

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 20 av 42

Skadeförebyggande arbete i skolan? : Kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa förebygger funktionella idrottsskador

Syftet med studien var att belysa om och hur lärare i idrott och hälsa arbetar skadeförebyggande i undervisningen. Vi utgick från en kvalitativ metod och intervjuade åtta utbildade lärare med inriktning mot årskurs 6-9 i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Resultatet kopplas till Haddons (1980) strategier om skadeförebyggande arbete. Genom samtliga intervjuer framkom att lärare medvetet arbetar förebyggande med funktionella idrottsskador och integrerar det i undervisningen. Informanterna menar att det i första hand är aktiviteten som står i fokus och inte huruvida undervisningen sker inomhus eller utomhus men nämner att det finns skillnader i planering och utförande.

Naturhänsyn på slutavverkade hyggen i Östergötlands län.

95% of the productive forest land in Sweden are now being exploited for forestry. The new Forestry Act of 1993 equate the goal of production and the environmental goal which means that the objective for forestry is a sustainable yield, while the biological diversity must be preserved. Recent years results from the inventories of the Board of Forestry show declining trends in how nature conservation aspects taken into consideration at the felling sites.The aim of this study is to investigate what happends with the nature consideration taken at felling sites in the long run. 20 final fellings in the county of Östergötland were re-inventoried 7-9 years after final felling. These felling sites had previously been inventoried before final felling (P0) and one year after final felling (P1) in the inventory Polytax by the Board of Forestry.

Konstruktion och design av arbetsplats - för kablagemontör

This degree project has been performed with Mega Teknik AB in Landskrona. The project has resulted in a workplace for the cable installers of Mega Teknik. The workplace contains a workbench and a cart.The first stage in this project was to make an analysis of the current workplace to identify the needs the installers had.The different principle construction proposals of how the workbench would look like and which functions it would have was made during brainstorming, in groups and alone. These proposals were compared against each other using a functional analysis that has been put up to get the principle construction that fulfilled most points in this analysis.The proposal chose for further work was a cart and a bench with a module intends, the table got a formulation that creates a better reach for the installers.This proposal was generated in Catia V5 to get a better overview of the suggested proposal.During the primary structure phase drawings over all the products were made and the components were chosen. Calculations were made and the product got the dimension required.

Europeisering och politisk integration av nationella politiska partier : En studie av Vänsterpartiets och Miljöpartiets utveckling i synen på det europeiska samarbetet 1987-2010

This paper examines if European integration has had an impact on national political parties by looking at the stances of the Swedish Green Party and the Left Party on the issue of the European Community and the European Union over time. With the development of the European Community and the European Union, national political parties face the challenge of an emerging political arena. European integration research has recently become more involved with what is called europeanization and political integration within the member states them self, this paper aims to provide further leverage to the thesis that national political actors undergo some degree of europeanization and are politically integrated in the EU, by examining manifestos of two historically eurosceptic Swedish political parties. The theoretical framework provided by neo-functional integration theory as well as europeanization is used to examine the empirical material in order to see if the political parties at the focal point of this study can be said to have undergone a change in political policy regarding the EC and EU, both in quantity and content. The analysis show that indeed both parties has undergone a change and what might be considered a europeanization, considering that the presence of the EU as a political issue seem to have risen in prominence and importance in the examined manifestos.

Fisk, fågel eller mittemellan? : En studie av tre multiprojektmiljöer

Background: A great part of all projects within Swedish industry are conducted in a multiprojectenvironment, which means that several projects are performed simultaneously. The research within the field of project management is though focused on single projects. Projects are highly dependent on the context in which they are conducted, although the organization of the multiprojectenvironment is only partly explored. Furthermore is the research within the project management highly concentrated on standardization of the project work. The question is whether this implies to the basic advantages with the project-oriented organization, which is flexibility and creativity? Purpose: To describe and obtain an understanding for the multiprojectenvironment regarding management control and organization.

Hela min själ är fylld utav sår : En studie utifrån kvinnors egna upplevelser av att leva med självskadebeteende

This study intends to illuminate women?s experiences of their own self-harm. Self-harm is mostly associated with women and research shows that women mostly are over-represented. This study describes women?s experiences about their self-harm but also how they perceive the elements around them during their illness.

Y-OQ 2.0 SR : En studie om behandlingens villkor och att tillämpa mätinstrument i behandling av ungdomar

The Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.0 Self Report (Y-OQ 2.0 SR) has been implemented in residential treatment centre in the Municipality of Örebro as a result of the strive for a more evidence-based working approach within social work. This study aims to examine how personnel and adolescents describe the treatment/counseling and support and the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR in the units. The questions cover the values the personnel and adolescents ascribe to the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR, if the result from Y-OQ 2.0 SR is congruent with how the adolescents have been affected during the placement, which obstacles and/or possibilities emerge in the management of the instrument and if there are any indications that the Y-OQ 2.0 SR is advantageous or disadvantageous in the treatment process. The study has a qualitative approach; four interviews were carried out with adolescents and five with personnel. The result shows that structure is an important component in attaining a change in behaviour.

Översättning samt reliabilitetstestning och validering av ett self-efficacy instrument för barn och ungdomar med smärta

Bakgrund: Det finns i nuläget inget svenskt self-efficacy instrument för barn och ungdomar med smärta. Den här undersökningen syftade till att översätta samt reliabilitets- och validitetstesta en engelskspråkig self-efficacy skala för barn och ungdomar med smärta.Metod: Urvalet bestod av 62 elever från tre olika klasser i Uppsala. Skalan översattes till svenska och ett frågeformulär utformades för att möjliggöra en utvärdering av test-retest reliabilitet samt kriterie- och ögonblicksvaliditet.Resultat: Värdena på viktad kappa för överensstämmelsen av två skattningar (S1 och S2) med self-efficacy instrumentet (SEIS) varierade mellan Kw= 0,37 -  Kw=0,75. Sambandet mellan Functional disability inventory (FDI) och SEIS beräknades med Spearmans rangkorrelation där rs = 0,364 (p<0,05). Ögonblicksvaliditeten för SEIS beskrevs som att den var lättförståelig, innehöll vardagliga aktiviteter men att vissa aktiviteter saknades.Konklusion: Slutsatsen av denna undersökning var att frågorna i SEIS bör omarbetas för att bli mer specifika och kunna användas.

Elektroniska konossement i Sverige. Elektroniska registreringar och reglerna för konossement.

While this summary is written in English, the paper published is written in Swedish.The paper concerns itself with the legal status of electronic transport records in a Swedish context. The main question asked is whether rules for bills of lading should be applied to electronic transport records, or if they should be treated according to general rules. A secondary question is asked; partially to help put the main question into context and partially to see whether the different legal regimes will lead to different solutions to an issue. This second question is if electronic transport records can effect the transfer of property (sv. sakrätt).

Att återberätta glädje : En studie av struktur och språk i fem pojkars personligt återgivande texter

The aim of this study is to investigate how five boys in grade 3 of compulsory school structure and use language when they write narrative texts retelling and assessing personally experienced events. This is studied by interpreting how the boys use genre steps that are typical of the structure of personal narrative texts and by detecting and naming different linguistic features in the texts. The material in the study consists of five boys?personal reports and the method, which is based on the theories of genre pedagogy (see Johansson & Sandell Ring 2012:28ff, 223f), comes from systemic functional linguistics. A central finding of the study is that the boys structure their texts in varying combinations of genre steps which commonly occur in texts of a narrative kind.

Incorporating the future - a study of three companies? internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.

Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation?s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology:A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies.

Subjektiva och objektiva jämförelser mellan två benledningshållare, Softband och Adjoin

Background: Bone anchored hearing system is a surgically implantable system for treatment ofindividuals with hearing loss. The Softband is intended for patients who can benefit from a boneanchored hearing system but who are not yet suitable for implant surgery.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether an adhesive bone conductor, Adjoin, canbe used as an alternative to Softband.Material and Method: Twenty adult subjects with normal hearing participated in the study.Measurement of functional gain and speech intelligibility was performed with Softband and Adjoinwhich then were compared. A questionnaire was answered by the participants after the measurementsthat treated their subjective experiences with each option.Results: The objective measurements yielded no overall difference between Softband and Adjoin forthe group studied. The subjective results showed differences in the perceived comfort as well as whichof the two bone conductors that would be preferred to use in everyday life, with Adjoin being thepreferred option. No difference was detected on participants perceived gain, sound quality and speechintelligibility.Conclusion: Based on the measured results, Adjoin seems to be a suitable alternative to Softband.However, there are questions about how Adjoin works with long-term use..

Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT), är den funktionell? : Familjebehandlarens erfarenheter av arbete med Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT) i socialtjänstens öppenvård

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur familjebehandlare upplever det att arbeta med FFT-metoden samt de faktorerna som gör den funktionell. Eftersom FFT är anpassad till den amerikanska kulturen som skiljer sig ganska mycket från den svenska, båda i kultur och socialsystem är det viktigt att inte bara utvärdera utifrån modellen men också hur implementering och anpassning av modellen har gått. För att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningar har fem kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts av semistrukturerad karaktär. Urvalet av respondenter gjordes utifrån snöbollsmetoden där de intervjuade arbetar inom socialtjänstens öppenvård. Resultaten visade att det finns många saker som ska tas hänsyn till vid anpassning till andra kulturer, bland annat utbildningar, målgrupper och ekonomi. FFT är en behandlingsmetod och en påbyggnadsutbildning där gränsen mellan det som är klientens behandling och det som är FFT-terapeuternas utbildning är diffus.

Avspänning som metod ? En intervjustudie om uppfattningar hos olika yrkeskategorier

Different forms of relaxing methods can be used in rehabilitation for individuals with tinnitus and Ménièré?s disease. Research continues to find convincing proof of effects from the different methods. This study presents methods of relaxing, massage and Mindfulness, as possible complementary rehabilitation tools.The purpose of this study was to investigate opinions about relaxing from professionals working with hearing care. A qualitative approach with phenomenological influence was chosen for the study.

Internkommunikation på IKEA : En funktionsanalys av IKEA Uppsalas interna kommunikation

AbstractTitle: Internal communication at IKEA ? A functional analysis of IKEA Uppsalas internalcommunication (Intern kommunikation på IKEA ? En funktionsanalys av IKEA Uppsalas interna kommunikation)Author: Fredrik JohanssonAim: The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal communication at IKEA Uppsala.Are the channels of communication working efficiently? How is the information received by the employees? Finally I will make a few suggestions on how the internal communication can be improved.Method/Material: The method used in this study is quantitative. The internal communication at IKEA Uppsala is analyzed based on the results of a questionnaire. 75 employees at three different divisions were given questions on how they appreciate the communication channels at IKEA in Uppsala. 50 answers were received.Main results: The results clearly show that even though the internal communication at IKEA seems to work well in general, a few of the channel needs to be improved.

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