

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 27 av 302

Prissättningen av bostadsrätter: Vilka faktorer påverkar priserna, vad är riktpriset för en lägenhet?: - En mikrostudie av Södermalm i Stockholm

Those who have invested in apartments, i.e. tenant-ownership, within the city centre of Stockholm have gained a higher than expected return on investment due to a buoyant real estate market. During the latest twelve-month period, the prices have risen more than 20 per cent in the city of Stockholm, resulting in an increased wealth together with a higher debt burden among investors. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which factors determine the prices from a micro perspective, and to what extent. An attempt is particularly made to estimate the degree of capitalization of the monthly fees; a factor which has turned out to be important according to other studies; but also to construct pricing models in order to set target prices for apartments.

"Det finns ju ingen annan som skulle vilja anställa mig liksom..." : Om sex personers erfarenheter av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

I am an invisible woman -A study about prostitution in Iran

The purpose of this study was to explore the state of female prostitution in the city of Tehran, and besides, analyze the elements that can lead women to harlotry in Iran. This research is based on three sources of information: firstly, interviews with three harlots in Tehran and I got help of a semi-structured interview guide. Secondly, I discussed prostitution with conscious resources that worked within the public services in Tehran and had experienced of working with female prostitutes. Thirdly I analyzed texts and reports about prostitution in Iran. The data from interviews are tied to two theories: symbolic interactionism and feminism.

Nordiska sjömäns arbetsutsikter inom offshorebranschen : Vad händer när olje- och gasreserverna i Nordsjön tar slut?

AbstractThis thesis is a qualitative study that provides an insight into the Nordic offshore market, focusing on the North Sea and investigates indications of how the near future may develop in the area and how these developments may affect the Nordic seafarers. Questions central to the work are aimed primarily at how shipping companies, agencies and seafarers active in the offshore industry look at future activity in the North Sea, Nordic seafarers' status in the global labor market, and how today's employment conditions look like for seafarers in the global offshore industry. The majority of the information was collected through interviewes and questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the expected development in the North Sea, in terms of availability of oil and gas, may have effect on the Scandinavian seafarers' future work prospects and employment conditions in the global offshore labor. The conclusions that have been drawn are that competition among seafarers in the offshore industry is higher 2015 than previous years (2000-2014) and are expected to increase.

Landskapsarkitekturen och den fysisk planeringens betydelse för en social hållbarhet

This report considers how the design and planning of the city can influence and promote a sustainable development focused on the social dimension. My prior intention was to look in to how a landscape architect can work with social matters of sustainability such as integration, equality, safety and so on. Which are our most successful tools and capabilities? I started to work with the historical background in September 2008 and soon discovered the multitude of theories and definitions of sustainable development, international, national and local. In Sweden the local political level has been given a lot of responsibilities to achieve a more sustainable society.

Vem är hon? : En undersökning av identitetskonstruktioner i TV-serien Sex and the City ?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur framställningen av kvinnliga identiteter konstrueras i det första samt det sista avsnittet av TV-serien Sex and the City. Uppsatsen ska undersöka hur identiteten hos de fyra kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna i Sex and the City skapas och definieras, hur olika identifikationsgemenskaper konstrueras samt hur framställningen av de fyra kvinnliga huvudkaraktärernas identiteter förändras mellan det första och det sista avsnittet.Undersökningen ska utföras enligt en metod för analys av TV-program ur boken How to Study Television av Keith Selby och Ron Cowdery, med fokus på begreppen narrativ och konstruktion, och med inslag av narratologiska begrepp ur boken Medier och kultur av Kirsten Drotner (m.fl.). Den teoretiska ramen för uppsatsen består av ett antal begrepp och teorier användbara för uppsatsens syfte. Analysen utgår från Johan Fornäs begrepp identitetsordningar och teorier om ?vi? och ?de andra?, Ulrika Olaussons teorier om individuella respektive kollektiva identiteter, identifikation samt det som i uppsatsen benämns andrefiering, Linda Fagerström och Maria Nilsons definition av representation samt Judith Butlers begrepp performativitet.

En yteffektiv bostadsmodul

The aim is to design a module for living which is flexible in a bigger context, which could condens the city and to answer the questions: How is it possible to make a livingmodule where the compact living theme works in an everyday situation? How is it possible to make one module which is able to function in several different situations? The process in solving problem has been characterized of trial and error: design a module and learn from the mistakes and take the knowledge to the next module. This is the way I have worked until I found a good solution. As a result I can show an efficient module which has several nice values of space and that is flexible and to some part adjust for a disabled person. It can on several ways condens the city.

Icke förnyelsebara risker : Svenska gruvbolags riskhantering av en eventuell framtida metallbrist

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Land Art och landskap : en studie av tre Land Art-projekt ochderas förhållande till landskapet

My purpose with this thesis has been tostudy the intersection between Landscapearchitecture and Land Art. They both relateto the landscape in some way whetherit is to the urban landscape or thenatural landscape.What tangent points are there betweenthese two subjects, and can you learnsomething of the artists approach to thelandscape?Land Art is an art movement that began inthe late 60?s, what links are there to thecurrent landscape?Last summer, I travelled around the U.S.for a month and visited the three classicLand Art projects. Lightning Field in NewMexico, by Walter De Maria, Sun Tunnels inUtah, by Nancy Holt and the Spiral Jetty,also in Utah, by Robert Smithson.The sites where visited from half a day upto 24 hours and was described and analyzedwith text and photographs.To visit these sites has been crucial formy thesis and will affect my future workas a landscape architect. The use of themethod has been a thought of mine for along time, particularly to analyze ordescribe a landscape with images.

Kommunalt självstyre i Enköping och Uppsala 1862 - 1887

Sweden was transformed to a democratic industrial society in the late 19th century. Political influence had been bound to the four estates, nobles, clergy, burghers and farmers. The reforms of the 1860s moved Sweden towards political democracy with universal suffrage. At the national level a two-chamber parliament was established in 1866. Political power should now be a function of economic status.

Energy from municipal solid waste in Chennai, India : a feasibility study

Solid waste management is one of the most essential functions in a country to achieve asustainable development. In India, it has been one of the least prioritized functions during thelast decades. The most common ways to treat waste in India today are open dumping anduncontrolled burning. These methods are causing severe environmental pollution and healthproblems. India is one of the world?s largest emitter of methane gas from waste disposal.Since methane is a strong greenhouse gas, even small emissions have large impact on theclimate.

Hans Jakob Strömberg Medeltidsstilar i Göteborg kring 1800-talets mitt

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:02.

En oviss framtid. Vart går allmänheten idag för att uppleva och lära sig historia och vart går den imorgon?

The purpose with this paper is partly to find out what people of different ages do to learn more about the past, and partly what they believe will happen within the next 50 years with institutions like traditional museums and the relatively new theme parks. How will the museums and theme parks evolve? Will they evolve? Or will they disappear?To solve these questions I have sent out a questionnaire to people of different ages. I have also been in contact with employees from different museums and theme parks in Skåne. I have used literature written by archaeologists among others.

Ett stort evenemang - En liten stad : Synen på Vätternrundan genom fem representanter

Vätternrundan is an annual sporting event that takes place in the Swedish town Motala since 1966. It is one of the world largest recreational bicycle rides and attracts over 20 000 participants each year. This study focuses on event effects and how an event can be of value within the principles of place marketing. Within this study five representatives were interviewed with semi-structured interviews.The results show that the representatives describe Vätternrundan as a positive event which mostly generates positive effects for the city itself and for the people living and working there. The effects consist of the events ability to create awareness of the place, the possibility to extend the tourism season and several social effects like solidarity and interaction.The result also shows that Vätternrundan is a well-known brand and because of this it can be used as an advantage in place marketing.

Rundstyrning i lokalnät : En förstudie i tekniska och ekonomiska konsekvenser för Värnamo Elnät AB

Värnamo Elnät owns and operates a ripple control system which is used to control loadsespecially when the grid is heavily loaded and for control of street lighting. This report aims atclarifying technical and economic aspects of the ripple control system?s future. The system wasinstalled from 1975 and onwards and its use was greater in those days when the controllableloads where greater then today, the current controllable load level is about 3 MW. The reporthighlights three different aspects of the ripple control system?s future ? retain the currentsystem, reinvest in a newer system or discontinue the system.In the report the author also discusses relevant connections to Smart Grids and future meteringsystems and tariffs.

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