

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 18 av 42

Att vara anhörig eller anhörigvårdare

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze experiences of how the daily rounds and a persons role is changing when you go from being a family member to being a family member as well as being a kinship carer.Essential questions at issue was:- Which feelings are associated to the roll as kinship carer?- What are the motivations for the relative/family member to become a kinship carer?- What is the change of the role like before and after the disease.Six persons have been interviewed on the subject and symbolic interactionism and role theory has been our theoretical perspective. The essay has been related to the ideas of Meads on social interaction and to Goffmans theatre theorem.The result of the essay showed that feelings and motivations as regards to the daily rounds and the role of the kinship carer were individual, where similarities and differences occurred. When ones partner, parent or child got a disease/functional disability it generated in some changes regarding their daily rounds and it led to altering of roles. To assume a role was a natural result and often happened when a relative/family member got a disease or an injury..

Patienters upplevelser av prehospital sjukvård : -En litteraturstudie

Introduction: In Sweden the definition of ambulance nursing is the examination and treatment of sick or injured people done by ambulance nurses during transport.  This means not only focus on the illness or injury but also the human being treated. The paramedic service must be based on the presumption that the medical needs of the patients are guaranteed, and that the expectations and demands of the public are satisfied. Competence and availability are basic terms for a well-functional paramedic service. There is a lot of pressure put on the people working with pre-hospital nursing. One mistake can lead to serious consequences for the patient.

Knowledge Management -lärprocesser över gränser

Background: To be better able to meet the new competition, companies are seeking new competitive advantages, wich is forcing them to review and, in time, change both working methods and corporate structures. This has led to an increased interest in the development of strategies within the field of Knowledge Management. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of how learning in a company occurs over internal boundaries and to investigate whether individuals need to be motivated in this regard. We also aim to give recommendations as to how this can be developed. Furthermore, we will work out a model that explains the learning process.

1553-Simulator. In-/uppspelning av databusstrafik med hjälp av FPGA

At Saab Aerospace in Linköping, components for measurement systems to the fighter aircraft JAS 39 Gripen are developed. In this activity you sometimes want to record the traffic transmitted on the data busses that connects different sys-tems. This traffic on the data busses is using the military standard MIL-STD-1553. This project has aimed to create a system for recording and sending 1553-data. The system is used on an ordinary personal computer, equipped with a recon- figurable I/O card that among others has a programmable logic circuit (FPGA).

Hållbar design för en bättre värld - med hemlösa i fokus

The aim of this project is to examine the needs and problems that exists amongst homeless people and to develop a solution that will help them in their everyday life. Since the homeless are a relatively large vulnerable group i Sweden, their everyday lives could be made easier in many ways.A clear definition of the target group is put together to create a good starting point. What state and help orginazations do to help the homelss and the society?s view of the homeless is also relevant and has been documented. Four personal stories have been put together to desicribe cases of clear problems existing in everyday life.Several interesting problems has been defined from the research and acceptance in the communtiy, desire to be seen and heard and a lack of confidence were the main needs.

Att katalogisera en specialsamling med hjälp av TEI: En metodprövande studie utförd på Swedenborgsarkivet i Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien

In this thesis, the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) encoding scheme is investigated as a system for storing metadata about manuscript material and 18th century first prints in the Swedenborg Archives at the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. The aim of the study is to test the functionality of TEI as a metadata system in cataloguing a special collection. Some criteria of functionality are formulated, and examples of encoded catalogue entries are described and analysed. It is demonstrated how descriptive metadata have been registered within the TEI header, while structural metadata have been recorded within the text element of the TEI file. On the whole, TEI is considered to be a functional tool that matches the present purposes.

Ett specialbibliotek och dess relation till användarna, en studie av Goethe-institutets specialbibliotek i Stockholm.

In the master thesis the focus of the study has been on the special library of the Goethe-institute in Stockholm. A survey was made among the visitors coming to the library, to find out how they used the library and how they would judge the quality of service. To find out how the needs and the opinions of the users were meet by the library I also made an interview with the staff one librarian and the chief librarian. In the analysis I used the theory about service quality of Christian Grönroos as a framework. The theory distinguishes the service quality into technical resp.

Afasi-vänlig information : inför funktionell undersökning av språk med magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, can be used for analyzing brain activity in subjects performing language tasks. The purpose of this study was to develop aphasia-friendly information adjusted to aphasic subjects participating in fMRI studies. The objectives were to investigate if adjusted information was important for the ability to perform language tasks and if the information could be used for different types of aphasia.Sixteen aphasic subjects participated in the study, six of these underwent fMRI. The participants varied in grade and type of aphasia. They had Swedish as their native language and were aged between 26 and 89, mean 57.

Ormens metaforiska skepnader

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Det Osynliga Våldet : - socialarbetares syn på kvinnor med funktionsnedsättning och deras utsatthet för våld i nära relationer

The aim of this study was to highlighting social workers perceptions of women with disabilities and their vulnerability to domestic violence - and thereby problematize previous research on gender-based violence on the basis of category of functional ability. We designed this study by using a qualitative approach based on six semi-structed interviews with professionals from different professions. All of them have contact with women with disabilities in some way. The selection was based on gaining an understanding of the social worker?s perceptions regarding abused women with disabilities based on their different professional experiences.

Distribuerade fastighetsautomationssystem : - En implementation av kommunikationsprotokollet BACnet

Building Automation Systems in commercial buildings are often designed and installed by different contractors, using equipment and components from different manufacturers. The lack of an accepted communication standard has resulted in a few different standards. Many manufacturers of building automation systems only support one, a few or none of these standards, while developing proprietary system solutions. Regin, who develop such equipment, are planning to adopt an open communication protocol specially designed for building automation - BACnet. As a step in that direction this thesis was announced with the purpose to investigate the possibility to implement BACnet in one of their products and to gain more knowledge of the BACnet protocol.

Kan Harry Potter-fandoms förstås som religiositet? : En analys av tre empiriska studier

The relationship between fandoms and religion has become an increasingly popular topic to study within the field of the sociology of religion. In previous studies, there have been different views concerning whether or not fandoms should be regarded as religious from a functional perspective. This issue is especially interesting considering the decreasing popularity of traditional religion in some aspects. The aim of this essay is to study how Harry Potter fandoms are described in previous studies. The study aims at discerning both the empirical data and how the data is interpreted. The material in this study consists of three previous studies about the communities centered around Harry Potter fandoms.

Fyra analyser av Edit Södergran

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Åldersdiskriminering : i arbetslivet

According to the national legislation concerning discrimination within labour law, it is prohibited to discriminate on the grounds of sex, ethnic belonging, religion or other religious belief, functional disability, sexual nature and part-time work or time-limited employment. The EC-law goes further and also prohibits discrimination on the ground of age. According to an EC-directive the member states must incorporate a national provision against age discrimination by the 2nd of December 2006 and the Swedish legislator is now in the progress to implement this into Swedish law.Even though national legislation does not contain any provision on the area, the EC-law directive has a certain influence at national law. Measures that are in breach of the purpose of the directive can for example not be taken. When the time for implementation has expired, the directive has direct effect and can be referred to within the member states.

Grammatiken bakom den politiska retoriken : En syntaxstudie av före detta statssekreterare Lars Danielssons uttalanden angående sitt ansvar i regeringens hantering av tsunamikatastrofen 2004

In this thesis I based on Fowler?s method of syntax analysis construct a flow scheme which I then use to make a syntax analysis of former State Secretary Lars Danielsson?s statements, in his autobiography, regarding his responsibility in the Swedish government?s management of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. The focus of the flow scheme is how grammatical constructions can be used in the interest of rhetoric?s to on the syntax (non-explicit) level of the text indicate and place responsibility with or outside of involved individuals. The main conclusion of the syntax analysis performed is that Danielsson in his autobiography in fact does not use very many of the constructions described in the flow scheme, whereby it can be concluded that the syntax analysis in this case wasn?t so ?revealing?.

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