

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 66 av 302

Städer i konkurrens? : Diskurs och politisk strategi i tre svenska städer

This study puts emphasis on an international discourse describing how cities frequently compete against each other, and also describing factors that cities should enhance to make themselves more competitive. The discourse in this study has therefore been used to seek understanding how three different municipalities Borlänge, Karlstad and Malmö strive for growth by applying central factors from the discourse on the municipalities strategic documents. What the study shows is that the central factors from the discourse strongly imprints the strategic documents, but the presence of the factors varies between the municipalities and also to what meaning that lies behind the strategic goals..

Färre och färre händer : intervjuer om morgondagens landskapsförvaltare i det småskaliga odlingslandskapet

This degree project is based on my personal relation and engagement to the small-scaled cultural landscape. My viewpoint is the village Torpa in Östergötland. My observations of the changes and development together with the stories of the village people has lead me to the questioning about the future prospects of the small-scaled cultural landscape. The rationalization of the society and our urban culture has lead to big changes in the cultural landscape and the people have reduced to a small crowd. Fewer and fewer hands are managing the small-scaled cultural landscape and fewer and fewer young people have connection to this kind of landscape and its management.

På jobbfronten mycket nytt. Hur skuld och gemenskap påverkar utfallet för Försvarsmaktens rekryteringskampanjer.

Since the first of July 2010, military training in Sweden is no longer mandatory. Ever since then the Swedish Armed Forces have needed to attract people interested in serving as soldiers, in new ways. The campaigns for doing so have been much debated and discussed in Swedish media. This thesis tests how an increased presence of guilt and belongingness in the Swedish Armed Forces recruitment campaigns affects young people - how their attitude toward the Swedish Armed Forces possibly changes as well as their intention of applying to military training. Guilt and belongingness were chosen for several reasons.

Distribution Av Pejlbäringar Över IP-nät

The objective of the thesis is primarily to conform and encode a digital signal to be controlled by software. The idea is to transport today?s tracesignal through the IP-network instead of cable-net. In this report I will suggest a possible solution to get a fully passed result with no peculiar time delay. I will also suggest some ideas for a future work with the new tracesystem..

Odefinierade rum i bebyggd miljö : en begreppsstudie

Syftet med studien är att presentera olika begrepp med definitioner för odefinierade rum i bebyggd miljö. Rum som blivit över eller bortglömda i stadsplanering, övergivna och förfallna områden eller rum som saknar en känsla av identitet. Olika författare med olika bakgrund presenterar olika begrepp och definitioner för dessa rum. Genom litteraturstudier undersöks nio relevanta begrepp från publicerad litteratur. De undersöks utifrån frågor som behandlar författarens ursprung, verkets publiceringsår, begreppets definition, exempel som ges på odefinierade rum, hur rummen uppkommit samt hur de enligt författaren bör behandlas i planering.

H?llbarhetsrapportering i svenska industrif?retag

Sustainability and the role of companies in terms of emissions and environmental impact has become increasingly more relevant. In 2014, the EU decided to introduce the NFRD, a directive that makes it mandatory for companies that meet the requirements to report on sustainability. This thesis aims to examine how four large Swedish industrial companies report about sustainability in connection with the introduction of NFRD, looking at the years 2015 (2014), 2017 and 2022 from an environmental viewpoint. Furthermore, the study also intends to investigate how the companies write about their sustainability work, as actual achievements or what they have ambitions to do in the future. In order to carry out the study, a content analysis with elements of both qualitative and quantitative features has been used called the CONI method.

Med läshandikapp på Internet: En studie av webbportaler, online-databaser och nätbibliotek för användare med läshandikapp

TPB, The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, has requested a study to investigate the organization and content of a possible future Swedish web portal for users with reading disabilities. The aim of this thesis is to conduct such a study, with an emphasis on knowledge organization. The main aspects studied are formal description, representation, search and retrieval, document retrieval, and additionally also aspects related to content. The following questions are answered in this thesis: - How are web portals, online databases and Internet libraries for users with reading disabilities constructed, from an organization of knowledge point of view? - How can these solutions for knowledge organization be incorporated into a possible Swedish web portal? - With regards to content, which additional aspects are present in the studied web portals, online databases and Internet libraries? The questions are addressed through a detailed study of ten web portals, online databases and Internet libraries from Nordic and Anglo-American parts of the world.

Bilaterala investeringsskyddsavtal : Strävan efter en balans mellan intressen för suveräna stater och enskilda investerare

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

?H?LLBAR MIGRATION?? En kritisk diskursanalys av Europeiska unionens reglering av asylansvar

This bachelor?s thesis aims to examine how the ?New Pact on Migration and Asylum? construct the discourse on ?sustainable migration? and ?efficiency? in the European Union. The new jurisprudence concerning migration and asylum in the European Union seeks to establish a more ?fair, efficient and sustainable migration and asylum system?. To analyze the discourses, a critical discourse analysis is applied to the former asylum regulation, Dublin regulation III, a revised and withdrawn proposal, Dublin regulation IV, and future legislation.

Örtagårdsparken i Rosengård : tillbakablick och framtidsperspektiv

Malmö Kommunala Bostadsbolag Fastighets AB owns and administrates Örtagården housing estate in Rosengård which is a characteristic million programme housing area. Örtagården is densely populated which naturally creates an environment that is exposed to wear and tear. The area is today undergoing a change where new proposals and strategies are to be designed for further development of the inner yards. MKB also wishes to develop the park area which is centrally situated in Örtagården. The purpose of this study was to make an analysis of the development of Örtagårdsparken from when it was planned and constructed up until the state it is in today.

Partneringupphandling inom anläggningssektorn : Kommunernas intresse i Mälardalen

Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Kundtillfredsställelse på en studentnation : en fallstudie på Norrlands nation i Uppsala

The 26th of February 2009 the Swedish government gave a referral to the council of lawregarding the removal of a law concerning mandatory membership at a student union andstudent nation while studying at a university or college in Sweden. This has led to adiscussion amongst the student nations in Uppsala as to how this proposed change will affectthe nations? future operations. Some, including the chairwoman for Kuratorskonventet,Therez Olsson, and the 1Q for Norrland?s student nation, Jon Stridh, have expressed theirworries that this could lead to a decrease in members.

Brukarmedverkan i förvaltning av tätortsnära naturmark :

Flera kommunala förvaltningar och andra instanser efterfrågar idag former för hur brukare aktivt kan involveras i skötsel av tätortsnära skog- och naturmarker. Erfarenheter finns, men delgivning av goda exempel och bra referenser är en bristvara. Genom detta examensarbete presenteras en form för hur skötsel av en tätortsnära skogs- och naturmiljö praktiskt kan genomföras tillsammans med de boende i närområdet. Förslaget för samarbetet har utformats via en fallstudie och baseras på intervjuer med boende och förvaltare inom ett avgränsat villaområde i Huskvarna. Studien redogör även för synpunkter och de krav som lyftes fram av respektive part inför samverkanssituationen, dvs. samverkanspotentialen och själva ramen för samverkan.

Livet efter döden : Svenska tidningar anpassar sig till en digital framtid

The media industry in general and the newspaper in particular is going through major changes ? technological, logistical, economical ? due to the dropping sales and width of the printed daily newspaper. Few organisations have been spared the necessary rationalizations and cut-downs in staff. All of them are expected to produce more and better content, in more and new channels and platforms, with less resources. Some have been preparing for this a long time, others have never entered the digital world of news.

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