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Ändring av befintligt ridhus : Gävle Fältrittklubb

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001 : Produktionsprocessen

This report is the result of a thesis work done at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, and includes 15 ECTS points. The work has been performed at Företag A, a company specializing in electronics whose major product has become a sophisticated tool used by authorities across northern Europe. Företag A has initiated a quality management system according to the criteria set by ISO 9001. Following demands from customers, Company A has now decided to also start working towards a certification according to SS-EN ISO 9001:2008, this work is the foundation for the thesis work. The thesis work has been limited to the production process and the aim has been to enable this process to be certified according to ISO 9001:2008. The work has been performed by analyzing the existing quality management system and the requirements for each process included, whereby the gap between the current and the target state has been mapped. Suggestions have then been made on how this gap can be filled, some of these suggestions have also been carried out during the thesis work. The conclusions drawn are that quality management does not have to be complicated, but quickly becomes so when the complexity of the processes increases.

Kapitalförluster vid förbud mot uppbundet system för mjölkkor

Idag finns det 5200 mjölkföretag i Sverige varav 69 procent tillämpar ett uppbundet system. Regeringen föreslår att Jordbruksverket bestämmer ett slutdatum för mjölkproduktion i uppbundet system. Målet är att förbättra djurvälfärden för nötkreatur. För den enskilde lantbrukaren innebär ett förbud mot uppbundet system ett vägval mellan att avveckla eller investera i mjölkproduktionen. Vid ett stoppdatum för uppbundet system kan det uppstå kapitalförluster för de mjölkproducenter som tvingas avveckla i form av en minskad arbets- och kapitalinkomst.

Byte av systemutvecklingsmetod : En verksamhetsnytta eller en nödvändighet?

 AbstractSystem methodology is in the very heart of system development, it is a crucial part of how you define your work, how you choose to approach the actual problem at hand and how to solve it. Researchers in the system development field has shown that not all methods in theory are in compliance with how it is practiced by the companies who use them. In our thesis we have studied a larger international IT- company and one of their local offices in Sweden, who some years back changed their system development method from a more traditional to an agile one. Our aim of this study has been to establish whether both of these methods has differed between theory and in actual use, and if so, why this has occurred and what the underlying rationality might have been to promote this change. Our questions that we sought to answer were; 1.

Med minskad komplexitet får ett system ökad användbarhet Fallstudie av användbarhet i ett affärssystem

One of our reasons is that we think the subject usability is interesting, is that we think it is an important. Usability is maybe the most important element when you develop or choose a system because it can save money for the companies and give the users a more delightful and better work environment. The aim of the investigation is to find out if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. The objective of our investigation is to show if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. In our case we will try to see if Karlshamns AB:s recently implemented web portal is more useful than their previous application (Movex with interacting programs) One thought with the report is to give the system developers a perspective of how the usability can be in-house made applications versus standard applications.

Implementering av ett inbyggt system för automatisk styrning av en robotbil.

Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i elektroteknik vid Växjö Universitet. Syftet är att konstruera ett styrsystem till en robotbil, ett program som hindrar bilen från att krocka med omgivningen. Roboten ska även kunna styras från en dator via ett grafiskt gränssnitt implementerat i Labview. Nödvändig hårdvara för styrning och kommunikation har konstruerats.Det har behövts tre olika programmeringsspråk för att nå de krav som har ställts på uppgiften, C, Perl och Labview. Microprocessorn i robotbilen har programmerats i C och gör bilen helt autonom, endast beroende av signaler från avståndssensorer.

Skyddet för visselblåsare i offentligt finansierad privat verksamhet

For a long time economic tax equalization system in Sweden has been creating dispute between Swedish communities. Despite the main purpose of the system - to reduce disparities and create equal economic opportunities for all communities ? some regions were not satisfied.The main purpose of this study is to determine what extant has equalization tax on investment spending of Danderyd municipality during 2000-2010 year period. The study is based on annual reports and personal interviews. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on Fjertorp's classification of investments and public choice theory.The investigation shows that there were no significant changes neither in investment spending or equalization tax during 2000-2010 period, even after the last changes of economic tax equalizations system in 2005.

Utvärdering av ett Care-system i hemtjänsten

Organisationer och personer runt om i världen blir alltmer beroende av olika former av IT-stöd. För att effektivisera arbetet skaffa sig organisationen nya system eller försöker förbättra det redan befintligt systemet. En användare kan reagera på olika sätt vid införandet av ett nytt system beroende på olika faktorer hos systemet eller personen. Jag studerade ett komplett Care-system som används inom äldreomsorgen. Ett Care-system kan bestå av en webbapplikation inklusive digitala och mobila verktyg.

Utveckling av lastmodell för Uppsala fjärrvärmenät

The aim of this study was to develop a load prognosis model for Uppsala district heating system to be used as a tool for heat production optimization. The methodwas to build three models for the different customer types; housing, industry andoffices and then scale them for the total system using data from Uppsala districtheating system. The heat load consists of two parts, one that is temperaturedependent and one that is dependent of the social behavior of the customers. Thetemperature part was modelled with an ARX model using an outdoor temperatureprognosis as input signal. The social behavior part was modelled using the mean ofthe social behavior from some days before and additionally by distinguishing betweenweekdays and weekends.

Jobba till 75 år?! : Trygghet och egoism i den svenska välfärden med pensionssytemet som exempel

The purpose of this study was to try to understand the Swedish population regarding the perceptions of the Swedish welfare system, based on the reactions that occurred after Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt's statement about raising the retirement age. Our results demonstrate that the reactions on changes in the pension system in fact rooted in a safety factor and not the change in the pension system itself, through which the Swedish welfare system acts as a safety net for the population. Further the results shows that these safety factors create a form of egoism. With an interaction between empiricism and theory, where the starting point of the material was of an inductive approach, the material abstracted into different levels from which the result emerged. The focus of this study lies in the understanding of how human beings act according to one's need for security in major changes, which may be of importance to a comprehensive understanding of changes in social structures..

Systemarkitektur och implementering av standardsystem : En fallstudie vid Linköpings universitetsbibliotek

The use of ERP in organisations is very popular and many companies have embraced this paradigm without really questioning why. Problems therefore often arise and cause high costs which is a result of poor planning. The paradigm also has its origin in the traditional architectural design that creates a system that has difficulties to adapt to organizations that are constantly evolving. The purpose of this study is to provide a different view of how IT-systems can operate within an organization and show how standard systems can be structured. We emanated from a case study at Linköping University Library, where we studied the implementation and integration of a standard system called Symphony.

Teknik i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om teknikexperiment i förskolan

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

Kommunikation med hjälp av mock-uper

In several cases, systems that have been developed have been very time consuming and cost a lot of money, but they still do not fulfil the users requirements and requests. To make new systems better, you have to find a way to communicate that allows the developers to understand the needs of the user. The aim for our thesis is to highlight the importance of communication in system development. To investigate this we have choosen to do a study of the real-estate system. The work methods that have been used include mock-ups and informal conversations with the user, who is employed by the Church of Sweden in Ronneby.

Environment simulation of track-based systems

Simulation means running a model of a system with suitable input and observing the corresponding output. Real-time environment simulation is a special kind of simulation used to simulate a control system's environment in real-time. This is done to test the control system before it is used in its real environment. In this project, computer simulation of a certain kind of environments, called track-based systems, is studied and a general model for track-based systems is developed. In this model, track layouts are represented by graphs, which is a flexible and extensible representation and a method for visualizing these layouts is presented.

Golfens IT-system : förändrade interaktioner

Problem: Hur såg kundrelationerna ut innan det nya IT-systemet infördes och hur ser kundrelationerna ut med ett nytt IT-system? Kundrelationer som tidigare har hanterats via telefon eller på plats har ersatts av dagens lösning med ett IT-system som går att komma åt via Internet och ger mer möj-lighet till självbetjäning. Detta leder till frågorna: Vilka för-ändringar har IT-systemet medfört? Hur har interaktionen påverkats?Syfte: Att beskriva och förklara hur införandet av ett nytt IT-system påverkat interaktionen (relation) mellan ?kund? och leverantör vid en tidpunkt 5 år efter systemets införande. Med kund avses golfspelare och med leverantör avses golfklubb.Teori & Metod: Teoriavsnittet består av två delar.

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