

2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 20 av 153

Bolag i skatteparadis : Affärsmässigt motiverad verksamhet eller skatteflykt i form av konstlade upplägg

EU law is superior to Swedish domestic law, and it is on Sweden's responsibility to implement the COJ judgments so that it becomes compatible with EU law. The advantage of the Union being superior is the internal market given the member states.However, problems arise when the Swedish legislature goes further in its interpretation of EU law. Restrictions can be imposed but it must be considered to be strongly motivated so the restriction outweighs the need to maintain the freedoms granted by EU law. In Cadbury Schweppes, the court states that restrictions on freedom of establishment may be done to counter artificial arrangements whose sole purpose is to evade the national tax. Its further stated that an artificial arrangement does not exist in those cases there is a real business, even through the establishment in the low-taxing country is economically justified. The Swedish CFC rules states that the general rule is that if an establishment in a country within the EEA, which have lower corporate tax than 55% of the Swedish tax, the shareholder of this company is taxed on its current share in Sweden. The outcome of Cadbury Schweppes has not been made into a general rule, it became the exception. In addition to that in Sweden it is presumed that the company is an artificial arrangement that expressly are prohibited by the EUD, as well been implemented to supplement the rule, where the Swedish legislature changes the meaning of the term granted by the appeal. The Swedish legislature has amended the original economically motivated establishment, to be commercially motivated. The term is undefined, but applicable elsewhere in the Incometaxlaw and from this one can find that, for an establishment to be considered as commercially motivated the decisions to establish should be taken to promote normal profit-making enterprises based upon commercially motivated decisions..

Corporate Social Responsibility som ett profileringsverktyg : En fallstudie av Holtab ABs CSR projekt "El i Jyamrung"

Bakgrund: Företag världen över har börjat fokusera mer på ansvarstagande och att arbeta för ett mer hållbart samhälle samtidigt som de inser att det kan skapa lönsamhet. Ansvaret som implementeras i företagsverksamheten kallas för Corporate Social Responsibility och har blivit ett sätt att skapa innovation, värde och konkurrensmedel. Det är inte längre frågan om företag ska arbeta med CSR utan hur. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur medarbetares samt kunders image av företaget Holtab AB har påverkats av det genomförda CSR projektet. Vi vill även undersöka hur företagets profilering av CSR projekt kan förbättras. Metod: Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av företaget Holtab AB. Vi har utgått från den kvalitativa metoden då vår empiri består av 15 intervjuer från 23 respondenters uttalanden samt information från CSR utbildning vilket har skapat förutsättningar för en tolkande analys.Slutsatser: Vi har kommit fram till att majoriteten av medarbetarnas image av Holtab inte har påverkats av det genomförda projektarbetet ?El i Jyamrung? samtidigt som några av kundernas image har påverkats av projektet.

Ansvarsfrågan vid fuktspärrsarbete i våtutrymme

This final project is an investigation about the responsibility in rooms where the walls and floors are exposed or partly exposed to irrigation of water, as a bathroom, laundry room and WC. The cost for all water damage is valued for 5 000 000 000 SEK each year. How is this possible with all information about the problem and good materials? Who is responsible? Incites had been made in the subject throw reading reports and participation in courses about how to make a room mention above. Discussions have been made with workers in the trade of making the walls waterproof.The conclusion in the rapport is about who´s responsible for the damages and will pay the cost of the renovation. The responsibility is discussed between the contractor and the insurance company.

Hur tiggeri konstrueras som ett socialt problem i den massmediala debatten

The Swedish stock-market gives investors an opportunity to benefit from the global growth while financing companies invests and contributes to a socio-economic development. Parallel to the ownership of the funds also follows a responsibility as companies in the funds affect society and the environment. The growth of savings in funds, combined with an increased focus on sustainability has developed SRI (socially responsible investment). Therefore it is interesting to examine whether responsibility is an exception, which only concerns SRI-funds or a general principle, which includes the whole Swedish stock-market.The results of the survey makes it clear that all the Swedish major banks actively works to integrate sustainability within the respective bank's business to achieve a more sustainable financial system. Thus concludes the investigation that responsible investments are a general principle on the Swedish mutual stock-market.How responsibility is integrated in fund management differ between the banks.

Kränkande behandling via sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens syn på kränkande behandling via sociala medier

The aim of this study is to examine if and to what extent the personnel at the local school perceive offensive treatment through the social media among the students and what the personnel thinks about the responsibility of the school to prevent this type of abuse. Offensive treatment through the social media has become a common occurrence among youth and affects health in both psychological and physical ways. As offensive treatment through the social media often takes place outside of school in the students spare time the responsibility of their health is unclear. But since it affects their school results the school has a responsibility to act, which is confirmed by legislation. However, the legislation does not mention offensive treatment through the social media and the school has no distinct guidelines to prevent this form of offensive treatment.

Skolan i universum - att förklara det ofattbara : Astronomiundervisningen i skolan på 1900-talet

This is a study in how astronomy has been taught and is being taught in Swedish schools from 1905 to this date with an emphasis on the latest 30 years. It concerns the regulations and methodical recommendations/curricula for Swedish junior high school/Swedish Comprehensive school for the years 1905, 1933, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1969, 1980 and 1994. The matter of integrating astronomy with other subjects and different methodical approaches is also considered. The problem with textbooks written only for one subject when the teacher tries to integrate subjects is emphasised.Physics textbook analysis shows that astronomy teaching has over the years developed, from being based on observations, to become more and more theoretical. It also shows that the amount of practical exercises has been fairly constant in physics textbooks during the seventies end eighties but now in the nineties varies a lot from textbook to textbook. The amount of liberty the textbook gives the pupil in finding knowledge and answers himself in the practical parts of astronomy was at its lowest during the seventies.

Tillämpningen av begreppet Responsibility to Prevent : En studie av Förenta Nationernas säkerhetsråds agerande under den arabiska våren i Syrien 2011-2012 utifrån begreppet Responsibility to Prevent

I diskussionen kring hur stater bör förhålla sig till varandra när främmande människor i andra stater utsätts för lidande av sin egen statsledning ställs ofta idéer om globala humanitära rättigheter, som utvecklats efter andra världskriget och förintelsen, emot normer om staters okränkbarhet och principen om att inte intervenera i andra staters interna verksamhet.Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning begreppet Responsibility to Prevent tillämpats i FN:s säkerhetsråds agerande under en samtida konfliktsituation, detta med bakgrund i utvecklingen av det nya tankesättet med global humanitär rätt som ett gemensamt internationellt ansvar. Arbetet behandlar teorierna solidarism, pluralism och realism.För att söka svaret på frågeställningarna används kvalitativ textanalys av skriftliga öppna källor. Insamlingen av empiriska data består av tryckt media, officiella dokument samt texter och artiklar tagna från internet.Resultatet från arbetet visar att Förenta Nationernas säkerhetsråd till viss del har agerat i enlighet med begreppet Responsibility to Prevent. Vidare redogör arbetet för att två inflytelserika, permanenta medlemmar i säkerhetsrådet har motiverat sitt ställningstagande utifrån olika synsätt på hur konflikten bör hanteras och att deras motiveringar påverkats av deras skilda synsätt på statssuveränitet och intervention.Undersökningen leder även fram till slutsatsen att vetorätten i säkerhetsrådet, under konflikten i Syrien 2011-2012, har begränsat utvecklingen och implementeringen av tankesättet att säkerheten för världens befolkning ska betraktas som ett gemensamt ansvar..

Dags att vakna... : En essä om pedagogisk medvetenhet, förhållningssätt och ansvar

In this essay, I examine teachers' different approaches, responsibilities and child perspective on preschool. I discuss how important it is that we educators in preschool work together as a team about childcare and learning. Our attitudes affect the children.In the essay, I show examples of different attitude and approach to learning and the significance of the educational awareness that characterize the work of the nursery. We have different approaches and standards that are influenced by our cultural, social and ethnic backgrounds. It plays a major role in how we interpret and understand various situations in preschool.I also discuss preschool teacher's responsibility and teamwork, and how it affects children.

Kreativa lösningar : En kvalitativ undersökning om att polisanmäla hedersrelaterat våld mot barn inom socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how socialworkers describe their attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and if they make different decisions when they believe the violence to be honour related and how they handle these questions. The main questions are; How does socialworkers describe their and their colleagues attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and when do they believe they should report? Do they describe honourviolence as a specific kind of violence that should be lifted and in what way does it affect their work? The study is written from a legal sociologist perspective with a qualitative approach. Four socialworkers were interviewed and the interviews were analyzed with an anti-racist theory and with the theory about freedom of action.The conclusions is that the socialworkers mostly report childabuse to the police when the violence is physical. This means that children who describes to be subjected to psychological violence, including honourviolence, has poor legal security.

Corporate social responsibility och lärande : En kvalitativ studie om hållbart företagande och dess påverkan på lärande i arbetslivet

Denna studie undersöker hur anställda upplever att arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) påverkar lärandet på arbetsplatsen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om och hur arbetet med CSR upplevs påverka lärandet inom en organisation. Studien grundar sig på kvalitativ forskningsintervju  med fem anställda på ledningsnivå inom fem olika organisationer. De fem anställda som intervjuas arbetar alla med ansvar för CSR inom medelstora till stora organisationer som uttalat arbetar med CSR. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som används i studien är främst Per-Erik Ellströms perspektiv på lärande i arbetslivet och denna används även som ett verktyg för att analysera det insamlade datamaterialet.Genom den utförda undersökningen framgår det att CSR faktiskt påverkar lärandet inom en organisation.

Corporate Social Responsibility : En kvalitativ studie kring hur lönsamhet påverkas av ett företags samhällsansvar.

Sammanfattning  ?Corporate Social Responsibility ? En kvalitativ studie kring hur lönsamhet påverkas av ett företags samhällsansvar.?Datum: 31 maj, 2013Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15hpInstitution: Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik, EST, Mälardalens HögskolaFörfattare: Philip dos Santos Jadidi, Winny Giang & Bljerim Sokoli.Titel: Corporate Social Responsibility ? En kvalitativ studie kring hur lönsamhet påverkas av ett företags samhällsansvar.Handledare: Jimmie RöndellNyckelord: CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), Bostad AB Mimer, Relationer, Marknadsföring.Frågeställning: På vilket sätt är CSR lönsamt för Bostad AB Mimer?Syfte: Syftet är utvärdera hur Bostad AB Mimer arbetar med CSR inom olika verksamhetsområden för att uppnå sina kärnvärden (omtanke, nytänkande och engagemang).Metod: En kvalitativ studie baserad sju genomförda intervjuer med Bostad AB Mimers anställda och andra intressenter. Intervjuerna operationaliserades med de teorier som inhämtats från bland annat Google Scholar och LUB search, för att införskaffa god empirisk data för vidare analys och slutsats.Slutsats: De slutsatser som framkommit är att Bostad AB Mimer aktivt arbetar med CSR som genomsyrar hela deras verksamhet med medarbetare som brinner för deras arbete. Företaget tar samhällsansvar genom sina verksamhetsområden som bland annat Jobbpunkt Väst, Gröna Mimer och GrannNet. Bostad AB Mimer arbetar mycket med sociala, miljö och hållbarhetsfrågor samt olika ansvarstagande för att framstå som goda samhällsmedborgare.

Corporate Social Responsibility : en koppling mellan marknadsföring och finansiering

Background: The debate about environment, labor conditions and aid to developing countries has the last years been a much discussed subject The pressure on the companies to live up to their responsibility is beginning to be noticed in the market.Purpose: To find out if a retail company investing in Corporate Social Responsibility thereby direct can effect it?s stock value. Using interviews to investigate if and how stock analysts and corporate finance professionals valuate a company?s CSR initiatives.Theoretical perspective: The description of CSR is leading to the main theory, The Brand Value Change, and the Market Hypothesis. Additionally a theory of the Consumer Buying Process and CAPM-model about financial risks is presented.Method: An event study of 30 companies to investigate if there is any change in their stock values and interviews with three professionals from the financial sector to find out about their attitude to CSR.

Arbetskraftsförsörjning i offentlig sektor: En studie av strategisk kompetensförsörjning

The study was conducted at a business in the social service. The purpose was to examine how the business works with human resource planning. In order to answer the purpose two questions was formulated, which human resource planning strategy does the business use? And, how do businesses need to act according to the theory of strategic manpower to achieve human resource planning? Survey data collection was done through a qualitative research design, where interviews with five employees in the business took place.The study shows that the business is using a own made strategy in order to achieve human resource planning. The strategy consists of two steps, in step one they do an background analysis and step two a needs analysis where a goal- and responsibility description are designed and then a set of requirements.

[Men det är ju så det borde vara...] : en kvalitativ studie om sex unga kvinnors förhållande till kvinnlighet

The aim of this study was to try to identify what young women see as typically female and how this affects them as individuals, focusing on the female body. How free or limited do they consider themselves to respond to prevailing ideals of beauty, to men and other women. Our questions are how young women construct femininity through the body and why? We do this by using a holistic gender perspective and with the help of key theoretical concepts; gender, normative femininity, heteronormativity, performance, freedom/power and the female body,. We have had a qualitative approach and we have done interviews with six girls in secondary school age.

Den svenska äldrevården : Behov, konkurrens, kvalitet och valfrihet ur ett fastighetsperspektiv

In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.

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