

2566 Uppsatser om Functional family therapy - Sida 2 av 172

Att vara anhörig eller anhörigvårdare

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze experiences of how the daily rounds and a persons role is changing when you go from being a family member to being a family member as well as being a kinship carer.Essential questions at issue was:- Which feelings are associated to the roll as kinship carer?- What are the motivations for the relative/family member to become a kinship carer?- What is the change of the role like before and after the disease.Six persons have been interviewed on the subject and symbolic interactionism and role theory has been our theoretical perspective. The essay has been related to the ideas of Meads on social interaction and to Goffmans theatre theorem.The result of the essay showed that feelings and motivations as regards to the daily rounds and the role of the kinship carer were individual, where similarities and differences occurred. When ones partner, parent or child got a disease/functional disability it generated in some changes regarding their daily rounds and it led to altering of roles. To assume a role was a natural result and often happened when a relative/family member got a disease or an injury..

Familjens närvaro vid återupplivning : En litteraturöversikt av sjuksköterskors erfarenheter

Background:The new guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation states that the family should be given the opportunity to be present at the resuscitation of a close relative. A cardiac arrest is an emotional experience for the family. In addition to being part of the resuscitation effort, the nurse also needs to take care of the family.Aim:The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experiences of family presence during resuscitation.Method:A literature review has been made of 13 studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. The articles were published between the years of 2009 ? 2013Result:The nurses' experiences were divided into three categories; Factors that affect family presence, The nurse' experience surrounding the presence of the family, Factors affecting family presence in the resuscitation room.

Villa Berg : gestaltningsförslag inspirerat av funktionalismen

The functionalism started in southern Europe after world war one and got its breakthrough in Sweden with the Stockholm Exhibition in 1930. Poverty caused many people living in overcrowded conditions which the functionalists wanted to change by using less expensive materials and giving healthier living conditions to the people. The industrialization brought new materials and working methods which made this possible. The Swedish functional style is recognised by its light plaster facing and nearly horizontal roofs. Also the garden design of that time was influenced by the functionalistic ideas. The garden was now introduced as a pleasure garden for not only the rich but for everyone.

"Folk är inte lika för att dom kommer från Sudan" : en översikt av förekomsten av familjer med annan kulturell bakgrund vid Familjenheten i Lund

The purpose of this study was to, using statistical analysis, investigate to what extent families of a different cultural background have participated in family therapy and other family treatment programs at Familjeenheten in Lund. With questions regarding the goals of treatment, and the importance of cultural competence in the treatment process we have let two unit managers comment on the statistics. The population of the study is too small to allow general conclusions to be drawn, however, we have been able to ascertain that families of a different background are over-represented relative to their percentage of Lund´s population. Familjeenheten has no statistical record of ethnicity and the interviewed persons express no certain importance in the families´ cultural origins. They express no need to develop special treatment methods that take the clients´ cultural background in regard as they feel that so many of family issues are universal.

Djur inom vården : sett från djurens perspektiv

Animal-assisted therapy had its large breakthrough in the 1960-ties when a psychiatrist named Boris Levinson discovered the great advantages of involving animals in the treatment of patients. Therapy with animals involves that animals are used in a systematic way, in a person's process of treatment. The most distinguished companion animal used within this area is the dog, but horses, cats, rabbits, birds, dolphins and the most common farm animals are used in animal-assisted therapy. Most animals that are to be used for this specific purpose need to be trained in order to maintain their physical and mental health, but also to minimize the risks for the people that are involved. Most studies within this research area are focused on the positive effects on the patients and less on the effects on the animals.

Hästunderstödd terapi : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på Hästunderstödd terapi

Historically, the horse has in many ways been important to human beings. Today, Equine Assisted Therapy is a form of treatment in which the horse is used as a tool from the treatment of the client. Supported Equine therapy has a therapeutic purpose and may vary depending on the patient's needs and the professionals work competence. Various studies show that animals have a positive impact on people. The aim of our study was to explore how Equine Assisted Therapy is used within the practical fields of social work in Sweden.

Familjeklimat: en validering

In an attempt to make social work evidence based, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, has recommended the use of standardized methods. As there are very few instruments that are defined as standardized, we decided to compile studies made with the "Family Climate self-rating scale", FCS, that is used by the profession, although not yet validated. We were looking for conformity in results and functionality in family treatment. FCS comprises a list of 85 adjectives to reflect different aspects of the emotional atmosphere in the family. It has been used since the late 80´s and there has been no attempt to compile results of using the instrument, until now.By searching in databases and libraries we found 20 Swedish studies using the instrument, which we compared to each other.

"Det ger sig självt om man är en bra terapeut". En intervjustudie av hemuppgifter i familjeterapi.

Hemuppgiften är ett viktigt moment inom såväl Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT) som Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT). Målsättningen med denna uppsats var att utröna om, och i sådana fall på vilket sätt, hemuppgifter ges inom den familjeterapeutiska kontext som utgör ramen för FFT. En hypotes vid arbetets ingång var att de interaktionistiska hemuppgifterna kommit att ersättas av de mer beteendeorienterade som ingår i DBT.De personer som utgjort underlag för undersökningen arbetar alla på en öppenvårdsmottagning inom Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) i Uppsala, med antingen ovan nämnda Funktionella familjeterapi (n=3) eller med Dialektisk beteendeterapi (n=2).Syftet med studien var att, dels via en enkätundersökning dels via en intervju i fokusgruppform, försöka förstå mer av det psykoterapeutiska redskap som utgörs av hemuppgiften. Fokus låg på den relationella hemuppgift som familjeterapeuterna tillhörande nämnda team förväntas konstruera utifrån tillhandahållen FFT-manual.Resultatet visade på en relativt stor bredd när det gällde terapeuternas syn på och tillämpning av hemuppgiften, men det generella mönstret pekade på att terapeuterna i sitt praktiska arbete konstruerade såväl relationella som beteendeorienterade hemuppgifter. Vad som framkom är dock ett behov av och en önskan från familjeterapeuternas sida om en större tydlighet kring hur man går tillväga då man fastställer och ger en familj en relationellt orienterad hemuppgift.

Socialt förebyggande samarbetssamtal med föräldrar för barnets bästa

The purpose of the study was to increase the understanding of, and extend the knowledge about realization of mediations and its consequences on family law divisions and family centres. Within this area, organisational, methodical, relational and social preventative aspects of mediations were illustrated. This scope was judged to be of major importance, as recent studies show that children often suffer psychologically due to parents? lack of cooperation. Mediations are considered as a way of getting parents to agree.

Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective

Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.

IBS-patienters upplevelse av låg FODMAP-kosten

IBS patients experiences of eating the low FODMAP-dietIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, functional gastrointestinal tract disorder. The disease is benign but may cause much suffering for the individual. The treatments available are used to relieve symptoms. One nutrition therapy is to exclude fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide and polyols, so callde FODMAPS, from the diet. This diet is proven successful and even significantly better than the standard nutrition advice for IBS.

Familjemedlemmars upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med schizofreni.

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

Effekten av massagebehanling vid hypertoni : en litteraturstudie

Aim: The aim is to create a review that examines different forms of massage therapy and their effects on hypertension.Method: Literature review of 10 scientific articles on the subject of massage and its effects on blood pressure. The literature searches were made with PubMed and Cinahl using the keywords "massage therapy", "effects" and "blood pressure".Results: The articles showed that massage had a positive effect in lowering blood pressure. This could be explained by greater extent of relaxation in the participants investigated and an increased activity of parasympaticus and reduced secretion of stress hormones. The articles do not agree on what form of massage therapy is most effective in lowering blood pressure and it is uncertain for how long the effect can remain.Conclusion: Massage is usually seen as a treatment without scientific basis. There is evidence that suggests that massage therapy is an effective treatment for lowering blood pressure.

Logopeders bedömning av funktionell kommunikation hos personer med afasi : En enkätstudie riktad till logopeder i Sverige

There are several different methods of assessment of functional communication in individuals with aphasia. However, these are not very established in Sweden. A number of assessment methods are not translated and adapted to Swedish. The views about what functional communication means are scattered. The purpose of this study was to, with the help of a questionnaire survey, identify how Swedish speech and language therapists assess functional communication, to what extent and what they want that an assessment method should contain to be clinically useful.The study involved 54 clinically active speech and language therapists in the area of aphasia.

Hunden-människans bästa arbetskamrat? : En kvalitativ studie om hundens inverkan på arbetsmiljön

The study examines the meaning of having a dog in the workplace of personnel who work with therapy. The purpose was to examine the personnel?s view of dogs in their work envi-ronment. The study uses two theories. One is ?psychosocial work environment? and the other theory used is ?symbolic interactionism?.

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