2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 44 av 153
Kundanpassad tjänsteutveckling och förändrade relationer inom den försvarsindustriella sfären
The aim of this thesis is to describe the customer?s attitudes toward the contracting for availability, i.e., which factors are from the customer?s perspective necessary for the fulfilment of a supplier-customer agreement? Furthermore, the objective is to describe and analyse a supplier-customer relation in the Defence Industrial sphere.The present study has been carried out as a case study using an abductive approach. The thesis is based on a practical problem, i.e. which factors will be important to the customer when a contractor in the Defence Industry wants to increase its commitment of service, and how will their relationship change? The thesis is above all focused on generating knowledge that can lead to rapid and concrete measures and that can be used in the analysis of an increased industrial commitment but also as a case study of a problem of a more general nature in the Defence Industry.
Communicating ethical sourcing : the case of palm oil in the Swedish food industry
Palm oil has been used in processed food commodities since the 19th century. An increasing demand for regulating and ensuring a more sustainable palm oil production has resulted in various initiatives. However, these initiatives have received critique due to lack of compliance and insufficient revisions of palm oil plantations. The initiatives for creating an ethical, social and environmentally sustainable production are not sufficient for the Swedish industrial users of palm oil. As a result, stakeholders such as Swedish food processing companies, commit to ethical sourcing codes of conduct that go beyond the international palm oil initiatives.
Alternativet till ett misslyckande? Stadsdelsorganisationen i Malmö. Idag och imorgon.
From a democratic point of view the existing organisation with municipality sections in the city of Malmö, Sweden will be examined. The matter of how an alternative organisation should be structured will also be discussed. Two incompatible models of democracy theories will be arranged: libertarian democracy and participation democracy. The intentions with the reform were primary to increase the civic participation. By applying those values that are used to characterize participation democracy it will be shown whether the local participation has actually increased.
Bevarande av svensk låglandsboskap
Sweden signed, in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and has thus assumed responsibility for the indigenous biodiversity. That also means that Sweden has a conservation responsibility for the Swedish Friesian (SLB) (SJV, 2007a). In a survey conducted by the Board of Agriculture (SJV) in 1996, it appeared that there were around 780 cows and heifers of the SLB breed (SJV, 1997). SJV did in 2006 a plan for the development of livestock genet-ic resources and the number of cows of SLB was estimated at approximately 200. This meant that the SLB was in need of being conserved and SJV assumed it would be categorized as threatened.The primary objective of conservation of a breed is to reduce the loss of the original genetic variation (Lacy et al., 1995).
Terroristorganisationer : En studie om terroristorganisationers mål, fiender, medel och organisationssätt.
The aim with this study is to achieve an increased understanding and knowledge about terrorist groups. The factors that the study come to be focused around is the groups' objectives, their organization, which enemies they have and with which means that they use for there terrorism. In order to respond to this aim the four different terrorist groups, Colombian revolutionary armed forces (FARC), Baskien - our native country and our freedom (ETA), red Army fraction (RAF) and al Qaida is studied.To achieve the aim of this study the methods qualitative text analysis and comparative method is being used. It is designed also within the framework of this study a categorization model that is used as method in order to do a division of the studied groups based on their objective, enemies, organization and means. The model is also constructed to be used in order to analyze others terrorist groups than these current groups.The result of the study is presented in the categorization model on page 32 in the essay..
?Är man inte trovärdig när man pratar om sex och samlevnad så blir man kapad vid knäna" En kvalitativ studie om lärares förutsättningar och tillvägagångssätt i sex och samlevnadsundervisningen
Abstract: Introduction: Even though that it is mandatory by law since 1955 in Sweden, teachers stilldon?t get any education courses in sex education. There has been almost no research on whateffects the sex education has had on the general population in Sweden. Aim: The aim for thisstudy has been to look at middle school teacher?s ways of conducting and there conditions insex education.
Ekonomisk policy och tillväxt i en transitionskontext: en studie av realsocialistiska länder
Abstract During the last 15 years, the former ?really existing socialist? economies have undertaken an extensive transition process. In this paper the development, measured as GDP growth, is analyzed using variables for economic policy. The analysis is both theoretical, taking as starting point current positions in academia, and econometrical with the linear regression model. We show that while economic policy variables of inflation, economic freedom and institutional quality affect economic growth, the results are not only the ones predicted by the theory.
Norrländsk känsla för Japan
Sweden signed, in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and has thus assumed responsibility for the indigenous biodiversity. That also means that Sweden has a conservation responsibility for the Swedish Friesian (SLB) (SJV, 2007a). In a survey conducted by the Board of Agriculture (SJV) in 1996, it appeared that there were around 780 cows and heifers of the SLB breed (SJV, 1997). SJV did in 2006 a plan for the development of livestock genet-ic resources and the number of cows of SLB was estimated at approximately 200. This meant that the SLB was in need of being conserved and SJV assumed it would be categorized as threatened.The primary objective of conservation of a breed is to reduce the loss of the original genetic variation (Lacy et al., 1995).
Inkludering - Utopi eller verklighet?
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on to what extent the process of making reality of Inclusion, as stated in International Declarations and in Government policies, has reached the actual educational activities in the school system. My chosen method is a case study, in which I have combined a survey with interviews in order to retrieve enough data for my analysis. I have also studied a number of policy documents and relevant literature. My analysis concludes, for the school that I have chosen to study, that there is still a lot to be done before inclusion becomes a reality. There are many obstacles to overcome, for instance; a constant struggle to obtain enough resources and to reach relevant levels of competence within the personnel.
Size Hero : En attitydstudie om unga kvinnors inställning till tvärtomretuschering i magasin
Traditional retouching, where you make the body of a female model in a magazine thinner, has been common for a long time and is well known. Several studies indicates that showing ultra-thin images of female bodies in media can lower the body satisfaction of ?ordinary? women which in some cases can lead to dangerous eating disorders. But in 2010 Swedish female magazine VeckoRevyn introduced a new type of retouching: Making some catwalk models bodies bigger instead, which we decided to call opposite retouching. This kind of retouching is aiming to widen the ideal picture that is sent out of how the female body should look like, and therefore having the readers reach a higher body satisfaction and becoming more at peace with the own body.
Klimatförändringarnas antropologi : En kvalitativ studie av förhållningssätt till klimatförändringar bland boende i Östergötland
Denna studie syftar till att uppmärksamma uppfattningar om klimatförändringarna utifrån fem informanters perspektiv och med kopplingar till relevant litteratur inom klimatområdet. Viktiga aspekter av klimatförändringar som diskuteras är informanternas syn på människans inverkan på klimatet, fördelningen av ansvar och viljan till förändringar och uppoffringar..
Valfrihet genom kundval : en studie av kundvalsmodellen inom hemtjänsten
This essay is a qualitative study on quasimarkets in the field of home-help service. The main purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the function of costumers choice from elderly persons point of view. The quasimarket in home-help service of Solna stad has served as an example. The questions raised in the study concerned the elderly costumers opinion of the information about the different producers, what had influence on their choice, their attitude towards the freedom of choice, and their ability to act as consumers on a quasimarket.The method used was qualitative semi structured interviews. A majority of the elderly consumers appreciated the possibility to choose producer of home-help service.
?Läsförståelse är grunden för hela skolans arbete? : Två rektorers tankar om läsförståelse
Do the principals who have the pedagogical responsibility of the school find reading comprehension important? This is the underpinning of my thesis for the special teacher-training program. The survey was conducted through interviews with two principals. The results show that they believe reading comprehension is important but it has not been given priority in the organization. The essay could form the basis for further research into reading habits, home environment influences and other factors that may contribute to improve reading comprehension performance..
Svårigheter ett svenskt företag kan möta vid implementering av Code of Conduct i Kina
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka svårigheter ett svenskt företag kan möta när de ska implementera sitt Code of Conduct hos leverantörer i Kina. Vi ska även ge förslag på hur implementeringsprocessen av Code of Conduct kan underlättas..
Kiyoakis flyktcirkel. En precisering av Yukio Mishimas roman Vårsnö
The reception and the study of the novel Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima has ? as always with the novels of Yukio Mishima ? focused on the writer himself according to his spectacular way of life and death. Opposite to the studies and the reception, this master thesis focuses on the novel itself by following two more or less hidden traces in the novel: the protagonist Kiyoaki and his attitude to responsibility and dreams. This examination deepens the novel, by showing how the mechanisms of its inherent complexity work. It has been made by freely applying Roland Barthes´ method ?rewriting the text?..