cooperate in finding said housing.

Bonden i Graven Bredvid - En osteologisk studie av den medeltida befolkningen i Norra Nöbbelöv och deras skador på skeletten

This paper is the result of an osteological study of the skeletal remains uncovered during an archaeological excavation of the medieval cemetery in Norra Nöbbelöv. The purpose of the study is to compare the material from the rural site (Norra Nöbbelöv) with materials excavated from the old medieval graveyards in the city of Lund. The aim is to try and shedsome light on the question of whether there is any difference in the occurrence and frequency of fractures and osteoarthritis in the materials compared. The first section of the paper consists of a short historical background of Norra Nöbbelöv and Lund, a chapter on ethics, general results of the analysis and the methods used. Thissection was co-authored by Ulla Zagal-Mach and Åsa Strandh.

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