

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 37 av 42

In search for sustainable alternatives to lawns : connecting research and landscape design

A large part of Sweden?s green, urban landscape is covered by lawns. Approximately 80 000 ha of maintained grass lawns are part of public courtyards, schoolyards, parks, golf courses, sport fields and traffic environments. Beyond this figure, the lawn is also an essential element in most private villa-gardens. Lawns have become a universal phenomenon through the dispersion of landscape aesthetics from the Western world.

Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori

The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School?s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission?s ?Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges?, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement.

Skogssådd med tall och gran : effekter av fröegenskaper och skärm/hygge på plantbildning, överlevnad och tillväxt de två första åren efter sådd

Over the past few years the Swedish forestry industry has become increasing interested in direct seeding. Although, in practice, this interest has been restricted to pine seed, the knowledge and techniques that have been developed for pine seeding can readily be transferred to spruce. Direct seeding is a method that is of interest to the forestry industry since it can lead to lower regeneration costs, denser stands and better root development than the more conventional planting method. This study evaluated experiments that focused on direct seeding of spruce in the northern Sweden. Skogforsk set-up the experiments in Gideå and Sävar in 2003.

Likabehandling, lika behandling eller bara behandling : En exempelstudie av upplevelsen av likabehandlingsarbetet i skolan

Equal treatment in school is an on-going debate in the Swedish society. At the same time teachers around the country struggles to make ends meet because of a heavy workload. Voices have been raised that teachers no longer have the time to actually be teachers since they get piled up with paper work and other administrative tasks. However, schools are bound by law to take action against harassments and discrimination of any kind. There is also an overall policy in the Swedish national curriculum that every school must embrace diversity and actively teach students about solidarity and respect.

FMT-metoden - En studie om hur verksamma terapeuter talar om sin metod och sitt arbetssätt

Title: A study of how active therapist talks about the FMT method. FMT-therapists use music as a means of communication. The method is non verbal and uses musical codes to create a framework for the apprentice. The instruments that are being used are piano, drums, a variety of flutes and whistles. The FMT-method is a musical form of therapy that targets all functional disabilities.

Bokens roll i (för)skolan : En studie om barnlitteraturens och högläsningens roll i förskolan, förskoleklass och i skolår 1

Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka om, hur samt när förskollärare och lärare i förskolan, förskoleklass och skolår ett använder sig av barnböcker och högläsning i det pedagogiska arbetet med barn, samt deras medvetna tanke bakom bokval. Vi var även nyfikna på vilka yttre förutsättningar (miljön) det finns för att skapa läslust och läsro. Resultaten förväntades ge klarhet i hur sambandet mellan barnbokens ställning och dess användande såg ut. Resultaten visade att förskollärare och lärare värderar barnbokens roll i verksamheten högt och många visade på en medvetenhet om de förtjänster användandet av den för med sig. Detta återspeglades dock inte helt i den dagliga verksamheten, där barnlitteraturen främst erhöll en funktionell roll.

LSSLag eller värdegrun? : Vad styr i praktiken?

LAG ELLER VÄRDEGRUND. VAD STYR I PRAKTIKEN?Öberg, MariaÖstberg, YlvaÖrebro UniversitetAkademin för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbeteSocionomprogrammetSocialt arbete, 61-90 poängC-uppsats, 15 poängHt 2009 SammanfattningStudien syftar till att belysa den problematik som finns gällande tillämpningen av lagstiftningen i brottsbalken (BrB, 1962:700) och offentlighet ? och sekretesslagen (OSL, 2009:400) då brukare inom 9:9 lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS, 1993:387) begår brott. Dessutom vill vi undersöka chefers tillämpning av ovan nämnda lagstiftning utifrån fiktiva fall. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur de etiska grundprinciperna inom LSS påverkar enhetschefernas beslut om åtgärder gällande situationer då brukare begått brott.

Miljöval för byggnadsmaterial : Med häktet i Helsingborg som referensobjekt

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Kartläggning av en fastighets miljöpåverkan : Livscykelanalys av flerfamiljsfastigheten "Teodoliten"

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Spåret mot parken : en gränsöverskridande stig mellan torg och park i Norra Sorgenfri

My thesis is a combination of theory and practice, where theory is meant to create a context and a background for my interpretation proposal. I wanted to ?access? the ideas that are always in the background of the reasoning which underlies both planning in a larger scale, and the design of a place. I wanted to make a ?work of ideas.? In the process of shaping the proposal, I wanted to be deleted from the site itself.

Fallstudie av innergårdar och entréplan vid Televerket i Farsta : dokumentation, värdering och framtida utveckling

There are few legally protected gardens in Sweden, and those that are protected are mainly from the 17th and 18th centuries. All time periods have the same value and more modern gardens therefore needs to be protected. Evaluating parks is, however, complicated since it do not exist any methods. One environment from the 1960?s that has not been protected is Televerket in Farsta, Stockholm. The facility has been classified as worthy of preservation by Stockholm City Museum and has received the Kasper Salin Prize.

Grundvattenmodellering i Badelundaåsen

Over an extended period of time there have been plans to establish a shared facility in Lennheden to extract groundwater from the Badelunda esker to provide drinking water for the cities of Borlänge and Falun. The city of Falun is dissatisfied with the quality of its drinking water and the city of Borlänge is concerned about the risk of contamination of its existing groundwater supply at its current location. To provide a basis for a decision on this issue, the company Midvatten AB has been commissioned to perform hydrogeological investigations in the area of Lennheden.The purpose of this thesis is to design a functional groundwater model of the area between Lennheden, place of planned extraction, and Övre Tjärna, place of existing extraction, to get a better understanding of the groundwater situation in the area. A groundwater model enables simulations of different scenarios in risk assessment and contaminant transport. The aim of the thesis is that the model can be used as an aid in Midvatten?s investigations in Lennheden and that it also can be used in future projects in the area.The model has been made in Processing Modflow 5.3 and encompasses an area of 19,5 × 11 km along the Badelunda esker and the river Dalälven between Djurmo and Frostbrunnsdalen.

Informationshantering med kravsättning i 3D-baserade arbetsflöden

Produktframtagningsindustrin utsätts för snabba förändringar vilket medför att kraven från kunder, konkurrenter och lagkrav ökar. Företag inom produktframtagning måste därför ständigt förbättra sina metoder och processer för att fortsätta konkurrera och leverera kvalitativa produkter och tjänster. Samtidigt ska de nya metoderna vara lättarbetade, lättförståeliga och effektiva, med fokus på att minska fel, slöseri och resurser som inte skapar värde för slutkunden. Ett samordnat flöde med tvärfunktionella processer är därför önskvärt för att på ett lönsamt sätt uppnå satta mål.Med detta i åtanke fanns en uppdragsbeskrivning på Scania för att följa upp artikelritningens funktion och användning. Examensarbetet har undersökt vilka möjligheter som finns med att använda 3D-modellen som informationsbärare för att på sikt kunna ersätta artikelritningen.

Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :

Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.

Systematiskt förbättringsarbete : En fallstudie vid Parker Hannifin Corporation, QCDEurope, Tema Ingenjörsfirman AB

Background and aim: Organizations must be able to manage change in order to survive in today?s competitive society. To continue to develop and reach better results is fundamental. Case Company Parker Hannifin Corporation, Quick Coupling Division Europe, Tema Ingenjörsfirman AB, Skövde has an ambition to have an organization that manage changes and continuously improve its performance. That is the reason why this examination work arises.

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